Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1339 89. Xiao Dan, Give Everyone A Hard Job! -- Adding Updates For The Silent Rain Falling B

Chapter 1339 89. Xiao Dan, give everyone a hard job! ——Add more for the brothers of "Silent Rain Falling"【55】

The big devil still has two brushes.

When he realized that his emotions were a little too "active" today, Kil'jaeden woke up in an instant, and the mental influence that Xal'atath had quietly exerted was instantly eliminated by it.

It senses danger.

But when it was about to fight back, Velen, who was close enough in front of him, raised his hand and threw a holy beam to bind it. The shining light flew up like a chain, and instantly trapped the fraudster in place, unable to move.

Although the chain was smashed by the surging evil energy and shadow in the next instant.

But it's too late.

The stinky pirate Bu Laike burst out from behind the fraudster, and in the flying black smoke, the pirate stabbed the fraudster's back with his hands clasped with the screaming Saramani.

The [Revenge Execution] granted by the Ring of the Blood Drinker has been activated, and a churning shadow of blood represents Dellano's ultimate anger.

There is also the dispersion of the newly obtained [titan killer] power, the eredar demons are naturally larger than humans, so Hellscream's special skill, the titan killer, is activated!

Never before had the legendary power of the Emperor in Black shone so fiercely, and this blow blocked Laike from everything he had.


Under the blessing of vengeance, the sharp blade pierced the big demon's weakened steel skin. Neither the protection of the fel energy nor the thick skin of the demon could resist the piercing of this sword.

Amid the cheers of the Twin Swords sisters, their sharp blades passed through the chest smoothly, and burst out of power at the moment they tore apart Kil'jaeden's demon heart, turning that beating heart of power into powder.

Fatal pain makes the Deceiver howl loudly.

It felt that its own vitality performed a "blood bar disappearing technique" on it. This sword carried terrifying power, and instantly sent the invincible Kil'jaeden into hell.

Well, for a second.

Or less than half a second.

Almost instantly after the vengeful execution of Bo Laike by Malus the Blooddrinker was completed, the eerie life force once again surged from the executed Kil'jaeden.

Surging along with it was a surge of evil energy that erupted in an instant, and its sweeping momentum caused Velen in front of him to step back several steps with his arms crossed.

Bo Laike even fled away as soon as he got the blow, completely unaffected by the power of the Deceiver's explosion.

"Argus' fel heart?"

The smelly pirate squinted in the shadows where he was hiding.

He evidently recognized the source of the eerie power that kept the Trickster immortal.

His vengeance attack just now must have killed the fraudster, he can be sure of this, the power of vengeance from a world of suffering that has been poisoned for decades is definitely not something that the great demon can resist.

But Kil'jaeden was dead, but not quite dead.

This guy is also prepared.

but it does not matter.

The pirate looked at the portal that began to surge weirdly behind Kil'jaeden, who was shrouded in evil energy. He knew that although his assassination failed, his plan had succeeded.

"Why are you so shameless! Fraudster, do you still have to bring the 'resurrection insurance' when you go out? How afraid of us are you?"

Bu Laike glanced at the sky and whispered:

"I want to report you, bastard! Ms. Elune, is your GM just watching it cheat like this? Take care of it!"

Ms. Elune must have watched the scene before her.

But the world of Dellano is not a place shrouded in moonlight. The power of the moon god does not shine here. Even her chosen one can face the threat of being imprisoned in Dellano. The weakness of the glory of the moon god can be seen here.

Of course, the more likely outcome is that Ms. Elune knows that even if she intervenes, it will be useless.

The power to protect the Deceiver's immortality comes from a corrupted star-soul titan, an existence of the same rank as Lady Elune.

Although in terms of absolute strength, the corrupted Argus feels that he is no match for the Luna God, but with the protection of Argus' divine power, even if the Luna God gives Braike more divine power now, it will not be able to help the pirates kill Kiel here Gadan.

This great demon bound his own existence to the world of Argus. As long as the corroded world is still there, as long as this binding of power is not released, the great demon will never die.

This is really a rascal.

No wonder there is nothing to fear.

"Veren, I feel gratified by your progress."

In the shattering of the cocoon woven by evil energy, the unscathed Trickster strode out laughing, and looked at the old friend in front of him with an admiring gaze. He said:

"It's not like an evil decision that weak and righteous you could make.

It's really like acting just now, I believe it. Maybe you have more potential to become a 'fraudster' than me. If you want this title, I will give it to you with a smile on my face.

The first thing we do after we go back to Argus is to crush that bastard Archimonde to death, extract its fel power and pour it into you.

You are better suited to lead the Legion than that overjoyed, greedy bastard.

Come on, Velen.

Let us join hands to serve Lord Sargeras, starting from the world in front of us."

