Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1260 10. The Fleet Has Been Researched And Decided, And It Is Up To You To Be Dellano Pirate

Chapter 1260 10. The fleet has been researched and decided, and it is up to you to be Dellano Pirate King! ——【2525】

"Little master, using Y'Shaarj's power to deal with a group of draenei paladins counts as you always say, 'no martial arts'?"

Half an hour later, watching a group of draenei garrison officers leave with skeptical expressions, Bo Laike, who was sitting on a chair, heard Xal'atath's voice.

Dark Essence said softly:

"Every time I see you doing bad things, I feel my love for you grows deeper."

"I thank you for your love, my dear Xal'atath, but what else could the power of Y'Shaarj be used for if not for this?"

The pirate caressed the Moonlight Helmet at hand, and a circle of seven-color halos that only he could see was spreading out like rippling water.

The anima core of the seven-headed behemoth inlaid on it is not offensive, but the auxiliary ability it brings to Bu Laike is extremely terrifying, and it has become the most convenient "weapon" used by pirates in this armor.

Bu Laike had a thought, and the description of the seven beasts' anima jumped out again on his character card:

Name: Seven-Headed Behemoth

Quality: Legendary [Sha Dye]

Requirements: Void, Shadow, Arcane power attributes, [Shadow Priest]/[Warlock]/[Spellcaster] related occupations


1. Touch of Y'Shaarj:

The fusion of the seven sha can give the user a [spiritual halo] effect, the user can perceive the emotional fluctuations of the surrounding life, and use language or spells to strengthen or suppress emotional changes.

Doesn't work on creatures that don't have minds or emotions.

Void creatures are somewhat resistant to this ability.

2. Mind control:

After the user finds the mental weakness of the target enemy, he can use the power of [Spiritual Halo] to impose seven psychological hints with different effects on the enemy, or to forcefully manipulate the enemy's mind.

Note that forced manipulation may fail depending on the strength of the enemy's willpower.

The number of [Seeds of Doubt] currently applied: 45/999 [Draenei Cirdan, etc.].

The current number of [Seed of Hatred] applied: 45/999 [Draenei Cirdan, etc.].

The current number of people who are forced to rule the mind: 1/99 [Demon Witch Shahlas].

Heart energy description:

Y'Shaarj, which made the whole world tremble, is long dead, but its power has been reborn in your hands in another way, rule it! Ancient One, let the world feel the pain in your hands.

"Ah, their minds are too deeply influenced by the Holy Light, even if Y'Shaarj's power is used, the difficulty of persuading them is beyond my imagination.

It seems that my eloquence still needs to be improved. "

Bu Laike put the Luna battle helmet on his head with some melancholy. The moment the helmet closed, he clearly felt the thoughts of those draenei who had just walked out of this room.

They are still obsessed with discussing light and dark.

I still feel that it is difficult to decide whether to take revenge on the orcs, and I am still hesitating whether to join the Uncrowned to prepare the "Dark Temple" for the Draenei assassins.

This made the pirates very dissatisfied.

But Xal'atath reprimanded Bu Laike for being so ambitious, and she said sharply:

"In thirty minutes, you have shaken the faith of a group of the most steadfast paladins who have been tested in disasters, and have begun to accept other truths besides the light.

They are draenei!

It is the family of the Holy Light, and their willpower is naturally more than twice that of other races.

In my opinion, this is comparable to the will of the ancient gods acting in person, and it is nothing more than N'Zoth coming here to spread the power of corruption.

Little master, you are already very good, you don't need any special training.

If you strengthen your strength in this area, I am very afraid that one day in the future, you will turn me into a loyal dog lying at your feet without self-thinking.

Would you do that to your dearest dark little girlfriend? "

"Well not yet, but I have a feeling it's going to be interesting."

Cloth Laike, wearing a black owl helmet, stroked his chin and laughed a few times. He glanced at Big Bear and Big Wolf who were sitting by the fireplace and taking a nap. He shook his head, turned around, opened the window and jumped down.

It disappeared in mid-air.

Soon, the elusive Braike arrives at Ashland's docks, where the bastards who broke down and were captured during last night's massacre raid are being held.

