Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1324 74. Is The Boat Sold?

Chapter 1324 74. Is the boat sold?

The job of bounty hunter is quite old.

After the first crime was born in every civilization, bounty hunters will follow.

They are the shadowy supplements to the official "commandments" in some undeveloped worlds before the laws of civilization mature, and they are also a group of bastards who work for money.

Overall, this promising career is really similar in nature to pirates.

They all represent the desire and greed in the heart of life, as well as the embodiment of violence.

There are many bounty hunters in Azeroth, but these guys are a bit difficult to be elegant in a world where the magic civilization is not bad. After all, each civilization of Aixing has its own powerful law enforcement organization.

Not to mention the Watchmen and MI7, which are official organizations that mix spies, spies, and assassins, even the current "bulk" troll civilization has a powerful team like the army guards to punish the heinous guys.

But for the more chaotic star stage under the ravages of the Burning Legion, the scope of work that can be left to bounty hunters is quite large.

There are hostile demon hunters who earn extra money from small planets that are unable to resist demons, and naturally there are soul hunters who serve the strong to plunder and slaughter the weak.

It is worth mentioning that, as far as Laike knows, the most active bounty hunter organization at the star level belongs to the Void Spirit, which is the Bandage Man that the pirates have seen before.

The exiled civilization whose home planet destroyed natural disasters is so addicted to money that it can be called "Goblin of the Star Sea". It is not surprising that they can develop bounty hunters.

And now, Imonar the Soul Hunter, who claims to be the most professional bounty hunter among the stars, is working in the world of Dellano, and he has received a lucrative order from his regular patron Kil'jaeden.

Before following the Legion's landing craft to Dellano, it had no doubts about yet another victory of its own.

But now, it just wants to scold fraudsters for not being a thing!

You fucking tell me that this lunatic beast who is beating me up in front of me is an "ordinary" legend? Are you saying that Boo Laike Shaw "lucky" killed Kazak with the support of demon hunters and draenei?


With the explosive power of the bastard in front of him, even if those other guys were not in the way, he would definitely be able to push Kazak to death on its throne after paying the price of serious injuries.

This bastard's real combat power is not at all consistent with the level of strength he showed!

Bu Laike Shaw is a cunning hunter disguised as prey, and he himself is the prey of a self-righteous hunter who foolishly listened to the lies of the fraudster and stepped into the trap with confidence.

The situation of the two sides had been reversed when Bu Laike shot the god-level assassination arrow before.

"Fire on my location! Bomb! Swarm bombing!"

Imnar, covered in blood, held the severed fel energy slashing battle ax in his hand, and launched a full-range bombardment towards his demon assault ship cruising in the sky to the ground.

But not to kill the enemy, but to cover their own retreat.

The loyal plundering warship carried out the order of the soul hunter. It roared across the battlefield below, and threw all the deadly weapons it carried on the ridge not far from Gul'dan's hand.

The flurry of fel light crazily cuts the ground, pulling out one after another smashing ravines; flame bombs keep leaving behind, and when they explode, they can always set off a flood of fires that burn everything; Fire missiles were thrown all over the ridge like they didn't want money, trying to "blow up" the pirates hiding in the moonlight.

As for the more powerful one, it was designed by Kingaros, the devil engineer of the Burning Legion, but the shock gun that can be charged and bombed cannot be used.

This kind of legion black technology weapon needs to be targeted.

Not even a demigod bounty hunter could catch the slightest trace of Bo Laike in the surrounding moonlight, much less a soulless Legion assault ship relying on its fel radar to catch the enemy's figure.

"Damn it! Damn it! I was treated as cannon fodder by the fraudsters! This is a deadly mission!"

Even if it is in the center of the bombing area, it is theoretically impossible for someone to go through such a bombing and hurt himself, but the Soul Hunter still cannot calm down at this time.

Ever since the battle with Bu Laike started, all kinds of negative emotions in its heart emerged in an endless stream, and strong willpower was useless in this transient.

My mind seems to have been turned on a certain "taboo switch".

Doubt of its own strength, fear of the beast-like and elusive Bu Laike, and despair that he might die here, these deadly emotions constantly pounded its demonic mind.

What's worse is that it can clearly feel that its courage is disappearing.