The fraudsters mean what they say.

Yet its actions have nothing to do with soft words.

Waves of shadows danced behind the great demon and gathered into dancing dark stars. They flickered and spun with the deceitful breath, bringing endless darkness to the land that blocked the light.

Again the throbbing Legion lightning outlined in the darkness, all of which meant that the Trickster had lost all patience.

It will destroy the world with its own hands, and then bring the desperate Velen back to Argus.

Nothing seemed to stop it.

An undead great demon has enough time to crush every creature in sight like a cat playing with a mouse, and then take all their agility as spoils of war back to his demon kingdom.

But before it could actually make a move, Velen, who was closest to it, made the most direct response to Kil'jaeden's threat.


The clenched fist pierced through the darkness and evil energy in a manner not like an old man, and hit the Deceiver's chin fiercely in the collision and pull of light and shadow.

The blow came so explosively that the fraudster himself didn't even react.

Its twisted body took a step back, and in front of its eyes, Velen stood between it and the world it was about to destroy with his bare hands.

The Old Prophet had no weapons, and no magic to call the Holy Light. He just stared at Kil'jaeden, straightened his back like a gladiator, and clenched his fists.

"Ha, is this to reminisce about the good old days before seeing the world go down?"

The fraudster rubbed his chin that hurt from the beating.

It looked at Velen's indifferent and angry posture, and it sneered and assumed the same fighting posture. The next moment, two old men who had loved and killed each other for nearly 30,000 years roared and bumped into each other.

No magic, no powers, no defenses, no armor!

It was pure fist to fist, head to head fighting together.

It looked like a boxing match.

But every collision of the light wrapped around Velen's fists and the shadowy fel lingering in Kil'jaeden's claws sent terrifying shockwaves in the center of the battle.

It was a melee fight between two demigods, absolute strangers should not get close.

Weaknesses would die if they dared to approach, even if they stared at the great demon, it would be enough to absorb the pitiful soul. This is the qualitative change brought about by breaking through a limit of strength.

That is the all-round crushing of the upper beings on the lower beings.

This scene made the eyes of all the people around who were waiting in full force widen.

Especially those good fighters.

"This gladiator stance is perfect!"

Fenna, the idiot who was sent to the ground by Sunderland the Wind Chaser, rubbed her eyes and stared at the old prophet in front of her. She exclaimed:

"This is the best fighting stance I've ever seen. What's up with this draenei prophet? Isn't he a spellcaster? Why don't you use magic to start punching?"

"Well, few people know that when our Prophet was in Argus, he won the Jedney Championship several times."

Beside the idiot Fina, the first apprentice of the Dark Templar, the former defense officer Cirdan adjusted his crystal hidden blade to prepare for the upcoming battle, and explained to Fina in a low voice:

"Your Excellency Velen is not only the best Holy Lightwalker and spellcaster among us, he himself is actually the number one boxer in the world of Argus under his elegant appearance.

Or call it a wrestler.

This is because his achievements in the path of the Holy Light are so high that others ignore it. But when it comes to real hand-to-hand combat, none of the orc warlords are his opponents.

He went to negotiate with the orcs several times with bare hands, and returned safely every time, and it was not just because the prophet was lucky. "

"Is it that powerful?"

Fenner was taken aback when she heard that.

She rubbed the buzzing Ashbringer and the newly acquired Elemental Holy Blade, and made up her mind that after killing the demon, she must go to exchange ideas with the Prophet.

Maybe he can learn some fighting skills from this Argus No. 1 boxer.

Right now, though, there are more important things than watching Velen the Prophet wrestle the Trickster.

After the Deceiver absolutely destroyed the world of Dellano by force, the giant portal behind it began to shine, and a large number of mephits and elite legion demons came out roaring.

Just looking at the magic steel armor on those demons, and their size generally larger than other demons, we can tell that these guys are the absolute elite of the legion.

They come from Argus, the stronghold of the Legion, and they come from the Ruinous Heart of the Stars.

They are unstoppable!

"woo woo woo"

The horns of the paladins, the war drums of the draenei, and the desolate war song of the orcs sounded in succession. In this case, there is no need for other people to issue any orders.

The warriors who entered here knew what to do now.

Therefore, the paladins and the death knights charged together, humans and orcs alternately covered the attack, and the centaurs who survived by chance, led by the tauren druid Hamuul, tried their best to attack the demon army from the flanks. array.

They must attack!

After a hard-fought victory over the Defender of the World, no one wants to hand that precious victory back to the demons.

Even elemental creatures joined the attack.

Under the leadership of His Royal Highness Sunderland, Dellano's weak elemental spirits also abandoned the fear of evil energy, and they called on the power of wind, fire, water, earth and everything in the world to help these brave warriors.

