Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1030 126. Will Of The Void Can Only Have One Spokesperson, So, Volume! Roll Me To Death!

Chapter 1030 126. Will of the Void can only have one spokesperson, so, volume! Roll me to death!

Garona felt like she had a strange dream.

A damned cultist turned into a demon before her eyes.

This is nothing at all, there is no essential difference between dying at the hands of cultists and dying at the hands of demons.

But the problem is that the demon that was supposed to take her life let her go, and also used a strange teleportation technique to send herself out of the desperate situation, and blew up the cave by the way.

Garona was weak and suffered the impact of the devil's teleportation technique, causing her to immediately fall into a coma. Naturally, she didn't know what happened afterwards, and she didn't know that she was being hugged by the guy she loved.

"Hurry up and save people!"

On the sand dunes outside the Crystal Valley, Khadgar rushed to Bo Laike holding the bloody and seriously injured Garona.

The mage with the face of an old man will have a distorted face and red eyes.

This rare gaffe probably shouldn't have happened to an excellent mage like him, after all, what orthodox spellcasters pursue is sanity that can be maintained under any circumstances.

But no one blamed Kagarde for his gaffe at this time, and Garona's situation was indeed not optimistic.

"Tsk, my friend's life is really big."

The smelly pirate stuffed a healing stone into Garona's mouth and cast a void spell on her to activate her flesh and seal the wound, but he was not a professional healer.

After examining Garona's condition, he said to Khadgar:

"My ship doctor Natalie is rushing over, she has a way to save your beloved wild female orc, but the problem now is that Cho'gall will not let her go so easily.

The nasty demon didn't do things obediently, and the wave of teleportation it released couldn't fool the cunning ogre.

Therefore, I ask you to prepare for battle immediately.

can you do it? "

"I can, don't underestimate the successor of the astral mage."

Khadgar took a deep breath, looked at Garona in his arms, stretched out his trembling hand to caress her face, and handed over the dying female orc to Little Xingxing beside him.

Princess Blue Dragon released a freezing spell for Garona, freezing her in an instant to prevent the loss of vitality.

The old mage looked at the blood in his hand, stood up on the sand dune, held the red magic saber at his waist, and said to Bo Laike:

"Thank you, Your Excellency, I apologize for the rude behavior I have done to you. I will fulfill Garona's wish, but I need your help."

"Very well, this is the cooperative attitude I want to see. Then, we are all here, let's do a big job in Crystal Valley."

Bu Laike nodded in satisfaction, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, Sienigosa immediately turned into a dragon and lifted off into the air.

His Royal Highness Little Xingxing's storm dragon guards also took off with the chief guard. The shield girls threw out their chains and climbed up the dragon's back deftly. They will be the vanguard of the first wave of attacks on Crystal Valley.

"Aren't you going?"

Bu Laike glanced back at Seifel beside him, and asked a question.

The chief officer who covered himself with a black robe shook his head and said:

"I'm not interested in killing, I'm here to protect my captain."

"But I don't need your protection."

The stinky pirate blinked and whispered in Sefiel's ear:

"I just want to see my mighty first officer killing all directions in the valley in front of me. This will make me feel happy. Will you please my trivial imagination?"

"If you wish to see"

The intimate whisper made Sefiel's cheeks flush, and he whispered something like a mosquito.

This shy gesture made Bo Laike laugh out loud. Sure enough, he is still the cutest first mate who maintains an improper relationship with him but still shy.

He patted Seifel on the hip and said:

"When the dragon has the desire to fly, it can't, and it can't crawl on the ground. Go, girl, unleash your minions, and punish them instead of me."


The first mate dragon nodded, she jumped into the sky while the black robe was flying, and then transformed into a huge black dragon amidst the low and ferocious roar, flapping her wings like the shadow of a walking thunder cloud and rushing towards the valley ahead.

"Is Onyxia so big? I think she is about the same size as the Spellweaver!"

Little Xingxing rushed to Bu Laike, widened his eyes and said with surprise and undisguised envy:

"The last time I saw her in Dalaran, she wasn't that big. What did she eat? Could it be that Xal'atath used something strange for this body?

Can I use it?

I mean, can I 'learn' a bit of this upbringing? "

"After being contaminated with the void, the flesh and blood will naturally dissimilate. This is the external manifestation of the strengthening of the void."

Next to Bu Laike, the hooded old man Sakir crossed his hands, maintaining a strong posture.

