Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1099 195. Bring Artist Cloth Laike·Xiao--[Apology 2/2]

Chapter 1099 195. Bring artist cloth Laike Xiao——[Apology 22]

In the dark night of Desolace came the muffled howl of wolves.

For those who are not familiar with wolf language, this is a very terrifying howl, but for those who are proficient in animal language, the information in this continuous wolf howl is enough to make people laugh.

"Black Crow! Black Crow, where are you? I'm exhausted from running, come out quickly."

The howl of the wolf was followed by the low growl of the bear.

But the big bear is not just wandering around, it is still fighting, and the screams of the centaur robbers can be vaguely heard mixed with the low growl.

This combination of bear and wolf wandered in the desolate place under the night, and they quickly found their target. Led by the stronger Frostclaw, Bighorn climbed up to a small beach on the coast hillside.

On the edge of the cliff at the end of the hillside, Miss Hisalie Crow in Elf form was sitting there, holding her knees and weeping silently.

She sensed the guy behind her coming, but she didn't respond.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you still crying? Did someone bully you? We've been looking for you for a long time."

Frostpaw bounced around the crow like a big husky, and sniffed her hair, but was pushed away by the bored little druid.

However, the annoying guy wasn't offended. He put on a playful smile and lay beside Hisalley Crow, tilting his head to look at the druid who was crying silently in the distance.

On the other side, Big Horn, who already had the momentum of Ursoc's jelly bear, squeezed beside Hisalley in a bear sitting posture.

The bird of prey druid did not reject the big horn, she leaned tiredly on the warm translucent fur of the big bear, and rubbed it comfortably a few times, just like a girl hugging a big doll when she is sad.

But still did not speak.

"What's the matter with you?"

Frostclaw stuck out its tongue and looked at the tauren who were fighting with the centaur not far away. It still did not give up asking, and asked with a deep howl:

"Master Smelly said you were in a bad mood, so he specially summoned the two of us to accompany you, but you didn't speak, which made it difficult for me and me.

How about I go down and show you a sneak attack on a centaur?

I'm not bragging, my sharp teeth can bite off half of a centaur's ass in one bite, they are so easy to bully.

Are you going to eat the centaur's eye?

Shall I bring you some along the way? "

"Who wants to eat that disgusting thing!"

Hisalie snorted, clenched her fist and tapped Frostpaw on the head.

She looked into Frostpaw's fawning eyes again, sighed, and said:

"I'm just sick and don't want to talk, didn't you guys show Boo Laike the bastard's treasury in Highmountain?"

"We are no longer needed."

The big wolf howled and said:

"Master Smelly's subordinates sent over there a big stone man who could talk and shoot lightning, and got a lot of big ugly dogs from the little robot gnomes.

They also hid Curry with a big, hot, fire-breathing mechanical dragon.

It's very powerful over there now, so the stupid bear and I have nothing to do, just come back to hunt with the stinky master, ouch! Kill those idiots!

Let them witness Dellano's wild power!

You haven't told me who bullied you yet, go away, stupid bear and I will seek justice for you and bite off their asses! "


The big horn, which was not good at talking, also let out a low growl. It raised its heavy paw and patted Hisaly on the shoulder, expressing that it would help.


Miss Black Crow wiped away her tears, pouted and said:

"Bu Laike bullied me, you go bite him!"

Langlang and Xiongxiong looked at each other, and immediately fell down.

They pretended nothing happened and turned their heads to look at each other. This gesture made Theasaly hammer on Bighorn angrily, and then pinched Frostpaw's big ears.

After jumping around for a while, Frostpaw lay on the ground with her ears protected, tilted her head and asked:

"But why did he bully you? Why are you still crying?"

"He treats me like his pet!"

When this matter was mentioned, Miss Hei Crow became furious, gritted her teeth and said:

"Too bullying!"

Wolf Wolf and Xiong Xiong looked at each other again, and Frost Claw asked cautiously:

"But... but you are the pet of the stinky master. Just like the two of us, you have a natural covenant. The difference is that we don't have wings, and you can fly.

So Master Smelly likes you the most. "

"certainly not!"

Thisalie Crow immediately denied that she wanted to explain the situation to Frostpaw and Bighorn, but considering that her situation was too complicated, the two beasts might not understand it.

