Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1349 99. Maiev, A Hunter Without Prey Is Nothing...

Chapter 1349 99. Maiev, a hunter without prey is nothing

Boo Laike's party was fast, and they arrived at the Dark Portal less than twenty minutes after Frostmourne was stolen.

The great knight Turalyon jumped off his royal armored griffin, and what he saw was a group of garrison officers who were knocked out, and the Archdruid Thesaly Crow who was standing weakly in front of the Dark Portal.

Judging from this situation, one can tell that a battle must have broken out here.

The black crow archdruid is now weak to the naked eye.

The fire on her body even showed signs of getting out of control. Her face was flushed and her breathing was short of breath. It looked like she was seriously injured.

Turalyon hurriedly stepped forward to support the crumbling archdruid. The latter's arm was astonishingly hot, as if touching magma, and the grand knight withdrew his hand instantly.

"Feel sorry."

The black crow lowered his head and said in a difficult tone:

"I saw him, but I couldn't stop him. I was too weak."

"It's not your fault, Arch Druid."

The big knight didn't understand the meaning of Black Crow's words at all, but instead comforted him:

"Facing an opponent like Bu Laike, it would be a terrible move for you to face the enemy alone. Fortunately, he didn't completely injure you and these defenders, otherwise today's loss will make us suffer for the rest of our lives.

Did he go back to Azeroth with the magic sword? "


Black Crow nodded, and said to the people gathered around:

"The pirate claimed that he was looking for a sword-bearer for Frostmourne in Azeroth. He also said that an old man had slept for a long time and would rot if he didn't wake up."

This sentence made the aliens frown. They couldn't understand the meaning of Laike's words, but the big knight Turalyon and the little prince Arthas instantly widened their eyes.

The two exclaimed almost at the same time:

"Not good! It's Marshal Lothar!"


A group of people around were also shocked, and the high lord Ravencrest asked:

"Is it Anduin Lothar, the greatest commander of your humans in the past hundred years? The hero who led you to defeat the orcs? Is Bu Laike still related to him?

Why did he risk being hunted down by all the forces of Azeroth, but also handed over Frostmourne to Lothar?

Does he hate Lothar so much? "

"No, no, Mr. Bo Laike not only does not hate Marshal Lothar, on the contrary, he admires him very much."

Arthas explained:

"I discussed this matter with His Excellency Bu Laike, and Bo Laike told me that Lothar was one of the men he admired most, number eight on his strange list."

"Only the eighth?"

Nobundo, the great shaman of the Draenei, asked:

"No matter how you look at it, it's not a 'special worship', is it?"

"Well, I've also heard about Bo Laike's weird 'Most Admired Men' list."

Turalyon Grand Knight explained in a low voice with some embarrassment:

"It is said that the dark titan Sargeras is only ranked second"

This explanation made the people around instantly understand Anduin Lothar's position in the heart of the smelly pirates. Lord Ravencrest also nodded. He looked at the revolving door of darkness in front of him and said:

"So, Bu Laike Shaw snatched Frostmourne not to humiliate or attack Lothar, but to 'resurrect' Lothar who was inextricably bound between life and death?

Well, judging from Anduin Lothar's record and his legendary stories, it seems that he is indeed one of the people who can wield this magic blade.

If Lothar becomes a death knight, that would not be an unacceptable result."

"No! We can't accept it!"

The big knight and the little prince shouted again in unison.

Apparently, the death knight grand lord's way of thinking that is different from the living offended them, and the grand knight said angrily:

"Marshal Lothar is not just a great man admired for human civilization, or a commander commemorated by everyone.

After the victory in the Orc War and the sacrifice in the Battle of Dalaran, Marshal Lothar has become the spiritual incarnation in the minds of all human beings!

You can't find a man who has all the good qualities that a human being should have. He is a perfect man, and he is ours. Ours."

Turalyon couldn't find a suitable word to describe Lothar's status in the hearts of humans for a while, and the big shaman Nobundo next to him suddenly said:

"Spiritual totem?"

"Yes! It's like a spiritual totem."

The great knight nodded and said:

"Once Marshal Lothar is resurrected in the form of death, it will deal a blow to human civilization. Our courage, wisdom, and persistence will all be desecrated.

