Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1337 87. The Reunion Of Old Friends Is Such A Beautiful Thing, Don't You Celebrate It P

Chapter 1337 87. The reunion of old friends is such a beautiful thing, don't you celebrate it personally? --【35】

(Add more for "Silent Rain Falls" brothers)

The land of the newly born Shadowmoon Valley burns with flames soaring to the sky.

The consecutive fall of the four demon warships seems to be a perfect ending to the victory of Dellano's offensive and defensive battle, but in fact this victory is not perfect.

At least not the "perfect victory" that Laike understood.

According to the pirate's high standards, since a perfect victory is to be achieved, at least one's own side should destroy the enemy without damage, or the loss should be very small.

But look at the group of remnants and defeated generals resting in the Karabo Temple now. This is exactly the rhythm of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.

The green-skinned orcs and humans can't care less about fighting and quarreling with each other at this meeting. Everyone has just crawled back from the hell of war, and the biggest wish is to eat enough, drink enough and sleep hard for several days.

The Brotherhood of the Iron Horse suffered heavy losses, at least half of them were lost. This rate of battle damage was enough for ordinary troops to mutiny on the spot.

Orc Kor'kron guards are similar.

Those who survive are wounded, those who die

Uh, maybe the Crows are the only winners?

"Master Lu Helmet, let's perform a unique skill for everyone."

Bu Laike stood on the edge of the platform of the Karabor Temple, looked at the howling wounded soldiers below, and said something to the archdruid who was also tired beside him.

Staghelm glanced at the Ring of the Eternal on his finger.

The Ring of the World, like Kael'thas' All-Seeer and Bu Laike's Blood-Drinker, has been given full power due to the return of the elements.

Under Bu Laike's gaze, Staghorn raised his left hand, and a mass of green healing light spread like spring rain, instantly outlining a beautiful and elegant "peaceful healing" within the scope of the entire Karabor Temple.

This kind of healing technique used by druids to save lives and heal the wounded has exerted a terrifying effect under the blessing of the ring of the eternal.

In the shocking calls, all the surviving people in the entire temple, no matter how serious their injuries were, even if they had only one breath left, quickly recovered to their full strength under the sway of the tranquil rain.

It not only healed the wound, but also applied positive states including [Iron Will], [Natural Healing], [Tangle of Thorns], etc. to all the fighters present.

Almost in an instant, a group of defeated soldiers were restored to the high morale of the heyday.

What is even more exaggerated is that the souls of those rescued corpses that had just died for no more than ten minutes returned to their bodies under the guidance of the Ring of the Eternal.


This is resurrection!

The resurrection in the real world is far less common than the resurrection mechanism in the game. Every resurrection event in Azeroth can be called a "miracle".

And now, the miracle came to Dellano, and was led by Staghelm.

At least three hundred people were revived by this healing ring.

The power of the World Ring can be seen.


The fat Red blinked his eyes with difficulty. He lay on the ground and looked back at his stinky brother Maim who was kneeling there and crying bitterly. The chief said in a difficult tone:

"Why are you crying? Like a bitch, what happened?"

"Ouch, my dear big brother! You are resurrected!"

Maim wiped away his tears, and quickly helped up the fat Red in front of him.

Even with the help of the World Ring in the previous battle, this useless chief was hacked to death by the demon because he was too useless. It was still a group of Kor'Krons who desperately snatched his body, but they didn't expect that they could save the life of Chief Red by accident.

"Where's my ring?"

The great chief was still at a loss after being resurrected, but he soon discovered the loss of important items, and shouted:

"Who took my ring? Damn it! It's the cornerstone of the reconstruction of orc civilization."

"What are you shouting for?"

The old orc Bu Rocks who was resting next to him pouted and threw the Heart of Rock Ring to Reid, saying:

"It's a waste to give you such a good ring. If I hold it, at least I can kill a god!"

"Just blow it, old bastard."

The great chief put the ring of the world in his own pocket very preciously, he was supported by Meme to stand up, and waved towards Bu Laike standing on the platform.

He knew that his life was saved by the captain.

But Reid didn't care about debts of favor for a long time.

If there are too many lice, don't worry, if you have too many debts, don't it itch, as long as he owes Bu Laike so much debt, this time is not bad.

