Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 133 41. What Will You Do After Getting Rich Overnight? 【3/15】

Chapter 133 41. What will you do after getting rich overnight? 【315】


The battered boat docked.

But around the island in front of him, there was a layer of sea fog. Bu Laike jumped off the boat, stretched out his hand, and touched the sea fog. He felt a strong force blocking him.

It's like a wall, and the arm can't go through it at all.

He glanced at Garona behind him, and gestured for her to be alert. The legendary assassin nodded, dropped the oar in his hand, and quietly entered the shadows.

Bu Laike lifted the skull he was holding in his other hand and approached the sea fog in front of him.

The skull in his hand was still moving its mouth, and it greeted Bo Laike's mother, grandmother and all the female relatives with the most vicious, ugly, vulgar, pirate curse words.

"Bastard! Bastard! Shameless bilge rat! You're using me! You're the same as Zemran! I'm blind to help you!"

The mouth of the skull opened and closed, causing the pirate to get angry. He grabbed its jaw and yanked it hard. With a click, the jaw of the skull was removed.

He was thrown away by Laike again and thrown into the sea behind him.

It was finally quiet.

He used the skull as a key and placed it in the sea fog in front of him. In the words of Mr. Gaboya, the rebel first officer of the undead fleet, Zemlan put a curse on his treasure.

Only members of the Undead Fleet can enter this Treasure Island.


The beating skull in Bu Laike's hands was put into the sea mist, like some kind of weird "magic certification". After confirming the identity of the skull, the sea mist covering the entire island and reef quickly dispersed.

Then, a burst of dazzling golden light burst out right in front of Bu Laike.

The light was so dazzling that the pirate couldn't help raising his hand to cover his eyes.

And the two troll ghosts following him saw what was in front of them, their eyes widened for a moment, and they fell into a daze.

After the sea fog dissipated, what appeared in front of their eyes was a huge island reef, whose area was almost as large as the palace of Lordaeron, and there was a "mountain" on this island reef.

Countless gold coins, gold bars, gold nuggets and jewels, jade, crowns, scepters jumbled together with each other.

Gold, red, blue, green, and black all kinds of valuables were mixed in the golden treasure mountain, not only did not make those treasures more luxurious.

Instead, it feels like being in the most valuable garbage dump in the world.

The ground of the island reef is completely covered by various gold and silver treasures, and the height of the treasure mountains on both sides of a road in the center is at least six meters above the sea level.

"Bwonsamdi's fangs are on!"

Manzur, who claims to be the think tank of the Golden Tooth Gang, will show an exaggerated expression. He looks at the treasure mountain that is filled with every part of the entire island and reef, exuding endless jewels.

He almost yelled out of control:

"How much wealth is put here! If I can get it, no, just take one-tenth of it, the Talanji chick from the royal family of Rastakhan will marry me willingly!"

"Not promising!"

On the other side of Bu Laike's body, the female troll Woni scorned her companion for not pursuing her. She stared at the island and reef in front of her, which was completely piled up with treasures, with round eyes.

With a passion that should not belong to the ghost of the dead, she said:

"I'm going to build a swimming pool out of them! Bathe every day in a sea of ​​gold coins"

"Your pursuit is not as good as him."

Bo Laike is very calm.

He tossed the large skull up and down in his hands, and strung it on the thin iron chain on his chest, then beat his trembling legs hard, and stepped forward.

Walking is difficult.

Because even the edges of the islands and reefs are full of all kinds of gold and silver treasures.

The gold coins alone were piled up to an indeterminate depth. The pirate took a step forward, his whole body sinking into quicksand, his left leg sank into the sea of ​​gold coins.

He glanced sideways.

Good guy.

Not only the gold coins used by the Zandalari trolls, but also the gold coins minted during the ancient elf empire.

This thing is very recognizable, with the head of Queen Azshara printed on it.

There are also gold coins used by the Vrykuls for funerals. The Vrykuls will cast eye-sized pieces of gold and put them on the eyes of the deceased to pay the soul-inducing ship's fare.

That's right, the ship's fare paid to that bastard Hablon.

However, the legend of the Vrykul is obviously wrong, and Hablon will not accept these mortal gold coins.

There is only one kind of shipping money and currency that he agrees with, and that is the soul.

In addition to the elven gold coins and the funeral coins of the vrykul, Laike also saw more than a dozen golden boxes in the golden mountains and silver seas not far away.

It is round, like a tripod tripod, on which is carved with exquisite craftsmanship a strange monster like a snake, with cloud mane, scales, tiger claws and fish tail.

It was a totem he was quite familiar with.

"Has Zemlan ever been to Pandaria? How did he get these pandaren's tribute to the Supreme God?"

Bu Laike blinked, he thought:

"No, when Zemran, the Zandalari pirate king, was active, Pandaria had been sealed in the mist by the last emperor Shaohao, so he couldn't have been there.

So, he found these tributes at the bottom of the sea near Pandaria? "

"So much money! My God."

Garona, who was hiding in the shadows, claimed to have seen many things in the world. When the Horde broke Stormwind City and the orcs opened the vault of the Stormwind Kingdom, she watched from the side.

At that time, the wealth accumulated by a king's family for a hundred years was really amazing.

But compared with the real treasure mountain in front of me, the memory of that time is really too small. The half-orc assassin appeared from the shadows in a daze.

The sun above the head shone on the island reef full of treasures, and the colorful arcs it emitted were enough to blind anyone's eyes.

At this moment, Garona seemed to have lost her judgment on wealth.

Her eyes widened.