Standing on the sand dunes, he looked at the cultists rushing out of the Crystal Valley, riding on the back of the alien worms or running elements, and rushing towards this side.

The enlightener explained to the little star very academically:

"Based on my research on the void, if this kind of strengthening can be guided by correct knowledge, then it will turn into positive reinforcement. With the special status of Ms. Xalatas, it is impossible for the body she chose for herself to slide into In an uncontrollable wrong route.

Although Onyxia's body has been stained with void, it is still 'pure and powerful'.

Conversely, if the infusion of the void is not properly directed, then uncontrolled false reinforcements can change the appearance of your flesh and make you slide into a monster posture.


That pathetic guy is a classic negative example. "

Sakir pointed to the two-headed ogre Cho'gall who had tracked Garona's teleportation point and appeared in the tumbling purple vortex through a teleportation magic in front of him.

While shaking his head, he reminded Little Xingxing and the girls in an instructor's tone:

"Look at his pathetic, filthy, depraved body.

His evil and cunning may be born, but he made himself so ugly like a monster, but it was all the result of his own "hard work".

So, children, if you don't have supernatural will and discernment, be sure to stay away from the void! "

"Right! Don't play with the void, it is a 'bad friend' for most life."

Bu Laike took over the conversation and made a conclusion.

The pirate looked at Cho'gall in front of him, and Cho'gall, who was standing in the quicksand, also saw the stinky pirate.

The moment they met, they recognized each other.

Even if both sides are already very different from what they used to be on the Broken Beach.

Braike is wearing the Luna battle armor, and he is much more majestic than the down-and-out little pirate who could only run away under the oppression of Hella. He used to rely on sneak attacks and beat Garona to fight against Cho'gall's rookie, but now he can't do anything. Has become a hero.

Compared with the changes in Bu Laike, the changes in Choogall are not too great.

It still has two heads, a huge and burly body, and it walks like a mountain of meat, but the chest exposed by the naked upper body of Cho'gall is full of eyeballs that are constantly opening and closing.

There are purplish red pupils in those khaki eyeballs, which are exactly the same as the C'Thun's eyes that I have seen before. Those eyeballs keep rolling with his movements, casting malicious gazes everywhere in front of him.

It's pure mental pollution.

In addition to the proliferating rotten eyeballs, black horny bone spurs also proliferated on Cho'gall's shoulders, arms and back, like a monster son born of a drunk obsidian element and an ogre.

Those black bone spurs are covered with corrupted runes, allowing Cho'gall's every move to radiate impure void light in place.

These weird organs that were strengthened and "blessed" by the void did not make Cho'gall more majestic, but filled with an indescribably ugly aura.

Perhaps in the eyes of mentally abnormal cultists, such a posture can be called "powerful" or "beauty of power", but in the eyes of the pirates, this is completely "degenerate".

"His soul must be as disgusting as his appearance."

Mother Windrunner, who was carrying the magic sword Apocalypse, drew her war bow. She looked at the ogre in front of her with cold eyes, but Bu Laike stretched out her hand and held down her wrist.

This physical contact made Windrunner's mother withdraw her hand like an electric shock, and also made Bu Laike look back at the mentor in doubt.


Do you have any dirty things on your hands?

"He handed it over to me and Khadgar. We have some 'personal grievances' with Cho'gall to deal with. The others are going to Crystal Valley."

Bu Laike said to Mother Windrunner and Grandpa Thakir, a group of shield maidens in full armor, and Cairne Bloodhoof who grabbed the halberd:

"The cultists over there are big trouble, and the Twilight's Hammer makes it their home base, just like we did with the Bloodsail pirates in Cape Sunset.

Can't let any guy escape!

Although they worship different gods of darkness, the pain they can inflict on others is the same.

We'll finish Cho'gall here, his fallen minions, and leave it to you. "

"But this ogre looks like a formidable foe."

The Supreme Shield Maiden who was eager to try said very dissatisfied:

"I have been dealing with weak guys along the way, and my desire to fight can no longer be suppressed, I am eager to see a real fight!

This is what you promised me, Bu Laike.

Give him to me!

I will deal with him, I promise to cut off his head cleanly, and I will honor Odin! "

"What kind of powerful enemy is Cho'gall?"

