Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1038 134. The Undead Mentor Falls In Love With Me?

Chapter 1038 134. The Undead Mentor Falls in Love with Me?

A thousand years ago, the Qiraji rushed out of their own territory. They marched out from the Silithus Desert in a posture of submerging the world. As a result, they encountered the overlord of Kalimdor, the Kaldorei Luna Kingdom. head on.

The elves dispatched a large army to block the attack of the bugmen on the edge of the desert. After the druids joined the battle, they quickly reversed the situation by relying on the power of nature.

At that time, it was the Archdruid Buckhelm who commanded the elf army to achieve a brilliant victory.

His tactics are complex and changeable, and his strategy is very clear. He never underestimates the enemy and advances rashly. He chooses to rely on the establishment of elf villages to advance the defense line and fight steadily.

He also mobilized natural allies, relied on the ruins of the ancient elf empire city as a garrison point, and weakened the power of the Zerg by restricting the flow of magic power. With the full assistance of the commander of the Silver Wing Sentinel, Shandis Feather Moon, Once the insects were beaten back to their territory.

The worms, who had lost consecutive battles, were afraid of him, and couldn't find the weakness of the staghelmet at the level of warfare, so they called him "Cassis" in awe, which means "the undefeated hand of the earth".

From this point of view, Buck Helmet should be regarded as the "God of War" among druids. Not only is he powerful, but he also has his own art of war at the level of command.

But it is a pity that no matter how strong a person is, he has his own weaknesses.

Buck helmets are also available.

And his weakness was quickly discovered by the twin emperors of the Bug Empire, that is his only son, Vastan Staghelmet, and Fandral valued his son very much and loved him very much.

This love has even reached the level of doting.

On the one hand, he hopes that his son will make a career, but on the other hand, he is unwilling to let him go into the trap.

But Vastann is not an idiot either. Although he did not inherit his father's powerful natural talent, he has made himself an excellent elf druid and warrior through his own efforts.

He hopes to share his father's worries, especially in the battle between the elves and the insects, and he is also eager to repel the insects and protect the people.

The outstanding young man took the initiative to ask Zhan to go to the front line to support a stronghold besieged by insects. Fandral was very reluctant, but he finally agreed to his son's request.

The stronghold under siege was in the village of Nan Feng, and Vastann never returned.

A few days later, when the buggers made a comeback, in front of the two armies, a brutal bugger general tore apart his son in front of Fandral Staghelmet.

Buckhelm crumbled.

The allied elves were also in danger of being defeated for a time.

At the most critical moment, the dragons, the ancient allies of the elves, appeared on the stage. With the help of several powerful dragons, the elves and the dragons paid huge casualties before sealing the army of the bugmen behind the wall of the beetle.

It was an epic battle. The elves paid tens of thousands of casualties before they won the victory. The dragon who aided them sacrificed themselves to forge the scarab wall, and the elves' "God of War" Fandral Staghelmet lost had his only son.

He feels no joy.

Only the pain and anger of loss.

If it wasn't for Valstein and his posthumous son in Ashenvale, Staghelmet would probably go crazy on the spot.

In fact, he was already close to madness at that time. When the giant dragon handed him the quicksand scepter related to the seal of the Beetle Wall, Staghelmet smashed the scepter on the ground because of his own pain and hatred for the insects. before sealing.

After the Battle of Quicksand, the Archdruid seemed to be a different person.

The druids all know this sad story. No one will criticize Staghelm for his extreme and indifferent. He sacrificed his son for the glory of the Kaldorei. All elves should remember this great sacrifice.

But Bu Laike Shaw is not an elf.

He didn't stop at thanking Staghelm for his sacrifice, he had other arrangements for Staghelmet.

A month ago, when the stinky pirate Bu Laike teamed up with the stinky woman Maiev to kill the Nightmare King Xavius ​​in High Mountain, he "smoothly" solved the "little crime" of the archdruid Fandral Staghelmet.

Let the old druid who almost committed evil deeds repent at the last moment and keep his integrity. But obviously, the stinky pirate didn't intend to just give up on Lord Buckhelm.