I can't accept this result!

Alsace! "

The big knight yelled, and the little prince immediately straightened up and saw Turalyon looking at him, and said in a serious tone:

"Go back to the Kingdom of Stormwind as quickly as possible, and tell His Majesty Varian to defend the Northshire Abbey at all costs! I will return immediately with the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse.

There are also two archmages."

"Never mind, Turalyon."

Archmage Vargos pulled his purple mage's pointed hat, and he said in a serious tone:

"Ansrem and I know how serious this matter is. We and the whole of Dalaran will do our best to stop Braike Shaw's atrocities. We will return to the northern border immediately and inform His Majesty and the Pope about this matter." The other great knights."

"We'll help too!"

The silent Maraad helped the garrison officers who were knocked out on the ground, looked at Turalyon, and said:

"We Draenei have also heard about Marshal Lothar's great deeds from old Fording. It is you who helped us free our prophet from the nightmare of death. We will also help our human friends with the same determination."

"Then we too."

Shaoxia Hou, who came to watch the excitement, also planned to show off his presence.

But before he could speak, Alsace turned to him and said:

"No, let's forget about the aid of the orcs. I appreciate your idea of ​​helping, but if I really took a group of greenskins to the Northshire Abbey, I would be court-martialed."

"I'm not green, I'm brown! You blind bastard."

Hou Shaoxia pointed at his own cheek and retorted a little bit aggrieved, but he said emotionally and rationally that it is better for the orcs not to participate in this matter.

Everyone made a plan and acted immediately.

Arthas and the Archmages passed through the Dark Portal and immediately teleported to Fort Watch. According to their worst estimate, the portal leading to the Stormwind Kingdom should have been taken by Laike.

But unexpectedly, what they saw when they teleported to Fort Watch was a peaceful scene.

There has not been any impact at all, and even the portal leading to the Stormwind Kingdom has been closed, and there is no trace of being opened at all.

Could it be that Bo Laike himself used a spell similar to teleportation?

In addition to being a pirate, he is also a powerful spellcaster. Although there is no such teleportation technique in warlock magic, it is impossible to keep Laike from inventing some damn magic.

Arthas and the archmage, who were worried, teleported to Stormwind City regardless of their fatigue, and told Varian about it, but it turned out that the Kingdom of Stormwind was as peaceful as the Northshire Abbey.

Marshal Lothar's coffin has not been touched by anyone

This is strange.

In terms of Laike's execution ability, it shouldn't be so slow.

So, did the bad pirate run into some trouble that stopped him from bringing doom to the world? ——


The head wolf's edge and the thorn knife wheel collided once in the air, and the light of the moon god from the same source collided between the weapons and shattered, pushing the two sides to slide away.

In a valley in the Blasted Lands, Laike and Maiev wrestled with each other as if they were dancing.

The Warden combat skills of both of them are at the peak, and if they fight with the same combat skills, neither of them can do anything to the other.

"You should go find my ring, you bitch!"

Bu Laike slanted the scorching front of the wolf to his side, and he reprimanded helplessly and viciously:

"I gave you a mission, and you came here to block me? You bastard, you really know how to make me feel bad, don't you?"

"Is this what you mean?"

Maiev, who didn't wear the Warden's battle armor, only wore a Night Slayer suit, raised her right hand, and on her slender fingers, Marus the Blooddrinker was shining brightly.

she says:

"This ring fell into an evil orc camp not far from the Portal of Darkness. It didn't take me long to find it, and I planned to return it to you.

But I thought about it again, as you, a stinky pirate, this trip to Dellano is a bit too 'obedient', you must be brewing something terrible.

I made a special trip here to see what you were up to.

As it turns out, you really are an asshole. "

Maiev turned to look at the living wooden sword box on the edge of the cliff below their feet.

In the first raid just now, she cut off the chains on Bo Laike, almost throwing the magic sword into the Baizhang cliff below.

"It's really sad, I thought my 'give' during this time has brought our relationship to a new stage."

Bu Laike raised his spear and patted his shoulder, saying to Maiev:

"But it turns out that you are still the annoying person in my heart, right, this is decent, this is like the Maiev Shadowsong I imagined, you were too weak a few days ago.

