Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1266 16. I Have Taken A Fancy To Your Clan, Please Make An Offer

Chapter 1266 16. I have taken a fancy to your clan, please make an offer

"Bo Laike! Don't do this!"

On the battlefield full of demon corpses, Rexxar's face changed drastically when he heard Bu Laike say the word "war", and he stopped immediately:

"You will."

"Shhhhh, Rexxar, be quiet, this matter has nothing to do with you now."

Bo Laike waved his finger in front of Orc Batman, and he said:

"Now this is the grievance between the undead pirates and the Mo Kenasa clan, to put it more simply, the next is the personal grievance between me and Mr. Leo Rocks.

I seldom show kindness to others, and I hate when others reject me. Whether you need it or not, the Mo Kenasa clan is here to help!

So what do you say?

The old Beastmaster who had already died once, but came back to life inexplicably? "

The pirate's last words were heard in a very low voice, only he, Leo Rocks and Rexxar beside him could hear.

These words were also like a magic key, suddenly unlocking the hostility of the stubborn old man in front of him, he looked at Bu Laike with a surprised and complicated look.

The latter shrugged and introduced himself:

"Don't look at me like that, old Beastmaster, besides being a hunter, I'm also a prophet. I can see the fate of those important people, and I also know very well about the magical things that exist in this land.

It's not that you don't want to take the clansmen out of here.

You can't get out of here. "

Pirate said:

"Your vitality has been linked to the magical Everblooming Forest, and the ancient life will of this land has chosen you as its last guardian.

I think it must be very helpless.

After all, it was an unending enemy of your orc ancestors. It must have chosen an orc as its final carrier when it was most desperate.

You can't go anywhere.

As long as you take a step away from Gorgrond, as long as you abandon this land, you will die immediately, no, no, no, that is not accurate, you are already dead!

The great chieftain of the Mo Kenasa clan, the most powerful hunter in the Dellano world, His Excellency Leo Rocks, probably died during the first wave of the demon invasion.

Existing here is only an undead who has the same name as him and inherited his identity.

An undead bound here for eternity, inextricably bound.

It also guided you to find the Heart of Magron buried deep under the earth. It also taught you to tame Gruul, the King of Gron, and this black dragon became your pet only after being revived by it.

Your black dragon pet is in exactly the same situation as you. "

Speaking of this, Bu Laike covered his eyes and said sadly:

"Oh, what the hell was I expecting?"


Rexxar couldn't hold back anymore when he heard this.

The orc "Batman" looked at Leo Rocks, whose expression became heavy and dark, and he clenched his fists and said:

"Is what Boo Laike said true? You really have."

"It's not just him."

With a regretful expression, Bu Laike looked at the hunters of the Mo Kenasa clan behind him, and whispered:

"I guess, in the ruins of the Everbloom Forest, there are still many good hunters who are 'alive' like him.

This land is desperately trying to save itself from the catastrophe of demon invasion, and these strong men of Mo Kenasa who stick to it and refuse to leave are the "last legion" it uses to defend itself.

The more than seventy people in front of you should already be the last living people in your clan.

I'll just say it.

With demons already occupying 80% of the land, how did these Mo Kenasa conduct guerrilla warfare so recklessly under their noses?

Demons are not fools, how could they not be able to deal with such an attack? "

There was silence among the three.

Ten seconds later, Leo Rocks put away his tomahawk and said in a blunt tone:

"You two, come with me! We need to talk."

After finishing speaking, he gave orders to the other clansmen to gather the herd of beasts and clean the battlefield, then took Braike and Rexxar on his black dragon beast, and headed towards the lush bushes beyond the canyon of the alpine corridor. Lin Fei goes.

From a high altitude, you can see the whole area of ​​Gorgrond. As far as Bu Laike can see, there are large and small casting camps scattered in Gorgrond, which is a rugged land covered by mountains and valleys.

And on the coastline in the far north, there is also a large and surprisingly large demon fortress, which should be the ancestral land of the Blackrock orcs.

But now the entire mountain has been completely fortified by demons.

Dark green evil energy aura poured into the sky everywhere, forming a thick cloud of evil energy above the head, blocking the sunlight, making it difficult for the plants on this land to grow again.

Flying mephits flew down from the swirling dark green clouds in the sky, and the demon guards on the ground formed an army to flatten the hills and shape the marching road.

