Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1205 301. Hurry Up! Hurry Up! Bu Laike Shaw Is Coming!

Chapter 1205 301. Hurry up! Hurry up! Bu Laike Shaw is coming!

What happened to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms?

Very simple, the Setting Sun Pass has been breached.

Uh, it’s not quite right to say that it’s a breakthrough. With the help of the Warsong orcs and the Tauren warriors of the Blood Totem, and the Supreme God sitting here, this ancient pass will persist even in the face of the onslaught of the mantid. down.

However, in addition to attacking the city wall head-on, the cunning mantid also dispatched elite teams to sneak in from high altitude and ground.

As the core area of ​​Pandaria, the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is protected by a seal known as the "Gate of the Gods", preventing any creatures from the outside world from entering it through ordinary means.

But the mantid have help this time, the cult minions of the Corruptor who use very evil spells and seem to be asking for the Corruptor's divine help.

In short, in the early hours of the morning after the defeat of the Mantid Queen's faction, a big hole was broken in the god barrier covering the Eternal Blossoms Valley.

Now even if the Setting Sun Pass still stood tall, it could no longer prevent the elite squad commanded by the mantid heroes from crossing the border.

The news was immediately conveyed to the other gods by Zhuhe Tianzun who was sitting in the setting sun pass. Since the mantid could no longer be prevented from infiltrating, the four gods decided to completely break the seal of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

They will lead the returning pandaren army into the sacred Valley of Eternal Blossoms, where they will fight to the death with the last mantid faction.

Of course, this is a statement on the surface, to boost the morale of the Pandaren monks.

The reason why the four gods made up their minds so quickly is very simple. Through the reminder of "Prophet" Bu Laike, they already knew what terrible things were buried under the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

They cannot allow the dark heart of Y'Shaarj to fall into the hands of another Old God.

Once the power of the strongest ancient god is seized by the Corruptor, not only Pandaria, but the whole world will fall into the nightmare frenzy set off by N'Zoth.

Once the most cunning ancient god has the most powerful power, it means that the end of Azeroth will come before the arrival of demons.

However, despite the fact that the group of cultists who rushed into the Valley of Eternal Blossoms first had a great advantage, they were also very, very nervous now, even more nervous than the pursuers who might appear behind them at any time.

"Quick! Quick!"

The former chief priest of the Church of Storms, Shanesh, the dark judge of N'Zoth, is now riding on the back of a mantid hero, with a light blue sha energy lingering around her body with a dark hood.

This was due to the remnants of Y'Shaarji's power, which made this cruel and sadistic woman's thoughts fluctuate, and she looked around nervously, for fear that an assassin would suddenly jump out beside her.

She kept urging the mantid hero "Wind Reaver" Kil'ruk under her to speed up and fly deep into the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

The ancient and beautiful scenery around, the majestic palaces built on the top of the mountains in the distance, and the tranquility of this golden valley couldn't stop her.

She was like a panicked mouse being chased by a cat, filled with an air of impatience.

This made the mantid Yingjie look down upon him.

Yingjie, the Windreaper who was flying with Shanesh, let out a vibrating hiss, and this powerful mantid warrior sneered in a strange tone:

"Are all the servants of N'Zoth such timid beings? What broke your cruel and dark heart? Female, you seem to be very scared, which doesn't match the unruly attitude you gave me when you woke me up .

I can even smell your weakness


You are as pathetic as the god you believe in. "

"What do you know, bug?"

The dark judge spoke impatiently to the mighty Wind Reaver in a very gloomy tone:

"I wasn't sure before, after all, I just saw that damned ship, but the defeat of Shek Hill sounded the alarm for me, and the war I carefully planned ended in one day.

This once again proves that the man is terrible.

But now, I can be sure that all our actions are within his expectations, like a hunting net that has been stretched, you and me, everyone is moving under his watch.

Soon he will emerge from shadows you did not expect, proud Windreaper, and then you will understand where my fears come from.

I don't want to explain too much to you.

We must get Y'Shaarj's Dark Heart and get it out of Pandaria before that man shows up.

As I declared to your elders, after the Corruptor seized the power of the Heart of Darkness, it will be reborn as Y'Shaarj.

You shall welcome back your dark masters, and we shall have the whole world.

