Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1048 144. The Bad News Is That This Skill Book Can Only Be Dropped By C'thun

Chapter 1048 144. The bad news is that this skill book can only be dropped by C'Thun

Braike and Shandris conducted a field reconnaissance on the ruins of the surface city of the Zerg Empire, and successfully retrieved the remains of Ms. Lin Ge, and obtained the handwriting of this legendary ranger who died in battle a thousand years ago. .

The words recorded with the petrified bark are still clear after time. Knowing that he must die, the excellent hunter spent his last time recording his experience of taming the alien insects.

After reading it completely, Laike found that Ms. Lin Ge's method of taming animals was very ingenious, showing full elf wisdom.

She is not a secret to the will of the swarm that has been misunderstood.

It was through trial and error in the long war that she finally found this forbidden knowledge.

"To sum up, the principle is very simple."

In the desert beyond the Scarab Wall, Shandris Feathermoon sat cross-legged in the sand, clutching petrified bark in her hands.

she says:

"According to Ms. Lin Ge's research, the will of the swarm is very similar to the natural reinforcement that druids often use.

When the similarites are healthy and have sufficient vitality, the will of the swarm will strengthen it, making it fearless, and all actions are based on the interests of the swarm.

But when a certain bug is seriously injured and dying, the extremely efficient and ruthless will of the swarm will think that it has lost its value, and its continued existence is a waste of the resources of the swarm, so it will kill the bug for a period of time before the bug dies. It 'throws away'.

This period of time when the simorphs are waiting to die is the best chance for hunters to tame the similes.

There is no need to compete head-on with the will of the swarm, and there is no need for more fancy methods to face weak xenomorphs. Without the protection of the will of the swarm, the spirit of a single xenogeneic insect is not enough to resist the hunter's animal taming technique.

And after it becomes a hunter's pet and shares its vitality with the hunter, it will recover quickly, and the will of the swarm will accept it as a new member again.

In this way, hunters can use the soul link of the battle pet to spy on the mysteries of the swarm, but this is a trap of C'Thun, once we integrate into it, we will be captured by the fallen gods. "

"It feels a little familiar."

Bo Laike was smoking a pipe next to him, nodded and complained:

"First hang up and fight until you are on the verge of death to get rid of the 'untamable' BUFF, and then arrange the animal taming technique. I will tell you how familiar this process is.

It turned out to be the same thing as taming rare elites.

Ms. Lin Ge's ability to discover this without guidance is indeed a talent.

It's a pity that she underestimated the will of the swarm too recklessly after taming the worms and directly connected to the will of the swarm, which led to her being discovered as an 'alien' in an instant.

She should have waited a while before acting.

At the very least, you should disguise your own consciousness. "

"You don't understand how critical the war situation was at that time. If I had discovered this secret, I would have taken the risk. I can only say that Ms. Lin Ge is a true hero.

She gave everything for her people. "

Shandris breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at the petrified bark in her hand and said as if she had sworn an oath:

"I will definitely convey the story about Lin Ge to the Elune Sisterhood. Such a hero must be rectified! Everyone protected by her should be grateful for her efforts.

She will be the legend of the kaldorei, remembered by every elf.

But it's not enough for us to get the alien worm taming technique now, Ms. Lin Ge's warning basically declared your plan bankrupt.

If the source of the swarm's will lies in the fallen god C'Thun, then we have no way to command the swarm to fight by taming the swarm lord.

The Old God holds the control of its most powerful legion firmly in his hands. "

Speaking of this, General Yuyue was also a little bit embarrassed.

She reached out and patted Bo Laike on the shoulder, comforting:

"Your plan is perfect, I admit, this is indeed a highly executable tactic, the reason for its bankruptcy is not yours, but fate is too harsh on us.

But with this insect taming technique, the Sentinels can also continue to weaken the Zerg threat.

It only needs to continue to carry out lure tactics, knock down and tame those lord worms at the command level, and one day, the threat of Qiraji will also be eliminated.

They also need resources to feed the powerful lord bugs.

In the situation of being blocked in the Great Desert of Silithus, it is impossible for the Qiraji to cultivate powerful insects without limit, and the balance of victory will continue to slide towards us because of this skill.

From this point on, the entire Kaldorei civilization would also like to thank you for your contribution. "

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

In the dim moonlight, Bo Laike squinted at Shandris and said:

"Are you comforting a loser? Do you think your brother-in-law and I are a loser? Or do you think my dark wisdom is nothing more than that? Are you underestimating me?"


Shandris rolled her eyes.