Countless hellhounds roared and galloped across the land, and captured slaves of various races were working in the mines, and the ore dug out was smelted by demons into weapons and siege weapons.

Looking at the whole Gorgrond at a glance, it was almost green and panicked.

Compared with this doomsday scene, the caster camp that the pirates just destroyed was nothing more than a drop in the bucket. When they destroyed one camp, ten caster camps of the same size rose from the ground.

"see it?"

Leo Rocks, who drove the black dragon to the last green forest in Gorgrond, was exhausted from the depths of his soul. He said to the two people behind him in a desperate tone:

"This is Gorgrond now, and this is our enemy. I died at the foot of that mountain. I can't count how many demons I killed before I died, but every time I hacked down, more rushed up. .

My grondon spear is broken.

My Wyvern is dead.

No bones of my lynx remain.

Of the one hundred warriors who followed me to fight the demon, only five escaped, and the youngest among them saw my death with his own eyes.

When I was reborn in Yongmao Forest, he couldn't accept all of this. On the night he fled with his people, I saw the despair in the child's eyes.

I knew my death had hit him hard.

I don't even blame him for bringing his people to the devil, because if it were me, I would probably make the same choice, we can't win at all! "

Leo Rocks said sadly:

"The prophet of the Draenei declared that the holy light will save the world, but his holy light can't even stop the mad orcs, so how to save the world?

Ner'zhul said he would bring the elemental heritage back to Dellano.

I'm sure he's not kidding, but so what if the elemental forces return?

I have seen destruction, it is unstoppable.

I thought my earth paid my second death, but...that doesn't change anything. "

Rexxar wanted to speak to comfort his depressed father, but the scene in front of him made him unable to say any encouraging words, the gap was right in front of him.

This is not an enemy that can be defeated by will.

Even Gorgrond on the rear front line is already in such a bad situation, how bad the situation in Shadowmoon Valley facing the invasion of demons, Rexxar simply dare not think about it.

But the pirates didn't care.

He didn't seem to have seen the scene of the desperate demon invasion in front of him at all, he had seen worse than this, the one in front of him was drizzle.

"Then don't blame me for being straightforward, old beast king."

Bu Laike stood on the back of the black dragon with his hips akimbo, and said to Leo Rocks:

"You dead are bound by Dellano's will to live in Gorgrond and cannot be free. How many times you want to die is up to you, but the living can still be saved.

I want more than seventy Mo Kenasa hunters.

Make an offer.

Also, please how much will it take for you to appoint His Royal Highness Prince Rexxar as the next Chief of the Mo Kenasa Clan? Say it together and let me think about it. "

"Bo Laike, I don't need this."

Rexxar's mood is very complicated now, he has seen and heard too many unacceptable things today, even though he has always had super self-control, this will also be a bit overwhelmed.

He was grateful for the pirate's help when he heard that Braike was fighting for him with the remaining Mo Kenasa, but he really wasn't in the mood to think about it.

"No, you need to!"

As a result, in the next second, Bu Laike and Leo Rocks scolded Rexxar in unison.

The pirate shrugged his shoulders for the god, and made a "please" gesture to the old beast king, signaling the old man to speak first.

Well, in fact, most of the time, Bo Laike is a guy who respects the old and loves the young.

"Rexxar, the last thing I saw when I died was you, but at the same time I was full of anger towards you and at the same time felt a trace of gratitude that the patriarch shouldn't have."

Leo Rocks looked forward, and he said to his son in a third-person perspective:

"Your departure broke my heart, and the humiliation of being betrayed made me determined not to accept you again in my life. This is a necessary determination for a patriarch to maintain the inheritance in this place of suffering.

But when we are in trouble, you are not by my side but safe in another world, which makes me feel joyful as a father.

At least, you are still alive.

I am not a good father.

I know that my stubbornness and strictness have caused you a lot, and I did not expect to be forgiven by you, especially after your mother died.

I'm not a good chief either. When you broke the tradition and were the first to leave the ancestral land, I should have hacked you to death, but I failed in the end and let you take away the clan's sacred objects.

I'm in a dilemma.

I lost my son that night and became a terrible leader.

I will not forgive you.

But now, I must hand over the clan to you!

