Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1264 14. Let Me See What Kind Of Idiot Dares To Call Himself The Beastmaster In Front Of Mo

Chapter 1264 14. Let me see what kind of idiot dares to call himself the Beastmaster in front of Mo Kenasa?

There are quite a lot of orcs who dare to attack demons, but few orcs dare to charge in front of ten times as many demons as themselves.

It is for this reason that the appearance of the Mo Kenasa orcs at this time is so shocking.

They were blocked at the other end of the casting camp, and without any communication, they fought with the demon hunters and mad pirates who rushed into the camp to slaughter.

And it will take less than 20 minutes to count from the start of the demon hunter's assault. It only took twenty minutes.

This also includes the speed of the journey.

From this point alone, it can be seen how elite and seasoned the clan Rexxar came from is in combat experience and combat system. However, the Mo Kenasa are fierce enough, and the number is indeed not enough.

Counting the herd of beasts they summoned, they could barely block the canyon through which the demons would flee. Behind the high-altitude phoenix, Bu Laike could distinguish the group of macho men and women with a glance down at most seventy people.

"It's not right."

He turned to Rexxar and said:

"Didn't you say that there are nearly five hundred warriors in your clan?

This all-out strategy is unlikely to involve so few fighters, unless your people are so arrogant that they think they can defeat the demons here with just a small team.

When we landed, Mo Kenasa's sentries weren't sure we'd win, so they didn't come here to catch us, they came to aid us.

In this case, it should be out of the nest. "

"It should be seriously damaged."

Rexxar's expression was dark, and he said in a low tone:

"From what I know of the Mo Kenasa, they must have fought the demons a lot when the demons landed, and now these guys have wounds all over their bodies.

This should be the last hunters of Mo Kenasa.

But fortunately, the vitality of my people is as tyrannical as the ogre, as long as they are not killed on the spot, there is still hope of recovery."

"It shouldn't just be damaged."

Bo Laike shook his head, he narrowed his eyes and said:

"The Mo Kenasa people are very good at guerrilla warfare, and they are on their own land. If your father is half as wise and powerful as you said, under his command, the tribe should not have suffered such serious damage.

Mo Kenasa is a natural hunter. They know that when the enemy is strong, hunting is the best choice, but now they have suffered so much damage.

I doubt.

There may be a traitor among your pack! "


Hearing the pirate's guess, Rexxar suddenly burst out with killing intent.

Although he was also scolded as a "traitor" by the clansmen, Rexxar didn't think that he was the same kind of person as the bastards who really betrayed the clansman.

If it was an act of treachery that caused Mo Kenasa's injuries so badly, then no matter who the guy was, no matter what the cost, he would have hacked the bastard himself.

"Your clansmen can't hold it anymore, and they are ready to go down and help."

Bu Laike pushed Rexxar and pointed down.

Although the Mo Kenasa are fierce and the herds they command are unstoppable, they are too few in number to hold back a fleeing group of demons.

The mantid and insect swarm in the rear were already killing madly, the entire caster camp was filled with the breath of death, Xal'atath's power was constantly exerted, and the terrified demons panicked.

They are like a dark green chaotic turbid current. In order to escape this land of suppressing the soul, they will destroy everything in front of them. In this case, the demons can be regarded as "overwhelming" in another sense.

The strong demon guards swung their halberds frantically, not only slashing the enemies but also their own people standing in front of them. The fear demons and mephits in the sky even poured magic on the ground indiscriminately.

What's more terrible is that under Xal'atath's mental attack, the Annihilan abyss lord sitting in the caster's camp was also defeated by his wild and frenzied mind.

This terrifying creature like a mammoth magnified several times roared and waved its double-headed halberd, and summoned hellfire rain to cover everything in front of it, just to find a way for itself to escape from the "sha demon hell".

It stands to reason that such a high-level demon shouldn't be so cowardly.

But it is precisely because the abyss lord has seen more advanced powers that this stupid bastard is more aware of the horror after being broken by that weird power.

It has the potential to be completely swallowed by the Void, which means it is no longer blessed by Fel, and also means it cannot be resurrected in the Twisting Nether after death

If it dies in this void hell, it is really dead, a sad death that will never be resurrected.

Under such pressure, even demons are no longer fearless. The true verdict of death is so deterrent that all things bow their heads before it.

"Go away!"

The chaotic and violent abyss lord crashed into Mo Kenasa's beast army with burning evil fire, tearing a gap almost instantly.

Several Mo Kenasa hunters distressedly wanted to call back the slaughtered beasts, but their actions exposed their existence. Under the command of the Pit Lord, a large group of Wrath Guards rushed in that direction.