If a bastard like Xavius ​​could control Buckhelm to do evil with a botched nightmare vision, then Bo Laike figured he could too.

And his means must be much better than Xavis.

The son of Staghelmet died a thousand years ago, and his weakness seemed to be gone, but in fact, in the eyes of pirates, this weakness was so obvious that he would feel sorry for himself if he didn't take advantage of it.

Vastann died in battle in the fallen god's territory, and his soul was too far away from the World Tree to return. As the son of the archdruid, he must have a powerful natural blessing.

And a thousand years ago, C'Thun's seal was not as weak as it is now.

The fallen god didn't get his soul either, otherwise, with C'Thun's cunning, it would have used this soul to lure Fandral Staghelmet into the void.

In other words, Valstein's soul "disappeared" out of thin air.

So where can he go?

For Bu Laike, who is familiar with the characteristics of the four major kingdoms in the shadow world, this answer is almost needless to think about. He must be somewhere in the blue fairyland.

As long as Vastann can be found, he is quite sure that Staghelmet will obey him.

Probably not doing bad things, but Laike would definitely benefit greatly from having an ally of his own in the upper echelons of the Luna Kingdom.

"I get the feeling you're thinking about something faux pas, and you have this weird grin on your face every time you're about to do something bad."

Outside the ruins of Nan Feng Village, which was the turning point of the Quicksand War thousands of years ago, Bu Laike, who was standing in the yellow sand, heard a deserted voice behind him.

The pirate restrained his smile, looked back, and found that the mother of Windrunner, wearing a long black hood and carrying a war bow, was jumping down from behind her magic saber.

Beneath the hood that concealed his cheeks, the eyes, burning with soul fire, were as piercing as ever.

But Laike could sense that there was something more complicated.

"What are you talking to me about here?"

General Liresa asked straight to the point:

"I'm very busy at the fortress, I want to reintegrate the hunters of the Hidden Passage, investigate them more deeply, and then make a plan for the Hunter Temple to rise again.

I want to strengthen their combat effectiveness, this job must start now.

So, Bu Laike, my disciples, don't waste your time. "

"I just wonder why you always seem to avoid me after our reunion, my chief retainer."

The pirate shrugged and replied:

"Is it because I did something wrong? Let me remind you that although you are my retainer, I respect you very much. When I offend you, you can make comments and I will correct them."

"I don't."

Windrunner's mother vehemently denied it, saying:

"I think our way of getting along is the same as before, without any change, maybe because you think too much?"


The pirate blinked.

He flashed to General Liresa with a whoosh, and put his hand on her shoulder. This action made Windrunner's mother feel like an electric shock. She twisted her body and moved a few steps aside like a ghost, avoiding the pirate's hand.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Actual actions have shown that Windrunner's mother is lying, and she is indeed resisting this kind of contact.

"So what's going on?"

Bu Laike said helplessly:

"Mentor, you are an extremely important combatant under my command at present, and you are in command of the Secret Passage. There will be more cooperation between us in the future, and you also occupy an important position in my plan.

And that thing I've given you to keep pushing forward

Your sense should be able to understand the importance of that matter, and it would not be good for either of us if we drifted apart for some mysterious reason.

Even as a collaborator, I had to figure out the reason for this resistance.

You should be very clear about your own inner thoughts, so, mentor, I chose this deserted place on purpose just to clarify this matter.

Please tell me why. "


This will be very embarrassing for General Liresa, it's hard to tell what's going on in her heart.

But what the pirate said was so reasonable that Mother Windrunner couldn't refute it.

Whether it's from the loyalty of the monarch and his ministers, or from the things she instructs her two daughters to advance, she must maintain a certain tacit understanding with Bu Laike, otherwise it will lead to very bad consequences.


After hesitating for more than ten seconds, Windrunner's mother decided to confess.

They are all people who have died once, so there is nothing that cannot be said.

"come here!"