It can only be simplified to say:

"It used to be a fake, it was all a disguise, I just pretended to be like you, but not anymore, I really became his pet, and my life was connected."

"But wouldn't that be better?"

Frostpaw stuck out her tongue and said:

"Isn't it good that the fake becomes real? Don't you want to? But what's wrong with being a dog to Braike? He treats us pretty well, although the incident with Orgrim makes me want to kill him.

But he also kept his promise. "

"You are beasts, and you naturally follow the strong, so you definitely don't think there is any problem."

Crow buried his head in his bosom, let the wind blow his hair, and said sullenly:

"But I'm not.

Remember at Talon Peak, when I told you I learned magic to become an elf? I lied, I was originally an elf, I am a druid, so I can become a beast. "

When she said this, she originally thought that the two beasts would be furious. After all, the beasts live innocence and don't like to be deceived.

But who would have expected Frostclaw and Big Horn to hear Miss Crow's words, and after a few seconds of silence, the two guys suddenly broke out into wild laughter of wolves and bears.

Even the simple and honest big horns leaned forward and back together with a smile.

Facing the surprised and doubtful eyes of Theasalie Crow, Frostpaw bared her teeth, blinked her eyes and said:

"You think we don't know? Wow, you are so stupid, Crow, you are more stupid than us beasts. Bo Laike woke up early that day on Talon Peak!

He is the one who asked us to cooperate with your nonsense.

Although we are beasts, we are not so stupid that even druids don't know.

And oh, Master Stinky already knew you were a druid, and he was going to twist your mind with evil magic to make you think you were a falcon.

But then I changed my mind for some reason. "

"Bo Laike really likes you."

Dajiao let Miss Heiya lean on him in a more comfortable position, and Dajiao said in a low voice:

"He never asks you to join the battle, and he protects you very carefully. As he said, you are his little baby."

"Don't say that word!"

Thisalie scratched the horn's warm fur, and she said:

"He just enjoys the evil joy of taming druids, the arch druid of Moonpaw told me, but I naively thought that I could hide it.

Now that I think about it, I got to this point because of my unfounded self-confidence.

I actually had many opportunities to leave, but I was too addicted to the sense of accomplishment of relying on my own discovery of information.

I am too conscientious.

My work ethic has put me where I am now, and I don't know whether to resent Bo Laike for being evil or me for being too young.

Obviously he said countless times, there is no free lunch in this world."

"Many people want the divine power in you."

Frostpaw stuck out her tongue and whispered:

"If Bo Laike is willing to give it to those who want it, let alone let them be a pet, they will also be willing to make them die as cannon fodder."

"Others are others, I am me."

Miss Black Crow closed her eyes and said:

"I feel uncomfortable, not maintaining the beast form, nor being deceived by the divine loa, but the way Bo Laike treats me. If he treats me as a friend."

"Others can only be his 'friends' who will be betrayed at any time and thrown as cannon fodder, but you are connected with him in heart."

Frostpaw gave a low howl and said:

"As for pets, I'm just a wolf. I can't understand your elves' complicated feelings, but we are also Bo Laike's pets. Stupid Bear and I don't think he keeps you as a pet.

We were freed by him, but you stayed by his side. "


Dajiao said in a low voice:

"He treats you like a student."

"No! Stupid bear, you are wrong!"

Frostpaw retorted:

"It's not the students, look how Laike treats his apprentice warlocks? Just leave them in the hands of those three weakling warlocks.

He's the student of that pixie chick with bare thighs!

The black crow is not his student, the black crow is his, well, his. I don't know how to describe it.

I'm just a beast after all. "

Stupid Bear and Stupid Wolf couldn't think of any reasonable explanation for a moment, scratching their heads anxiously, but Hisaly Crow, who was leaning on Big Horn, hesitated.

She bit her lip, raised her fingers, and looked at the wind wrapped around her fingertips.

She whispered:

"is the work

He is shaping me into a work that satisfies him according to his ideas. He is the sculptor, and I am the stone; he is the alchemist, and I am the herb; he is the blacksmith, and I am the iron block.

He doesn't give me good things because he likes me, or because he pities me, but because I need them.

I need those things to be stronger.