But the smelly pirates are not in the mood to pay attention to the mental journey of the waste chief.

At this time, his body was filled with a strange bloody light, like a layer of hunting suit covering Braike's body, but this did not come from the pirate's own power, but from the blood on his finger. "New Equipment".

The rings of other worlds have been activated, and this one in his hand has also been activated, and it has given the stinky pirate a very powerful force, which can be seen from the entry of this thing:

Name: Marus the "Blood Drinker"

Quality: Artifact [Power of the World]

Wearing requirements: [Agility] power users and related extended occupations/legendary hunting and assassination control/legendary biological body

Attribute: slightly

Item effects:

1. Blood drinkers:

When wearing the ring, all the agility profession powers that currently exist in the world of Dellano can be unlocked at the same time.

[Titan Killer], [King of the Wilderness], [Gron Stalker], [Everglow Ranger], [Sun Assassin] and other legendary power inheritance inscriptions are open to the wearer.

The wearer will be endowed with [Blood-drinking Aura], increasing the physical destructive power of all life within 500 yards recognized as allies and making their attacks with [Blood-sucking] effect.

The maximum increase in destructive power is 300%.

This effect is a permanent passive effect, cannot be dispelled, cannot be purified, and cannot be removed.

2. The power of Marus:

When the user actively activates the World Ring, they will gain the status of [World Hunter] that lasts for 30 minutes.

When wearing Dellano in the world, every attack will trigger the resonance of the power of the world, so that each attack will be converted into real damage of [ignoring divine defense].

After the state of [World Hunter] ends, the World Ring will give the user a state of [Revenge Execution], which will inflict revenge on the selected enemy, and the attack will have a 100% instant death effect.

Current upper limit of killing power: demigod.


This effect only takes effect in the world of Dellano. After entering other worlds, the upper limit of [Revenge Execution] will be reduced to [Legendary].

3. Titan Messenger:

The Avenger who wears Marus the Blood Drinker will be regarded as the spokesperson of the Titan of the Pantheon, the Guardian Aggramar, has the spokesperson authority in the Titan Guardian system, and has the qualification to open or enter all Titan facilities in the stars.

4. Dellano's agility:

Marus the Blood Drinker represents the revenge rules of the Dellano world. When the wearer is in the Dellano world, his vitality, concealment ability and physical destructive power will be greatly strengthened permanently.

After leaving the world, the enhancement effect is weakened.

5. Elemental Blessing:

Marus the Blood Drinker is Dellano's world power system, through which the wearer can communicate with the elements of the world to achieve various special abilities. Currently, the Dellano world element system has been restored, so it can give the wearer an extra legendary power talent slot .

Currently have spare legendary power slots: 2.

6. World Artifact:

Marus the blood drinker can be regarded as the embodiment of the original power of the Dellano world, and its various magical effects will grow with the strength of the Dellano world.

It is far from the final form at present.


Just because the world ring is connected with the fate of the world, once Dellano's world falls apart, the ring will instantly lose all its magical effects.

Item description:

Wearing this ring represents not only glory and power, but also an oath and contract. The wearers of the world ring must fight for the fate of the Dellano world!

"I really want Kil'jaeden to come right now."

Laike caressed the blood drinker ring on his finger. He could feel that in his "Unrivaled Mowing Grass" just now, this ring was absorbing the power of every life he hacked to death. Now the power of the blood drinker Already activated, like a beast hungry for vengeance, preparing its deadliest fangs.

Especially after seeing that [Titan Killer], a bug-level inscription of legendary power, was also open to him, the stinky pirate's eyes lit up.

He quickly put the two legendary powers of [Titan Killer] and [King of the Wilderness] into the additional talent slot opened by the blood drinker. In this way, besides the black emperor, the stinky pirate has two more legendary powers. The power can be squandered by oneself.

This is simply fantastic!

He could feel himself being strengthened by the ring.

He could feel that in this world, he had surpassed the shackles of legendary power, and he was already a genuine demigod assassin.

With a pipe in his mouth, Laike looked at the demon battleship crashing on the ground in the distance. He knew that today he would randomly choose a demon demigod from the Burning Legion to complete a revenge beheading.

I just don't know which demigod demon will be so lucky?

"The situation is not right!"