And what disappeared together was his own anger, greed, and desire to fight. That damn Azeroth pirate seemed to have done an invisible "spiritual castration" for himself.

On the battlefield where the moment is fatal, what Immonar wants to do most now is to find a place to sleep well!

It even thought it might be crazy.

"I can't stay here! That damned pirate is torturing my body and attacking my mind."

As the most powerful bounty hunter among the stars, Immonar certainly has a very flexible career bottom line. He is not willing to lose his life here just for the control of thirty demon worlds.

Soul hunters have always been very open about this aspect.

I have to survive to enjoy the wealth, fame and my female demon lovers scattered in various worlds that I have earned through my hard work.

In a word, it needs oil on the soles of its feet.

The Soul Hunter vigilantly sensed its surroundings. It knew that Bu Laike and his crazy herd were running wildly in the moonlight and might appear at any time, so the most important thing now was to get out and leave.

Relying on the time gained by the continuous bombing of his battleship, the Soul Hunter threw away the severed fel battle axe, and didn't care about more.

From the bag on the back of his waist, he took out a very delicate demon rune. This thing is connected to the nearest portal of the demon world, and can send himself to a safe place in the shortest time.

It's like the "hearthstone" used by demons.

As a professional bounty hunter, it will find a way out in advance before every job, which is the main reason why it can get mixed up in this volume's bursting industry.

It shakes its hands to activate the runes, and at this time, it is no longer as handsome and cool as it appeared on the stage.

The fine demon armor on his body was hacked to pieces by two brutal pirate knives in Laike's hands.

Thinking of those two knives made Immonar grit his teeth. Those two knives were supposed to be his trophies. The fraudster had promised that as long as he could snatch the pair of demonic double blades from Braike, the weapon would be to it.

But just now, the soul hunter personally experienced the fear brought by the double blades of fear. Those two knives are out-and-out bastards, and they are just as deceitful as their current damned masters.

Obviously when the battle started, the soul hunter could clearly feel the fear coming from those two double blades of fear!

That's right.

Bu Laike's weapon has a consciousness of its own.

They are afraid of this powerful opponent in front of them, and they are not even willing to follow Bu Laike to die.

But as the stinky pirates activated their beast nature, a herd of beasts composed of the twin heart demons and twin sword mothers who ruled them, the big bear, the big wolf wolf, and the sky besieged Imonar, and the unprepared soul hunters who were caught off guard by a wave of fierce attacks lost After giving up his armor, the cowardly Terrorblades immediately sensed the opponent's bluff.

Like all stinky pirates who are playing with the wind, they are also "excited".

Not only will the power plundered from the soul hunters be given to their wild and brutal masters every time they are cut down, but they also happily follow their masters to bully this miserable bastard.

The knife is indeed a good knife.

It was enough to make Imonar look greedy, but the problem now is that it is a bit unrealistic to get it from wild pirates.


The demonic rune was activated, and the soul hunter could feel his scarred body being separated from the material world during the mobilization of fel energy, which made him feel a trace of warmth and unforgettable comfort in his chaotic mind at this time.

It feels safe.

It let down its guard, it only needed one more second.


The intertwined magic of shadow and flame broke through the moonlight and fell from the sky, covering all the land around the soul hunter in an instant. This kind of damage was scattered, and its power was not enough to harm the soul hunter himself.

It is also a demigod anyway, although it is a bit weak.

"Do not!!!"

But Imnar, who was not hurt, let out a miserable howl, because this group of vicious magic attacks was not aimed at hurting it.

That damned surge of magical power broke the connection between the demon rune and the soul hunter in an instant, and the teleportation to the demon world closest to Dellano was indeed opened.

But because of this interference, Immonar couldn't leave the battlefield at all.

If Bu Laike, who was completely shrouded in beastliness, could talk, he would definitely sneer: Bastard, before using Hearthstone, at least make sure there are no enemies around, can you?

Be professional, okay?

After all, you don't know the Holy Light secret technique of invincible Hearthstone.

"Shadows bloom under fire!"

"Fire burns in the shadows!"

Accompanied by the debut lines of Cool Secondary II, the Eredar twins flapped their wings one after the other, and landed around the Soul Hunter in the entanglement of shadow and flames.

