Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1302 52. Breaking Promises? Are You Kidding Me, Is This Your First Day As A Pirate?

Chapter 1302 52. Breaking promises? Are you kidding me, is this your first day as a pirate?

"It's really a good dog tooth, look at the quality! Look at the venom, it smells like a very poisonous thing."

On the half-shattered island reef, Laike sat in a messy battlefield and was admiring the spoils he just got.

The weapons made by the big canines of the two scorched hounds, after leaving Akali's hands, showed the most primitive and ferocious posture in his hands.

The demon craftsmen of Argus obviously modified this thing to make it more suitable as a hunter's weapon, but they didn't modify the posture of the canine itself too much, making it still like the top beast among the stars. The thing to kill.

The bodies of the two daggers are not the same, which is in line with the principle of biological growth.

There are fine serrations and barbs on the serpentine sword-like teeth, and the stinky pirates don't need to guess to think of the bloody wounds that will be created when this thing penetrates the human body.

Once injured by it, it is basically impossible to heal naturally.

In addition to the indestructible barb serrations, a dark green liquid was flowing from these two big dog teeth, much like the toxin that assassins smeared on their weapons.

But it is not external, but from the nature of the teeth of the two scorched hounds themselves.

Those dark green toxins continuously escaped from the inside of the dog's teeth, and flowed on every part of the dagger. Under the sunlight, this rare toxin also reflected psychedelic light, making it seem like it had a natural enchantment.

Just this thing, let alone paralyzing the enemy, a guy with super vitality like Bu Laike can feel faint dizziness just by sniffing the toxin on the serrated blade.

There was even a warning of "weak poisoning" on his character card, but with his natural supernatural powers, he could be extremely immune to the damage caused by the poison.

All in all, the demon craftsmen were able to create this pair of deadly weapons not because of their superb skills, but purely because the materials of the two daggers themselves were good enough.

Even if the dwarves or elves of Azeroth were to forge it, it would still be a deadly legendary weapon.

The workmanship of this weapon is rough, but its destructive power is not inferior to other legendary weapons. After a long time, you will feel that it has a wild beauty.

Bu Laike kept admiring, and carefully placed the two daggers in front of his eyes, and the entry for this weapon was quickly given on the character card:

Name: Fang of the Devourer

Quality: Legendary [Titan Forged Cursed Blade]

Status: Weak [Weapon quality can be upgraded by devouring life]

Attributes: Excellent sharpness, excellent piercing, excellent armor penetration, excellent poisonousness, never wear

special effects:

1. Fang of the Devourer:

Redmaw became Sargeras' favorite scorched hound not only because of his fierce nature, but also because of his special curse power.

The wounds stabbed by this weapon can never be fully healed, and the curse effect of [Withering Bite] is applied to the enemy, causing the enemy to continuously lose blood and greatly reducing their natural and shadow resistance.

This effect is non-healing and cannot be dispelled.

2. Cursed Tooth:

The dark titan Sargeras mourned his most beloved hound, and he personally blessed the Fang of the Redmaw, allowing the brutal soul of his beloved hound to reside in these wild blades.

Every attack using the Fang of the Devourer will absorb the vitality of the enemy. After absorbing enough vitality, the quality of the weapon will be improved, and the power will be fed back to the user, so that its combat effectiveness will be improved in all aspects.

Legend has it that after enough life has been consumed, the brutal Lord of the Devourers will be resurrected to return to his dark master.

Because of this, the Fang of the Devourer will not have a real master!

It will always only serve the Dark Titan.


Using this weapon will inflict a curse on the bearer, and when the user is on the verge of death, the soul will be completely absorbed by the fangs of the devourer.

3. God-killing poison:

Redmaw, the Lord of the Devourers, possessed the highest poisonous divinity among the stars, and after his death, this divine power was transferred to the weapons made from his teeth.

Every attack of the holder will poison the enemy. The divine toxin has a mandatory check effect on other forces other than natural divinity, and the destructive power of the toxin will not be weakened by the divine power.


The divine toxin secreted by the Fang of the Devourer can also be harvested to make alchemical potions.

Item description:

Sargeras loved Redmaw, and the loyal and powerful Redmaw never let his master down, until he committed the sin of arrogance that all strong men would commit

When he died, there was a whole world buried with him, but death could not stop the loyal hound from continuing to serve his master.