"Don't go, I'll come."

Rexxar stopped Bu Laike, who was eager to try. With red eyes, he held the double rune ax and said:

"The Mo Kenasa are very strong about territorial rituals, especially when they are hunting, and these are just the vanguard of the large group hunting, and the real warlords who hold the line have not yet appeared.

Don't worry, just watch it here, so as not to cause misunderstanding. "

After finishing speaking, Rexxar jumped down from the back of the phoenix hovering at high altitude, and was held by his own falcon, Spiley, to glide for a while in the air, and then rolled out when it was close to the ground.

Throwing the battle ax with both hands, it pulled out a piercing circle in the air, the rune of the battle ax was activated, and the rotation accelerated like two war wheels across the demon's head, beheading three angry guards in a row before returning to the thunder that landed. Keza hands.

At this moment, he had carried the most seriously injured hunter on his back, and shouted a few words to the surroundings in the clan dialect, telling others to move closer to him and prepare to break out.

"Huh? Rexxar?"

The hunter who was rescued thought he was going to die. He was stabbed with a bloody hole in his chest by the demon guard's halberd. If it weren't for the fact that Mo Kenasa people have half ogre blood, which makes them rough and thick, this kind of injury would Orcs would have died long ago.

When he was picked up, he found out that the person who saved him was actually the traitor who ran away from the clan back then, and he was furious in his heart. He struggled and shouted:

"You bastard still has the face to come back! Look at what the clan has been harmed by you!"

Facing his somewhat angry roar, without saying a word, Rexxar punched him on the head with his fist, knocking the guy out to prevent him from struggling and causing the wound to rupture.

During Rexxar's call, the war bear Misha in black iron armor rushed over with Hofer screaming and tearing apart the line. The hunter Ayamis was also worried about his master's situation and came with elite flying insects assistance.

Grabbing mephits and flying demons in mid-air, these brutal beasts pounce with a wasp-like stinger, a deadly toxin from the great desert of Silithus that can bring down a demon at a time.

Those who were stunned by the poison would either fall to half-death, or be trampled to death by demons, and some would be eaten by swarms in the air.

It's a pity that such sharp attacks can't be fired in succession for flying insects. It takes time for their deadly tail spikes to grow back. It is said that the hunters of the hidden path gave this attack a very domineering name, called "Pterosaur Spikes" prick".

"Rexxar? How could it be you?"

The Mo Kenasa people who were called by Rexxar looked shocked, but when they saw the wounded on his back, they knew that he was here to help.

Although everyone had different expressions, they did not resist Rexxar's command.

Everyone knew that this guy was not only the son of the patriarch, but also a real talented hunter in the tribe, so he was right!

"Follow me!"

Under the protection of Misha, Rexxar advanced towards the weak position on the flank of the devil's position. He carried the wounded on his back, slashed all the way with a battle ax in his hand, and roared again:

"Let go of the herd, don't let the noble beasts make unnecessary sacrifices, they don't deserve to die in such a battle!

Send a signal to let the demons into the canyon, and others will set up traps on the other side of the canyon to block them, and my demon hunter and pirate friends will be responsible for hunting them down.

I assure you, they have no escape today! "


A strange gunshot shot the leader of the demon team blocking the way in front of Rexxar, and the orc turned his head to see that there was a mantid Yingjie holding a sonic gun in mid-air.

Apparently Xalatas called in to help.

He glanced up to the sky again, and the flame phoenix riding on Bu Laike was expanding its body and spewing unquenchable fire towards the canyon below, and the stinky pirate had disappeared.

Obviously, Bu Laike didn't intend to listen to Rexxar's arrangement.

On the battlefield next to the canyon, a huntress who had defeated more than a dozen demons in a row was overthrown by a succubus from behind. Her herd had been killed in the previous battle, and she was alone and helpless.

He could only watch helplessly as the succubus grabbed the dagger and pierced his eyes.

Such a death is too humiliating.

The huntress, who was no longer young, closed her eyes in pain. She comforted herself by saying that at least she died on the battlefield and did not embarrass the clan.


The stinking blood covered the hunter's painted face in the next instant.

The tired hunter opened his eyes, and saw that the succubus who was attacking her was attacked from behind by a beautiful and noble ghost wolf, pierced his lower back with a paw, and was slapped away by an equally noble and wild ghost bear with a big slap head off.

Her eyes widened.

Dellano doesn't have such a beautiful and ferocious soul beast.