Gemini is still the original Gemini.

They are the female demon twins whose glamorous reputation has spread throughout the stars. They even got better skin, bigger eyes, more domineering figure and stronger temperament because they devoured Kazak's demigod anima.

Not only that, at the explicit request of the stinking pirate master, the twins were transformed into a demon form again, and the huge wings of the doomguard lord grew out on the back of the eredar demon's original form, near the ribs.

The wings of the Flame Witch are crimson, while the wings of the Shadow Witch are purple-black, which perfectly fits their power attributes.

But the soul hunter is not in the mood to appreciate the devil beauty in front of him.

It only felt the exhaustion of despair and the churning fear in its heart. It pulled out the demon spear behind its backhand and shouted:

"How dare you betray the Trickster? Your names have been put on the bounty list by the Legion, you miserable woman! Sooner or later your heads will be sent to Kil'jaeden, just like your dirty masters now!"

"We are helpless too, Your Excellency Soul Hunter."

The Shadow Queen Saloras stretched out her left hand and flicked the fingers wrapped in Shadowfire, she said in a helpless tone:

"Our two innocent female demons were lured into a trap by the villain, imprisoned by him and abused by him. We don't want to betray the fraudster and the legion, but there is no way.

You see it too.

Our bodies and our minds have been completely manipulated by him.

We can't go back to the good old days.

Fortunately, though, he was generous.

Look at us, and then look at you, according to the current situation, maybe within a year, we will have the same power as you. "

"Yes, Immonar."

Flame Queen Aureses hugged her flaming arms, and she said in a more irritable tone:

"When confronting a fraudster, we will seek forgiveness with all our hearts full of fear, but we will certainly not disobey our current master for the sake of a bastard like you, let's catch it!

Like Kazak, you're dead the moment you step into your master's hunting grounds. "

This indifferent speech made the Soul Hunter grip his weapon, but he did not give up. He said:

"We are old acquaintances, two, when you were serving Kil'jaeden, I invited you to the Devil's Bar in Argus for a drink.

I can share some treasures with you.

For the sake of the Legion, let me go. "

"It's okay if you don't mention this old thing, but if you mention it, it will make people angry."

Saloras snorted, and grabbed the sword girl Sharathor, who was flying over, with her left hand. The Queen of Shadows said coldly:

"I haven't asked you yet, you cheap bastard, what did you want to do when you drugged our sister's wine?"

"Don't talk nonsense with this scumbag, sister!"

The Flame Witch also grabbed the black sword Eremeni and rushed towards the Soul Hunter whose soul had been invaded by the Ancient One in the flash of flames. She screamed:

"Before the master takes its disgusting head, I will cut off its other nasty head"

"I can add money!"

Imonar has no will to fight at all, it roared loudly, trying to stop the battle with the crazy twins, but before it reached an agreement on the "problem of adding money", something that made it even more frightening Happening right in front of its eyes.

It spent a lot of money and bought it from the legion's combat fleet at a high price after taking away the relationship of the fraudsters. It also asked His Excellency Kingaros to personally transform the cruise hunting spaceship, which was like a frightening explosion. It roared like a bird with broken wings and fell from the sky.

With a bang, it slammed into the position of the death trap that Immonar had set up for his escape. Fortunately, the spaceship was strong enough, and it didn't trigger a bigger explosion when it was inserted into the ground.

But the weapon system was destroyed and the ship burst into flames.

In the monstrous flames, Bu Laike, who was wearing a black luna battle armor, stretched his neck and walked out of the fallen battleship.

The two fear blades in his hands are howling frantically, eager to bully and plunder, and at the same time singing the praises of pirates for his powerful and evil master.

Their singing is quite nice.

Like an uncle with a top-notch smoking voice, he sang old looting songs.

Accompanied by the weapon with its own "BGM", Laike took a few steps to extinguish the flames on his body, the moonlight dimmed, and the blood-red eyes under the pirate helmet returned to reason.

The brutal sea wolf has had enough.

Now, His Excellency Two-Face, who likes to play tricks, has taken over again.

And his first words were:

"Sad bounty hunter, I've taken a fancy to your broken ship, come on, make an offer!"

(end of this chapter)

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