Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1354 104. The Annoying Bu Laike Shaw Has Occupied Erwin Forest

Chapter 1354 104. The annoying Bu Laike Shaw has occupied Erwin Forest

"We withdrew the army before the undead encircled us. Some of the light cavalry and Griffin Knights stayed in the Tower of Azura to collect intelligence on the undead's movement, and the rest returned to Gold Shining Town and North County.

The undead didn't pursue them. According to the last scene we saw, the female Draenei death knight holding Frostmourne was heading for Stone Tablet Lake.

There are memorial steles and large cemeteries specially shaped for the fallen soldiers of the orc war. Once they absorb the soldiers in the cemetery, the strength of the undead will double overnight.

That's all there is to it, Your Majesty. "

In Stormwind Keep, several staff officers who had withdrawn from the East Valley had just reported the battle on the front line to King Varian Wrynn, who had a solemn and heavy face.

Everyone in the King's Hall looked ugly.

On the table in front of everyone was a map of the Stormwind Kingdom, with small red flags marking the incredible marching routes of the undead.

Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon, who had just appeased his wife and children, looked at the map in front of him. The resolute paladin frowned and said in a low voice:

"These undead... They ran the distance that ordinary soldiers would need to march for a week in two days, and they kept advancing at such a high speed in continuous combat.

Their military strength grows after each battle!

And this kind of growth does not depend on killing our soldiers. They only need to open the tombs in the occupied areas to get enough soldiers.

There is no doubt that this is an opponent we have never faced. "

"They could have gotten more soldiers."

Under the Pope's call, Danas Trollbane, the great nobleman and military commander of Stormgard who came to support the Northshire Abbey with only family knights, said in a low voice:

"If those undead let go to slaughter civilians and soldiers, their number will increase by at least five times or even ten times in these three days. This is a snowball-like increase in numbers.

I can't even imagine how bad things could get if that situation arises.

But the undead didn't choose to do this. I think there must be something they want to express.

But I am not very familiar with Bo Laike Shaw, I only know that he is a very cunning guy, and he is said to be able to predict the future.

Everyone, what can you perceive from this weird behavior? "

"He's warning us not to resist!"

On the other side of the desk covered with a map, the great knight Uther stroked the tome of the Holy Light hanging around his waist. The light emissary who had some connections with the stinky pirates said in a deep voice;

"He's demonstrating, folks.

This fits well with some of the character traits Laike displayed during the Kul Tiras and Silithus wars.

He is a very contradictory person, always between neutrality and chaos. You have also read the letter sent by the night watchman in the Twilight Forest. The black knights who were recruited and driven by him ran rampant in Nightshade Town and repelled the night watchman. The regiments disarmed them, beat them up and locked them in cellars.

The civilians were also warned not to go out, and no one was harmed until after the undead crossed the border. Apart from the loss of some property and being frightened, the march that lasted for three days did not cause a single civilian casualty.

He did it on purpose!

This is to show the restraint and control of the magic sword on the undead. He may want to use this to express to us that the undead, a creature that is very strange to us, also has the possibility of being controlled.

And he claimed that Marshal Anduin Lothar is the holder of Frostmourne, which may mean that Marshal Lothar also has the ability to manipulate the undead.

But there's also a good chance this is just a bad joke by Laike Shaw, trying to trick us into letting our guard down.

That guy will exceed all expectations when he is evil. "

"It's no use talking about it now, Uther!"

The great knight Mograine was a little irritable. He walked around and said:

"We had to stop those undead. This happened so suddenly that the civilians in Erwin Forest had no time to evacuate. The people in the city were still kept in the dark, but some people were already spreading news about the resurrection of the undead.

Once a large group of undead appears outside Stormwind City, there will be riots in the city!

No one can keep calm in the face of the dead, everyone, think about it, if you are a soldier, and the dead people who are rushing towards you are your father and your grandfather.

God, I can't imagine how chaotic this city will be when the undead soldiers approach the city!

And those pirates! "

The Grand Duke waved his fist and cursed:

"I knew all the pirates in this world were bastards! They were like a pack of hyenas who smelled blood! As soon as Braike Shaw called, the damned Black Spirit Pirates and Damned Pirates came wagging their tails to get a piece of the pie .

Those troll pirates who have seized the power of the elements have taken their filthy ships into our skies!

What is this for? asshole!

This is provocative!

A group of filthy dogs united together and challenged the human kingdom, we must fight back! Where is Dai Lin? "

Mograine yelled:

"Isn't he the best at dealing with pirates? Let him chop off the heads of some bilge rats!"

