Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1091 187. The Old Minister Has Always Been Loyal To You, Your Majesty!

Chapter 1091 187. The old minister has always been loyal to you, Your Majesty!

Bu Laike had already guessed that once the wind rider and the wall of the sky broke the seal, it would definitely attract the attention of the tide hunters.

He is ready.

Personal evidence has also been arranged on the Nagfar, and Safiel is personally responsible for ensuring that the envoys sent by the tide hunters can answer the questions without leaking.

Elemental creatures, not very smart, easy to fool.

But what Bu Laike didn't expect was that the tide hunters actually "valued" him so much and chose to come here in person. Fortunately, the pirates made preparations in advance, and they sent back to the Naglfar as soon as the incident with the wind rider was over. superior.

Otherwise, if you come back a little later, this matter will be troublesome.

He wasn't afraid to turn against the Tidehunter right now. Anyway, Odin and the Titan Guardians had always had opinions on the Elemental Monarch, saying that the fight was nothing more than summoning a Rainbow Bridge.

Now Valarjar Fortress has been supplemented by Titan energy in the Furnace of Origin, and once it starts fighting, it will not be a small fight in the ruins of Qiraji.

The Lord of War himself is in command.

Coupled with the handles of the four guards of the Furnace of Origin, they will definitely be able to drive the tide hunters back to the Throat of the Abyss and lock them up and cry behind bars.

Of course, it would be best to be able to fool the past.

Considering that Bu Laike has already invested so much manpower and material resources in the Hydraxian Water Elemental Legion, he doesn't want his initial investment to be wasted.

The submerged cost or something, it is still very distressing to calculate carefully.

At the junction of Feralas and the sea area of ​​Desolace, the ghost ship sailing under the sea moored silently.

It's like a sea monster floating in the deep sea.

The shadow it cast caused the surrounding sea creatures to flee in panic. Of course, it was more likely that the breath of the tide hunter approached, making the underwater creatures stay away.

Accompanied by the first mate, Laike walked out of the cabin in a neatly dressed cloth, with the polished emblem of the Ocean Earl of the Hydraxian Water Elemental Legion pinned to his chest.

After seeing the appearance of Bu Laike, the orc brothers and Lao Niu, who had been holding back their fire, also rushed out of their cabin aggressively, intending to settle accounts with Bu Laike, but were thrown into the bottom cabin by the ship spirit that suddenly appeared, preventing them from staying in the cabin. Nonsense at this critical moment.

The three fighters were about to violently break open the closed door of the bilge, and in the next moment, the three of them stopped in unison.

They looked at each other suspiciously.

They could feel that a heavy pressure fell on the surrounding seawater instantly, and the almost suffocating pressure from the deep sea made the three soldiers immediately vigilant.

Silence fell over the Naglfar.

Little Xingxing hid in the cabin and shivered while hugging Sianni.

She knows how powerful the tide hunter is.

And the old dwarf Brian Bronzebeard hiding in another cabin looked at the huge figure that appeared in the deep sea outside through the window, and he tightly covered his mouth.

He really didn't expect that he had just seen the big scene of the Wind Rider coming to the world, and before he could take a breath, he saw the legendary Sea God again.

The legendary stinky pirate has a wide range of friends, and the fact that he has friends anywhere is really not bragging.

While on deck, Laike watched the tidehunter Neptulon emerge from the vortex of the deep sea, shrinking his body into an elemental body about the size of the Naglfar.

Although it doesn't look as majestic and powerful as before, the abyss trident it holds in its hand adds an extra point of deterrence to it.

The void power on the trident has not been completely eliminated, but the purification of the water element has made it more closely connected with the sea, and it has become the scepter of the tide hunter again.

The good news is that the Tidehunter came alone, without the commander of the Hydraxian Legion to shovel.

The bad news is that it doesn't look good, and it doesn't have the smile it had when it met Laike.

"His Majesty."

Bu Laike stood on the side of the boat, bowing respectfully.

He said very gently:

"Why are you free to come to your loyal servant today? Is there anything important to order?"

"I just came here to ask you something."

The tide hunter looked down at the ghost ship and its captain in front of him, looking down at this human servant who had done things perfectly in the past and made himself very reassured.

It said calmly:

"The wall of the sky re-entered the material world, Al'Akir broke the seal, did you do it?"

The pirate was about to answer, but saw the tide hunter raised his left paw, giving him a pause gesture.

The Water Elemental Sovereign emphasized:

"I want to be honest, and I will give you a chance to explain. I know you are not a reckless person. If you choose to do this, you must have your reasons."

"I was about to tell the truth, Your Majesty."

