Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1351 101. Monsters From Kul Tiras Land In Dusk Forest

Chapter 1351 101. Monsters from Kul Tiras Land in Dusk Forest

In the night of Deadwind Pass, the sound of galloping horses' hooves sounded from the direction of the Swamp of Sorrows.

Soon, a group of black knights rushed out from the cold night. They wore full armor of darkness and rode nightmare horses whose eyes and feet were wrapped in flames.

However, behind these black knights running around looking for treasures, there is an extra weird carriage, which is also pulled by a nightmare horse. The third black knight sits on the roof and acts as a guest groom. gallop on.

Black knights and their minions guarded the car on all sides.

But their direction was not heading towards Karazhan, the base camp of the black knights, but crossing the complex terrain of the headwind path all the way, and the soldier peak pointed directly at the dusk forest.

In the slightly bumpy carriage, Braike, who had changed his clothes, still looked a bit weak after the war. He was sitting on the large sofa in the carriage, with fine wine and some snacks on the table in front of him, a pipe in his hand but not Not lit.

The warden lady who was still in a coma was laid beside him, Maiev's head rested on the pirate's lap, she seemed to be in a deep sleep, and under the observation of Laike, her vitality was recovering rapidly.

Returning to Azeroth is equivalent to returning to Luna's home ground. Maiev, as the God's Chosen One, is really "loved" here.

"I said you black knights, why are you so indecisive when doing things, looking forward and backward?"

The pirate held the pipe in his left hand, and twirled Maiev's long hair with his right hand. He looked at Aridin, the silent king of the black knights, and said in an urging tone:

"You are not going to send me to the Twilight Forest, and then put oil on the soles of your feet, right? I have told you all about my plan, and it is not so easy to run now.

I have to take into account the risk of your leaks. "


Eredin rudely reprimanded:

"Is it still a secret what you want to do? Do you really think that the people in Stormwind City didn't notice? Just now, you saw with your own eyes the paladins of Keepwatch Castle returning to North County on a griffin.

Obviously, the child king already knows what you are going to do, and he will not allow you to do it.

I've heard he regards Marshal Lothar as his father."

"Is this kind of thing still necessary to hear?"

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"Varian already clearly called 'Father' during the Battle of Dalaran, and I could see it clearly from the side. But it stands to reason that I, an enthusiastic pirate, want to help him revive Dad.

Do you see how uncomfortable Lothar's lifeless look is?

Varian should thank me for doing this. "

"You let a paladin king, thank you for resurrecting the figure he regarded as his father as an undead? Or a king of the dead who can command other undead?"

Aridin looked at Bo Laike with the eyes of a madman. He sat in the bumpy carriage and said in a very suspicious tone:

"We dare not even think about such a thing, I have to admire your boldness again, to be honest, my brothers and I really don't want to get involved.

Now our relationship with the human kingdom is just hostile, but if we really want to participate in this matter, if we really want to help you achieve our goals, then we will never die.

In the future, there will be no shelter for the Black Spirit Pirates in the entire eastern continent. "

"Listen to your own weak words! Is this something a pirate who is determined to fight the sea can say?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and immediately sarcastically said:

"What do you mean the Eastern Kingdom has no shelter for you anymore? Are you stupid? You are a pirate, when do you need a place to hide on land?

You claim to be loyal servants of the Dark Titan, but you don't even have the courage to completely cut off from the order camp. No wonder you have existed for nearly thirty years but have achieved nothing.

You who are so weak, can you really shoulder the hope that Lord Sargeras placed on you? "

"Stop talking sarcastic, it's really different this time!"

Aridin took off his cursed helmet with a headache.

The hollow eyes on the head shaped like black quicksand gave the stinky pirate a fierce look, and then looked at the living wooden sword box on the table between the two of them.

Less than a day after leaving Dellano, the magic blade seal shaped by the archdruid has begun to wither, the scabbard that was originally full of vitality has turned gray, and the flowers that have been blooming on it have also dried up extremely.

According to this rate of erosion, the living wood scabbard will completely lose its resistance to the death power of Frostmourne by tomorrow morning at most, and by then, the magic sword will truly spread its own death power.

"This kind of thing."

The leader of the black knight, who was extremely dark and evil, frowned, and said:

"The disaster that this kind of thing can cause in the Eastern Kingdom makes me feel shocking even if I think about it. I am not afraid of your jokes. I feel fear when I face your invitation.