Only I am strong enough to satisfy him as a carver.

I will be carved by him into a peerless masterpiece with a strong imprint of Blaike Shaw. Everyone will feel sorry for my career and my achievements, but no one will praise him behind the scenes.

He doesn't care about other people's evaluation either, he wants to create a demigod of the sky himself, so as to declare to the world that his dark wisdom is omnipotent.

He doesn't care about my feelings

But as a work, what qualifications do I have to say no to the sculptor who controls my destiny? "

Black Crow laughed at himself and said:

"Perhaps in the eyes of others, I would also like to thank the great Brad Laike Shaw for giving me such a rare opportunity, but I paid too much for it.

Do you want to know why I cry? frost paw. "

Miss Druid leaned on Dajiao, closed her eyes, and whispered wearily:

"Because I grew up.

I had to leave my home and go out alone in this unfriendly world, like a toddler saying goodbye to my family and embarking on a journey.

The man who leads me is also a world-famous villain. I can't even deal with one of his pinky fingers. If he wants to do something bad to me, I can't protect myself at all.

He can do whatever he wants with me, and all I can do is grit my teeth and hope it goes away.

I cry.

It's because I'm afraid.

But I know that tomorrow morning, I still have to wipe away my tears and face the person I don't want to face, the person who scares me.

This time, there was no mentor to back me up.

This time, I will face the storm alone. "

"But you are not alone."

Frostclaw jumped up, pounced on Miss Black Crow, and licked her face with his tongue. The big frost wolf wailed with a playful smile on its face:

"And me and Clumsy Bear are with you. We are all Braike Shaw's pets. Pets should help each other. Speaking of which, when did you promise to teach us two Druid magic? "


Black Crow grabbed Frostpaw's ear and pulled it hard, she cursed:

"You give me back my touch! You bastard wolf! I curse you! Dajiao, help me beat it!"


The honest big horn immediately stood up, and slapped Frostpaw who was trying to escape. The black crow jumped behind Frostpaw as a "Wolf Knight", scratching its itchy flesh with both hands.

Let the big wolf wolf continue to howl for mercy in the night.

Just like that, after having had enough trouble, the black crow lay on this cliff, she looked at the dim stars and moon above her head without saying a word. Frostpaw and Bighorn lay beside her, as if they really wanted to protect their companions.

"thank you all."

Black Crow raised his hand and stretched out to the sky, as if he wanted to hold the starlight above his head.

She whispered:

"It's good to have you.

Hey, how about you two being my natural sentinels? I haven't chosen my sentry yet, every archdruid should have his own sentry.

I'm also an Archdruid now, so I'm not insulting you, right? "

"What is that? Can it be eaten?"

Frostpaw panted and complained, Big Wolf let the wind blow its translucent hair, and it swung its huge tail, covering Crow's body like a quilt.

It and Dajiao stared at the druid who closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Black Crow was too tired today, she finally felt at ease, so with the company of her companions, she fell into a sweet dream.

"Do you want to?"

Frostpaw asks Bighorn:

"After being Bo Laike's pet, but also being the natural sentinel of the crow, it sounds exhausting, and the relationship is so messed up that I can't figure it out."

"I don't refuse."

Big Horn's ears moved, and it lay down beside the crow, as if falling asleep, and said:

"I don't hate her."

"I don't hate it either."

Frostpaw snorted and closed her eyes too.

Soon, the cliff became silent, except for the sound of the wind, there was nothing else, until everything dispersed, and the figure of Bu Laike appeared on the edge of the cliff next to the two beasts and one man.

He had come early, but never showed up.

"What about a perfect work? Do you have the qualifications?"

The stinky pirate crossed his legs, admiring the flames of war that ignited in the desolate land in the distance, twisted open the jug in the wind, and his messy blond hair was flying everywhere. He took a sip of the wine, curled his lips and said:

"Fenner, Little Star, Jaina, Naglfar... They are the perfect works I dedicate to this world, you, you can be considered a work of art at best.

But don't worry, my beloved baby egg.

I will carve you as well as I carve myself with time. "

Bo Laike breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his hand under the moon, looked at his separated fingers, and whispered:

"Then, Your Highness Drake, are you satisfied with the work you bought with your life?"

(end of this chapter)

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