Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1286 36. You Have Entered The Area Of ​​The Dark Temple, And The Demon Navigator Continues T

Chapter 1286 36. You have entered the area of ​​the Dark Temple, and the Demon Navigator continues to serve you

In other words, no matter how majestic and gorgeous a city is, there will be a dirty sewer, just like no matter how beautiful a girl is, she can also go to the toilet.

This is an embarrassing situation that cannot be avoided by any advanced civilization.

And the Karabor Temple, once the second largest city of the Draenei, naturally has a sewer that fits its huge scale.

Because the city was built by the sea, a sewage outlet buried in mud can be found in a hidden area on the coast.

This is the "employee passage" through which Ashtongue Deathsworn secretly entered and exited the Karabor Temple. It is worth mentioning that during the Karabor massacre, Akama and his followers escaped from here .

"Go in with confidence."

Under the darkness, Akama, who personally led the way for this group of daring outsiders, pointed to the dug-out sewer entrance in front of him, and said to the others:

"The 'Red Mist Plague' that the orcs used to pollute and distort our bodies has long since dissipated, and it is very safe now, but the smell is a bit bad.

But then again, if it is cleaned well, the demons will not miss the process of checking it.

This is our luck, and it is also your luck. "

"Go in and have a look."

Laike threw the little murloc in his arms to the ground and gestured to it.

The little murloc is not afraid of getting dirty. It grew up in the bad-smelling swamp.

It took off its beautiful clothes, put them in its luggage, picked up its own salted fish hammer, summoned its own ugly dragon Shadwalker and its own deep-sea monster croaking, and put its own war crossbow on its back.

After completing this whole set of procedures, it bravely rushed into the huge sewer in front of it.

Others are waiting for news.

However, entering the stinking sewer in front of us is a very challenging mentality. Even the demon hunters who have always given everything for Lord Illidan all looked bad.

It was true that they had blinded their eyes, but their sense of smell was far more acute than ordinary beings under the strengthening of evil energy, and the stench in front of them alone was enough to kill half of their lives.

But the stinky pirate didn't care about the situation that he was about to dive into the sewer for a surprise attack. He was still in the mood to discuss some weird things with Akama next to him.

"I said, I remember that when you Draenei built the Karabor Temple, you engraved the runes of the Holy Light on the corners of this city, so that it can carry the power from the Holy Light.

When the orcs attacked this city, it was because of the protection of the Holy Light that you persisted for a long time. Now that the demons are coming, why don't you activate the defense system in the city?

It's understandable that other people don't understand that knowledge, but you Archbishop Akama shouldn't be able to. "

"Don't call me that title!"

Akama stroked the two golden one-handed sickles with chains on his waist, and said:

"I have said goodbye to the past, when I accept who I am, I am no longer who I used to be.

The defense system in the city was destroyed by the destruction and burning of the orcs back then, and after the arrival of the demons, they polluted the Karabor Temple with fel energy.

I know that knowledge is useless, the Light has abandoned us, unless the draenei come back here again, but how would they come back? "

Akama said in a disgusted tone:

"When Velen decided to abandon this place, they would never come back! They only had the naaru who radiated holy light and the guidance of those jigsaw puzzles in their eyes, but they knew nothing about the cruelty of reality.

They had lived peacefully for two hundred years, thinking that the disaster would be over. Even Velen himself relaxed his vigilance, and then the disaster came.

The saddest part is that I was one of these guys too.

I was as cowardly and as evasive as they were.

Now I know that peace will never be ours, it will never be ours, until Kil'jaeden and Archimonde and their eredar are all dead.

But Velen dares not fight them, so what can we vile Twisters do? "

"Wow, I have a lot of grievances."

Bu Laike exclaimed:

"I see that after you were distorted by the red mist plague, although you lost the favor of the holy light, it is not a bad thing. Look at you now, every Ashtongue Deathsworn has blessings and hugs from the shadows.

You are all very good assassins, and you still retain the super perception of the Draenei. You only need to undergo strict training, and you can become very good dark warriors.

In this way, I happen to have a small organization called the "Dark Templar" under my command, and I am recruiting talented Broken and Draenei like you.

I can teach you the art of fighting in the dark, and I can teach you to fight demons.

