Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1326 76. Stop! Don't Run! Eat Melons Honestly!

Chapter 1326 76. Stop! don't run! Eat melons honestly!

"Ha ha ha ha"

Velen, the God's Chosen Prophet of the Holy Light, was forced to retreat by a group of weak undead. He could only watch helplessly as the brutal magic mech in front of him attacked the injured Naru Adar.

The scene of despair was mirrored in a world far away through evil spells, and the laughing Deceiver Kil'jaeden rose from the burning throne of fire, his shadow twisted and his smile arrogant.

It's like tasting the sweetest fruit.

It admired the prophet surrounded by undead.

It admires the vicious backstabs and vengeful blades of the betrayed dead to those they love the most.

It admired the pain on Velen's face and the despair in his eyes.

This is what it has waited for twenty-five thousand years to see, and this is just a sweet prelude to revenge on the coward who betrayed his brother.

The Prophet will go to hell today!

As his former brother, Kil'jaeden will personally pull him out of hell and help him become the king of demons, just as the two of them once ruled Argus together and led the Eredar civilization forward with wisdom and strength. intimacy.

Archimonde, what kind of dog is that? It is also worthy to share the power of the legion with itself?


Only Velen!

Only he is qualified to stand with himself.

"Come, Velen, my wicked brother."

The Deceiver strode down from the throne. Its huge ferocious wings opened and closed, and it moved its claws. It couldn't wait to see the release of its 25,000-year-old revenge.

"Accept your judgment, accept your fate."

Kil'jaeden whispered something.

At this time, the aura of the great demon radiated, making the other demons in the Temple of Argus tremble.

In front of the Deceiver, Her Excellency Hasa Bell, the doomsday Valkyrie of Eredar, who is in charge of the portal between the star fields, is in the tense space of connecting stars.

She wants to open a portal for His Majesty the Great Demon that can allow Kil'jaeden to go to Dellano. That small world does not have Azeroth's magical magic well to supply energy, so the energy of this portal can only be provided by Argus. unilateral supply.

This put a lot of pressure on this broken world that has been infiltrated by evil energy. In order to open this portal, the portals of the Burning Legion to other star fields had to be temporarily closed.

This clearly interfered with the Burning Crusade's disobedience, but the Trickster took the risk anyway.

Lord Aggramar, the fallen titan who sits in charge of Argus, seems to have acquiesced in this matter.

It seems that even Lord Aggramar, who has always been indifferent and cruel, knows that if the revenge in Kil'jaeden's heart is not completed, it will not be able to give everything for the Burning Legion wholeheartedly.

And if the prophet Velen, who is outstanding among mortals, can really fall today and become the new demon king of the legion, then this matter is not a bad thing for Lord Sargeras' destruction and conquest.

"how much longer?"

The fraudster asked in a cold voice.

The army of top demons known as the "Hand of Kil'jaeden" behind it is also impatient. Faced with such inquiries and oppression, the portal guardian Hasa Bell's wings are trembling at the root.

She answered cautiously:

"Maybe another hour."

"I'll only give you twenty minutes."

The fraudster left a sentence with an attitude that could not be refused, which made the portal guard even more helpless.

To open a portal across the stars in such a short period of time will inevitably draw more power from the Heart of Argus, which will weaken the fallen suffering star souls of this world.

This is not in the interests of the Legion at all.

But the problem is, she can't offend the big devil, and she doesn't have the courage to go to Lord Aggramar to complain.

In the next moment, the doomsday Valkyrie lord who was gritting his teeth stepped up his efforts to extract the evil energy from the underground of Argus. At this moment, the entire broken Draenei home planet was howling.

The already fragmented earth started a new round of large-scale earthquakes, and the magma of evil energy burst out from the mantle layer that had long been out of control, causing a doomsday scene to reappear on this world.

Although Argus had already ushered in ecological destruction more than 20,000 years ago, the disaster has continued until now.

In a cracked hidden valley in the hopeless land of Antoran Wastes, Illidan Stormrage, disguised as a dreadlord, raised his head, completely covered by the native hood .

His blind eyes cannot see the world in front of him.