"You got the Fang of the Devourer, which means you are officially being watched by the Dark Titan, little master."

Xalatas said in the ear of Bu Laike, who was happily playing with the "new toy" with some worry;

"Sargeras will not allow the relics of his beloved to be left in the hands of the enemies of the Burning Legion, and he may send his minions to hunt you down.

Even a horrible person like Aggramar. If I want to give you a suggestion, throw away the dagger in your hand and dig a hole somewhere.

This is not something to joke with a woman like Azshara, it is a completely different concept.

I'm not ready to be a widow yet. "

"Agramar is busy sitting on Argus, he can't spare any energy to attack me, a weak mortal, as for Lord Sargeras, believe me, the dark titan will not hate me just because I have the tooth of the devourer .

He will be satisfied and proud of what I have done for Him with this weapon, ah, I finally got a real chance to serve Lord Sargeras.

Contributing my strength to such a magnificent man as the Dark Titan, it is really exciting to think about it. "

Bu Laike didn't care about Xal'atath's reminder at all.

He proudly wore the Fang of the Devourer on the weapon slot of his armor belt. These two dog-toothed daggers would not be used by him as his main battle weapon.

He already has mighty weapons like Salamani and Wolf's Edge.

But the shape of this dog tooth is very suitable for throwing yin men, and the vicious characteristics of this weapon determine that once it hits the enemy, even if it only touches, as long as the opponent is slightly weaker, the game can be declared over.

Tsk tsk, this is the "poison knife of justice" that Bo Laike has always dreamed of.

"Oh, as expected of Lord Sargeras, he was just playing with the way of the beast tamer, and in the end he tamed a terrifying thing like the Scorched Hound.

He really deserves to be a man whom I adore. He has such a personality in choosing war beast pets. "

I don't know if getting the Fang of the Devourer made the stinky pirate feel that he was one step closer to the dark idol he fanatically sought after, causing him to keep blowing Sargeras' rainbow farts.

He patted the dagger at his waist and said:

"I think I should also learn from Lord Sargeras, look for it in the Burning Legion, maybe I can catch a scorched hound to tame it.

The hounds tamed by the Dark Titan are all demigod demon lords, I am not so powerful, I just tame an ordinary scorched hound to pay tribute to my idol.

Do you think my idea is good? "

"Scorched Hound?"

The well-informed Xal'atath snorted.

Knowing that Bo Laike was going wild again, she mercilessly poured cold water on her and said:

"Instead of trying your luck to find it in the devil's territory, I think you might as well spend a little effort on taming a good demon hound, hunt and domesticate it yourself, and expect it to be more likely to advance suddenly one day.

I don't believe that you, a master sorcerer, don't even know the law of the birth of a rare demon like the Scorched Hound? If you want to find a wild scorched hound among the stars, you might as well go to Gadgetzan and buy some goblin lottery tickets and hope to win the first prize. "

Xalatath's complaints were sharp and ruthless, but Laike couldn't refute them.

The demons that can be spotted and domesticated by the Dark Titan are definitely not ordinary fel creatures. In the circle of top warlocks, there have always been legends about the Scorched Hound.

The scorched hounds, which are said to be rare and weird, are actually the top form of the most common demon hounds constantly advancing to their low-level demons.

Just like the demon guard advanced to the wrath guard, and then to the fel lord, the demon hound also has its own "evolution" route.

However, because the casualty rate of these low-level cannon fodder is astonishing, among a million demon hounds, there are only one or two lucky ones who can survive countless killings before reaching the edge of promotion.

And because the great demons of the Burning Legion do what they like and respect their leaders, whenever any wild scorched hounds appear, they will be surrounded by the "Devil Workshop" immediately.

After trying their best to tame these mighty dog-shaped demons, they will be sent to Sargeras, "the number one dog lover in the stars" to receive cruel training.

In the end, the strongest and most powerful Lord of the Scorched Hound may accompany the Dark Titan.

According to the "gossip" of the stinky pirates, Lord Sargeras's daily life is actually extremely boring, and he spends most of his time at the end of the real universe to attack the void forces.

This job took up 99% of his time and energy.

