Chapter 1306

At noon, Maiev returned to Bo Laike's residence, and sat at the dining table with the pirates to eat.

The two sat on both sides of the round table, and the meals on the table were all prepared by the traveler Zhou Zhuo who was a temporary guest chef. Four dishes and one soup were common meals, but they tasted good.

Speaking of Zhou Zhuo this week, apart from being weak, cheap, too curious and too unlucky, he is completely all-rounder.

Not only is he good at writing, he has a very high literary quality, and he has a strong ability to survive in the wild, and he can also cook a table of good meals.

When needed, he is also the best treasure appraiser, and writing official documents is no problem at all.

Recently, Lao Zhou has become a very important "secretary" to Bu Laike. Even the various orders issued to the uncrowned are all written by Lao Zhou.

But Lao Zhou is very busy.

After taking the time to cook lunch for the picky pirate, he took his Xianglong partner, Mishi, to Hellfire Peninsula to investigate the blood ring orc tribe's ruins.

This guy has been very successful in archeology in Dellano World, and he has written more than a dozen professional papers just to be published in Lorewalker Magazine and the internal literature of the Explorers Association.

They are all about the textual research on the history of Della Nuo various races. The content is very detailed, and there are also archaeological discoveries. The publication of these papers is enough for Lao Zhou to be promoted to "Great Explorer" one month after joining the Explorers' Association .

That's something Boo Laike couldn't do either.

This proves that if you read a lot, you can make a name for yourself in a different world.

"Is this ring beautiful?"

Bu Laike finished his meal, rubbed his stomach and put down his chopsticks.

He looked at Maiev who was eating in a very ladylike manner, flipped his hand and took out the gemstone ring he had just "cheat" from the Breaker, and waved it in front of Maiev's eyes.

The warden glanced at her, then lowered her head to eat, and said casually:

"not bad."

"Not bad? This is what the best gemsmiths of the draenei dug up from a broken world when they were fleeing among the stars and polished it.

Although it is not a magic item, just this craft, taking it back to Azeroth can make the queens of the human kingdom go crazy and want to take it home. "

Bo Laike snorted, stood up, and walked out, saying:

"Madam Warden's eyes are so high."

Maiev didn't answer and continued to eat.

Two seconds later, Bo Laike suddenly grabbed her left hand, put the ring in her palm, and said:

"Here is your reward. A lady must have her own jewelry. Your backpack is full of armor and weapons, and you don't even have a necklace. It made me cry."

"If you want to give something, just give it well. Do you have to say 'reward'?"

Maiev did not refuse the first thing that Bu Laike really gave her. Although he had taken a lot from the stinky pirates before, it was all "borrowed", which was different from the thing in front of him.

Ms. Warden glanced at the jeweled ring in her hand that could make any woman scream with excitement, and the smile on the corner of her mouth curled up and disappeared in the next instant.

Said indifferently:

"Do you think it's okay to give a female warrior such a flashy thing? If you really want to give a gift, maybe a sharp dagger or sword I would prefer."

"Why do you have so many things?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said in a nasty voice:

"I'm going out in the afternoon, you can sleep by yourself tonight.

You can escape if you want, but you have to think about what will happen if you are caught by me. In addition, we are going to Shadowmoon Valley in the next few days. You pack your clothes and go with me. "

"When will you give me back my armor?"

Maiev asked.

Bu Laike shrugged and replied:

"Wait until the little devil in your heart who keeps tempting you to escape is killed by your own hands."

After finishing speaking, the pirate strode out of the dining room. His flaming bird had been pecking at the window just now, waiting to fly with its owner, and it would even be whining and circling around Bu Laike.

That utterly poignant pet craves attention.

I have to say that the relationship between Bu Laike and Cang Qiong is really good, which once made a macho hunter like Rexxar a little jealous.

After the pirates left, Maiev still didn't express much. She finished her meal very calmly and cleaned up the dishes in the attitude of an elf lady.

But after finishing her work, Maiev's eyes fell on the big gemstone ring placed by the table again.

She looked at her finger that was used to holding a sword, and after a few seconds of hesitation, she reached out to pick up the ring and put it on her slender finger.

"It's actually quite nice, ma'am."

Nasa's voice sounded behind Maiev, and the warden's adjutant said softly:

"Actually I think Laike is right this time, you've been a Warden for too long, you don't have a private life of your own, maybe this is an opportunity, ma'am.

Although I don't like that pirate, you also have the right to pursue happiness. If you really want, I can report the news of your "accidental death in battle" to the Sisters of Elune.

All sisters wish you well. "


Maiev stared at the jeweled ring on her finger and shook her head.

