Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1088 184. Bu Laike's Success Can Be Replicated!

Chapter 1088 184. Bu Laike's success can be replicated!

Frankly speaking, the scene of the Wind Rider coming to the world is indeed more gorgeous and spectacular than when the Tide Hunter broke the seal.

The domain of the tide hunters is mainly the sea and all places with water, but the domain of the wind riders exists in every part of the world, and the heart of the sky can naturally mobilize more resources than the tide hunters.

Moreover, when Neptulon was defeated by Loken, the King of Wisdom, and Mimiron, the King of Creation in the Battle of the Domination, he was put in shackles by the hated Mimiron.

That thing has not been taken down yet.

As a result, the Tide Hunter is probably no match for the Wind Rider now, what a shame!

But that's nothing to compare to either.

Anyone who knows more about the four elemental monarchs will know that Al'Akir belongs to the kind of "nervous knife" player, and his strength changes with his changeable personality.

When it is strong, it can fight the Fire Demon King, and when it is weak, it is the bottom of the four elements.

It is the condensation of the will of the wind, naturally as changeable as the wind, and as a man like the wind, no one can guess the will of the wind, and naturally no one can guess Al'Akir's thoughts.

Even it itself can't guess what kind of "wonderful ideas" it will have in the next second.

So, if you have to choose a loyalist, Al'Akir is really not the best choice, but considering that Gaboa is a lowly stinky pirate, in his own words, he is a person who rolls in mud.

Naturally, the options left to him are not as many as Laike.

Being able to hug the thigh of the Wind Rider is already very good, and the old Gaboa, who has suffered a lot, doesn't expect more.

And now, the Cursed Pirate King has done everything he can.

He personally released one of the four elemental monarchs, and he is now standing humbly in front of the sky altar, waiting for the wind rider to reward him.

In the reflection of the sky wall field looming in front of his eyes, the Wind Rider, who is as huge as a mountain of clouds, is slowly descending.

Its body is extremely huge, and it is conservatively estimated that it can reach a height of two to three hundred meters.

Like Neptulon, the Wind Rider has an anthropomorphic upper body, while the lower body is the swirling wind formed by highly condensed elemental power. The looming gray-black cutting wind shrouds the Wind Rider like an aura, cloaking it Wear a black sharp suit.

But unlike the Tidehunter, the Windrider has no blurred human face.

It still basically maintains the face of an elemental creature.

Just according to the habit of the wind elements, they created a turban-like decoration on their faces, which is the same style as the turban of the lamp god Al Abbas, but it is obviously more gorgeous.

Al'Akir likes blue.

The huge gemstones on the top of its head, waist, and arm armor are all dark blue storm condensation. This aesthetic makes Bu Laike, who is hiding in the moonlight, quietly give the Wind Rider a thumbs up.

Everyone is a person who likes blue.

If the Wind Rider wasn't crazy, he and Bo Laike would definitely be friends.

And on the shoulders of the huge body of the Wind Rider, there are gorgeous golden shoulder armors lined up on both sides of the head with spikes like swords. Two lightning cores condense into the most gorgeous decoration, pouring on the golden shoulder armor superior.

It also wears a dark and cool cloak, a little tattered at the bottom of the cloak, which is the battle damage effect of being poked by the rude titan guardians during the battle of the master.

On Al'Akir's waist is a gold and silver storm sword with a shape like a moon arc and a barb on the sharp blade. According to the lamp god, it is the tradition of high-level wind elements.

Every wind lord has his own elemental holy blade.

The astonishingly large Windfury Blade in front of him is naturally the core strength of the Wind Rider.

Generally speaking, from the appearance alone, Al'Akir the Wind Rider is full of majesty. Perhaps because of the joy of breaking the seal today, Al'Akir, who has always been known for his nervousness, behaved very calmly.

Under the gaze of its turban-wrapped thunder eyes, Gaboya clearly felt the pressure.

This air elemental monarch is not the weak loa on Zandalar Island. It is the real foundation of the world and controls a part of the world's authority.

The term "god" is obviously more appropriate when applied to it than to the weak loa.

"Say it."

Deep voices surged through the clouds like the blast of a storm that destroys everything.

It echoes.

When Al'Akir spoke, the whole world fell silent for a moment.

"Flesh and blood, what kind of reward do you want from the generous sky?"

Gaboya was elated when he heard this.