"Calm down, Mograine."

Old Fording, who had been silent all this time, felt that today's Grand Duke was somewhat too excited, he frowned and said:

"His Majesty Dai Lin is rushing towards Stormwind, and he has brought his Titan Artifact, which is said to be strong enough to resist any evil approaching.

As long as it is there, the entire monastery is impenetrable.

So the most important thing we should do now is to buy time for His Majesty Dai Lin, and slow down the undead before the arrival of the Aegis of Aggramar. "

"It will be too late when he comes!"

Mograine snorted, slammed his fist on the table and said:

"If we don't act, we will hand over the civilians of Gold Town to the undead who are marching fast, we must make a plan!

We have so many people here, maybe we can do a decapitation operation, we can"

"His Majesty!"

Just as Grand Knight Mograine was giving an impassioned "speech", a royal guard strode into the hall and said to King Varian Wrynn, who was sitting on the throne and thinking silently:

"The Grand Knight Turalyon and the reinforcements from Dellano have arrived in the mage area, and the Grand Knight is bringing several leaders to meet him! Among them is the leader of the Draenei, His Excellency Velen, who calls himself the Prophet."


Varian raised his head and said immediately:

"Get them in!"

The other people in the hall also paused their discussion, and a few minutes later, the great knight Turalyon walked into the fortress with several leaders.

Besides him and Velen, there was Lady Natha, Lieutenant of the Wardens, a representative of the Death Knights of the Black Rooks, and Lady Arantion, Commander of the Illidari.


When the great knight Mograine saw the elf death knight, he immediately yelled loudly:

"How dare you step into this hall belonging to the Holy Light! How presumptuous!"

He growled and clenched his fists.

Of course, one cannot wear weapons when discussing affairs in front of the king, so some of the more radical paladins and priests around the grand knight also grabbed everything available around them as weapons.

There was even a guy with a bad brain who grabbed the stool beside him.

At a time when the kingdom is being invaded by the undead, a free-roaming death knight is indeed unsettling.

Several burly royal guards approached the king calmly, always ready to use their bodies to defend His Majesty against possible assassinations.

Since King Lane died on his throne, the royal family of the Stormwind Kingdom has taken great pains to prevent assassination.

However, in the face of the provocation and hostility of the great knight, the elf death knight ignored him. He inherited the arrogance and coldness unique to the elves, and did not look sideways.

He didn't even seem to see the great knight Mograine walking towards him, even though the holy light shining on the latter made him feel very uncomfortable.

When the Grand Duke approached, the high-ranking demon hunter commander Ms. Arantine suddenly frowned, and a green light appeared under her eyepatch.

The next moment, the sharp moon blade came out of its sheath and pointed at the great knight Mograine in front of him.

The moonblade of the huntress was shining with the light of hunting demons, and a ball of spells of the demon hunter was thrown at Mograine in front of her. She shouted loudly:

"Hidden Evil! The Illidari Watch You! Reveal Now!"

The watchman Nasa in the team reacted faster. Amid the exclamation of all the paladins, Nasa's figure flickered, and her hand was the watchman's detention cage.

Six vengeful spirits surrounded the great knight Mograine, making it impossible for him to escape.

Coupled with the burning spell thrown by the demon hunter, in the next second, under the watchful eyes of Varian Wrynn standing up from the throne in astonishment, the great knight who just spoke righteously and rebuked the undead showed his real body .

A nathrezim with gray wings howled and broke the transformation, which made everyone present look at each other.

It's not over yet.

A female royal guard standing in front of His Majesty Varian suddenly drew a fel-blazing sharp blade and stabbed the startled child king in the midst of the chaos.

But she obviously underestimated the skill of the young king.

Varian grabbed the assassin's wrist, and a golden shield of holy light floated around him. The scalding light turned the female assassin's burning screams into a petite witch of fear in the interlacing of light and shadow.

"Block the hall! There is a hidden Nathrezim among you!"

The high-ranking demon hunter yelled to those around him:

"There is more than one devil's eyeliner here, everyone, stand still! Waiting for inspection!"

"Block the hall! Immediately!"

The face of Varian who was assassinated was ugly. Today's scene reminded him of his father when he was assassinated.

He gave orders to the surrounding guards.

But before the guards moved, the silent prophet Velen raised his hand, and a thick golden holy light burst out from his palm, enveloping the entire Storm Fortress in the form of a birdcage barrier.

