Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1003 99. I, Bu Laike Shaw, Honor Venthyr--Add More For The Brothers Who Don't Bury The

Chapter 1003 99. I, Bu Laike Shaw, honor Venthyr——add more for the brothers who don't bury the sword [510]

Emperor Denathrius' arrangement for Frostmourne was great and exciting. The only problem was that he underestimated the power behind the Draenei prophet Velen.

This is also normal.

After all, the Great Emperor cannot leave the Shadow Realm, and it is not an easy task to "remotely control" and view the overall situation in a place extremely far away from the material world.

Even if there is a top 25 boy like Nasrezim as an eyeliner, he still can't link all valuable information together.

Thinking with normal thinking, the Draenei have fled the stars for 25,000 years.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the demons, they almost traversed the entire stars. Who would have thought that they would still be in contact with the resistance forces near their home planet?

It can only be said that there is no simple civilization that can stand on the stage of the stars and fight against an enemy of the size of the Burning Legion.

After receiving the "reminder" from the stinky pirates, although Ms. Narrajas, who was in charge of the "transportation work" of Frostmourne, did not believe it 100%, she also felt that it would be safe to prepare in advance.

This proposal is really in line with the thinking mode of all the horror kings starting from conspiracy theories.

Therefore, Bo Laike was not surprised that a turning point came at the last moment when the negotiations broke down. He was 70% sure that the Dread Witch would accept his proposal.

"This trick of playing hard to get is really as easy to use as ever."

Thinking so in his heart, Laike turned his head and showed a gesture of impatience.

He stretched out his left hand, picked his fingers and said:

"You don't want to give me the initiative, and you want me to help you finish it. Who do you think I am? Ma'am, are you an on-call service provider? This kind of poor performance of looking forward and backward is not like the legendary counting Nathrezim, the ingenious?"

"It's just because it's so important."

Narrajas ignored the complaints of the stinky pirates. She was trusted by the emperor to prove that she was also a deep-minded witch. Now that she had made a decision, she stopped hesitating and asked directly:

"I appreciate your deception principle, which is that everyone has a price in their hearts. Since you are willing to continue talking, it shows that you have a need for us.

Tell me, how much do I have to pay to use the dark wisdom of His Excellency 'Double-Faced Man'? "


Bu Laike's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

He said angrily:

"Originally, I just wanted to ask for a little token, but since you mentioned this taboo title, I don't want to apologize for my bad mood right now.

I'm not going to hide it from you, I recently encountered a little problem on the road of magic practice.

Before I can get a hold of Infection of the Void, I'll need to find some other school of magic lore to study. The Venthyrs of Revendreth are good at crafting Sin Tablets

I want this knowledge. "

"Void? Who dares to say that he has absolute certainty when facing the void? The Eternals don't dare to be so arrogant."

Narrajas sneered a few times, looked up and down the stinky pirate, and said:

"It seems that we have to speed up our actions, lest His Excellency Laike's 'shelf life' expire, and you will degenerate into a void monster. At that time, we have to find a way to kill you, lest you, who have gone crazy, interfere with the grand plan of the Great Emperor.

As for the Sin Monument Magic

You don't have clay servants under your command, even if you learn how to do it, you still can't carve a stele of guilt. "

"Venthyr needs mud servants to carve sin monuments, it's not that they can't do it themselves, it's just that those blood nobles are too lazy, and proud of their status, they don't want to be stained with mud and do the work of lowly masons.

But I come from a poor background, and I don't have the airs of those big men. I like playing with mud and so on. "

Bu Laike waved his fingers and said to Narrajas:

"Don't continue this kind of boring temptation, ma'am, I know far more about the customs of the shadow world than you can imagine.

If you are willing to listen, I can also use emotional words to describe to you the evil scenery inside the formidable Torghast tower of the Maw.

I heard that the way the Emperor punishes those Nathrezim who have made mistakes is to throw them into the Tower of Sinful Souls to extract their heart energy."

Having said that, the stinky pirate looked Narragas maliciously up and down, and that look made the Dread Witch feel uncomfortable. He drew his voice and said:

"Based on my understanding of Torghast's operating rules, ma'am, if your slender body is really thrown into it, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive even a week, and you will become a sad echo due to the lack of heart energy.

