Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1315 65. No! Old Anzu And Azshara Will Form An Alliance And Join Forces To Kill Me

Chapter 1315 65. No! Old Anzu and Azshara will form an alliance and join forces to kill me

For ordinary greedy people, plucking the feathers of geese is a basic skill, but there are always some guys who don't like to take the usual path, such as Bu Laike Shaw. The greed of others is to leave the hairs, but he keeps the wild geese.

Greed is really greed.

Do not die is really do not die.

Seeing that Bu Laike was about to take away 98% of Rukhmar's remains, Ansu, the peerless old licking dog, couldn't suppress his anger at all, and taught Bu Laike a lesson on the spot.

Of course, considering that the old Ansu is very old, and the stinky pirate is in his prime, so in Ansu's lair, there was another terrible scene of kicking the kindergarten and punching the nursing home.

But Bo Laike is a respectful guy after all, so he just used coercive means to prevent Ansu from "suicide".

The power from the ancient venerable to control emotions quickly penetrated into the spirit of the crow god, instantly terminating its anger, and Ansu quickly entered a state of "forced calm".

"You! You must explain the necessity of your actions!"

Ansu was in a very strange state at this time.

It clearly knows that it needs to get angry and angry, but there is only disgust in its calm heart, but it can't arouse anger.

It's like being "spiritually castrated" all of a sudden.

It flapped its wings and howled at Bo Laike. The pirate shrugged and repeated to Anzu the theory that Xal'atath just said.

He also cited the example of Wisdom Tianzun Yulong.

Ansu has never seen Yulong's stone carvings, but the unknown Miss Hisalley Black Crow next to her confirmed this statement. She also ate and saw it in Pandaria.

The sapphire sculpture of the Dragon's Heart is a famous spectacle there.

"Supreme gods like Yulong Tianzun, born from the force of life and fused with elements, really don't need the support of physical remains when they are reincarnated and resurrected.

From this point of view, Bo Laike's argument is completely tenable. "

Crow stroked his long burning hair and explained to Ansu:

"Besides, it is very troublesome for you to carry so many remains with you. If you must ensure the integrity of Rukhmar's remains, then you have to spend a lot of energy to maintain them.

But these remains will gradually lose their strength with the passage of time. After all, the spirit of the sun is dead. Decay is the fate of the deceased, which is part of the natural cycle.

Instead of obsessively seeking material integrity, it is better to pursue symbolic unity. "

The archdruid explained with the theory of the natural school:

"Your Excellency Bu Laike has already guaranteed that Rukhmar's complete soul can be gathered on the bones in your hands, so it doesn't really matter if the other parts are kept."

"Yes, my friend."

Bu Laike made a gesture of admiration to Miss Black Crow, and he persuaded Ansu:

"The remains of the goddess you left here are more of a commemoration, but now that you have the key to resurrect Rukhmar, you should look to the future.

Putting this pile of stuff here just shows how twisted and perverted you are.

It's not good for your reputation if it gets out.

Come on, I will help you gather Rukhmar's soul and will now, this is a process that requires full concentration, and you can't disturb me. "

After speaking, the pirate took a few steps back, stood in front of Rukhmar's scorched bird bone, and under Ansu's complicated eyes, reached out and touched the remains of the sun spirit.

Xal'atath laughed as he wished, and transferred his dark will to Rukhmar's remains bit by bit in a gesture that did not disturb others.

It's like the "occupation" of the banshees.

With the transfer of her huge will, the will of Rukhmar contained in this skeleton was stripped away bit by bit, and pushed out of the remains.

Because Rukhmar's original will has been dead for thousands of years, this will is very fragile, causing Xal'atath to "creep" slowly.

A little carelessness will irritate her.

The process took almost over an hour to finally complete.

However, the effect is very good, because the stimulation of Xalatath's void power caused the sleeping Rukhmar's will to appear a little "activated", especially when she was transferred to Anzu's eyes. When he was in the middle of the night, old Ansu even clearly heard the sigh and call of his goddess in the death dream.

That's what Rukhmar was still saying when he died thousands of years ago, that's what Rukhmar called Anzu's name in his dying moments.

This scene made the old licking dog burst into tears.

I can't hold back at all.

Sadness overwhelmed it again, making old Anzu seem to have returned to the day when Rukhmar died, and his spiritual world also collapsed on that day.

If it wasn't for Bo Laike and Thisalie Crow who were still here, Ansu would definitely cry in the lair holding the goddess' skull.

Alas, who is not a sad baby?

"Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

After completing the ceremony, Bu Laike put on a "tired" posture very playfully. He rubbed his forehead and said meanly to the old Ansu with complex eyes:

"You can also feel that Rukhmar's complete and lifelike soul is in this small piece of bone in front of your eyes, and it is because of the gathering that she is more 'fresh' than before.