That's right, although Xal'atath gave the mantid an order to exterminate them, but the mantid are not big eaters, they also have a time when they are full, and even the most bloodthirsty gluttonous locusts lose their kill at dawn. The interest of the underdog.

So the last batch of lucky ones survived like this.

Of course, it's a big island, and there must be other people hiding in other nooks and crannies, praying to their goddamn messed-up country gods that these goddamn thugs get off their island.

For those "big smarts" who think they have escaped, Bo Laike has no idea.

Hunter Ayamis has already laid the first batch of eggs, and under the stimulation of hormones, the first batch of worker insects will be formed by dusk at the latest.

At that time, there will be mighty hard-working insects sweeping across every damn corner of Ashland, but they will bring back everything that can be eaten to the insect nest.

Either alive or dead.

Anyway, the bugs are not picky eaters, which is probably the only advantage of these bugs.

That said, if no one wise enough to step up and surrender before dusk comes, they won't just have to face "the benevolent" Boo Laike and his lunatic mantid thugs and ruthless demon hunters.

but still that sentence

The Stinky Pirate has too many things to care about, and he doesn't have the energy or interest to care about the fate of a bunch of Dellanoga scumbags.

And judging by the degree of crotch stretching of these damned scumbags, they may be more useful when they become bug dung than when they were alive.

"Oh, I should bring a few guys who can speak well. When will I have to pick the available ones one by one? Although Rexxar didn't say it, he wanted to find his father. You can feel it in your heels.

How can the magical and omnipotent Bo Laike disappoint his friends? "

Bu Laike looked at a group of nearly a thousand prisoners of war squatting on the pier, obediently wiping the blood on the ground, and suddenly felt a headache.

Although under the watchful eye of the mantid, these guys dare not make any unnecessary moves.

The "scum essences" of all the species that Della promised to find were lowering their heads at this moment, wishing to lick the blood stains on the ground with their tongues to express their loyalty and obedience to these terrifying alien bugs.

From the savage ogre to the agile tiger man, from the cunning arakkoa to the evil orc who drank too much magic blood and burned his brain, from the dwarf-like goren with a fierce face and big teeth to those engraved with depraved Rune's draenei traitors.

These bastards who were of different races but all betrayed their own ethnic group and robbed houses with the Black Spirit Pirates lost their violent appearance in an instant, and worked honestly like the most docile rabbits.

But Laike knows that pirates are pirates, and if you keep them alive today, they will solidify tomorrow.

And most importantly, there are many ships in the port, but there are only a few that can sail from here to Gorgrond without falling behind or sinking.

It is impossible for Bu Laike to take all the third-rate pirates in front of him on the road.

Rubbing his chin, the pirate quickly had an idea.

Laike took out the emblem of the genie and rubbed it in his hands a few times. Soon with a gust of wind, the cotton candy-like genie Al Abbas miraculously appeared in another world.

However, compared to the strength in Azeroth, the Djinn that will appear here is undoubtedly much weaker, and what exists here is just an elemental clone.

This guy had hooked up with Ner'zhul before, doing some shady "business" with each other, and Laike believed that this demigod must have started his own "business" in Dellano.

After the lamp god appeared, he made a clasped gesture to the pirate as usual, and said:

"My dear trader No. 1, what other whimsy do you need your loyal Al Abbas to help you accomplish?"

"Bring a few people over here for me."

Bu Laike was also polite, and said directly:

"My orc Maim Blackhand and his ship's first mate, second mate, third mate and bosun and all the navigators of his Blackstone fleet, give them some time to handover work.

Let Maeme's fleet return to Tol Barad for training immediately, put it under the management of Lady Catherine, the governor of the island, and transfer it to the North Sea Fleet to support the battle if necessary.

In addition, bring the five little orcs on my ship over, and then ask for leave from their respective mentors for Agna and Yorin, saying that it is a temporary internship.

Finally, let me know the three useless warlocks under my command.

In a few days, I will personally arrange the "weekly exam questions" for the first weekly exam of the Warlock Academy, so that they and their students can prepare in advance for the "practical exam" in Dellano.