The premise is that we have to survive that man's conspiracy. "

"I'm getting more and more interested in the 'he' in your mouth."

Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver let out the mantid's characteristic humming laughter.

When this powerful Yingjie flew in the air at lightning speed, he used his bug arm to hold the two curved Amber daggers hanging from his waist.

There are sickle-like sickle blades on its arms that are beating open and close. Obviously, the swarm warriors who have just returned to this era from ancient times and continue to serve their faith have already raised a heart of challenge.

As the greatest warrior of its time, it disdained the dark and cruel woman it was carrying, not only for her moodiness, but also for her chaotic and crazy soul.

If the elders hadn't reached an agreement with her, the Wind Reaver would really like to get rid of this crazy scum with his own hands.


The hero of the Wind Reaver is rather peculiar, it is a rare "swarm knight" among the mantid.

Compared to other mantids, its personality is gentler. It likes to fight the strong one-on-one, enjoying the pure joy of fighting, but never kills the weak who have no power.

This once caused it to be denounced as a coward in its time, but Kil'ruk still convinced all those who doubted it with his unparalleled combat skills and great strength.

Although all heroes have made incredible achievements in their own era, relying on their own unique style, Kil'ruk the Windreaper is still the most peculiar one among all heroes.

Seeing that the cruel and tyrannical judge of darkness is so afraid of a man now, this makes the wind raider also feel a surge of curiosity.

"You'd better put away your idle competitiveness, Windreaper."

Yingjie's emotions are quickly sensed by Shanesh.

As the carrier of the Sha of Pride, she was endowed with a strange ability to perceive emotions. The dark judge moved his fingers, turning clusters of black void power into balls and dancing on his fingertips.

This is her unique "decompression way".

She said to the Wind Reaver:

"I know your battle against Grom Hellscream with the rest of the Champions in the Pass of the Setting Sun got your spirits high, but let me tell you, Grom is just a brat with power compared to Brad Laike Shaw.

The oppression he can bring to you is not even one-tenth of that smelly pirate.

He will never fight with you in an upright manner. Once he appears in front of you, it means that you have been bound by his dark wisdom.

Like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Countless people despise him just like you, and the bones of those people have piled up into a mountain.

Destroyer, Defiler, Queen of Hell, Lord of Nightmare... His glorious record is filled with the names of big names you can't imagine, and even the supreme Corruptor has suffered at his hands.

The holy and eternal sleeping city of Ny’alotha, full of endless truths, was destroyed in his hands. On the day the holy city collapsed, I was captured by fear, and hid in the dark like a shameful little girl, trembling and crying bitterly Runny nose.

I once lost my faith in the gods.

You will not understand the fear that man brought us, because you have never fought against him, and we are all followers of the Old God, I want to bless you never to meet him.

If even the Corruptor wants to stay away from him, then we humble servants should avoid him, there is no shame in it. "

"Shameful remarks, you look like a dark wolf, but now you speak like a dog in front of me."

The windbreaker sneered and said:

"But the courage of the heroes is beyond your comprehension. You worship the Corruptor only for strength, and our dedication to the Elder One comes from the soul.

You are just a bunch of rabble, but Yingjie is not!

The mighty Yingjie is never afraid of challenges, we will face all enemies and win them all! Just like the rampaging orcs before, like the next Bo Laike Shaw. "


Dark Inquisitor Xanaish has completely lost interest in talking to the mantid.

Good words can't persuade the goddamn ghost.

She looked around, repeatedly checked that there was no other existence in her shadow, then pulled down her hood, and said in a cold tone:

"It's up to you if you want to find death, but you must get the Heart of Darkness, which is related to our common interests. Go forward! Under the mountain in front, where is the power sensed by the Corruptor!

There the heart of darkness sleeps in time, and the ancient power will be revealed today, and the world will once again be shrouded in the smoke of despair.

Get your worms to assemble here, we have to dig it out asap.


Time is not on our side. "

Under Shanesh's urging, the Wind Raider no longer refuted.

Although it hates these cultists, the remains of the ancient venerables are right in front of them. As a group of people who are most loyal to their beliefs among the mantid, they will bear the humiliation and cooperate with the devil to bring the Lord of Darkness back to this world.