As long as you carry it with you, you can feel more clearly that Rukhmar is always by your side.

Your goddess has never left you, you poor and lucky infatuated crow, so what you have to do now is not anger, nor regret, nor sadness!

You useless old man, cheer up and work harder, bastard!

Now is the time to prepare everything in advance for the resurrection of your goddess. If everything goes well, I am sure to advance this matter within a month or two, but you can speed up this matter through your own practical actions.

do you understand me? "


Anzu, who was "forced to calm down", hung the chain made of wind with the remains of Rukhmar's soul infused with Rukhmar's soul in front of him very preciously, and hung a chain made of wind around his neck. It glanced at Bu Laike and said:

"I'm going back to Skettis right now, calling on the Fallen Arakonians to join the anti-magic camp in Shadowmoon Valley, those bastards who don't obey will be kicked out of Skettis, may Setai devour their souls!

Tell me, what else do you need them for?

Say it all. "

"Then I'm not going to be polite, you let the bastards with the best eloquence among them, that is, the 'crow claw priests' who are responsible for guiding the spirit and belief of the fallen arakkoa to go to Azeroth!

I want them to spread the prophecies of the coming of the demons in that new world, and let them tell the inhabitants of that world about the situation of Dellano.

I need them to testify to the truth of my dark prophecies. "

Bu Laike rubbed his hands, and said to Ansu very bluntly:

"After all, not all fallen arakkoa are bastards. Skettis has many priests who are loyal to you, don't they? They are all useful people. Since they are useful, they should be used well.

Give them a chance to live and let them serve our common cause.

in addition"

The pirate pointed to the arch druid of flames standing beside him, and he said to Anzu:

"This Archdruid Thisalie Black Crow comes from a natural order that worships the demigods of the wilderness. They have the ability to learn from the demigods and transform themselves into beasts to fight.

As long as they get the blessing of the demigod, their recruits can learn the power of incarnation faster. If you have nothing to do, you can choose some talented young people from among them.

The decline and marginalization of Raptor Druid has not been a day or two.

The mother of all birds they worship died in battle 10,000 years ago, and it is difficult for her to convey the wisdom of her wings and sky to the apprentices without a physical entity.

But you are also a demigod of the sky, old Anzu, though your wings are twisted and you cannot fly, the sky is still your domain, pass on your knowledge to them,

They will adore you.

I know you don't care about that, but you have to give Lord Rukhmar some thought.

If she is bound to the primordial fire of Azeroth and is going to live in Azeroth in the future, she will also need some followers and servants to serve her. "

The smelly pirate blinked and said:

"You can't let the noble and beautiful Lord Rukhmar handle everything by himself, and deal with such trivial matters as his daily food and cleaning the nest, right?

Is that appropriate? "

"Of course not."

Ansu snorted haughtily, combed his actually beautiful feathers with his wide mouth, and said:

"My Rukhmar wants to devote herself to promoting the virtues of the sun, so why waste so much time on these trivial matters of life? Well, your proposal is very good, the noble goddess really needs some loyal servants.

Like those arakkoa who had been fortunate enough to serve her.

I'll check out the druids. "

Xilisa Black Crow was very surprised by this answer. Although Ansu in front of him could no longer fly, it could be seen from the short battle before that this old crow had two brushes.

Once it gets its support, the raptor druids, who have always been in an awkward position in the druid group, will definitely make great progress, which makes Miss Black Crow temporarily let go of her prejudice against Laike.

She nodded to the smelly pirate, and said to Ansu:

"Then, Lord Ansu, please take some time to follow me to Gorgrond, I would like to introduce you, a noble person who is interested in protecting the power of nature, to our leader.

Lord Staghelm will be delighted by this.

I will also summon my mentor, the current leader of the Druids of the Raptors, Skyscreamer, to Dellano to talk to you personally about learning knowledge. "

"Go, go, have a good talk with your future colleagues and Rukhmar's future servants."

The pirate also sent off with a smile on his face and said:

"Rukmar's remains need not be feared, I promise! I swear by Proudmoore's name that every bone of her will be put to good use!

You will meet again soon, my dear and infatuated Ansu.

Take the time to mess with your image.

Now you are down and out like an old dog with a broken spine. No girl would like you in such a bad way. "

Under the urging of the pirates, Ansu reluctantly left his lair.

It looked back frequently, and always felt that it was not a good idea to put the goddess's relic with such a bad guy.

But when he felt Rukhmar's familiar breath from the bones hanging around his neck, Ansu's empty heart was greatly satisfied and comforted.

As bad as it was, it definitely rekindled hope for the future.

Watching Ansu and Hisari leave this hidden mountain lair through the Shadow Gate, Braike let out a sigh of relief, feeling that this licking dog is really hard to deal with.