Interested in sending some apprentices for training? "

"What dark temple? It doesn't sound like a serious organization!"

Akama complained:

"But old Ghani told me that I can trust you completely in terms of conspiracy and tricks, so I don't mind sending some of my tribe to you to have a look.

Where is your organization's training ground? "

"It turned out to be in a great desert called Silithus, where the will of assassins can be sharpened very well, but now the situation is special, so I gathered a group of instructors and opened a branch school in Hellfire Citadel."

Bu Laike took out an emblem of the Uncrowned, threw it to Akama, and said:

"You can send people there directly to receive training. Of course, when the time comes for the professional title assessment, you will still have to go to the training ground in the Great Desert of Silithus.

This is the rule of the uncrowned. "

"quack quack"

While the two were discussing these things, the little murloc's cry sounded from the sewer in front of him, and the mud-stained Benbo Erba poked his head out of the sewer, and waved at the person in front of him. paw.

Indicating that it is safe inside, they can come in.

"Let's go, everyone!"

Bo Laike put on his black owl helmet, said something to the people beside him, and was the first to bend down into the sewer.

The Wardens followed, followed by the Hunters of Mo Kenasa, and finally the Demon Hunters.

After they entered, Akama led the Breakers and sealed the passage with mud. These outsiders would only come once and then leave, but they will use this tunnel for a long time.

This cannot be discovered by others.

"The sewer that hasn't been cleaned in the past ten years is really disgusting."

Bu Laike was walking on the steps of the dark sewer. While complaining, he used the death beacon to perceive Maiev's position. After entering the temple occupied by demons, his perception became much clearer.

A few minutes later, he told the crowd behind him:

"Sera took your sisters and me to rescue Maiev, and the others followed Altruis to the top of the temple, all the way up to the temple platform.

Kazak and the Legion liaison are there.

But don't rush to attack, wait until my side is done. "

"Wait, didn't you prepare the escape route in advance?"

The cautious Rexxar sensed the evil power around him that made him feel awe-inspiring, and he said:

"Based on the number of demons here, even if we successfully assassinate Kazak, we will be surrounded and killed by the gathered demons. There are too many of them."

"The escape route and so on are naturally set up early in the morning."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"Don't worry. Do your own thing, I guarantee that everyone can go back alive. Let's go!"

When the pirate gave an order, the group of people immediately split into two groups and dispersed along different sewer routes. Bu Laike led the Void Wardens into the shadows.

For a moment wrapped in floating shadows, the pirate looked up overhead.

All he saw was the grime-covered ceiling, but he saw more than that, and he whispered in a voice only he could hear:

"Now is the time to test the cooperation of our two prophets, Your Excellency Velen. If you can see it, show it to me, my collaborator, and those Akama and Ashtongue Deathsworn who have been completely disappointed in you. Your determination and sincerity."


At the same time when Braike led the watchmen, demon hunters, and orc hunters into the temple of Karabor, Maiev Shadowsong, who was suspended in the air by chains, suddenly opened in a cage deep in the temple. Eyes opened.

Ma'am Warden This will be very miserable.

Her Warden armor and weapons had been disarmed, and she was wearing a black leather armor. Looking carefully, it was the night killer suit she got from Bu Laike at that time.

She wears this set of leather armor as the inner lining of the plate armor.

But now this set of leather armor has also become tattered after being tortured by the demons. Ms. Maiev's cheeks are covered with blood, and her long white hair is stained with blood.

Anyone who sees her now will feel miserable.

And around this cell, there are a group of the most elite demon guards under the command of the doomsday overlord Kazak, who are ordered to guard this important prisoner.

The cell was quiet, only the slight sound of the blood dripping from the wound on Maiev's waist hitting the ground.

Lady Warden's hands were moving in the darkness. She wanted to undo the shackles of fel energy that bound her power. This job was impossible for ordinary spellcasters, but it was not impossible for Maiev.

She knew exactly why she was locked up here, and she had to escape before her loyal subordinates did something stupid.

Not only to prevent Nasa and the others from running to die, but also the terrible news that I accidentally heard when I sneaked into the Karabo Temple!

It must be told to draenei prophet Velen immediately

A nefarious plot against the Prophet himself has entered the stage of implementation!