The remaining 1% is the interest to go out and explode a star, or like the story of Aegwynn and Medivh, to separate one's soul to observe civilization in other sad worlds.

And his only leisure time is spending time with his "pets".

Currently Lord Sargeras's favorite pets are a pair of rare "brothers" scorched hounds.

They have a very legendary experience. They were born together, grew up together, fought together, and advanced together. The probability of this happening is almost so small that it is impossible for the universe to be born.

It is said that these two terrible demigod dogs also possess the evil power of flame and shadow, so they are especially favored by Lord Sargeras, and they are kept in the sea of ​​​​hell in the world of Argus.

I don't know if Illidan, who was walking there, saw those two mighty big dogs?

With this in mind, Laike waited for the void vibrations on the broken island to completely calm down before getting up and leaving.

Dellano has had enough disasters, there is really no need to intervene in the void.

"Hey, let me tell you, have you seen enough theater?"

The stinky pirate stood on the edge of the island, looked at the sea heavily polluted by evil energy, and the small boat carrying people on the sea, and shouted to Aredin, the leader of the black knights on board:

"You asked me for help, and I've done it. Kil'jaeden's assassins are finished, and the fraudster's own plot to clean up me is also bankrupt, and now it will become the laughing stock of the demons.

This is considered an extraordinary performance by me. Not only did I give you a reason to leave the legion, but I even helped you out. So, what about the treasure you promised me?

I think my hard work deserves the reward of double treasures, what do you think? "

"The treasures are all on the islands off the Lin Hai coastline of Aranca Peak."

Aridin said in a dark voice:

"You can let your own fleet go there to search for it. I have dismissed the followers of the Black Spirit pirates in this world, and no one will stop you from hunting for treasure there.

This is our first collaboration and of course I want to impress my 'partner'.

In addition, I have to say that those two arrows just now were very powerful!

You are worthy of being a leader among the pirates of Azeroth, I am convinced. "

"What look?"

Bu Laike said contemptuously:

"You saw me shoot two arrows?

It seems that your vision has come to this point, and it is estimated that there is no big future in this life. Leave your broken boat on that island, and I will send someone to take it over. "

"it is good."

Eredin readily agreed.

He bid farewell to Bu Laike, turned around and picked up the oars and was about to leave.

As a result, as soon as he turned his head, a shadow-wrapped flying knife roared from behind. The leader of the black knight was not a cat or a dog. Every time the city will gain strength from death, and now it is also a legendary powerhouse with quite good overall strength.

Such a sneak attack can't kill him.


Eredin turned around on the boat and cut out the evil sailor knife in his hand, smashing the shadow flying knife that struck behind him on the spot, but there was no Laike in front of him.

not good!


The crisis warning of the leader of the black knight had just called the police, and the poisonous dog-tooth dagger stabbed out from behind him precisely, and pierced into the invisible body inside the armor along the gap of the black knight's armor.

The poisonous smoke from the Red Throat of the Devourer filled Aridin's cursed body, making the black knight feel weak instantly.

He wanted to struggle to fight back, but the knife in his hand dropped powerlessly as soon as he swung it up.

He thought of the battle scene he saw just now. The demon assassin Akali, who was stronger than him, was beaten by the stinky pirate. Even if he fought back desperately, it was just to add a little more fun to this bad guy.

"Why the hell are you!"

Eredin, who was pierced by the fang of the Devourer, knelt weakly on the boat. He looked at the cloth Laike who was reaching out to hold his helmet, and asked in a tone of shock mixed with astonishment:

"We're working together, you're breaking your promise!"

"Look at what you said that only a good baby can say, I'm too lazy to answer you."

Bu Laike sighed and said to the black knight in front of him:

"Your first day as a pirate? My dear Aridin, what gave you the illusion that we were friends you could trust? If I remember correctly, we have always been enemies?

And even my simple female prisoner can see your little thoughtfulness, being bullied like this by the devil, and still thinking of betting on both ends? Hey, this is not a high-end operation that a player of your rank can play.


The smelly pirate glanced at the demon sailor knife that fell from Aridin's hand, and he whispered:

"My fellow, these two knives of yours are pretty good, I like them."

"Make an offer."

(end of this chapter)

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