Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1277 27. The Road To Glory

Chapter 1277 27. The Road to Glory

Bo Laike sent Ghani Sr. to send a few letters, which means he invited quite a few people.

And those who received the mission of "Visiting" Dellano like the archdruid Miss Sisali Black Crow are all on the move, such as the great knight of the Church of the Holy Light, His Excellency Turalyon, who is not in a good mood recently.

The former commander of the northern border resigned from his military post after the situation in Alterac was stabilized.

Although Lordaeron's army tried their best to keep him, he returned to the church in Stratholme and continued his mission of spreading the faith.

Of course, choosing Stratholme instead of other regions is not only for faith, but mainly because it is not far from Quel'Thalas, so it is very convenient for His Excellency Turalyon to rush to the Windrunner in Eversong Forest on every rest day. Ta, meet the Elf Big Sister who I have been thinking about, and occasionally violate the teachings of the Holy Light and do something shameful.

In the human kingdom and the elf kingdom, rumors about the scandal between His Excellency Turalyon and General Alleria Windrunner have spread for more than a day or two.

The gossip of the two countries is outrageous.

Some said that the two had made a private decision for life, and some said that the two were just a "mutual aid relationship" that surpassed friendship. After all, Ms. Alleria is now the Ranger General of Quel'Thalas. According to tradition, her marriage should be in The internal settlement of the elf kingdom.

In Quel'Thalas, Ms. Alleria's suitors can line up from Daysome all the way to Silvermoon City and still be rich.

Therefore, every time Turalyon came to the Tower of the Windrunner, he had to face several unavoidable love duels. The Grand Knight was reluctant at first, but then he was so annoyed that he simply brought his own warhammer every time he came.

There is even more outrageous gossip on the human side, saying that General Turalyon has proposed to Ms. Alleria four times, but was rejected for various reasons.

And that's the main reason why the Grand Knight, the dream girl of all female priests, has been somber in recent months.

However, Turalyon no longer needs to worry about these rumors, because he has been given a rather special task today.


As the portal in Stormwind's Mage Quarter shone, Turalyon in military uniform strode into the hall of magic.

He bears the great royal sword he cherishes as much as life, a weapon given to him by Marshal Lothar before his duel with Orgrim Doomhammer.

For the grand knight who takes his oath seriously, wearing this weapon means that he is ready for war.

The one who greeted him in front of the portal was Bolvar Fordragon, the Grand Duke of Stormwind. When he saw Grand Duke Fordragon, Turalyon's expression suddenly became serious.

Being able to welcome this powerful grand duke proves that this time things are really serious.

"Come with me, Turalyon, His Majesty Varian and the Pope are waiting for you."

The Grand Duke waved his hand, and led Turalyon out of the teleportation hall. They descended the spiral steps of the Mage Tower all the way, and on the ground, royal attendants had already prepared war horses for the two of them.

On the way to the Stormwind Fortress on his horse, the Grand Duke suddenly asked in a low voice:

"I heard that there was a conflict between you and Ms. Alleria? What's going on? Wasn't it fine before?"

"Uh, nothing."

Turalyon didn't want to discuss the issue, but after a few seconds, he still couldn't help whispering to his older fellow paladin:

"I just feel that my relationship with her should take the next step. By the Holy Light, I have given her everything except my faith. I hope to form a more formal relationship with her.

Obviously this request has been blessed by His Majesty the Sun King, and Ms. Liresa also acquiesced in my union with her, but she is still unwilling to give me a promise.

Although I was patient, I was also anxious. "

"Huh? Proposed again?"

The experienced Grand Duke knew what was going on when he heard Turalyon's complaints. He stroked his beard on the horse and said:

"How many times is this? Is it true that you have proposed four times, as the rumors say?"

"Don't listen to the gossip."

Turalyon retorted, then sighed and said:

"This is the eighth time. The eight consecutive rejections even made me doubt her attitude towards this relationship. Is it really like what some vicious elves said?

Am I just her plaything? "

"You may have been through a lot, but your mentality is just a real young man. You say you are patient, but I don't think you are patient."

The Grand Duke shook his head and said:

"If you have identified a relationship, you should have confidence in her. There may be other reasons for her rejection, not what you think.

It's hard to guess a woman's mind.

You should be more determined, after all, persistence is the virtue of a paladin.

