Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1063 159. My Deepest Condolences To The Great Anti-Magic Warrior, His Excellency Ke'thu

Chapter 1063 159. My deepest condolences to the great anti-magic warrior, His Excellency Ke'thun

At the last moment of cursing his life, C'Thun tried again to send out the fragments of his will, but the divine power and thunder summoned by Odin made the ancient gods despair.

This time, the scatter of will failed to break through the closed and dim hall of the temple, and was completely destroyed in the thunderous sweep. The final counterattack was also broken, and the thousand-eyed demon swallowed a sigh of unwillingness.

The last eyeball on its shattered corpse turned its pupil, and when all the strength dissipated and collapsed, the khaki pupil looked at Fenner who was holding the sword.

The stupid warrior roared, holding the burning Ashbringer and stabbing it.

In the weird sound like a bucket bursting, C'Thun's last eyeball was also completely destroyed.

it died.

The twisted and corrupted vitality was extinguished like a candle in the wind, and Odin was very surprised to see this scene.

These mortals actually did it?

C'Thun has passed into death on the physical plane.

Its huge distorted will also collapsed, and there may still be some ancient god remnants in this fallen land, but as long as it is purified and blocked, those last remnants will dissipate in a short time.

The ancient god named C'Thun was completely wiped out today, and the world of Azeroth lost a source of turmoil.


Fenna jumped onto the body of the ancient god who was still twitching, and used the Ashbringer to continuously cut and find her brother who was buried in it. The worry on her face could not be faked.

Calling Laike's name, he sliced ​​through the foul-smelling flesh that was no longer tough.

Ten seconds later, as the burning ashbringer cut open the broken tentacles under C'Thun's eyeballs, Fenna yelled joyfully, and pulled Laike out from the pile of flesh below.

The smelly pirate seems to be weak.

The Luna armor on his body has been corroded to the point where Fenner carried him out and took off the Luna armor, only to see Bu Laike winking at her.

"You bastard!"

Apparently, the pirate was not harmed, Fenner wept with joy and scowled at the next moment, pinching Laike's neck and beating his head, causing the Scrap Pirate to cry out in pain.

"Don't hit your head, what if you're as stupid as you? If you lose your dark wisdom, you can't get it back."

Bu Laike hugged his head and screamed strangely, but let Finner beat him.

Although the stupid sister is a bit stupid, Bu Laike has already felt her concern for him. They are real relatives, and the pirates also like this kind of slapstick.

But business still needs to be done.

He threw a handkerchief to Fina to let her wipe her face, then raised the Dark Empire Blade humming in his hand, and said to Odin:

"I joined forces with the great Lord of War to kill the Thousand-Eyed Demon C'Thun, perhaps there should be my story engraved on the walls of the Hall of Valor.

What do you say? His Majesty. "

"Killed? No, not killed."

Odin leaned on his spear and sat cross-legged next to C'Thun's corpse. He stretched out his hand to let the buzzing Dark Empire Blade float in his huge palm.

The Lord of War carefully observed the dark evil thing in front of him, worry and regret shone in his one eye.

He said:

"With the help of the ancient gods' instinct to devour each other, you have indeed cut and smashed C'Thun's will. It can be regarded as 'death', but in fact, its corrupt power has only been transferred.

The raw material to shape this fiend came from another Old God.

I've also heard the legend of the Dark Empire, that when the Old Gods arrived in the wilds of Azeroth, four evil bastards devoured their brothers to gain their initial strength.

This evil thing came from the dead ancient god.

It has been devoured.

But what remains of it remains evil. "

Odin shook his head and said to Bo Laike:

"C'Thun's power is swallowed by this dagger, and it will not let the power of corruption dissipate. This evil thing will use the power of its brother to shape a new corrupt will in its existence.

In other words, if you let it go, C'Thun's death will lead to the birth of a new Old God, and you must deal with this evil properly so that more bad things don't happen.

destroy it.

Or purify it.

If you can't, I'm happy to help.

Today's victory is not complete.

But it's good enough, even I can't ask too much. "

"Leave it to me, Your Majesty."

Bu Laike held out his hand to Odin, and he said:

"I already have a preliminary idea about how to deal with these corrupted powers, and I will use some evil means to disperse this bad power.

The rest will be handed over to the Church of the Holy Light.

For this, His Majesty Faol already has a plan. I guess he should use the power of those holy light creations among the stars. It is indeed a very smart way. "

Odin thought for a moment, moved his fingers, and returned the Dark Empire Blade suspended in his palm to Bu Laike.