She didn't say anything, just sighed, turned around and went to the room to prepare clothes for the journey.


On the other side, under the gallop of the sky, Laike quickly returned to Hellfire Citadel from Ashran, and as soon as he landed, he saw a group of centaurs migrating on the road of glory ahead.

These wild and warlike guys lined up, and there were centaur horses pulling the baggage cart, like a centaur clan hunting and migrating.

This team stretched from the Portal of Darkness to the temporary camp in front of the Hellfire Citadel. It is conservatively estimated that at least a few thousand centaur mercenary fighters came.

Wearing very crude armor and carrying clan-like weapons, they were talking loudly and rudely to each other, and now and then a small brawl would break out.

This was in stark contrast to the disciplined discipline of the elite warriors of the orc Kor'kron clan who marched with them.

And the barbaric fighting spirit of the centaurs made the Draenei garrison officers who were in charge of the reception look at each other in dismay.

Do these bastards with the bodies of war horses really know what enemy they are going to deal with this time? It was the first time for the Draenei people to see someone so excited and aggressive when they knew they were going to face the devil.

The cultural difference is really amazing.

"The big brothers from Chief Red have finally arrived, look at the high morale of the cannon fodder who voluntarily died, this is the best mercenary warrior.

After the battle in Shadowmoon Valley, the centaur mercenaries will definitely become famous, cheap and easy-to-use brothers! "

Laike stood on the flight platform of Hellfire Citadel, looking at the assembled army in front of him, he nodded in satisfaction, walked around again, and walked into the Shattered Hall with ease under the watchful eyes of a group of death knights.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, Bu Laike froze in place.

"Hey, Captain, what are you doing standing there? Come on, let's have a drink together!"

The fat Red was wearing the black plate armor that looked like a "body-shaping suit". He was sitting "difficultly" on the chair prepared for ordinary orcs, holding a skull jug in his hand, and was talking to the young orcs. Sal drinks and chats.

And seeing Thrall lying on the table, dizzy and full of alcohol, he must have been drunk with a lot of wine by the old silver chief Red.

But Reid obviously didn't enjoy the drink. When he was "serving his own drink", he saw Bo Laike appearing, and he was immediately happy, calling the pirates to come and have fun with him.

"What are you doing here?"

Bu Laike said in a surprised tone:

"Shouldn't you be in charge of the overall situation in Black Rock Mountain? How dare you come here alone? You are not afraid that the orthodox tribe will split when you are not around?"

"Don't be afraid, Eitrigg and my loyal 'Three Blackstone Warriors' are watching."

With a big wave of his hand, Reid got up obsequiously and poured a glass of wine for Laike, then stroked the beard growing on his chin and complained:

"However, Captain, the Yulian gang you introduced to me this time is not a good one. I ran to find them to borrow money, but those cunning pandaren gave me a terrible interest rate.

The interest was so high that the goblins of Gadgetzan's Steamwheedle Consortium couldn't stand it.

The Prince of Steamwheedle paid me out of his own pocket, and I made a very successful deal with him.

One-tenth of the spoils of this battle belong to him, and he wants to expand the business territory of the Steamwheedle Consortium to Dellano, tsk, I don't know what money can be made in such a crappy place?

But I don't care if the goblin prince is willing to lose money.

I hired 10,000 centaur mercenaries with the money he gave, and got 20,000 cannon fodder from the quilboar in Razor Heights. Now Ner'zhul can't reprimand me.

I gave him ten times more fighters than he needed!

I didn't even fear the risk, and personally led the Kor'kron guards to support my hometown as the great chief."

The great chief laughed twice proudly, leaning on his dark hand hammer, and said to Bu Laike:

"When the news gets out, as long as there is a green skin with a little conscience, they will respectfully praise me as 'the great chief'! Uh, speaking of which, I need to borrow the news channel of the uncrowned, Captain .”

Red blinked slyly and said:

"As you taught me before, when you do good deeds, you must let others see it."

"Okay, okay, having this idea proves that you are already a very qualified chief, and there is nothing wrong with you except that you are a little fatter and don't have any majesty."

Bu Laike also listened to the music.

He picked up the wine glass and clinked a glass with Red, then looked at the young orc Sal who was already drunk and started talking nonsense, raised his brows and said:

"What do you think of this young man?"

"In terms of wisdom, there is nothing to say!"

Red happily drank the wine in the glass, glanced at Sal, and said:

"It's just a little naive, he became friends with Arthas Menethil, and he felt that he could replicate this friendship and resolve hatred with other humans.

But he still didn't realize the real problem.

But young people are like this, as long as they have experienced things.