But with his keen perception of the flow of evil energy, Brother Dan easily noticed that the evil energy under his feet was being quickly drawn into the demon temple on the top of the distant mountain.

He knew that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

"I've told you everything. On the other side of the portal, your ancient clansmen are still fighting, and there are also warriors from my hometown fighting demons.

It was a war from which I have been absent for a long time, and I return to it now with a magnificent victory. "

Illidan stretched his neck, turned his head and said to a group of broken ones hiding in the shadows behind him with his signature hoarse and low-pitched villain voice:

"Kroku, this is your last chance to choose!

Either resist the demons with me and join this eternal war; or go back to the Great Rift Valley of Krokuun, find the deepest cave to bury yourself, and wait tremblingly for the end of the war.

I leave the choice to you.

A nasty but wise friend of mine told me that only your own choices are enough to make you risk your life. "

"Powerful master, please continue to lead us!"

Hatton, the Krokul chieftain of Argus, rode on his battle talbuk. Its bent body stretched hard at this moment, and it said loudly:

"In the few months since you came to this world, you have led us to a glorious victory that we have not been able to achieve in the past 20,000 years. We are unwilling to surrender to the Destroyers. We hate them for destroying our world.

Now is the time to unleash this hatred and anger.

We are the last sons of Argus, and if there is no hope for our world, we shall fight and avenge on behalf of the world! This is our destiny."

"very good!"

Illidan showed a bewildered smile on his distorted face due to swallowing too much evil energy. He pointed to Antorus Burning Throne in the distance, and said in a deep voice:

"But I don't need your blood to win, Krokurs, unleash your powers blessed by this land, and we walk beneath the land to infiltrate the temple.

I promise you a glorious victory and you will see it with your own eyes.


Let's go!

In the heart of the demons, a fatal blow to their foul souls! "


"Don't just hide! You imprison them with holy light!"

In the center of the city ruins of the Karabor Temple, Bu Laike, who flew over on the sky, jumped into the ground in the killing ground where the undead raged. When he landed, he rolled and stood on the edge of the fallen Exodar spaceship.

He shouted at the top of his voice towards old Velen who was being harassed by a group of undead.

Perhaps it was the guilt in his heart that made Velen, the well-known good old man of the stars, reluctant to attack these awakened undead. He obviously had the power to burn them instantly, but he just propped up the barrier of holy light and struggled to Adal in the sea of ​​undead. Advance in the direction you are in.

It wasn't until the reminder from Bu Laike that the Prophet thought of another solution.

The seal of the Draenei leader on his forehead was shining, and with the prophet's scolding, the thick holy light turned into a halo of waterfall and shot out in all directions.

Any undead who come into contact with the aura will be trapped in place by the chains gathered by the holy light.

The Prophet deliberately reduced the destructive power of this super-wide-range imprisoning magic, so that the imprisoned undead were only incapacitated but not harmed by the burning of the holy light.

The road to A'dal was already open, and Velen rushed there with his staff in his hands, his hair disheveled. He couldn't allow Naaru, who had once been rescued by the Draenei from the world of Argus, to die in front of his eyes.

And this scene made the pirate shake his head.

Well, this prophet is really kind to the bottom of his bones, isn't he even willing to be cruel when facing the undead of his tribe?

"Bo Laike! Quick! Come here!"

Just when the smelly pirate was about to find a better place to eat melons and watch a show, the anxious call from inside the fallen Exodar made him frown.

Bu Laike's figure disappeared, and in the next second he appeared in a pile of rubbles of collapsed gems, grabbing Garona's hand, pulled the assassin out of the ruins, and backhanded the weak Kaka who was stunned by the falling objects Degas dragged out.

This guy is true love party!

When the spaceship fell, he used all his magic power to protect his orc girlfriend, but he was smashed with blood all over his head.

"Ring! Go find the ring!"

The embarrassed Garona half-kneeled beside her boyfriend, treated Khadgar urgently, then turned her head and shouted to Bu Laike:

"The ring that had just been forged was taken away when it fell, and I saw a damned eredar demon snatch the mold. It must be the message from the dreadlords hiding among the draenei to the Legion.

The weapons we forged to fight the demons have been taken away by them! "

"Calm down, I've been on guard against them. What that vile devil took away was only the mold, and the real ring never left."