Be careful when transporting Frostmourne.

Leave a way out for yourself in advance, so that you won't offend Emperor Denathrius because of a terrible failure. His majestic nickname of 'Lord of Pain' is not a mere bragging. "

"whispering sound"

Narrajas let out a snort of disdain, took one last look at Bo Laike, stepped back into the shadow of the broken shrine of Mueh'zala, and said:

"Within three days, I will send the introductory knowledge of sin tablet magic to the demons of the Twisting Nether, all you need to do is wait.

The rest of the high-level crime stele research knowledge, after you finish this work for the emperor, I will happily present it to you. "

After finishing speaking, the Dread Witch took off the luxurious seal bestowed by the Great Emperor on her finger, and threw it to Bu Laike.

she says:

"Bringing it on represents the establishment of the contract. The Eternal is watching you. Only when this allegiance is completed can you escape from the shadow of death."

"You still doubt my loyalty to His Majesty at that time! You dreadlords are really hopeless."

Bu Laike put the gorgeous seal on his finger without any hesitation in front of Narrajas. The moment the blood-red seal was put on his finger, a faint stabbing pain made Bu Laike blink his eyes .

There is an information prompt on his character card immediately:

Get the item [Seal of the King of Pain], and the additional effect [Contract of the King of Pain] will take effect.

The content of the contract is as follows:

The wearer must perform the duty of escorting the Soul Eater Demon Sword Frostmourne. Before Frostmourne finds the sword-bearer, any attempt by the wearer to sabotage the operation will be noticed by Emperor Denathrius. And trigger [Curse of the King of Pain], the soul will be forced to leave the body and enter the Shadow Realm.


The contract comes from the power of an eternal being, and it cannot be resolved in the material world. If an external force tries to break the contract, it will immediately trigger the [Curse of the King of Pain].

The pirate shrugged his shoulders with a calm and indifferent expression.

On the opposite side, Narrajas, who was in the shadows, felt relieved after seeing Laike put on the seal.

She gave out the sharp and cold laughter unique to the Dread Demon King, just like the silence when she came, and returned to the world of the dead through the weak connection between the broken shrine and the shadow world with a little difficulty.

After watching the Dread Witch disappear, the smile on the pirate's face disappeared. He stroked the blood-red seal on his finger, and a stream of orange mixed with red bloomed in front of his eyes:

Name: Seal of the Lord of Pain

Quality: Excellent·Legendary [Heart Power Strengthening]

Item effects:

1. Glory of Venthyr:

The seal was cast by the Eternal Emperor Denathrius himself, so that it not only possesses the natural ability of Venthyr, but also has a comprehensive strengthening of all professional powers, and it will bring different strengthening effects when adapting to different power attributes .

The current enhancement effect is:

Assassin Sin Lay:

Every attack of the Venthyr Assassin has a chance to trigger the [Punishment] effect, whipping the target with guilt, causing the target's spirit and body to be tortured.

Warlock Curse of Sin:

Every time the Venthyr warlock casts a spell, there is a chance to apply [Curse of Sin] to the target. This curse is a permanent effect and will cause more spiritual pain as time goes on, until the target pays off the marked sins.

Hunter Sin Shot:

Every arrow shot by the Venthyr hunter has a chance to inflict [Mark of Sin] on the target, allowing the hunter to perceive the enemy's position regardless of distance.

When shooting again, [Sin Mark] will be detonated, causing a group impact effect on the enemy and all surrounding life.


Helping sinful souls to recognize their sins and atone for their sins is the sacred duty given to the Venthyr race in the Shadowlands. In their cognition, the sins of every life can be quantified and materialized.

Having received the seal bestowed by Denathius the Great, the wearer will also have the power of punishment.

The destructive power of each enhanced special effect when triggered only depends on the sin in the enemy's heart, the more hopeless the person, the stronger the destructive power.

In the face of hopeless souls, the enhancement of crimes will have the effect of [instant death], and the killed souls will be sent to the Fort of the Fallen in Revendres, and the sin accusers will personally guide them to atone for their sins.

2. The name of blood descendants:

The Seal of the Lord of Pain endows the wearer with the status of "Honorary Venthyr", allowing the wearer to use Venthyr's talent skill: Shadow Gate.