Brothers worked so hard to come here, isn't it just for this moment of harvest?

He rubbed his hands, expressed the longing that he had calculated in his heart, cursed the Pirate King, and said in a humble tone:

"I dare not ask for more power from the great Wind Rider, but I have too many enemies in the material world, and I long to share the glory of the Sky Wall.

Therefore, I hope that the great wind rider will grant me the power to control the storm and thunder, and I hope to join your invincible army of the restless wind.

I hope to contribute more to Skywall.


I hope to become a non-staff honorary member of the Great Air Elemental Corps!

I hope to be honored to call myself your servant, spread the prestige of the sky wall in the material world, and plant your battle flag in every corner of this world. "

Good guy! shameless!

Bu Laike, who was hiding in the moonlight, immediately raised his eyebrows. This is Gaboa. This is completely imitating the hypocritical rhetoric he made when he asked for rewards from the tide hunters.

You shameful plagiarist.

Seeing that I am doing very well in the Hydraxian Elemental Corps, are you going to imitate my career plan and replicate my success? You bastard really has eyesight!

The stinky pirate's eyes on Gaboa suddenly became appreciative.

This is really a very clever strategy. When you don't know whether the encounter in front of you is a blessing or a curse, it is always the safest to imitate the steps of the previous winner.

What's more, in terms of flattery, if Gaboa can't learn from the top stinky pirates, who can he learn from?

He is really a good teacher.

Sure enough, the elemental lords still eat this. If Neptulon likes to hear it, Al'Akir likes to hear it too.

When he heard that Gaboya did not seek power recklessly and impatiently, the storm around the Wind Rider suddenly softened, and Alakir felt that the mortal in front of him was very measured.

This makes it feel good, even the strong wind that blows the whole sky becomes softer, and even brings the wind elements to sing, as if the whole world is singing.

The Wind Rider has just broken the seal of the sky wall, and needs to re-establish contact with the winds of the entire world in order to project his power into the material world.

In addition, it has kept the internal affairs of the Sky Wall in a state of stocking for many years, allowing the four wind lords under its command to fight for power, which has caused the Sky Wall to be very chaotic and weak now.

Under such circumstances, every ounce of power is precious, and if the mortals in front of them are still desperately seeking for powerful power, they will definitely offend the wind rider who is uncertain.

Although it was a mortal who opened the elemental seal and gave the wind rider freedom.

Wind Riders should also reward mortals.

But there is no mandatory contract between the two. Even in the most basic grammar, "should" does not mean "must".

"Should" doesn't mean "must".

"Should" equals "no"!

If Al'Akir is in a bad mood, he can drop lightning to kill a reckless and arrogant mortal, or use the power of the wind to destroy his weak flesh and blood, twisting him into an air element to give him "strength".

Obviously, Gaboya understood this truth very well, and he had a wink, which made the Wind Rider very happy.

"Your request will be granted."

The Wind Rider responded.

It pulled out the Windfury Blade from its waist, raised it to the sky, and lowered the holy blade like an honor.

The Cursed Pirate King half-kneeled on the edge of the platform in a very sensible way, and nodded with the holy blade, and the blessing of the wind wrapped around Gaboa's body in the breeze.

The influx of pure elemental power made Gaboya want to shout out comfortably.

He is binding to the storm of this world, so that he can make the power of the sky wall his own, and the experience of his close comrade and eternal enemy Braike Shaw in the Hydraxian Legion is his best teaching material. !

As he rises through the ranks of the Legion of the Restless Wind, eventually, the entire Skywall will become his ally.

Or to put it another way, be his weapon!

Compared with this kind of long-lasting and almost eternal contract, it is a stupid and short-sighted choice to desire the direct power bestowed.

Or use the simplest reason to explain.

Those powers that can be given to you at will can be recovered at will.

Gaboya's suffering in the past seven thousand years has taught him this truth.

"Then, my servant, my Baron Light Wind, go, in the name of the Sky Wall, hunt down any elementals that do not belong to the Endless Wind Legion."

Al'Akir completed the awarding ceremony, and the Wind Rider quickly lost interest in everything in front of him. It was going to return to the Sky Wall to integrate its power.

It has already felt the traces of the old enemy tide hunter in this world, and it is eager to start a new elemental war.