Bo Laike is in no hurry.

Under Garona's gaze, the pirates threw an old Ghani statue on the fallen ruins in front of them. This thing can be regarded as a large garbage dump.

Amidst the mist and fog, old Garni appeared hopping, wearing a red hood and strange boots, with a tattered high-ranking demon eye hanging beside him.

It looked around ghostly, then swung its nimble tail and slapped Bu Laike hard, and cursed:

"You bastard, if you ask me to help you hide the treasure next time, I'll bite your ass to pieces! Here you go! Take this stinky treasure away, it stinks to death!"

Amidst old Garni's scolding, the four rings shining with different lights were like throwing trash. Uh, no, old Garni wouldn't throw trash so rudely.

All in all, the four forged world rings were dropped on the ground before Laike's eyes.

The pirate shrugged, picked up the perfect ruby-studded ring from the ground, and put it on his left thumb, just like wearing a wrench.

He admired the new artifact, and turned his head to Garona and Khadgar, who just opened his eyes and was moaning in pain in the female orc's arms, and said:

"You two, give the remaining rings to those who need them. Once Ner'zhul's ceremony is over, you will have to rely on this thing to turn things around.

I know you're tired right now, but go! "

Under the scolding of the pirates, Khadgar didn't care about the blood on his head. He picked up two rings, gnawed on Garona's mouth, and said out of breath:

"I'm going to deliver the rings of the orcs and elves."

"I will go to Maraad and give him the draenei ring."

Garona held the last ring and looked towards the sky. She said with some concern:

"Uncle went to chase the devil who stole the mold by himself."

"Yes, yes, if you are still wasting time here, your uncle may die on the devil's battleship. In fact, this is also good, at least you don't have to endure his cynicism at you anymore."

The pirate said something in a drawn-out voice, but Garona gave her a big white eye. The orc assassin helped her weak husband and disappeared in the light of the teleportation spell.

The last bystanders also leave, finally allowing Laike to enjoy the doomed scene that will happen next with peace of mind.

He rushed to the top of the gem spaceship as nimbly as a monkey, just as he saw Velen roaring and calling for the power of the holy light to bombard the blood-red magic mecha that kept beating Naaru's body.

That thing looks like it is specially made!

It is more than 20 meters tall, and it is specially equipped with a fel flamethrower for attacking the form of naaru. The eredar demon driving the demon robot is very vicious and drags naaru into the almost impossible to disperse the fel energy pollution inside.

Not only does it want to tear apart this nasty naaru in front of Velen, but it also allows Velen to watch the purest naaru being polluted and corrupted by fel energy.

Because the final step of forging the ring needs to communicate with Dellano's world heart, A'dal, who promoted this process, is now very weak, unable to resist the beating of the fel mecha and the pollution of high-concentration fel energy.

And the painful cry it makes every time it is attacked seems to make the eredar demon driving the stupid biped robot more excited and more violent.


If you don't consider the identities of the three parties, this scene looks like a classic sleep take #夫current签#NTR plot.


A flaming fire eagle descended from the sky and landed beside Bo Laike, who was carrying a wine bottle. Thisalie Crow anxiously shouted:

"Why are you still drinking here? Don't look at what's going on now! Go to the Hand of Gul'dan to help! The battle line of the Black Crow Knights has collapsed, and the undead rebels they control attacked together with the demons, causing us heavy casualties.

Ner'zhul's Elemental Awakening is at its last moment

Can't fall short! "

"What are you in a hurry for?"

Bu Laike glared at Black Crow, reached out and grabbed her by the wrist to force her to sit beside him, and the archdruid was stuffed with a pack of pandaren fried melon seeds by the stinky pirate again.

He said:

"I'm going right after I see this, don't worry, the exciting scene will come soon. I came all the way to Dellano just to see this.

Be honest with me too, and watch it with me here.

Nothing will happen to the Hand of Gul'dan, you haven't understood yet, you are so stupid, the key to deciding this battle is not the elements, not even the demons. "

The pirate pointed to the chaotic Karabor Temple in front of him, and he said:

"It's here! It's just ahead! All the elements are in place, and now it's just the last step."

(end of this chapter)

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