Trying to estimate the value of so many treasures piled up on the island and reef in front of me, it is only calculated by volume, not counting the sea of ​​gold coins with many layers on the ground, even the treasure mountain in the center.

The size of the Zemlan treasure should be at least fifty times that of the royal treasure house of the Stormwind Kingdom!

At this moment, Garona finally had a clear understanding in her heart, why Bu Laike went through all kinds of hardships and almost died to find this treasure.

With so much wealth in hand, this bastard, Laike, can use this inexhaustible money to "buy" a fleet as powerful as the Kul Tiras navy.

Do not.

As long as he is willing, with the money in front of him, he can easily buy him a kingdom in the Eastern Continent.

"I've dealt with goblins before"

Garona had a strange expression on her face, she bent down, trying to touch a perfect sapphire under her feet, she said softly:

"Those little greenskins always say that the power of wealth they pursue is not inferior to the power we pursue. I always thought it was the natural weak goblins who comforted themselves

But after seeing this treasure mountain with my own eyes, I realized it.

Those little guys were right.

I was wrong, I did not realize the power of money, not because that power does not exist, but my vision is too narrow, because I have seen too little wealth.

God, so much money!

This is enough for you to hire Orgrim and the entire tribe to fight for you. No matter how proud Orgrim is, he will be bent over by you with money.

Too much.

No one can refuse this shocking wealth, no one! "


Just when Garona's finger was about to touch the perfect piece of sapphire, a throwing knife made entirely of shadows slammed over, knocking out the gem in front of her fingertip.

The fist-sized gem was "floating" on the "sea of ​​gold coins", and finally slipped into a golden valley.

"I know you're excited. But at least for now, don't touch them!"

Bu Laike struggled to pull out his left leg from the sea of ​​gold coins. He sat cross-legged on the island full of treasures, looking at Garona with clear eyes.

He said:

"Don't be blinded by money, lady. Every gold coin here bears the curse of Zemlan. If you want to take them, you have to pass the level of the Pirate King first.

If you choose to be a 'thief' who takes it without warning, trust me, you will regret it. "

As he spoke, the pirate took out an arcane beacon from his magic suitcase, and threw it to a "gold coin plain" in Treasure Mountain. A few seconds later, the obvious fluctuation of arcane magic jumped to the left and right of the beacon .

The blue arc of light danced around the beacon, like dancing starlight. It continued to wrap around, and after a few seconds, a circular light curtain was formed. Between the two remote ends, a portal was opened.

The semi-lich manipulated it himself, allowing the portal to open an astonishingly large area. The next moment, a black-handed brother rushed out with a double-edged sword, howling.

They thought there would be a battle here.

As a result, Reid rushed too fast, his feet softened unexpectedly, he howled and flew out, smashing into the sea of ​​gold coins in front of him, splashing a burst of golden light.

"The elements are on top!"

Maim held two knives and was completely stunned.

In his orc pupils, the reflection of the treasure mountain in front of him was reflected, the power of wealth, which instantly knocked Maim into a sluggish state.

When he heard Bu Laike describe the pirate king's treasure from the very beginning, he also imagined what the treasure should be like.

But the orc's poor imagination allowed him to imagine at most a dark and mysterious cave, piled up with golden treasure piles the size of a dozen thunder elephants, emitting golden light.

There should be jewelry, a crown, gold bars, and a few half-open wooden boxes that exude an alluring golden light.

However, when he really saw the treasure of the Pirate King in front of him, he began to feel ashamed of his poor imagination. His vision and pattern were really too small.

"Oh my God!"

Udora, the short quartermaster, this vulpe saw the Treasure Mountain in front of me from behind Mem's legs, and her big tail straightened up with a bang.

The little fox man felt dizzy, his big eyes were full of light from the sea of ​​treasures in front of him.

She is short of breath.

The scene in front of her was so unreal that she took a step back.

Sitting on the sea of ​​gold coins, panting heavily.

She finally understood why when she met Bu Laike for the first time, she asked for a tenth of the treasure, but was laughed at by Bu Laike.

Just one-tenth of the treasure mountain in front of me, exchanged for gold coins, is enough to kill every vulpera in every vulpera tribe in Wharton Desert!

Even Meri Dongfeng, the most knowledgeable demilich, was overwhelmed by the aura of the golden island in front of him when he drove those troll cannon fodder out of the portal.


The old mage blinked, and in the next moment, he looked back at Bu Laike, and asked in a subtle tone:

"What are you going to do with the money?"

"Let me think."

Bu Laike stood on the sea of ​​gold coins. He kicked a few troll-style crowns under his feet, rubbed his chin pretendingly, then snapped his fingers and said to the old mage:

"Take out half first, and buy the Silvermoon City of the high elves!

Take out another third, hire Lothar and his human legion, and Orgrim and his orc tribe, and ask them to burn the high elf Silvermoon City in front of me.

Finally, use the remaining money to go to Kalimdor to find the night elves, buy a third of Ashenvale, and then put all the high elves and orc tribes who have nowhere to go.

Forcing them to fight with the night elves.

So I can sit on the flagship of my fleet and watch the world burn with joy. Okay, I'm just kidding, what else can I do? "

The pirate turned his head and smiled at the old mage, then turned his head to look at the huge black shadow slowly approaching not far away.

He said:

"Of course, use this money to build an invincible fleet and plunder the world. Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, Master, I'm not joking this time, I'm serious."

Bu Laike gave a long laugh, drew his weapon, and shouted back:

"Bastards! Brace yourselves! Ready to fight!"

(end of this chapter)

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