By the way, Captain, I'm going to Nagrand tomorrow to visit Grandmother Gaiaan, but I have a headache. "

The war chief rubbed his head and looked at Boo Laike for help with an "I'm just an idiot, help me" expression.

He whispered:

"I want to bring the Mag'har orcs into the orthodox tribe. They are the last orthodox orcs in the orc civilization who have not been polluted by magic blood. Disgusting.

Even a war hero like Val Locke has trouble recruiting warriors himself, and I've heard the Mag'hars over there call War Locke a butcher and a lackey of demons.

Help me think of a way, how can I get Grandma Gaiaan to agree to help me annex the Mag'hars? "

"Do you want to prostitute my dark wisdom again?"

Laike's expression turned cold in an instant, he stared at the chief unkindly, and Red also showed a shivering and flattering expression very cooperatively.

Pirate said:

"I won't be fooled by you again this time. Want an idea? No problem, bring me money! You can say anything, my wisdom is very expensive, and I can't lose money with you."

"But I really have no money."

Red wailed in despair:

"I even borrowed money from the mercenaries from the goblins. Boss, please take pity on me, this pathetic green skin."

This guy with no lower limit knelt down on the ground with a thud, and held onto Bu Laike's leg with the strength of alcohol and did not let go, crying snot and tears flowed out together, making the little murlocs around Bu Laike who stole the wine stare round.

Good guy!

Murlocs are ashamed of how shameless you are, my dear Chief Red.

"Get up! Get up! Damn it, your snot is all over my boot! Bastard, I should stab you!"

Bu Laike cursed and kicked Red away. He was really angry, but after drinking a few sips of wine, Bu Laike sighed helplessly and looked at the dramatist Red next to him who lowered his head and wiped his tears.

He found that he really had nothing to do with this hob meat.

kill him?

Not really.

And without Reid, there will be a frying pan on the Black Rock Mountain in an instant.

beat him?

What's the use?

This guy is clearly shameless.

And Red was a fighter, and beating him would only make him "happier."

The most important thing is that Red is a "veteran" who has followed Bo Laike all the way. Although he left the Undead Pirates early, his loyalty to Bo Laike has never changed.

That alone was reason enough for Laike to put up with most of Red's behavior.

Bo Laike was sulking, and after several minutes, he whispered:

"come over!"

When Chief Red, who was crying without tears, heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he rushed to the pirate's side quickly, making a gesture of listening to the dark wisdom.

"The next time you are like this, I will really kill you."

Bu Laike cursed, then picked up his pipe, pointed to Thrall, and whispered:

"Bring him back as well, and let him act as a liaison between the orthodox tribe and Grandma Gaia'an. By the way, the five orcs are also recruiting pirates there now.

They are the orthodox Mag'har, and your breakthrough is here.

As for how to persuade the real pacifist of Grandma Gaiyaan to support you, it is actually very simple. "

The smelly pirate coughed and said:

"Have you figured out who the next great chief of the orthodox tribe will be handed over to?"

"Uh, I was going to give it to my brother Maim."

Reid scratched his head and said frankly:

"But Maim said that the position is unlucky and he doesn't want to die, and he is also very happy doing Dellano Pirate King, and he doesn't want to be bound by that.

Well, my two unborn children, I don't plan to let them take over as the war chief. The matter of my father casts too much shadow on me.

This location is really not very good.

I plan to work for another ten years, and I will drop my pick and go back to Nagrand or go to Tol Barad to spend the rest of my life.

As for who will be the next great chief, to tell you the truth, captain, I don't care, and I don't care. Brothers Drek'Thar and Saurfang, and even Eitrigg have their own recommendations.

I'm going to let them fight among themselves first, and whoever wins will be Warchief.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, I just watch the excitement. "

"Okay! It's good if you have this heart."

Bu Laike sneered, exhaled the smoke ring, and whispered in Red's ear:

"Go and tell Grandma Gaia'an and all the Mag'hars that the next warchief is definitely a Mag'har orc! Since the name is an orthodox tribe, it should be led by the most pure-blooded orc, right? "


Red's eyes widened, and there was a burst of ecstasy, but soon, the chief realized a problem. He looked at the green-skinned orc Thrall who was drunk by him, and whispered to Bo Laike:

"Drek'Thar and Eitrigg probably won't agree."

"Why do they disagree?"

Bo Laike snorted.

Picking up the Hammer of Doom that Thrall had put at his feet, he played with it in his hand. He raised his head and said to Reid:

"The Great Chief is a political leader, the Great Prophet is a spiritual leader, the Warlord is a war leader, and even the Pirate King can be a raid leader.

Red, Red, who told you that a tribe can only have one leader?

Don't you just make cakes without dividing them? "

(end of this chapter)

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