The pirate grinned, and under Seifel's shocked gaze, he replied confidently:

"That's right, the breaking of the Wind Rider was planned by me, and all the plans before and after the sky wall entered the material world were also promoted by me. I know that you once warned me not to release Al'Akir.

But I'm not quibbling either.

I did this for the benefit of the Maw of the Abyss and you, my lord, I am loyal to you, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. "


The tide hunter froze for a moment.

It really didn't expect this bastard pirate to recognize it so simply and neatly.

I haven't forced a confession yet, so you're all set.

Why don't you make excuses anyway.

How can I say the oppressive words planned on the road when I speak so directly?

The water elemental monarch wanted to take advantage of the trend and let this stinky pirate taste the wrath of the sea. However, being done by the pirates made Neptulon as uncomfortable as a punch.

"It's in my interest to free Al'Akir?"

Tidehunters didn't know how to respond to Laike's "candor", but could only sneer and said:

"I know you are always good at deceiving people, my Earl of the Ocean, you may have conceived a lot of ingenious rhetoric to deceive me, but I will definitely not this time, huh?

what is this? "

Before the elemental monarch could finish his reprimand, he saw the pirate take something out of his luggage and throw it into the sea.

That thing was the size of a human head, exuding weak but real elemental fluctuations. The tide hunter was attracted by it, slightly touched his power to that thing, and soon heard a weak response from it.

It's like a weak wind trapped in a cage and unable to escape.

As the water elemental monarch who participated in the entire battle of the master, Neptulon quickly distinguished the identity of the imprisoned elemental from the weak wind.

"Sunderland the Windchaser?"

The tide hunter said in surprise:

"It's still alive?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Prince of the Windchaser is not only alive, but he is about to get lucky. After millions of years of being dismembered and imprisoned, this unyielding prince is about to be rescued by his loyal subjects."

Bu Laike spread his arms and said as if reciting a poem:

"After the crazy Al'Akir perverted and caused elemental disasters, and even led to his own death and defeat, in the background of chaos and despair, our great Highness Sunderland will bring the kindness and compassion from the Maw of the Abyss." Support for Return to Skywall.

The prince in trouble will stage a wonderful return of the king.

And as a supporter, you will also gain a loyal elemental monarch as an ally, and the era of hostility between wind and water elements will end in your hands.

After His Majesty Sunderland takes control of the Sky Wall, it will also reciprocate and form an alliance with the Maw of the Abyss to jointly attack the greatest enemy of the peace-loving justice elements.

That is, Ragnaros, the fiery tyrant who fears the world will not be chaotic! "

The smelly pirate secretly looked at the tide hunter's expression, and he deliberately said with a hint of regret and regret:

"As the loyal minister who secretly facilitated all of this, I originally planned to present this easy-to-reach victory to you as a gift when I was 100% sure of advancing this matter.

But your wisdom is as deep and great as an endless sea, and I couldn't hide it in the end.

In fact, I went to the Sea of ​​Storms this time to participate in the unblocking of the Sky Wall, just to arrange for a boy from our team to enter the enemy camp.

The one I chose is the priest of Zandalari Sea Region of the Order of the Tides, the ambitious and cursed pirate king Gaboa.

He doesn't know my plan.

But under my persuasion, he has already made a plan to assassinate the Lord of the North Wind, the general under the command of the false king Alakir. If my prediction is not bad, he will start to act in the near future.

This of course requires the support of the Hydraxian Legion.

You might lose a small fringe army as bait, but you can get the elemental core of the Borean Lord as the ultimate loot. "

"Create, you continue to compose!"

The tide hunter listened to Bo Laike's description with a blank expression.

The king of water elements knew that there was a lot of water in the stinky pirate's statement. Maybe this guy couldn't hide it, so he changed his way to reveal his plan to himself.

As the king of water elements, it is not stupid.

It has seen the disobedient heart of the stinky pirate, and it really wants to wave the trident to the bastard, but when it thinks about it carefully, it can't help but exclaim.

If everything went perfectly according to Laike's description, then it was actually the one that paid off the most.

The wind rider, one of the deadly enemies, will be killed, a wind elemental king supported by himself will take the throne, and the sky wall and the throat of the abyss can unite to attack Ragnaros' fire realm.

This is a beautiful thing that is unimaginable in the battle of masters.

It is not easy to determine who is the weakest among the four elemental monarchs. When Alakir's nerve knife is on the attack, the stone mother should be the weakest. When the wind rider is functioning normally, the wind element is the weakest.

But there is no need to discuss who is the strongest.

Ragnaros was hated by the three elemental monarchs at the same time and was able to live well, which already showed the strength of the flame.