This is exactly the significance of the mantid's great reincarnation that lasts for ten thousand years.

And heroes, the brightest beings that can be born in the endless mantid swarm, their existence has surpassed the meaning of the existence of the mantid empire itself.

They do not serve the Great Empress.

What they serve is reincarnation itself, the obscure prophecy left by the ancient venerables.


Under the guidance of the Dark Judge, the Wind Reaver landed precisely under the mountain where the Heart of Darkness was located, and it took a strange Amber tuning fork from its waist.

It lifted the thing high, stretched out its hand and flicked it lightly.

The high-speed vibrating tuning fork immediately sent out a sound wave message that only the mantid could receive, and soon, the elite mantid army that followed the heroes from different directions and penetrated into the Valley of Eternal Blossoms flew rapidly from all directions.

One tall hero after another descended from the sky.

Among them are top tacticians, talented alchemists, invisible brutal assassins and invincible ferocious warriors, hunters who tame fear insects, snipers who can penetrate Yang with hundreds of steps, powerful spellcasters and vicious warlocks.

They are witnesses to every era in the mantid's tens of thousands of years of reincarnation.

The army of the Grand Empress Shekzir is as vulnerable to these twelve heroes as a group of rabble. As long as they are willing, they can even overthrow Wang Quan of Shekzir overnight.

"The Lord of Darkness lies ahead, my mighty and glorious brothers."

Kil'ruk the Windreaper raised his hands and called out to the other heroes:

"Come on, our birth, growth, fighting and waiting are all for this moment, come on, brothers, let us welcome the ancient venerable back to this world with our own hands."

"Well, you did a good job and you said a good job."

The leader of the heroes, the mantid Korfan, known as the "Supreme One", held the beautiful and deadly scarlet crescent Amber ax on his waist. Its mouthparts vibrated, and he looked at the dark judgment with an unfriendly look. Officer Shanesh and her fallen minions.

It obviously didn't trust these followers of N'Zoth, but in the end it didn't give the order to attack.

The first hero in history waved his hand and said:

"Start digging! Find the heart of the ancient venerable as quickly as possible. Manipulator, you and your pet will be responsible for the excavation work, and the others will lead our army to guard in all directions.

The pandaren and their false gods won't let us get the job done so well, but we won't allow them to interfere with the return of the Old Ones! "

"Can I kill everyone I see?"

Behind the Supreme One was a smaller but irritable and somewhat nervous guy who kept opening and closing the sickle blade on his arm, and it asked in a bloodthirsty voice.

"Of course, you can feast on it, glutton."

The Supreme Korvan waved his hand.

Like a perfectly coordinated machine, the heroes quickly spread out in all directions according to the order, and a hero who looked like a spellcaster summoned a huge fear insect, which is the larva of the fortress insect.

It swung its thick and powerful sickle-shaped forelimbs like a qiraji armor beetle, and hit three times with bang bang, blasting several cracks on the mountain wall in front of it.

And the other mantid rushed forward with tools in hand, digging the gap. The excavation efficiency was astonishingly high. In less than ten minutes, a tunnel leading to the ground was opened for more than twenty meters.

This scene satisfied the dark judges who were watching.

She grabbed the ball of darkness in her hand and glanced in the direction of the gate of the gods.

The worry in her heart was still there, looking back to see a group of Bloodsail pirates who followed were still drinking and having fun, which made Shanesh feel a cruel anger.

She swung the void ball in her hand and smashed it on those wastes, and shouted loudly:

"Drink, drink, drink! You drink all the time! You incompetent bastards! Bu Laike Shaw is following us, are you still in the mood for fun?

Lives are dying, bastards!

Hurry up and dig for me! Otherwise, I will throw you in front of the double-faced people and see how your "pirate colleagues" will "entertain" you. "

As soon as they heard Bu Laike's name, these Bloodsail pirates who had just shouted and shouted suddenly became disheartened. They didn't dare to refute. They grabbed their tools and joined the army of digging holes.

They can not be afraid of the cultists of the Corruptor, after all, they are also part of the power of the Corruptor, but they can't resist their fear of "two-faced people".

The dreaded N'Zoth wants only their souls.

But what Bo Laike can torture is everything they have.


What a vicious and greedy bastard, what a superb pirate

(end of this chapter)

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