He warned:

"I know you have walked the ways of the void, and you know more about the mysteries of the will of the void than I do. But I remind you, Bo Laike, amazing mortal.

You have to keep in mind that the pure void and the corrupted void are two completely different forces, they cannot be transformed into each other, and you can't draw the dark power of C'Thun into your body just because you desire power.

That will indeed make you instantly powerful, but that power comes at the expense of your future.

It doesn't do you any good.

It's like a cake that looks delicious but actually contains poison, don't try it rashly! "

"In Your Majesty's mind, am I actually such a greedy and ignorant image?"

Bu Laike held the Dark Empire Blade in his hand, stroked his heart, put on a melancholy gesture, and said in an artificial tone:

"I thought His Majesty Odin was different from other vulgar people, and I thought you could discover the beauty in my soul, but I didn't expect that you misunderstood me just like everyone else.

Do not worry. "

The stinky pirate stroked his gauntlet that exuded the light of anima, and said in a satisfied tone:

"I have received the best reward from C'Thun, and I no longer long for its corrupted powers, only those with abnormal brains long for them.

Then, Your Majesty, I will entrust you with the task of restraining C'Thun's body.

There is probably no one more professional than you in this regard.

We will not disturb your work. "

After speaking, Bu Laike planned to take Fenner out of here.

But when she turned around, she saw the idiot sister standing next to C'Thun's body, pinching her nose and looking at the big pit next to her that was corroded by the stomach acid of the Old God.

As if she had discovered a new world, Fenna's face was full of surprise.

She looked at what C'Thun had spit out before, the hissing, rotting goo covered with undigested corpses of various demons.

There are as many as a dozen if you count them.

The weakest are the demon lords, including the powerful abyss lord and eredar demon prince, the khaki doom guard and the slender demon witch with six hands.

Some of these demons were seen by Fenner, but there were many special types that she had never heard of.

Where did this C'Thun eat so many demons? Are the Old Gods and the Burning Legion feuding? Does it have to eat the devil every meal to vent its anger?

Odin also noticed those strange skeletons.

The King of War's eyes immediately became strange, and he glanced at Laike, who moved his body and put on a "you're welcome" gesture.


"Your Excellency C'Thun has contributed to Azeroth's anti-magic cause with his insatiable stomach, and of course, I have also played some insignificant roles in it.

Before the Burning Legion invaded our world, they lost all the lords of a daemon world, though nothing compared to the Legion's hopeless numerical superiority.

But I think it also takes a little bit of the pressure off our business.

This is what any righteous person should do and undertake.

So, don't thank me. "

These words made the King of War cover his forehead.

Lord Odin couldn't help complaining in his heart:

Do I want to thank you?

You evil and shameless stinking pirate, you can actually think of such a crooked way to make ancient gods and demons kill each other.

You kid is really talented!

Thinking of this, the Lord of War felt a little regretful, maybe he should have destroyed C'Thun's fallen body later, leaving more time for Laike to manipulate.

Given the ancient god's digestion ability, given enough time, it can completely annihilate an entire demon army, making today's battle more fruitful.



You can't go on thinking like this!

You are an honorable warrior!

You are not a shameless stinky pirate with no limits, you cannot be influenced by his evil thoughts, this kind of victory is not what you desire, this is not a warrior at all, and it is not an honor at all!

The King of War shook his head vigorously.

This action made his beard like burning iron slag burst into countless sparks, and Bu Laike who was standing under Odin hurriedly dodged to avoid the nightmare of being ignited by the scorching sparks.

"My battle armor was severely damaged."

Bu Laike caressed his crumpled luna armor, and planned to go to Odin for nothing before leaving. He shouted loudly:

"This set of armor was specially given to me by Lady Elune in recognition of my contribution to the world she loves.

Such a fetish cannot be repaired by an ordinary blacksmith, Your Majesty the King of War, for the sake of the honor I have won for the guardians of the titans, can you?"

"You give it to Eddie Hill."

Odin is a bold demigod.

The King of War waved his hands, stood up and leaned on his spear, and said to the pirates:

"She will take your armor to the Hall of Valor, and my blacksmiths will restore it to perfection for you. This is the reward that a warrior deserves. Now, take your people and leave here.

I want to close the seal of C'Thun.

No one is allowed here until I've dealt with the contamination of the Old Gods! "

"Okay, you are busy with your work, Your Majesty, we will leave now."