She didn't quite understand what Bu Laike meant. Now that the will of the swarm was confirmed to be controlled by C'Thun, Bu Laike actually planned to continue to promote the strategy of "using insects to control insects"?

"Since the target is clearly C'Thun who is still in the cage of the Titan, why don't we kill him first?"

Bu Laike sneered, looked at the towering wall of beetles in front of him, put his hips on his hips and said:

"Anyway, killing the Fallen God was already in my plan, this wave can be regarded as beating rabbits, and by the way, I just need to change the order of actions.

The general strategy doesn't even need to change.

I'll deal with C'Thun.

Hurry up and find those powerful beast kings who are proficient in animal taming, Tyrande Windtalker, Rexxar Rema, Ryan Wolfwalker, the more people like this, the better.

I heard that among the vrykul in Northrend and the Broken Isles, there are beastmasters who are very good at taming animals.

If I can't find it, I can also make a cameo, although I don't like using these silithids as my pets. They are too ugly.

They don't fit my far-out-of-the-ordinary aesthetics. "

The stinky pirate stretched his neck, turned around and said to Shandris Feathermoon:

"Although Ms. Lin Ge didn't say it explicitly, we can decipher a deeper meaning from the petrified bark she left behind, and combined with the druids' research on xenomorphs, it's not difficult to find out.

Things like the will of the swarm can be transferred.

When they are taken as a whole, they will always 'stay' in the will of the leader worm. In other words, if I kill C'Thun, then the supreme power of the worm swarm's will will fall on the twin emperors of the alien worms.

If I kill the twin emperors by the way, it will continue to be transferred to the next successor. And whoever tames that lucky bug will rule the qiraji swarm.

Even if you can't get the most dazzling reward, the Empress Chong.

Those lord bugs are also very good spoils of war. The will of the bug swarm controlled by C'Thun is too strong, and the queen bug may not be able to bear all the pressure.

Once the power of the swarm's will begins to be decentralized, those lords who are in charge of each side will also have their own swarm.

The standard feudal lordship system.

Large and small mobile legions, every lucky hunter will have his own little bug swarm.

I don't even need to make a long story to convince those hunters, I just need to tell them the news, as long as anyone with a brain will come running over with their own dry food.

This is a lucrative deal. "

"That being said, the logic is not difficult to understand. To be honest, I am a little tempted, even if I am not very proficient in taming animals."

The Sentinel General looked at the stinky pirate in front of him with a strange look.

She hesitated, and whispered:

"But the premise of all this is based on the fact that you can kill C'Thun, who is an ancient god, the scariest monster that can be born from the dark side of this world.

Even the giant dragons dare not confront such an evil god head-on.

I don't underestimate you.

Uh, well, I'll be honest, I'm just doubting you. I don't think you can do this alone, you might need help. "

"Of course I need help, were you dozing off while I was talking?"

Bu Laike looked at Shandris with a strange look, and he said as a matter of course;

"Otherwise, what do you think I am calling death knights, paladins, and liches to help out? Lord Ravencrest and Pope Alonsus Faol will choose elite soldiers to follow me to fight against evil gods.

With their assistance, I think I stand a good chance of winning.

Any other questions?

If you don't have one, go back and do some business. It will take a long time to find someone, but time is not on our side, and I don't plan to stay in Silithus for a long time.

I'm going to get this done within a week.

I'm still busy.

By the way, you don't have to come back.

After telling Tyrande what happened here, go to Ashenvale to find Jarod. You are not good at taming animals, so staying in Ashenvale is more useful than getting in the way here.

Only when you leave, can the command of the local Kaldorei fighters fall into my hands, and I don't like being held back.

This statement may hurt your fragile self-esteem.

But there is no way, who made me a straight-talking man. "

Hearing the stinky pirate's confident answer, Shandris didn't know what expression to use to reply.

She felt that the pirate in front of her was really unreasonable. Seeing his slightly excited appearance, General Sentinel once suspected that there might be something wrong with this guy's brain.

Who is not only not afraid, but eager to try when they hear that they are going to face the ancient gods? Hey, Mr. Pirates, before you go out, I suggest you go and see if your brain is okay?

Such hesitation was naturally sensed by Bu Laike.

The pirate snapped his fingers, not bothering to explain his magic to Shandris Feathermoon.

He said:

"You are responsible for what you should do! Let me take care of the rest, and we have made such a happy decision. I know your concerns. If I fail, your actions will also be implicated.

But in fact, if you think about it again, you will find that even if I fail and die miserably in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, you still have nothing to lose.

Ms. Lin Ge made it very clear.