"Yo, I heard that you Mo Kenasa are the best hunters? But I don't think so."

A frivolous and sarcastic voice quickly brought the escaped huntress back to reality. The burly hunter stood up with support, and saw a human standing beside him holding a fiery red halberd.

He also held the heads of several elite demons in his hand.

Without exception, they are all very distinctive heads, and they must look good when made into skulls.

"Are you a friend of Rexxar's traitor?"

The huntress grabbed the broken spear and stared at the pirate with a very unfriendly look. She spat out the bloody broken teeth and scolded:

"Get out of here! You are not welcome in the land of Mo Kenasa!"

"Hey, I just saved you, it seems that the virtue of the Mo Kenasa is ungrateful, awesome."

The pirate said very bluntly:

"You bastards really deserve to die. Oh, wait a minute."

His figure suddenly disappeared as a flying shadow, and returned to the spot a few seconds later, dragging a beaten half-dead Mo Kenasa hunter in his hand.

He said:

"You owe me two lives now, but if you have any shame, you should at least treat me to a drink, or simply answer a question for me.

Rexxar just left you, why is he called a traitor?

From the looks of you, it seems that you are not just blaming him for leaving. Could it be that the weakness of your clan is also related to him? "

"This has nothing to do with you!"

The huntress carried the seriously injured clansman on her back. This female orc with ogre blood was stronger and more savage than ordinary female orcs. She wiped the blood from her face and stared at the chaotic battlefield beside her.

It seems that they are eager to try and plan to continue fighting, and have no plans to retreat at all.

This belligerent stance reminded Bo Laike of those shield maidens under Fenner's command, well, it would be a lot of fun for women from these two factions to meet together.


A golden battle spear of the heroic spirit was inserted at the foot of the huntress. The latter's eyes lit up, and she saw the power of this weapon at a glance. She grabbed the golden battle spear with both hands and looked back at Bu Laike.

After two seconds of silence, the Huntress whispered:

"Rexxar's departure is nothing. At that time, although everyone dared not plead with the chief, they all understood Rexxar's choice. He was also looking for a better place to live for his tribe.

But his departure gave the young people a bad start.

It was a terrible seed that was planted at that time, and it took root a few months ago. A traitor followed Rexxar's example and took away half of the soldiers overnight to join the devil.

He still used Rexxar's rhetoric.

Claiming that he is going to leave seeds for Mo Kenasa is so hypocritical and disgusting!

Plus, we called him a traitor to get him out of here.

We learned from the messenger of the Blackstone clan that he is doing well in another world and has a bright future, so he doesn't need to be dragged down by us.

He is the last seed of Mo Kenasa.

Take him away, human.

Take him away before the patriarch who has never been able to forgive him comes, Mo Kenasa is hopeless, we are destined to die here, but this is what we are after.

We will die with this land.

But we will never let the devil have a good time before we die! "


As soon as the huntress finished her warning, there was a loud noise from the valley behind, which changed the hunter's expression, but the Mo Kenasa hunters who were struggling around cheered in unison.

Their troubles were swept away, and it seemed like a miracle was happening.

"No, the patriarch is here! Take Rexxar away!"

The hunter turned back and yelled at Laike. The pirate also had a strange expression on his face. He felt the regular shaking of the ground. He knew it was not an earthquake, but a giant beast was walking this way.

Ten seconds later, under the horrified gaze of the pirates, a gigantic goron more than 20 meters high came striding over the demons in a posture of a titan crushing everything.

And there is a huge black shadow projected on the ground in the sky, it is a flying black dragon.

However, no matter whether it is a giant Goron or a black dragon, the problem is actually not a big problem, and the pirates are not afraid of these legendary creatures. What really makes the pirates feel scalp numb is that there is a person standing on the head of the black dragon!

And in the feedback given by the character card in front of him, whether it was Gron or Black Dragon's entry, there was a bright "pet/war beast" label that almost blinded the pirate's eyes.

At this moment, Bu Laike looked at the two spirit beasts he was proud of, and suddenly felt that the big wolf wolf and the big bear were weak, and the sky after the rebirth of the flames could save him some face.


Bu Laike, surrounded by Mo Kenasa people chanting the name of "Leo Rocks" frantically, he had to admit that his understanding of the way of hunting was too shallow.

Rexxar, who was regarded as a genius by him before, also lost his aura in an instant.

look at people

Using Gron and Black Dragon as pets is called Pai Nian!

He is convinced.


Sure enough, Mo Kenasa is the real "Beastmaster", and he is far from a soft guy like Rexxar.

(end of this chapter)

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