Bu Laike led Fenner out of the temple, and the stupid warrior was carrying a big bag that was still bleeding, which was the fallen eyeball of C'Thun she had just chopped off.

The smelly brother told her that this thing can be forged into a very powerful weapon.

Before leaving the sealed place, the stinky pirate leaned over the gate and shouted to Odin in the fallen temple:

"So, Your Majesty, after you finish your work, shall we meet at the Holy Land of Uldum?"

"The sanctuary of the Creator does not welcome the visit of mortals. This is not arrogance, but out of protection for their fragile minds. The secrets of the gods will only increase their troubles."

Odin waved his hands and said:

"But you are an exception, wondrous Bu Laike Shaw. Go alone, and I will introduce you to my brothers."

After speaking, as the King of War moved his spear, the Titan's cage, which had been suspended for countless times, was reactivated. With the low and crackling vibrations, the gate of C'Thun's sealed place slowly closed.

The golden and blue streamers reflowed along the dark walls of the temple, making this dark place instantly brighter.

"What, it's still mysterious."

Fenna, who carried the big eyeball trophy on her back, complained and complained:

"What is there in the desert of Uldum? Can Odin be so cautious?"

"That's a secret you shouldn't know."

Bu Laike made a silent motion, signaling Fenner not to ask any more.

He won't say it.

The pirate stroked the gauntlet of his Luna battle armor again, and under his gaze, a group of orange anima balls had been inlaid on the anima socket of the gauntlet.

That was the best trophy he'd ever gotten from C'Thun:

Name: Thousand Eyes Mourning

Quality: Legendary Anima

Requirements: Void/Shadow power attributes, [Warlock] related occupations


1. Void Condensation:

The basic destructive power of all void magic is increased by 100%, and [Mind Corruption] will be applied to the enemy when it comes into contact with it. If it cannot pass the will, it will cause continuous [Confusion] or [Blindness] effect.

2. Eye of C'Thun:

Endows the user with the [Eye of Death Beam] skill, which replicates the attack mode of the Eye of C'Thun. The more targets the eye ridge hits, the stronger the destructive power, and the destructive power is capped at [Legendary].

The use of this skill requires the user to have a complete eyeball structure, and eyeball magic items can be used as the casting medium.

"Wow, your gauntlets are glowing."

Fenner also noticed the change of Bu Laike's luna armor. She reached out and stroked the pirate's gauntlet, and said to Bu Laike:

"What strange magic did you cast on it?"


The pirate laughed, patted Fenner on the shoulder and said:

"You performed very well today, and I want to reward you too. Let's go and see if the Twin Emperors are dead. I'll get you something good from the Insect-Man Sword Emperor.

But keep a low profile and don't tell anyone else.

I didn't prepare presents for them. "

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go."

As soon as Fenner heard that there was a reward, she excitedly grabbed the pirate's hand and was about to leave, but was stopped by Bu Laike. He walked quickly to Pope Fao who was resting outside the sealed ground, squatted down, and said to the weak old Pope:

"Your Majesty, tell me the truth. Have you already contacted Velen? You said that you were able to purify the Blade of the Dark Empire because he was willing to help, right?"


The Pope did not hide, he coughed and said:

"The companions of the Church of the Holy Light among the stars encountered a terrible threat from demons in the world of Dellano, and a letter came from the seer of the draenei.

He wants the Church of the Light to provide shelter for the draenei. We are discussing this matter. Maybe Varian can provide these exiles with an area for them to live in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Do you have any suggestions or opinions on this? "

"No, I agree with it with both hands."

Bo Laike whistled and said:

"But what I want to tell you is that Velen has some 'personal grievances' with the top management of the Burning Legion.

Accepting them may cause demons to enter Azeroth earlier, and it will also allow the Burning Legion to focus on the territory of human civilization. "

"The Prophet confessed this to me."

Fao shook his head and said:

"He said he wasn't going to give up Dellano, he was going to stay there till the end, but his people are innocent."

"Well, it does sound like something the good old man could say."

Bu Laike shrugged, pointed to the Dark Empire Blade on his waist, and said to the Pope:

"I'll take this thing away for preliminary treatment, and after the Qiraji war is over, I'll return it to you in a weakened form. At that time, he will be your trouble.

Care must be taken in choosing the keepers of this thing, my lord.

It seduces.

You and I are not afraid, but not necessarily others. "

(end of this chapter)

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