I am definitely not a good person, but what you are going to do has surpassed my definition of 'evil'.

This makes it difficult for me to make a decision. "

"Of course, of course, I know that what I invite you to participate in is indeed more evil than snatching candy from children, and compared to your usual actions of looting everywhere, it also somewhat exceeds the bottom line of 'kindness' of the Black Knights.

I know it's hard for you. "

Bo Laike picked up his pipe and said in a drawn out voice:

"But since you are so kind, what are you doing pirates? Shall I introduce you to be guardians in the Stormwind Orphanage? Let me tell you, the working conditions there are good.

Food and lodging are included, one day off per week, and a private room for you to rest. The children are very cute and obedient. They will dance and sing with you holding hands, and then call you "Uncle the Black Knight".

You will love it there too.

how about it?

think about it "

Facing the bitter sarcasm from the stinky pirates, Aridin didn't say a word, and it was obvious that he was really hesitant and undecided.

Seeing this, Bu Laike sighed and said:

"You know that the endless sea is very lively right now? The goblins in the South China Sea have formed their own black water fleet, and they want to compete with the pirate heroes from all walks of life in the South China Sea.

Those greedy bastards have already realized the weakness of Kul Tiras, and the chaotic order change in the South China Sea is just around the corner. Every day, new pirate gangs appear, and every day, unlucky ones are killed in the sea.

Because the Hell has been killed by me, the mourning souls in the sea have nowhere to go. I heard that there have been real "ghost pirates" on the robbery island.

As for the North Sea, the frozen sea that was previously regarded as a desolate place, the Alliance fleet has already begun to plunder the city. Obviously, they didn't listen to my warning to them.

The kings unite to hold my fleet to death in the freezing seas, and I am ready to take on them.

There are nightborn pirates raging on the misty sea of ​​the elves, and the echo coast of Kalimdor has become the last paradise of the bloodsail pirates. I heard that there is a mixed fleet of trolls and tauren on the sea of ​​storms.

My dear black knights, you are wasting too much time in Dellano.

You missed the new wave of dividing up the endless sea, and now there is no place for you in this chaotic sea full of vitality and competition.

You also want to have your own name and your own legend on this stage promoted by me, right? "

The stinky pirate exhaled a smoke ring, and unceremoniously spit the smoke towards Aridin. He knocked on the table and said:

"But do you have the confidence to do that? Go to the endless sea and find any pirates. They will say my name with admiration, and Gaboa's name with disgust, and they will be full of fear." He even said Farrewell's name, drinking wine and blessing Dai Lin in the rudest language when he fell to his bed and died at night.

They may also be able to name the trade prince Eudora, the elf pirate king Anneris, the North Sea queen Anne Bonn, and even their plundering captains can become idols worshiped by pirates.

But who can remember your names?

Black Spirit Pirates?

Ha, what the hell is that?

Is it a newly debuted circus group?

Of course I am mocking you, but I am also telling you a cruel fact, in our industry, no matter whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, you at least have a reputation that can be remembered by others.

And where does fame come from? "

Bu Laike stroked his chin, supported his head, and said to Eredin;

"You have to do something that people will remember and praise, big brother.

It's like I smashed the Gilneas fleet, it's like I made a big fuss in Kul Tiras and overthrew the Church of Storms, it's like Gaboa killed an elemental lord with his own fleet, it's like It is he who now claims to rule the South China Sea, the sky and the storm.

Come on, tell me, you black spirit pirates are going to set up a flag in the endless sea and join the pirates' carnival era. What achievements do you have?

The ability to treasure hunt is great.

But if you can't deter others, you will always be the "mobile treasure house" in the eyes of other pirates.

cough cough. "

The pirate coughed and ran his fingers over Maiev's cheek.

He whispered:

"This is the last time I invite you to join me in my upcoming career. You will join hands with me to break through the alliance's defenses and deliver Frostmourne to Anduin Lothar.

You will welcome the birth of the 'Lich King' with me, and you will become loyal allies of the King of the Dead with me.

In this way, your notoriety will spread all over the world, from Mount Hyjal to Fort Watch, from Dalaran to Silithus, everyone will know the notoriety of the Black Spirit Pirates!

Others will fear you, spurn you, and loathe you.