In conversations she overheard about the Trickster and his most loyal lieutenant, Kazak, she learned that the demons were about to deliver a fearsome weapon to their chosen one.

And once the weapon returns, the entire Dellano will instantly turn into a world of death!

The stagnation of the demons' attacks in this world is not because of how powerful the resistance in this world is, they are purely to leave those living with a strong sense of resistance as test products for the supreme power of this weapon.

Once this terrible experiment is successful, the Burning Legion will instantly have the death power to engulf a world, and then pour Dellano's hatred and madness into the world of Azeroth through the Dark Portal.

A formidable legion ten times the size of the orcs' invasion of the Eastern Continent would destroy all that stood in their way, and the demons of the Burning Legion didn't even have to fight it themselves to win an effortless victory.

And Azeroth.

Based on Maiev's understanding of the status quo of that world, everyone in that world is not prepared to face such a disaster. No, maybe there is one person who has foreseen all this.

Thinking of that annoying guy, Maiev, who was suspended in the air, gritted his teeth.

A few seconds later, there was a rattling sound in the cell.

The sound immediately alarmed the vigilant demon guards outside the door, and a succubus and a satyr walked in to check the situation of this important prisoner. They saw that Maiev was still trapped in the air by three chains burning with evil flames, which made the two demons feel relieved.

But just as they turned their heads back, Maiev's figure suddenly disappeared from midair, and appeared behind the petite succubus in a shadow attack posture.

With a crisp clicking sound, the succubus' head turned 180 degrees, and the charming face couldn't even be terrified, and the whole body collapsed.

Maiev lifted the demon dagger in her hand and pierced its jaw before the satyr next to him was about to shout, messing up its brain amidst the stinky blood.

The dim moonlight shone on Maiev. Although Ms. Elune's power in this world is not as powerful as that of Azeroth, as the moon god's favorite dark walker, even if she is seriously injured, she can deal with two demons. It is also easy to catch.

Maiev clutched the wound on her stomach and collapsed on the spot, panting with difficulty.

The reason why she was captured was not because of how powerful Kazak was, but purely because the fraudster used weird power to defeat her defense in an instant.

That's not even the power of that great demon.

When Maiev was attacked, she vaguely saw a vision of a flaming titan holding a dark red scythe, and that guy even had the ability to cut her off from Luna.

That must be another crazy weapon of war made by the Burning Legion.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Shadowsong struggled to get up.

She didn't even waste time looking for her armor and weapons. She had to hurry up and get out of here. After staggering into the shadow escape, Shadow Song followed the path in her memory.

But when she left the cell and was about to enter the outer area of ​​the Karabor Temple, she saw that the door that was supposed to be open had already been closed.

Damn it!

A typical game of cat and mouse trap!

What are these demons planning to do?

Use this method to break her mind, so that she can abandon Luna to serve the Dark Titan?

What a wild fantasy!

Maiev cursed in a low voice, and when she turned around, a group of doom guards who descended from the sky were laughing and surrounding the desperate prisoner.

Leading them was a doomsday guard commander who was especially big, holding a strange sword and wearing heavy armor.

Maiev recognized it.

Demon King Kurul, the adjutant of the doomsday overlord Kazak, is a powerful and cruel high-ranking demon.

"Weak little mouse, where do you want to go?"

The doom guard waved the blue war blade with strange power in his hand, and a wave of brutal power was exerted on the surrounding doom guard demons. It laughed ferociously and spewed fire from its nostrils.

It roared:

"Call, cry, pray to all beings you can think of, but no one will come to your rescue! Your ultimate destiny is to be infused with searing fel energy and join the glorious legion.

Your dark power will cleanse all of Azeroth for Lord Sargeras

This is your destiny.

Maiev Shadowsong, abandon your despair and accept it with humility! "


Two warblades gathered by dim moonlight appeared in Maiev's hands.

This is her response.

On the other side, Bu Laike, who just crawled out of the sewer, shook his head, and said to Sierra Moonguard next to him in doubt:

"Did I hear a hallucination? Just now, it seemed that a loud voice was calling the smelly woman's name in the devil's language. What kind of devil's trick is this?

Are those Kil'jaeden henchmen trying to lure us into the bait?

Although it feels a bit unbelievable, and it may be a trap, why don't you go and have a look? "

(end of this chapter)

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