The stinky pirate waved his finger, and the yawning idiot Fenna took out a small black tombstone from her bag and handed it to him. The pirate tossed the pocket tombstone up and down, and said to Heya:

"Be patient, it won't take long before I can give you a war that requires you to do your best to win, and it is a war where you will die if you are not careful.

That's exactly the war you need. "

"That's what you said!"

Heya grabbed the spear, and the tall Vrykul snorted, staring at the fallen ogre in front of her with a predatory gaze, she licked her lips like a hungry person, and said:

"If you can't keep your promise, I can only make do with you. If I can't get my war, I will regard you as the object of a duel."

"I promise, if you can't enjoy yourself, I will fight you in person."

The pirate said something helplessly like coaxing a child.

Only then did Heya step into the demon portal opened by Uncle Sakir with satisfaction, and waved the spear in his hand maliciously before leaving.

Little Star was the last to pass through the portal.

She looked at the depraved Cho'gall with disgust on her face, and completely gave up on learning Onyxia's way of becoming huge.

A beautiful girl like her, who loves beauty, cannot allow such disgusting things as evil eyeballs to grow on her body. No wonder the stinky pirates called this guy a monster, no wonder Garona must kill him.

This guy is so ugly!

Letting him live is a kind of blasphemy against this beautiful world.

With the demonic portal dissipated in the felfire, only Cho'gall, Boo Laike, and Khadgar remained on the quiet dunes.

The wind in the desert is blowing, rolling up quicksands, spinning and flying, and tumbleweeds being blown down the sand dunes. In the chill like a western movie, Koogall laughed and raised his purple-black spiked Warhammer.

His two heads and three eyes stared at Bo Laike at the same time, and shouted:

"I've heard in the news of the endless sea that you have fallen into a greedy lunatic, Braike! (But I didn't expect you to be so crazy! You sent away your helpers to face the spokesperson of the will of the void ?)"

"What arrogance! (What blasphemy!)"

"The void is screaming! It is roaring! Here on the land of the fallen god, I will finish what I have not done before. (It wants me to sacrifice you to it, it is longing for your soul, and All I want is to break your neck!)"

With Gugall's roar, the surrounding sand dunes trembled and changed constantly, one after another alien insects emerged from the sand, and weird human-shaped insects appeared from the wind and sand flapping their wings.

In just an instant, Bo Laike and Khadgar were surrounded by vicious Qiraji, and Cho'gall waved his hands, summoning fiery fallen fire elementals and dark elemental servants entangled with shadows.

The Void Gate flickered open, and the fallen beings, suspected to be the Faceless Ones, were also drawn into the material world by Cho'gall.

They are surrounded.

But Laike showed no sign of fear.

He put his helmet on his head, stretched his neck, and said to Cho'gall:

"Well, I want to interrupt your fantasy first, it is not the will of the void that is calling you, but the fallen will that a part of the void lord that C'Thun represents desires.

The two are very similar.

It's easy for a layman like you to confuse them together, but it's not your fault, it's pretty good that chop suey can understand this step.

You are just not talented enough.

The true will of the void doesn't care what you do for it, and the pure void has no interest in conquering anything, it is only eager to spread more truths rather than destroying destruction. "

The pirate shrugged his shoulders and opened his hands. Under Cho'gall's stunned gaze, a dark purple light lingered on his hands.

He said to Choogall:

"I know this very well, because I am the spokesperson of the will of the void in the material world! are nothing but an arrogant and arrogant fake.

A fellow is indeed going to be sacrificed to the void today!

But I don't think that would be me.

Khadgar, the bugs are in your hands, remember to stay away from me later.

This is a civil war in the void, and you, a fragile creature of flesh and blood, don't want to participate.

Of course, of course!

I know how loyal you are to your wife, so give this impostor one last chance, I'll give it to you, and it will definitely get you money worth it.

This is the rule of the uncrowned. "

Bu Laike waved his hand, and a purple void fissure engulfed the sand dune under his feet, and the tentacles of energy rolled and swept like a giant snake, crushing the insects that rushed to the ground.

The pirate entwined by the pure light of the void raised his hand, ticked Cho'gall in front of him, and said:

"The will of the void is urging, it is roaring, roaring, urging its spokesperson to kill the blasphemous impostor in front of him, it is because of stupid things like you who have a half-knowledge of the truth but insist on showing off, the reputation of the void is so bad !"

"So, don't waste time, come on, under the truth of the void, decide who is more favored by it."

(end of this chapter)

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