This is Dellano's final battle for existence.

Zhou Zhuo, who always hated fighting, went to the battlefield.

The lorewalker got a huge sapphire golem out of nowhere. He lay on the shoulder of the sapphire golem, brandished his scribe sword, and let out a howling battle cry, pretending that he was also fighting.

But he's not as successful as his Serpent Mishi, who can burn a few demon hounds to death while breathing flames.

The anti-magic alliance launched a charge on the dark plain, and the Argus demons on the opposite side rushed forward without showing any weakness.

At the center of the confrontation between the two there are still waves of light and dark shining.

This scene was fully seen by a pair of eyes in the sky, and it was enough for the hesitant guy to make up his mind, so following the ugly crows, the sky behind the coalition army appeared to be composed of large ravens covering the sky. crows.

These creatures that exist only in the legends of Dellano appear on the battlefield today, and behind these large and strange ravens carry those ugly fallen arakko people.

They set out from Skettis in response to the call of the gods, and came to support the battle.

In addition to the Arakkoa who arrived late, there was another force that had been watching coldly also appeared on the battlefield.

The Broken, to be precise, the Ashtongue Deathsworn led by Akama.

These hunched draenei xenomorphs rode on their domesticated Talbuk sheep, and rushed into the battlefield screaming under the leadership of Akama and Nobundo.

The addition of them and the arakkoa completely surrounded the battlefield, but the demons still didn't care.

No matter how many of you come, you will all be destroyed!

"Velen! Don't struggle! On the other side of this world portal, there are still ninety-nine legions waiting to charge and kill. They are enough to wash away every inch of this world with a terrifying number."

Kil'jaeden, who was punching back and forth with the Prophet, roared:

"Where is your holy light? How can it save you? The mistakes made 25,000 years ago will not be repeated! This time I will not give you any chance to escape!"

"I didn't even think about running!"

Velen angrily threw a punch at the great demon in front of him. He also dropped his gentle and gentle posture in the past, and responded in a low tone:

"Right here! I want to end all grievances with you! You bastard, you actually use my son to attack me and he once called you father!"

"If he doesn't become a demon, he will die the day Lord Sargeras arrives!"

Kil'jaeden was also outraged, as if his old friend's "doubt" had hit the memory he didn't want to touch, and he roared:

"There are also those people who were abandoned by you. I led them into the abyss of evil energy, but I also saved them! You, a fugitive, have no right to blame me!

I'm done with your stupidity and stubbornness!

Hasa Bell!

Increase the power of the portal and send all my legions here! "

The Trickster bellowed orders to his Portal Master.

But when the voice of the devil entered the portal, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean. Not only did the portal not expand, but it was completely interrupted after a few seconds.

The rotation speed of the dark green light curtain slowed down, as if the running engine was about to stop, and the power from the world of Argus was also weakening, which made the fraudster punch Velen back and look back.

Then, it saw a guy with huge bat wings but an elf face, bare upper body covered with demon-hunting runes, walking out of the portal carrying a round object.

When they felt the breath of that person, the Illidari who were fighting with the demon cheered in unison.

The blind shouted the name of the Blind King of Azeroth, and they saluted their leader and master with their moonblades.

"Well, honored fraudster, are you looking for her?"

Illidan also moved his body at this moment, showing a bewildered smile. He raised his left hand, and the head of Argus' portal supervisor, the Doomsday Valkyrie Hasa Bell, was still bleeding.

Her eyes were wide open, as if she didn't understand why she was assassinated in the legion's base camp until she died.

"Illidan Stormrage!"

An outraged Kil'jaeden called out the name of the audacious fellow.

But behind Illidan, Maraad, the draenei garrison commander who rushed into Argus and returned, also came out of the portal.

He also held a head in his hand.

It was the head of Talgath the stalker who fled back to Argus just now.

The traitor finally paid for his sin.

In Maraad's left hand, however, there is still a strange battle flag, which has never appeared in the world of Dellano, but it shocked all the Draenei people.

That was the battle flag of the former Eredar civilization, and it was the battle flag from the hometown of these exiles!

Maraad waved the banner once, and countless Krokul Breakers came out of the portal behind him, brandishing knives and guns.

Although they no longer have the noble appearance of the draenei, they still wear the armor and wield the weapons of the past.

They are the last of the Argus

They are at war today.

"Illidan! Hahaha, you dog is finally back."

Bu Laike rode the sky, carrying Maiev who had just returned and flew across the dark sky cheering. He folded his hands to his mouth at high altitude, and shouted to Illidan who was playing cool:

"Hey! Stop posing, and give our Lord Kil'jaeden a hard job! I want him to become the laughing stock of the stars just like Archimonde, whom he despises the most!"

(end of this chapter)

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