Now those dread demon kings hiding in the crowd panicked completely, and without waiting for the demon hunters to identify them, they turned into flying bats one by one, trying to escape from the blocked place.

The entire Storm Fortress was in a panic for a while, and even Queen Ariane, who was resting in the bedroom, was alarmed.

But the truth revealed under this commotion shocked everyone present.

There are thirteen low-level dreadlords hiding in the guards of Stormwind Fortress alone, and there are also two high-level dreadlords among Varian's political advisors.

The most frightening thing is that the head maid of Queen Ariane and the trusted adjutant of the great knight Bolvar Fordragon are also pretending to be two dreadlords.

This meant that if something unexpected happened, once the demons invaded, the entire upper management of Stormwind City would be at risk of being wiped out instantly.

"What the hell are you doing? Humans!"

After everything calmed down, the high-level demon hunter Ms. Arantine said to the rest of the people in a sarcastic tone:

"Is this the vanguard of the Burning Legion in Azeroth meeting to discuss how to destroy a mortal kingdom?

Although I know from Lord Bu Laike that you don't care about the threat of demons, but I really didn't expect it to happen like this after getting the prophecy.

If this was the Battle of the Ancients 10,000 years ago, all of you who were so careless would be dragged to court-martial! "

Faced with the sarcasm from the elf hunter, the humans wanted to refute.

But looking at the Nathrezim who were bound by the watchman's binding spell, they really couldn't say a word of explanation.

It's a real shame that they're mingling with a group of demons from the Burning Legion and pretending to be talking about how to deal with a threat like Boo Laike Shaw.

The kind of embarrassment with a burning face.

"Speak! Devil, what kind of tricks are you planning in the Kingdom of Stormwind?"

The warden Nasa has already begun to interrogate the captured Nathrezim, especially the high-level dreadlord who pretends to be the great knight Mograine is the focus of her interrogation.

But in the face of Nasa's questioning, the fearful Demon King was fearless. He laughed and said in human language:

"What evil can us dreadlords have? Wardens, and paladins, and ridiculous child kings!

We have been summoned here by the Dread Kings, just to admire the vanguard of the Legion, the great and evil Lord Laike Shaw, who transformed the great man of mankind into a legion of the Legion!

When Lothar is resurrected from the dead and becomes a lackey of the Legion, I will smile and admire the despair on your faces!


That must be fun!

You wretched world still want to escape the clutches of the Legion, you are looking for your own death! "

"Don't bewitch people here, devil!"

The great knight Turalyon took a step forward and scolded:

"Although Bu Laike did something wrong, he just saved a world from the threat of the Legion. He is not a servant of the devil! Also, what did you do to Mograine?"

"Yes, he is not."

The dreaded demon king tilted his head, and there was an interesting smile on his gloomy pale face. He grinned and said:

"But can you still trust him? Do you still dare to trust him? Seriously, everyone, stop wasting time here with us, and think about how to resist the army of undead raised by Frostmourne.

Bu Laike Shaw wasn't kidding this time around.

He is playing for real!

He is determined to revive Lothar, you can't stop him at all! "

Nathrezim bowed his head and said:

"I'm not kidding either, I'm really trying to help you guys, after all we're actually on the same side this time around, and we don't want to see Bo Laike's scheme succeed.

But I really don't see any chance of you winning.

Lord Sargeras, you are all played by him in the applause.

As for poor Alexandros Mograine, hehe, that rude and sincere guy is in a place far, far away.

You will be amazed when you see him again. "

"What the hell do you mean! Demon!"

Varian clenched the jeweled bracelet given by Bu Laike, and he snapped:

"say clearly!"

"Do I need to say more?"

The demon looked back at the child king, and said with a sneer:

"You sent Mathias Shaw to stop Boo Laike in Goldshire? Even a demon like me knows they're not blood but brothers.

You're a fool if you measure Shaw's loyalty this way.

You're an idiot if you really think Mathias Shaw can hold off Boo Laike Shaw.

While you were discussing, the Golden City has already fallen into the hands of the pirates, and you have lost all possibility of defending against the lingering undead!

You have only one path left.

Fighting to the death with the undead in Northshire, but I'm sure that's what Bo Laike wants you to do, you're like pawns in his hand, do you really think you have a chance?

Hehe, Bu Laike Shaw vividly demonstrated to the Nathrezim how to mess up and crush a kingdom in three days. Unfortunately, we have already learned. "

(end of this chapter)

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