But the pirates will adore you for it, join you, and sing your praises. "

Having said this, Bo Laike paused, looked at Aridin, and said:

"So, my good Lord of the Black Knights, Uncle, we make a deal?"

Aridin didn't answer right away.

But outside the carriage window, the roars of other black knights have already sounded:

"Boss, why are you still hesitating!"

"Yeah yeah, boss, I can already feel my rotten heart pumping, let's do bad things together! Let them fear us! Let them sing us!"

"I don't want to be ridiculed by other pirates as a coward of the sea anymore, boss, I want to show them our evil!"

"Look, your brothers have been persuaded by me."

Bu Laike said to Aridin in a whispered voice:

"A captain who cannot satisfy his subordinates is an absolute loser. All pirate captains should learn and know this. Besides, guess how long it will take for me to convince them to betray you?

Although the Black Spirit Pirates are crotchless, with your magical abilities, it is actually enough to become a subordinate faction among the undead pirates. "


Eredin slapped the table, grabbed the wine glass in front of him and drank it in one gulp. He shouted:

"Fuck the goodness, we join! Tell me, what are we going to do next?"

"Cool! That's it, you should be so forthright when you do big things!"

Bu Laike waved his thumb in front of Eredin's eyes and said:

"The first step is to go to the Twilight Forest and wake up the undead in the Raven Ridge Necropolis and the Tranquil Garden Cemetery where the warriors who died heroically in the Orc War are buried.

This process will take a day. I want you to take your servants to block Nightshade Town and Westfall, and prevent a single civilian from running out before I finish this matter.

We are going to celebrate Lothar's rebirth, not to provoke him.

With the character of that bald bastard, if he finds that we have hurt civilians, the first thing he will do when he picks up Frostmourne is to hack us to death one by one.

So this is very important.

To intimidate those civilians, let them stay in their own houses honestly, hold their families and hide under their beds, and let them tremble and wait for the end of the disaster.

Then, we go to the Redridge Mountains, enter the Erwin Forest from the East Valley, capture the gold town, and finally enter the Northshire! "

"Uh, why not go Westfall?"

Eredin replied:

"Isn't it closer to Erwin Forest from Westspring Fortress? Why do you have to make a big circle?"

"I want to give them enough time to gather their troops, and I also need enough time to gather my allies. You don't think I'm only taking you, a group of 'good pirates', to attack the alliance's heroes, do you?

I am going to do great things, not to die. "

The pirate blinked, exhaled smoke rings and said:

"I want all the heroes they can gather to gather in North County, I want them to see Lothar's resurrection with their own eyes, and I want them to realize that a turbulent era has begun.

I want them to know what is the result of not believing the prophecies of the prophets.

This will set off alarm bells for them.

Lothar's resurrection is only the beginning, my dear Aridin.

Compared with what will happen next, the evil we will do is just icing on the cake for the disaster that the world is about to suffer.

You should know what I mean.

Anyway, so be it. "

A few hours later, at midnight, Night Town, the largest town in Twilight Forest, was in a bleak state. Horrific Nightmare Warhorses trampled around in the dark town, and the howling of fear that went straight to the soul made everyone in the town hide. Shaking in his own room.

They watched in horror as the monsters that seemed to burst out of hell broke through the night watchmen's defenses, and they heard the wailing of the downed warriors.

The sudden chaos made the local residents seem to have returned to the turbulent era of the orc war, but it wasn't until the weird noises sounded in the cemetery of Tranquil Garden near Night Town that the already terrified people suddenly realized that they were Experienced something more terrible than the orc invasion.

The corpses came to life.

In the abandoned church in the Tranquility Garden cemetery, Laike casually tossed aside the withered living wooden scabbard. He watched Frostmourne floating in front of his eyes, as well as the commotion in the cemetery outside the church.

The smelly pirate raised a finger and said to the magic sword in front of him:

"You're excited, aren't you? I feel it, but a promise is a promise, and if you want to impress your sword-bearer, remember what I told you.

He's a noble man who doesn't want to see the unarmed and weak hurt, and as the sword he's about to get, you should also have a bit of a 'bottom line'.

This will make you more compatible with him, and will not weaken the combat effectiveness of the undead Scourge. Anyway, there are far more dead buried under this land than the living.

Well, stick to this bottom line, and there is no taboo for the rest!

let's start.

My dear Frostmourne, I have set the stage for you to appear on the stage, now, let's start your amazing performance. "

(end of this chapter)

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