Because only you can lead the last Mo Kenasa out of the woods, the legacy must be preserved! You have to remember this.

No matter where you take them, whether to Nagrand or the new world that has opened its arms to you, you must remember that you are Mo Kenasa!

You belong to the wild, and you own your herd!

You must have the cunning and cruelty of a wolf, you must be as brave as a lion king, you must be as tough as a bull king, you must be as strong as a wyvern commander, and you must be as sharp as an eagle king!

You must possess the good qualities of all the beasts of this world, and you must lead your weakened herd back to strength.

This is what Leo Rocks wants to say to you the moment he dies.

My undead is just a paraphrase.

But one thing, before you command the herd, you must first show your strength to the brutal beasts! The traitor who led his people to surrender to the devil, Magda!

You must get his head back with your own hands!

You must punish those beasts who betrayed the herd.

kill them all!

Drain power from their corpses to complete the ritual. "


When Rexxar heard the name of the betrayer, he was struck by lightning. He shook his hands and said:

"The boy who hunted with me since childhood, the boy who admired me the most, the boy who wanted to leave with me. How could it be him?"

"It was your departure that led him astray, and you taught him to be weak!"

Leo Rocks shook his head and said:

"On the night more than eight years ago, you left irresponsibly because you personally destroyed a beast that might become the king of beasts. Now, it's time for you to correct this mistake with your own hands.

I know it's cruel.

Because it's brutal, it has to be done by you! Let me tell you that this is the price of making mistakes as a leader. The death of Ha LS, the war wolf you raised with your own hands, taught you to distinguish between good and evil.

I believe Magda's death can teach you more. "

After finishing speaking, the old orc didn't give Rexxar any chance to refute. He looked at Bu Laike and said:

"As for you, the foreign prophet, do you want my clan to fight for you? It's not impossible, judging by your relationship with Rexxar, he will definitely fight for you.

But my old lion disagrees!

You are also a hunter, you also understand the heart of the beast, and you are also the leader of the herd, then you should know that to tame a pack of dire wolves, you must first make them fear you.

There are too many demons in Gorgrond, and no one can kill them all, but at least we can kill their leaders directly. This may not alleviate the suffering, but at least it can make people vent their anger! "

Laio Rocks looked at Laike, he pointed to the fortress in the distance, and said:

"There sit the monsters who command these demons, the self-proclaimed Lord of the Pit, Agonar the Anihilan, and Varimathras, the cunning Lord of the Nathrezim.


kill them!

As long as you can do it, I will not only make the Mo Kenasa clan allegiance to you!

I'll give this to you too! "

The old Beastmaster touched a stone that looked like a gemstone hanging from his waist, and said:

"With the Heart of the Magron, you can command all the gronn in the world of Dellano to fight for you, although there are not many of them left, there are still some gronnlings in the Evergrowth.

As long as you're patient enough, these rock-born beings will lay down the world for you!

So, Bu Laike Shaw, pirate of Azeroth, do you accept this near-death offer?

To be honest, I think you should say no.

You look like a big shot after all, look at your two beasts, there's nothing wrong with that except weakness. Take a look at the weapons in your hand, flashy is their biggest advantage.

Finally, there is your beast heart, always thinking of using wisdom to control the beast nature for your own use, which is probably the reason why you are so weak and so cute.

You never even dare to give it a go with the beast. "

"Hey, you orc, be careful what you say!"

With a dangerous gleam in Bu Laike's eyes, he said:

"The richness of the 'prey' brought to me by the hunting I gave up last time is beyond your imagination as a middle-aged widower who lost his wife. I don't let myself go crazy because it's unnecessary.

My dark wisdom can solve most problems. "

"There are always opponents that you can't solve with lies and wisdom. Then you will know why the wounded beast is the most terrifying."

The old beast king shrugged.

He said:

"I can teach you to control the bestiality and become one with it. This is a secret that only Chief Mo Kenasa can master. I chose Rexxar as the chief because he realized this secret on his own.

But without the blood of Mo Kenasa, without my help, it will take you a long, long time to reach that level.

I can help you.

But you've got to get something to amuse me, an old dead man. So go hunting, young and ambitious beasts, and show the demons a hand.

Also show me the old man.

So that I can convince myself that I will willingly give up everything I last guarded. "

(end of this chapter)

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