Of course, His Majesty Neptulon firmly denies the vicious rumor that he is the weakest of the four elemental monarchs, although it may indeed be the weakest one under the condition that it is still wearing the Titan shackles.

But His Majesty the Tide Hunter just refused to admit it!

All in all, it looks like he really has nothing to lose if Laike's plan comes true, assuming the Stinky Pirate actually does what he describes.

This conclusion made Neptulon hesitate for a while.

The imprisoned head of the Wind Chaser that Bu Laike took out is not fake. He should really have the idea of ​​pushing the Wind Chaser Sunderland to the top. There can only be one Wind God.

For Sunderland to take over, Al'Akir must die.

At least there is no problem with the stinky pirate's statement at the logical level.

Bu Laike was keenly aware of the tide hunter's hesitation. A fleeting but controlled smile flashed across his mouth, and he coughed again, signaling the tide hunter to open his water element domain.

Neptulon flicked his claws, and a clear water area was opened. The pirate jumped into it, and under the cover of the power of the water elemental monarch, he took out the holy blade of the Fist of the Heavens from his bag.

He put on the exaggerated storm gauntlet, waved it in front of the tide hunter, and said:

"Look, Your Majesty, I've even prepared the bait to lure the Wind Rider. I've used my connections to strike a deal with Odin, Lord of War.

The brutal and extravagant Lord of War, Odin, is struggling with how to deal with the Burning Legion's attack.

He intends to negotiate with the Wind Rider and ask Skywall to join the Azeroth Alliance Against Magic. Based on your knowledge of Al'Akir, do you think the Wind Rider will obediently do so? "


The tide hunter stared at the gauntlets on Bo Laike's hands, and he could clearly feel the wind essence belonging to the wind rider in the gauntlets.

it says:

"Al'Akir will not succumb to the power of the Titan Guardian. This is his only remaining advantage. The negotiation between him and Odin will definitely break down.


"It will die in the hands of Odin!"

Bu Laike then said:

"Of course, let me use this thing to lure it out of the lair of the sky wall first. Speaking of which, do you want to join in? Maybe Odin will give you the glory of giving the wind rider the last blow." .”

"Forget it, forget it, I am a kind water elemental monarch."

The tide hunter was a little moved, but quickly shook his head.

It grabbed the abyss trident, covered its face with its paws, and said in a regretful and sad tone:

"I can't bear to see the tragic death of my brother who evolved from the origin of the world with me. When you kill it, stay away from the sea, and don't let me hear the death cry of the wind rider."

"Of course."

Bu Laike laughed and took back the prison of the Stormfist and the Windchaser. He said in a very hypocritical tone:

"Since Your Majesty is here today, I still have something to report to you in advance, so as to avoid any misunderstandings like this between you and me. In fact, I have already arranged people.

Maybe in a few days, the seal of the Earth Elemental Territory, Deep Rock Continent, will also be opened

Your loyal comrade-in-arms, Therazane the Stonemother, will also return to the material world.

I mean, would you like to send an envoy with me. If Maw of the Abyss and Skywall were to form an alliance to attack Ragnaros, perhaps the Stone Mother would be interested too?

After all, she didn't even like the Fire Demon King. "

"of course can."

The tide hunter thought for a while, nodded and said:

"After you enter the stronghold of the elemental earth, I will send the Duke of Hydracia to negotiate an alliance with the Stonemother on my behalf. You have done well, Laike, and I am pleased with your plan.

Execute it. "

"It is my honor, Your Majesty, and it is my honor to offer you my allegiance."

Bo Laike retreated to the deck, rolled his eyes and said:

"But to tell you the truth, this series of arrangements has already drained my money bag. The 25-year-old Jiaboya I arranged is an insatiable guy, and I have paid a lot to convince him of his ambition.

I'm not asking for a reward from you, but I... how should I put it, after all, I still have a whole fleet waiting to be fed. "

"I've been learning about your human history recently, and I've learned a lot from it, such as the famous words of Emperor Thoradin: Nominal allegiance deserves only nominal praise.

You have just shown me your devotion, and I am very pleased.

I will prepare a reward for you, but how much you can take out of my treasure Curry depends on your own ability. "

Tidehunter laughed, and its figure disappeared into the deep sea in front of it. Before leaving, it said meaningfully to Bu Laike:

"Well, I don't mind being a fool if things go my way, I'm an elemental creature after all, and I have eternity to squander.

I don't care how much time you waste playing this game of allegiance, my loyal and capable earl, if you get bullied outside.

Don't forget, the sea will always be your warm home. "

(end of this chapter)

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