It said to Gaboa who wears the mark of the wind:

"Dedicate the core of our enemies to the sky wall, and the Legion of the Restless Wind will have your place. This outpost of the Whirling Cloud Peak is temporarily under your management.

Let me see your abilities."

After saying that, the gigantic Al'Akir turned into a storm and dissipated like magic.

The clouds that were still turbulent just now calmed down in an instant, and the howling wind in the entire material world also became quiet. After the gate of the sky wall domain was slowly closed and dissipated, everything was as peaceful as a dream.

Except Gaboa.

The Cursed Pirate King stood up, waved his hand, set off a small storm, and laughed twice triumphantly. He turned his head and looked at his subordinates.

Under their gaze, their captain seemed to have grown invisible wings, hovering steadily in mid-air.

Gaboa drew out his gorgeous troll sailor knife and said to the crew in front of him:

"Come, come here! In the name of His Excellency Gaboa, the Baron of Light Wind, I will grant you the rank of private soldier of the Endless Wind Legion. I am qualified to form my own storm vanguard.

And you are my first batch of core members.

Of course, of course, while you are loyal to me, you must not always forget to spread the reputation of the wall of the sky and His Majesty the Wind Rider.

This is our duty and mission. "

A group of cursed pirates came forward cheerfully, like a house-playing game, they were given the rank of the Legion of the Endless Wind, and praised the greatness and generosity of the Wind Rider in unison.

They got the sky temple at the top of the cloud, which will serve as the new home port of the cursed pirates.

Gaboya is full of ambition, and he has absolute reasons to believe that no one can threaten the development of the cursed pirates, not even Dailin

No matter how powerful your admiral is, no matter how capable the Kul Tiras fleet is, can you still fly into the sky to attack us?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The more Gaboya thought about it, the more excited he became, he laughed and shouted to his subordinates:

"Go, go back to our ship, let the mummy pack everything, I will go back in a while, and let our ship return to the new home port tomorrow morning.

Tonight is to be remembered, curse the pirates.

Our career has opened a new chapter.

go Go. "

The first officer and the second officer who cursed the pirate king responded immediately, and the second officer of the snakeman handed the resurrection bottle filled with the essence of wind to Gaboa, took a few steps and jumped off the cloud.

But this time they didn't fall any more.

The sky has blessed them, and the earth is no longer their Achilles' heel. These wingless guys jumped up and down in the clouds and the air one by one, flying towards the sea below.

That gesture is like a brat who got a new toy

And on the platform closest to the wall of the sky, Gaboya looked around, held the bottle of resurrection and took out the elemental emblem and rubbed it a few times.

Djinn Al Abbas does not appear directly.

After all, this place is close to the domain of the wind rider, and it, a wind element that betrayed the wall of the sky millions of years ago, can't be too arrogant.

Therefore, the god of lamps rarely sent his servants to receive his trade goods.

As soon as the pitch-black storm guard appeared, he handed the old rolled up scroll to Gaboa, and the Cursed Pirate King opened it, glanced at it, and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he handed the bottle of resurrection to the storm guard of the lamp god, and watched the other party turn into a strong wind and dissipate.

Under Bu Laike's gaze, Gaboya put the scroll near his mouth and kissed it fiercely, then secretly called the breeze to wrap himself, letting his figure disappear on the cloud platform with the wind superior.

Nearly three hours later.

Carrying a quaint box, Gaboa appeared in the captain's cabin of the Reaper in the wind. He put the box he had just dug out from the Uldum desert on the table, and rubbed his hands to open it.

"What good things did you dig?"

Bu Laike's voice behind him stopped Gaboa's movements.

The troll pirate turned his head and saluted the troll aristocrat to Bo Laike, who was sitting on a chair in the corner of the captain's cabin, with a very contrived gesture. He said in a drawn out voice:

"Good evening, honorable Lord Ocean Count of the Hydraxian Legion."

Bu Laike also nodded slightly on the chair very cooperatively, and raised his hand very reservedly and proudly in response:

"Good evening, the humble Baron of the Restless Wind Legion, you haven't answered my question yet, what good things did you get from the lamp god?

I could see clearly just now.

You got the treasure map from it, which, according to pirate rules, should be seen. "

The smelly pirate picked up the skull jug and shook his head. He glanced at the vigilant Gaboa and said:

"I'm here to get my reward, and I'll leave after I get it. However, you who have just planned your career path, do you need some career advice from your seniors?"

(end of this chapter)

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