Liresa said something to Bu Laike in a cold voice, and the pirate stepped forward without any resistance, and stopped three steps away from Windrunner's mother.


She said something again.

Bu Laike was a little puzzled, and he stepped forward again.


Mother Windrunner's body began to tremble.

She kept asking until the pirate was almost against her, which would have been something Laike had been prepared for and sensed that something wasn't quite right. He noticed that when he approached, the soul fire in Liresa's eyes burned more intensely and more vividly.

Windrunner's mother raised her head and looked at her disciple. She pointed to her eyes and said:

"Have you ever seen such a look when you were alone with Alya Blue Moon?"

"Uh, I really didn't pay attention before."

The pirate blinked, recalling the scene when he was in contact with Dean Lanyue, he said with some uncertainty:

"It seems that there are indeed."

"When she gets along with you, will she regain some of her 'humanity', and her lost emotions will be more vivid than when she faces other people?"

Liresa asked again, and Bo Laike bit his lip.

He seemed to have guessed some facts that he had been ignoring all along.

He looked at the mentor in front of him with a complicated expression, and Windrunner's mother said in a dull tone:

"Don't think too much about it, it's not some bloody love. She and I were reborn as ghosts because of you, and I don't quite know the connection yet.

But obviously, your existence is special to me and Lanyue.

You are the link between us and the world of the living. I am a little better. I still have children and family members, but you are the only one left in Blue Moon. So, try to avoid being alone with Lan Yue in the future, okay?

I'm not afraid of her hurting you.

I'm just afraid that some of her uncontrolled actions will affect the relationship between you. "

"Is it that scary?"

Bu Laike took a step back, and he asked in a low voice:

"Will this situation get worse? How severe will it be?"

"I do not know either."

General Liresa shook her head with her eyes closed, and she said in the same embarrassing tone:

"In the quiet midnight, in the weird thoughts that occasionally arise in me, I have thought about binding you up and hiding you in a place that only I know, so that you can always belong to me alone

I thought so.

Blue Moon's ideas are definitely more radical.

But that's just my guess, you know what I mean? After all, Lanyue is a spellcaster, and she may have other ways to suppress this abnormal twisted possessiveness.

Undead, the birth of a cursed life is naturally accompanied by a curse, all good things have nothing to do with us, this may be the warning of this world.

My disciple, after I help you complete your career, I hope you can liberate me with your own hands.

Let me be where I belong, at peace in the world of the dead instead of here, tormented by twisted desires to turn myself into a monster.

I was fighting myself, a war of desires that I could hardly see winning.

Anyway, it's for your own good and mine's good to keep your distance until I find a solution, you know? "


Bu Laike nodded, and then he asked:

"Can this 'craving' be alleviated?"


Windrunner's mother thought for a while and said:

"Maybe, but I haven't tried it. This is a good place to experiment. Close your eyes!"

"Uh, mentor, I want to remind you that my love life has been messed up recently, and I really can't bear any more. Don't do anything weird to me."

The pirate said something in a rare and fearful way, but was reprimanded by General Liresa:

"It's not what you think! It's just the nature of the undead. You close your eyes and I'll give it a try."


The stinky pirate closed his eyes, and then felt the mentor's cold hand caressing his face, holding his face in both hands, but did not take any further action.

After maintaining this position for nearly half a minute, Windrunner's mother withdrew her hand, and when Laike opened his eyes, he saw his chief retainer stroking his heart.

The soul fire beating in her eyes has returned to normal.

"Is this enough?"

The pirate asked cautiously, and Windrunner's mother was a little at a loss, so she replied:

"Enough, enough for now. Before it erupts next time, we must find a way to eliminate it. I don't want to be a monster."

"Well, maybe we can seek the help of the death knight."

Bu Laike patted the mentor on the shoulder and said:

"They are professional in this area. It just so happened that I invited them to Silithus. Perhaps soon, we will be able to return to the normal way of getting along."


Windrunner's mother let out a sigh of relief. She looked worriedly at the ruins of Nan Feng village in front of her, and said:

"I hope so."

(end of this chapter)

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