Gate of Shadow: Mobilize the power of the heart to pass through the shadow and appear in the designated position.

This displacement skill ignores terrain obstacles, and the maximum effective distance depends on the user's magic power manipulation level.


Divine power will interfere with the accuracy of the Shadow Gate's placement.

3. The gift of the Lord of Pain:

The seal comes with anima slots, and will strengthen the anima special effects in it.

But the creation of the King of Pain has its own dignity, and the seal does not allow mental energy of a quality lower than [Epic] to be exerted on itself.

Item description:

This is the favorite seal of Emperor Denathrius, just behind his most beloved soul saber Remonia, his eldest son Prince Reynathor, and the seven punishment medals he personally made.

This means that the status of the wearer of this seal in the heart of the emperor can be ranked among the top ten! Feel honored for it.

"The messenger of Emperor Denathius really doesn't understand people's hearts and can't speak."

Bu Laike stroked the blood-red seal on his finger, and said softly:

"If she had given this treasure to me from the very beginning, why would there be such a long and boring argument? I will definitely devote myself to the emperor's seat with gratitude and become his loyal dog.

Look, what is the Eternal?

Such generosity is worthy of the status of Emperor Denathrius. "

"Are you crazy?"

Old Bwonsamdi's mask hovering beside Bo Laike complained coldly:

"Then the Eternal tricked you into signing a terrible-sounding contract with him, and you are still complacent about the insignificant reward you got?

If I hadn't known what kind of a fellow you were, I'd have thought you were a complete idiot!

What is the origin of the Frostmourne you are discussing? Why would even a truly great man like Denathrius the Great care so much about the fate of a sword? "

"I should like to tell you, my dear Bwonsamdi."

The Stinky Pirate breathed a sigh of relief at his new ring, and took his handkerchief and wiped it vigorously until it shone brightly.

He walked out of the ruins and came back under the moonlight, and carefully admired the seal on his finger before his eyes. In the icy night wind of the desert, mixed with the sound of chaos and killing in Zul'Farrak tonight, against the pleasant burning firelight, the stinky pirate said softly in a drawn out voice:

"But I have already signed a contract with the Great Emperor, I can't disclose any details about this matter, I can only tell you that it is a very, very scary thing.

Once it enters Azeroth, it will overnight create an army of undead that can wipe out all civilizations.

The magic sword sheds blood to show its sharpness, and the magic sword devours souls to shape its power.

Ah, that would be the nightmare of this world!

You will see with your own eyes the nightmare that will be pulled away by my own hands. At that time, as the god of death, you will also kneel under the magic sword. "

"It does sound like a scary thing, so I have a question."

Bwonsamdi's mask shuddered.

Then, his voice sharpened, and he slammed his head on Bo Laike's head, and he yelled:

"Are you out of your mind? Don't play with such dangerous things casually, you bastard! Are you planning to completely tear off your hypocritical mask and degenerate into a world destroyer who does all kinds of evil?


If this continues, you will no longer be a partner of justice. "


Laike put his hand to his lips, the seal on that finger was shining brightly.

He whispered to the irascible Bwonsamdi:

"Everything you secretly saw tonight, keep it a secret.

You may not know who Velen is, but you only need to know that once the leader of the Draenei is blackened, the whole of Azeroth will be in crisis instantly.

But don't even try to tell anyone else the news!

As a loyal servant of Emperor Denathrius, I will not allow you to do this.

In fact, it's useless for you to say it.

In this world, except me and those orcs, no one knows who the draenei are, and they also lack channels to get in touch with the reclusive Velen.

That is a prophet.

Prophets are a bunch of narcissistic guys, they will believe in the future they see and ignore the advice of others, unless you can magically contact the few guys that Velen trusts.

Hehe, you can't do it.

So, give up. "

The pirate yawned and walked towards the burning city of Zul'Farrak.

Bwonsamdi's mask hovered behind him, silent all the way.

I don't know if the old troll Reaper thought too much, he always felt that there was something in Laike's warning. Is this a reminder to do something?

Hey, Venthyr got into trouble with those vampires as soon as it became an honor, at least you made it clear!

(end of this chapter)

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