Although I don't hate you as a small bird, but I always feel that the taste is a bit lacking.

Since you are a shrew, don't pretend to be at the mercy of others. "


What the stinky pirate said made Maiev silent for a moment, she looked down and said;

"Dirty guy, do you prefer me like this?"

"I like it so much, I like it so much that I wish I could stab you to death with a spear!"

The pirate also noticed his embarrassment, he hastily calmed down and lowered his gun, and said to Maiev:

"I don't want to fight with you here, give me back the ring, don't stop me from what's going on, and then you can go back, wherever you want.

Whether it's good to kill demons in Dellano, or go back to Mount Hyjal to help your compatriots, I don't care.

You prisoner has been granted parole, and I, the warden, will send you out of your cage.

It's that simple. "


Maiev took off the ring on her finger, threw it to Bo Laike, and said with a straight face:

"Article 7 of the Watchman's Code, as a warden, you must never release prisoners privately at any time, you must enforce the law impartially, and you just violated it.

I think as the warden, I should teach you a lesson for this warden who doesn't follow the rules. "

After finishing speaking, Maiev put on a posture of praying with a knife wheel in place. After returning to Azeroth in the territory of the Moon God, as the Moon Night God of War, she received full attention from the Moon God.

In just an instant, layers of star-moon veils covered Maiev's body. When she raised her head, her fair cheeks were already covered with battle patterns of dark moon phases.

Those shimmering eyes also became pitch black.

"Good guy! Are you serious?"

Bu Laike sees Maiev who enters the night warlord form, and he takes Marus the blood drinker into his finger, which has weakened a lot since it left Dellano.

But artifacts are artifacts, and they still give pirates a considerable power boost.

He said to Maiev who was making a fighting stance in front of him:

"Do you really want to fight with all your strength? I don't think it's necessary?"

"No! It's necessary! This is my last fight, Boo Laike."

When Maiev in the state of God of War on a moon night speaks, there is a strange and majestic echo.

Her dark eyes looked at Bu Laike, and as the moon veil surged, the knife wheel in his hand transformed into two moon warblades, which she held in her hands.

she says:

"The part of me that belongs to the watcher is ordering me to stop you. I cannot break my oath. I will do my best to prevent you from bringing Frostmourne back to the human world.

This is my insistence on my mission.

But if I still lose like this, then I have lost the reason to fight. I have heard the conversation between you and the little girl, Hisaly, who betrayed me.

You want me to never leave you? "

Maiev hesitated, bit her lip, and said in a voice only two could hear:

"Didn't you always want to give me your chains? Didn't you always want to conquer the soul of the moon god in front of you?

Now is the best opportunity.

come on.

Fight as hard as you can and give me a reason to let you go.

We will know who is the prisoner and who is the warden among us after this battle. "

"That's what you said."

The pirate grinned, stuck the head of the wolf on the ground, and moved his fingers to summon his own demon, sword girl, and his own war beasts.

He moved his neck and made a clicking sound.

A flash of red light floated in his eyes, the beast nature and the power of the void were rising, and the pirate's tone became hoarse. Before being overwhelmed by the beast nature, he said:

"If I lose, I ask for a deluxe single room in the Vault of the Wardens, daily meals from a pandaren chef, and a comfortable bed.

Most importantly, you'll have to 'watch over' me every night!

If I'm lucky enough to win.

You should probably change your name to Maiev Shadowsong Proudmoore in the future. "

"You think beautifully!"

Maiev sneered and said:

"Maev Shadowsong will always belong to Elune only."

"Do not!"

Laike closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there were already wild red animal pupils. He showed an aggressive and creepy smile, grabbed the white sword Sharator and flashed it in front of Maiev.

The first collision between the two sides brought out the terrifying power of the moon god and the natural beast, and the energy impact of the cold void.

At the moment when the two were almost facing each other, the 500% damage bonus from the Beacon of Death made Maiev break through the defense in an instant, and Laike grabbed her wrist.

With a voice like the roar of a beast, say to the Warden Warden:

"You belonged to Him in the past, and you belong to me now! You have my mark on you, and you are my prisoner!"

"Come, relive the old dream, my dear prisoner."

(end of this chapter)

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