Prince Kael'thas, who had just completed the glorious deed of "shooting down a starship with bare hands", rode his phoenix and quickly landed on the temple platform. The handsome prince said with a serious face to the people who had returned to their full glory:

"There is still terrifying magic power echoing in the fallen starship. The demons are still trying to open the portal to other worlds! We must take advantage of the victory!"

"Then chase!"

The great knight Turalyon wiped the blood from his face, he drew out the great royal sword behind his back, and shouted:

"We have come this far with the blessing of the Holy Light, we can't run away! Let's rush! The demons come and kill them!

In the name of Dellano, this battle must be won! "

But no one listened to the great knight's impassioned speech, and everyone's eyes fell on Laike. Obviously, after this big victory, the pirate's ability to plot and plan has fully gained the trust of everyone in front of him.

"Captain, you are talking."

Chief Red, leaning on his dark hand hammer, shouted:

"What should we do now? Give everyone an idea."

"What are you looking at me for?"

Bu Laike stretched his face and said:

"It must be a fight, don't forget, Illidan is still on Argus, and what follows is the last and most important part of this battle.

Everyone, let's go! "

A group of forces were ordered to prepare for war one after another.

Well, there's actually nothing to prepare for.

Staghelmet used the Ring of the Eternal to restore everyone to their prime. Even the war horses and war wolves, as well as the thunder elephant and spirit dragon of the Draenei were healed, and those who survived could go out at any time.

The only regret is that this time there are no swarms and undead to help out.

While the morale-like army rushed out of the Karabor Temple and rushed towards the crash point of the Legion battleship, Bu Laike did not follow them, but walked into the dark hall of the Karabor Temple.

The Prophet and Miss Crow were there to help the weak Yrel out of Frostmourne's grip, and Xal'atath was complaining.

"This magic sword is really enough!"

The dark essence spit loudly in Laike's mind:

"I used the power of the Heart of Darkness to barely resist its evil temptation. That bastard even tried to seduce me! What a ghost, is this magic sword from the Shadow Realm so weird?"

"If it were simple, the Burning Legion would not have believed the lies of the dreadlords and used it as a decisive weapon."

Bu Laike shook his head and did not continue the topic of Frostmourne.

He stepped forward, put his hand on Velen's shoulder, and whispered:

"Come with me, Prophet, your 'brother' is coming."


Velen, who looked at Yrel with a concerned face, turned his head suddenly, with complicated lights shining in his eyes, and he said:

"Is Kil'jaeden coming in person?"


Bu Laike nodded, stroked the ring that was shining red in his hand, and said:

"I need you to attract his attention, I know you can do that easily, I will use this to perform an assassination on the fraudster, if we are lucky, we can kill Kil'jaeden here!

I'm not sure of winning, but I think we should give it a try. "

"Then let's go."

Velen closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, determination appeared in the shining pupils. He stood up, picked up the blood-stained staff of the Redeemer, and said in a deep voice:

"Thirty thousand years of entanglement, so much pain, so much despair, so many disasters, it is time to draw an end."

Bo Laike nodded.

Although he has carried out countless assassinations, but this time a sliver of excitement and anticipation appeared in his heart, after all, the target is a real big shot among the stars!

The last time he faced Archimonde, he was still so weak that he could only rely on intrigue to fight against the Polluter, but now, the Deceiver is coming and he is strong enough.

Maybe it's time to try how sharp your own fangs are.

When leaving with the Prophet, Braike looked back at Yrel behind him. The draenei was lying weakly under the altar of the magic sword, and Frostmourne had returned to the state of no one holding it. .

Bu Laike blinked and said to Miss Hisalley Crow:

"Don't let other people touch the magic sword, go to the Archdruid of Staghelmet, the tree of life he brought back from the Everbloom should be able to create a temporary sealed scabbard for this magic sword.


Anyone who tries to get close may be a dreadlord in disguise, you can't trust anyone when you are protecting it! "

"I know, and I understand the importance of this matter."

Miss Black Crow nodded seriously, and said:

"The Cenarion Expedition will stop at nothing to conceal its existence, but the sword must be destroyed, if only we can find a suitable way."

"Do not worry."

The pirate waved his hand and said softly:

"I already have the best way to deal with Frostmourne. When this is over, we will start to solve this problem, and everyone will be satisfied."

(end of this chapter)

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