Taming the silithid and meddling with the mind of the swarm are two different things, and as long as your hunters don't recklessly merge their spirits into the mind of your pets, you will be safe.

At most, it would be nice to hide his alien bugs and beasts in the snow.

I will bear the risks, and you will get benefits. If you still don't agree to such a thing, I will question whether you are qualified as a sentinel general. "

"It's because it's so perfect that I hesitate."

Sandy said frankly:

"Your plan is so perfect that my mind is urging me to agree to it, but I have heard your story, Lord Braike Shaw, and your reputation makes me cautious.

I will submit this proposal to the Sisterhood of Elune. If my Mindo is willing to take the risk, then I will definitely do my best to help you complete your plan. "

How could this answer satisfy Bu Laike?

But he can't put the knife on the elf's neck, and this elf still calls him brother-in-law, and they are all his own, so he really can't do it.

So the pirate waved his hand and said casually:

"Then you guys hurry up, I am a person who cherishes my time, and if you waste my time, it is equivalent to taking my wealth, which will make me very unhappy.

two days!

I have to get a response within two days, or I'll do it myself. "

Bu Laike coughed, raised his hand and waved it in the moonlight, he said:

"I have the secret passage in my hand, and the best hunters in this world are under the command of my mentor. The death knights and paladins are all summoned by me, and the orcs will be willing to obey me.

Besides, I'm not afraid to tell you that I have other reinforcements.

The reinforcements I can find are powerful people that you have never dreamed of in the past ten thousand years.

You see, Your Excellency, I don't need your Kaldorei's help to accomplish this, I just don't want to offend your dignity on the land controlled by the Kaldorei, that's all. "

He turned to Shandris with a malicious grin, made a grabbing motion, and said:

"The initiative of this matter is in my hands from the beginning to the end. I invited you to participate in the feast. Don't misunderstand the positions of both parties.

What are you still doing?

Go back and report! Look at your stupid look, how on earth did you become a sentinel general? Is it true that the relationship under the crown of Tyrande is gone? "

"Shut up!"

Shandris yelled and whistled for her armored mistsaber mount. She flipped onto her beloved beast, glanced back at Laike, and said:

"Aren't you going back with me?"

"No, I'm going to stay here to investigate for a while, you don't need to worry about me, I will show up when the time is right."

The pirate waved his hand.

Shandris didn't hesitate any longer, took the reins of the fog saber and disappeared under the moonlit desert.

Watching Shandris leave, and waiting for the Ranger General's back to disappear completely, Bo Laike took out Bwonsamdi's mask from the bag, put it in front of his eyes, and said:

"You almost exposed it just now, bastard, that's a priest of the moon. I seriously suspect that you bastard did it on purpose, you want to see me make a fool of yourself, right?"

"Jie jie jie, why? My dear collaborator, old Bwonsamdi is famously loyal to his allies."

Troll Reaper's damned glib came out of the mask, and it said:

"Isn't I focusing on the task you imposed on me, and I will inform you as soon as there is news? Don't be ignorant, you stinky pirate."

"Have you found Varstein?"

Bu Laike blinked and asked.

Bwonsamdi let out a weird laugh and said:

"Of course! Just now.

Old Bwonsamdi, with the help of the Wild Hunt, has retaken my warm little nest, and I'm entertaining Wild Hunt warriors in the beyond where Mueh'zala has messed up.

I got their leader a little drunk just now, and asked a few more questions. Guess what I learned from Lord Klein? "

"Don't guess, I'm too lazy to guess."

Bo Laike snorted, took a sip of his wine, and said:

"Hurry up and say it, don't make a fool of yourself."

"Tch, it's meaningless at all, you stinky pirate, you've become more and more boring since you had a sexual life. Ah, love is indeed the grave of happiness.

But I still like you who used to be full of flirtatious words, please change back, please? "

The troll god of death sneered contemptuously, and it spit out a few words, saying:

"Valstann is indeed in Blazing Wilderness, he is in the Wild Hunt, but as you guessed, he gave up his elf body after coming to the Shadowlands and became a fierce Vokai guard .

I have sent for him.

You can start it too.

But the problem is that the Winter Queen is a strict ruler, and she strictly forbids her subjects to have any contact with the material world.

You have to find a way to allow Vastanen to chat with his father in the material world for a while without disturbing the queen. This is a very difficult job.

But I know it won't bother you.

Well, that's the end of old Bwonsamdi's debt to you.

You bastard, although it is a pleasure to cooperate with you, we are all social people and understand the rules and everything, so next time you ask me for help, remember to prepare for the reward~"

(end of this chapter)

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