Maybe it would be better for you to go away for a while, like this time you have a mission that requires you to let go of your personal emotions for a while, it's about the will of the light, I mean dripping"

Before the Grand Duke finished his persuasion, a special delicate dwarf timer hanging on his wrist buzzed, causing Duke Fordragon's expression to change.

He turned to Turalyon and said:

"The Stormwind Fortress is just ahead. You should be familiar with this place, so I won't take you there."

"Did something happen?"

Seeing the seriousness of the Grand Duke's face, Turalyon thought something serious happened, so he asked:

"need my help?"

"You, a young man who has been single for many years, can't help you with this matter. Even if you can kill dozens of green skins on the battlefield, your ability is not enough to help me accomplish what I want to do next.

This is too difficult. "

Bolvar sighed, and in parting, he whispered:

"Don't worry, I'm just kidding, I'm not going to duel anyone, I'm just going to prepare food and change diapers for my daughter. Although there is a babysitter to help, I think this kind of thing needs to be done by the father himself. I owe her Too much with her mother.

What is your expression? "

Seeing Turalyon's strange expression, the Grand Duke snorted, took out a delicate crystal milk bottle from the horse pocket where he originally kept his weapon, tossed it in his hand, and said:

"When you have a child, you will know how difficult this job is, but you have to take Ms. Aurelia down first, hehe, this job is not easy.

Go, don't let His Majesty Varian and His Majesty the Pope wait for you. "

After speaking, the Grand Duke pulled up the rein and turned the horse's head, and rushed towards his house.

Watching the happy Grand Duke Bolvar leave, Turalyon rubbed his cheek in a daze, his mouth was full of sweet dog food.

No wonder Bolvar Fortagen, who was always serious, would take the initiative to chat with him about emotional issues. After a long time of trouble, it turned out that the Grand Duke was not trying to comfort him, but showing off his happiness.

Ah, the sweetness of this damned middle-aged old man is really disgusting.

The Grand Knight of Turalyon, who was full of dog food, walked into the Storm Keep shaking his head. He adjusted his mood and quickly entered the King's Hall. He found His Majesty Varian Wrynn sitting on the throne and Fa O Pope, is approaching a peculiar fellow.

That guy has a burly figure, blue skin, recurved hooves, horns on his head, and octopus-like tentacles on his chin. Although he looks weird, his whole body has a gentle temperament lingering in the holy light.

This is a draenei!

Turalyon recognized the fabled race immediately.

Although he has not been to Dellano, it is said that he received strong support from these extraterritorial races when Old Fording went to that world of death to bring back light-forging knowledge for His Majesty the Pope.

And because the old Pope was brought back with this sacred knowledge and became the "living saint" of human civilization, the Church of the Holy Light owed them a great favor.

"Turalyon, here you come, come here, let me introduce you to our fellow believer among the stars."

The pope waved with a smile and said to the grand knight:

"This is the priest of the Draenei, Your Excellency Amann the Wise, he brought a group of Draenei civilians into our world the day before yesterday, and His Majesty Varian arranged a place for them.

Perhaps in the near future, a Draenei country will appear on the land of the Eastern Kingdom. "

"The Holy Light will be very happy to see such a development, and the common faith also makes us and the Draenei a natural ally."

Turalyon praised a few words.

He bowed to the draenei priest, who returned the salute of a paladin.

However, this Draenei is not the focus of discussion today. After Turalyon took his seat, His Majesty Varian exchanged glances with the Pope, and he said:

"Great knight, His Excellency Laike Shaw sent a letter to me and His Holiness the Pope. He introduced Dellano's current situation, which is exactly the same as the predicament described by His Excellency Amanen.

My Majesty and I firmly believe that the fate of Dellano and Azeroth are linked by the threat of demons. After discussion, we decided to send a legion to that world to help the Draenei resist the invasion of demons.

Also help them evacuate their isolated civilians.

If possible, I would prefer that the battlefield of this demon war takes place in Dellano rather than Azeroth.

We need a credible man full of courage and familiarity with war to command this legion and go to that world on behalf of the Church of the Holy Light and the Kingdom of Stormwind.

The Grand Duke Bolvar was supposed to shoulder this responsibility, but his situation”

"Needless to say, Your Majesty still has His Majesty, I am duty-bound!"

Turalyon stood up and said in a deep voice:

"I can go at any time! Marshal Lothar also believes in the threat of demons. As his former adjutant, I will replace the marshal as a vigilant disaster watcher!

This is where my glory lies!