In the next moment, before he turned his head back, there was the collision and friction of bones behind him, and a creepy tone like the moment a flame was lit on a firewood.

A cold wind blew behind the pirate.

Bu Laike turned his head and saw that a large number of purple void flames were flying out of Rukhmar's scorched black bird bones, like the resurrection of the sun spirit after being infected by the void.

Those faint purple flames wrapped around Rukhmar's body and wings, gathering delicate flame feathers in a very elegant posture, just like putting on a seductive purple long skirt for a lady.

Just a few minutes later, Rukhmar, the sun spirit, "resurrected" as Bu Laike watched in amazement.

Although the color of the flame is a bit weird, not as bright and majestic as the legendary Sun Eagle born from the sun, but the flame is the flame.

Filled with flames, Dellano gave birth to the most beautiful natural life and raised its head again amidst low hissing.

Her figure is elegant and slender, her wide flaming tail feathers resemble the skirt of a group of flames, and the crown of flames on her head makes her look like the queen of the sky.

With the flapping of the flaming wings, small void phoenixes emerged from the flames, whistling and whirling around the body of "Rukmar", bringing her more mysterious aura.

The sky standing on Bo Laike's shoulders looked dumbfounded.

Reborn as a flame phoenix, it looked at the Void Flying Eagle standing on the ground and about to fly, and began to seriously consider whether to change its form again.

The Sunlight Flying Eagle in front of me seems to be very beautiful and mighty.

"Well, my dear little master, do you think my new suit looks good?"

Controlling the new body, Xalatas skillfully shrunk and reshaped the flaming body, allowing her to shed the flaming feathers wrapped in the void flames, and then transformed into a tall crow while the flaming feathers swirled and swayed. The Queen of People strolls out.

Rukhmar is the god of the arakkoa, and she naturally looks like the arakkoa when she incarnates in human form.

A bird head with a human body, a crown and arakkoa robes, folded wings extending from both arms, as well as bird claws and feet.

It has to be said that female arakkoa actually have their own special sense of beauty.

That slender figure is very similar to the harpy in Azeroth, but there is no doubt that the arakkoa's temperament is much better than the fallen harpy who has become a bandit and lives in his own excrement.

"Pretty is beautiful, just like the Queen of the Arakkoa who fell into the void."

Bu Laike rubbed his chin, admiring Sataras who was flirting, but he quickly shook his head and said:

"But I'm a traditional man, my sweetheart. I still can't accept a wild and beautiful arakkoa as my partner. Maybe it's because the evolution of human beings can't accept such a weird aesthetic."

"Hey, isn't it just changing the shape of flesh and blood? This is the unique skill of our void creatures."

The Dark Essence sneered, and she stretched out her hands in front of Laike, spinning her body, swaying like a lively dance.

As the flame feathers scattered and peeled off, the haughty and wild arakkoa queen quickly shed her feathers and transformed into an elf that he was quite familiar with under the watchful eyes of the pirates.

White jade-colored skin, tall figure, long hair as white as the moon, Amber-colored eyes, and extremely bold clothing and makeup.

"Oh, it's because Rukhmar's foundation is good enough that I have the confidence to use her as a blueprint to create my own elf form."

Xal'atath stroked his cheek, winked at Bo Laike and said:

"Ordinary 'clothes' cannot imitate one percent of the astonishing beauty of 'Light of Light' when it is shaped, what is even more difficult to imitate is her haughty temperament.

Rukhmar is also a notoriously arrogant guy, and the Sun Queen's temperament just fits perfectly with this body. "

Bu Laike's dark little girlfriend approached him under the horrified stare of his boyfriend, looked down at the stinky pirate with a height difference of one head higher than Bo Laike, and leaned over to give the pirate a passionate kiss with his face in both hands.

She finally has a body and is ready to move.

I want to officially join this increasingly fierce "partner battle". Obviously, Maiev's appearance put a lot of pressure on Xal'atath, so she made a very risky move.

"If Azshara knew what happened here, she would kill both of us regardless."

Bu Laike looked at Xalatas, who was pouting in front of him and his eyes became watery. He shrugged and said:

"If old Ansu knew that you used Rukhmar's body to do this kind of thing, he would definitely try to kill us both. Maybe he and Azshara will join forces."

"So what?"

Xal'atath snorted and said:

"Will you stop the next good thing because you are afraid of them? My little master, since you are looking for excitement, you must carry it through to the end."

"how could be?"

Bu Laike licked his lips and showed a wanton smile. He put his hand on the shoulder of the "new clothes" specially shaped by Saratras as the appearance of "light of light", and whispered in her ear:

"Isn't this a kind of NTR that makes people feel bold, shameful and seductive? Ah, what a sinful man I am."

"But now, be serious. We have guests, my queen"

(end of this chapter)

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