If other fraternal academies also want to join in the fun, I don’t mind letting them observe it on the spot. Dean Lanyue will probably not refuse this request, after all, the school motto of Nassaras College is the unity of knowledge and action. "

"Bringing people across the world is exhausting, my dear Laike."

The lamp god moved his paw and said softly:

"But we have such a good relationship, why would I ask you for money? It's just that His Highness Sunderland's elemental holy blade has been prepared, and I really want to give my Highness a splendid and splendid resurrection ceremony."

"no problem!"

Bu Laike clapped his hands and said:

"How about choosing Dellano?

I think the place of Shadowmoon Valley is very suitable. As a powerful elemental monarch of Azeroth, it is perfect to rescue the troubled elemental compatriots in another world as a ceremony for his return to the king.

This will give Her Royal Highness Sunderland an extra title of 'Savior of the Elements'.

What do you think? "

"I think it's awesome! Sure enough, this kind of thing has to be done by my dear partner."

Laughing, the Genie clasped his hands together, turned into a breeze and disappeared beside Bu Laike.

Just ten minutes later, as the wind blew against the wharf on the coast of Ashland, a large group of orcs were wrapped by the wind and passed through the Dark Portal and appeared on the strange land of their hometown.

The orc pirate Maim Blackhand, who was wearing a ferocious black iron lava armor and carrying two spiked warhammers, looked around and quickly recognized them from the sulfur-smelling seawater around them. Have returned to Dellano.

Some old orc pirates burst into tears of excitement.

After all, nearly eight years have passed since they left their hometown.

The five orcs also had complex expressions when they were sent here. Although the Djinn briefly told them their destination, after returning to Dellano, these five young people also felt that they were a world away from when they left.

"Hey, you five are blessed."

Bo Laike walked over with his pipe dangling, hands behind his back, like a leader inspecting, patted the shoulders of Garrosh and Della Nosh, and said to the bewildered Orc Five:

"Your internship experience on the Nagfar is over. Although you are very hip, I still think you have the ability to command your own ship.

So, from now on, you are the captains! "

The smelly pirate pointed to the broken ship in the bay in front of him, and said to the five young men:

"Go and choose your respective battleships, you can give them a cool name to commemorate the day you became the captain, and in addition, you have to choose your own commander and crew from the trash in front of you.

You have three days to do this.

Then we will set sail to Gorgrond to save your people. The orcs of Clan Mo Kenasa are still surrounded by demons, waiting for help. "

After finishing speaking, Laike looked at Maim who was walking behind him again. After two years of wind and rain, this once very young and smart orc already had a fierce aura that was completely different from his useless big brother Red. .

And he is very silent, which makes him very stable.

The scars and burns on his face also gave him an extremely fierce aura.

"I took your fleet, Mame, but I will give you a new one."

Bo Laike took down his pipe and said to Mame:

"Now I appoint you as the commander of the fleet of the undead pirates stationed in the Dellano sea area or something like the governor. Think about the title yourself. Have you seen the sea of ​​your hometown in front of you?

It's yours, sailor!

Just like I have made great achievements in Azeroth, a good man should fight the wind and waves to get everything he wants with his own hands. Your story in the Immortal Fleet is over, but the legend of Maim Blackhand begins here.

Come on, work hard, my Dellano Pirate King. "

After leaving the dirty work to his subordinates, Scrap Laike immediately oiled the soles of his feet, and under the escort of a group of mantid guards, he ran to the island valley to watch insects eat live orcs.

Meme was excited.

But after a few seconds, Maim came back to reality.

He looked at the dilapidated ships in front of him with a bit of toothache. Not to mention these ships were not as good as the mighty Nagfar, even the lowest plundering ships in Maim's fleet were much better than these.

He glanced back at the rather crotch-laden hometown pirates behind him. These scumbags of various races were looking at him eagerly, waiting for the verdict of their fate.

And their cowardly and terrified rabbit-like eyes really make it difficult for people to take them out to sea with confidence.

So Maim immediately realized that the most difficult thing for him to become the orc pirate king was not to conquer Dellano's sea, but to choose his first backbone from the waste in front of him.

In layman's terms, this job is almost equivalent to panning for gold in Yari.


No matter which world you are in, being the Pirate King is not so easy.

(end of this chapter)

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