But, where is the army I want to command? The Legion of the Stormwind Kingdom should still be destroying the trolls in Stranglethorn Vale. Are they going to call on the Kingdom's coalition forces? "


Faol sighed and said:

"Northern border countries have their own affairs, they just sent out war observers and a small group of troops symbolically, they obviously care about the authority of the kingdom more than the threat in the prophecy.

But fortunately, there is a legion full of courage and glory ready, and they are ready to go under your leadership at any time. "

Varian also stood up and handed a letter of commission to Turalyon himself. Turalyon opened his eyes wide and exclaimed:

"Iron Horse Brotherhood? Haven't they already disbanded the establishment?"

"We should be thankful that this group of loyal veterans are still sticking to their mission. Their initiative to fight has saved the Kingdom from a difficult situation."

Varian sighed and whispered:

"The establishment of the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse was restored yesterday, and the first batch of vanguard troops are ready. They are waiting for your commander in Red Ridge Mountains. Along with you are the two Archmages of Dalaran.

They are also said to have been warned from Dellano's world.

They can use magic to teleport you to Keepwatch and from there into the Dark Portal.

Be careful all the way, big knight! "

"Although our Draenei garrison officers are small in number, we are willing to return to Dellano with the brave human legion, take back our people and fight the devil to the end!

You will need guides, too, and the rangers commanded by our Archbishop Nellie are up to the task. "

As the envoy of the Draenei, Aman the Wise also expressed the attitude of the Draenei on the spot.

Turalyon is a very strong commander in execution. He took some time to write a letter and asked the secret agent of MI7 to send it to Quel'Thalas, and immediately took the griffin to the Red Ridge Mountains.

However, when passing through the Dusk Forest, Turalyon unexpectedly encountered a group of night elf druids flying out from the natural gate of the Dusk Forest.

After a short exchange, knowing that this "Cenario Expedition" is also going to Dellano, the Grand Knight warmly invited them to go with them. As a result, I flew to the Red Ridge Mountains and saw some Quel'Dorei elves among the entourage of the Archmages of Dalaran.

After asking, I found out that these Quel'dorei elves are also going to Dellano.

This raised a big question mark in Turalyon's heart. How many people did the great pirate Bu Laike summon to that world? What is he going to do there? ——

"Hey, Hellfire Citadel is fully armed no matter how you stretch your hips, so you just brought so few people there?"

Under the huge stairs of the Dark Portal on the Hellfire Peninsula, at the starting point of what the orcs call the "Road to Glory", Braike is riding a death horse, looking at Lord Ravencrest leading nearly a hundred people. The vanguard of death knights is ready to attack.

The pirate said in a long voice:

"Shouldn't we wait? Wait until all the Black Crows come over before attacking?"

"No need."

The high lord riding on the saddle of the death night saber holds the magic sword Apocalypse.

He looked at the straight road leading to Hellfire Citadel in front of him, and at the draenei skeletons scattered on the ground. Those bones were almost everywhere on the road.

Ravencrest let out a deep laugh, put on his black crow helmet, and said in a death knight's hoarse voice:

"Perhaps I should thank the orcs for their massacre of this world. They cleaned this world of innocence, but they also planted the 'seeds' for the next war.

My dear Bo Laike, as I said just now, I heard the cry of the dead, the dead yearn for a war of vengeance.

I must respond to this expectation.

Tonight is not Raven Knight or your war. The arena of war tonight is not ours. "

Ravencrest lowered the magic sword, and at the moment it was close to the ground, the aura of death poured into this road of "glory" full of blood and tears of the draenei.

Under the wide-eyed gaze of Cirdan behind Bu Laike, the innocent skeletons around them who had been buried beneath the ground as embankments seemed to be given a second life.

The ground is cracking.

It was like countless ghost claws scratching the ground. Amidst the creepy sound, broken and twisted bones tore through the ground, and their shaking and muddy bodies crawled out from the ground.

As long as there is a place where bones are embedded, it is a battlefield where death flourishes.

In less than ten seconds, nearly a hundred death knights had three times as many skeleton servants as them. As Ravencrest and his death knights walked forward, every 100 meters, the army of skeletons following behind them will expand several times.

The number of draenei slaves killed by the orcs in order to build the Dark Portal and Hellfire Citadel is an astronomical number.

But now, the murders he once committed turned into real vengeful death, and an extremely cold revenge army gathered in front of the dark apprentice Cirdan who was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

Hundreds of thousands of dead will wake up today, and their purpose is only one.


(end of this chapter)

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