Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1359 109. Come On, Come On, Come Closer, Heroes, Witness The Age Of Ashes!

Chapter 1359 109. Come on, come on, come closer, heroes, witness the age of ashes!

"Moonlight and Hopefire have sealed off the chapel! Bu Laike must have gone in there!"

Little Jaina's teleportation failed to send herself and Alsace directly into the chapel in the end, because the place where the sacred coffin was stored was blocked by the power of the two demigods.

That means that the battle has already begun, and the end of their forced entry will definitely not be too good.

"My God! What the hell is he going to do!"

Alsace shook his hands, as he had seen Frostmourne's evil power with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine the scene where the sword was held in the hands of his most admired Marshal Lothar.

This kind of anger that would explode just thinking about it made the little prince rush forward with his sword in hand, but Jaina stretched out her hand to hold him back.

More and more people gathered behind them. Except for those who were on the front line to prevent the crazy undead from returning, everyone else had come here in various ways.

"Follow me! Young man, don't stay too far away from me!"

A Quel'dorei elf with a red hood shook his head at this moment. He reached out and pulled his hood back, revealing an old but majestic face.

"His Majesty Anasterian! You actually came in person?"

The appearance of this person shocked everyone around.

They thought that the elves who came to help here were commanded by Ms. Alleria, but they didn't expect the Sun King to come in person.

"Lothar is the last blood of Thoradin, I must stick to the agreement with the human emperor.

And the young Varian Wrynn is also inside now, he holds the Titan relic to guard Lothar, but unfortunately he is by no means a match for Laike Shaw, I can't sit and watch a human king suffer misfortune before my eyes. "

The old Sun King didn't explain much.

He stretched out his hand to hold the magic long sword at his waist, um, it wasn't the Flame Strike still in Kael'thas' hands, but a gorgeous Phoenix Sword.

But when one's magic attainments have reached the level of the Sun King, it doesn't matter whether he has a magic relic or not.

He raised his left hand, flicked it gracefully in front of his body, and a thick arcane barrier was opened, covering everyone around him.

As the Sun King lifted his steps towards the chapel shrouded in moonlight and flames, the people around him also grabbed their weapons and followed step by step.

It is very difficult to pass through the suppression of the double divine power, and it is very difficult for everyone to walk.

But at the center of the chapel at this time, the desperate battle has not started as they imagined. In fact, the atmosphere between Laike, Tyrande and Chi-Ji Tianzun is very good.

If the bloody archmage and the tumbling energy around him were removed, this scene looked like three friends talking.

The High Priest of the Moon and Chi-Ji Tianzun listened, and Bu Laike quibbled to convince them to get out of the way.

"Illidan has returned from the stars."

Bu Laike is a gossip guy from the moment he opens his mouth.

He stared at Tyrande Windtalker, who was shrouded in moonlight and entered an enhanced state similar to "Moon Night God of War" but more inclined to light order, and whispered:

"I also saw that sad lover holding the little yellow flower you gave her 10,000 years ago, squatting on the edge of the dark temple alone, recalling the beautiful past.

Seriously, Your Majesty, don't you consider meeting him?

You're forming the Legionfall, aren't you?

You and I both know that as long as you say a word, Illidan can immediately run back to Azeroth with his Illidari loyalists and kill all the people you don't like. "

"You're really boring, Boo Laike."

Tyrande grasped the war bow in his hand, and said expressionlessly:

"You're consuming the friendship we've built in Silithus, and you're running out of time, so if you really want to chat, you might as well grab your hands and throw the dark thing behind you aside.

I would love to chat with you for a long time.

Even these personal topics that I'm not interested in at all. "

"Ah, beauty of the iceberg, no wonder you are so fascinated by Illidan."

The pirate shrugged.

He felt a group of people approaching in the rear force, he shook his head and said:

"I am also a Luna reserve believer. In theory, I am no different from you, so let me now, as a future Luna believer, let you describe one, er, two prophecies, Tyrande.

A prophecy that concerns you kaldorei elves.

You better listen carefully. "

"Speak, I'm listening."

Tyrande didn't let go of the bow in her hand, as long as the pirate moved slightly, she would launch an attack with divine power, but there was really no hostility on Laike.

This made the great priest of the moon frown.

What the hell is this guy doing? Does he really think that he can confuse the mind of a moon priest with words?

But Laike just described in a calm tone:

"Demons will soon enter this world, because of the defeat and humiliation brought to them by the heroic night elves 10,000 years ago, you will be the first civilizations to be heavily attacked by demons.

This time the scope of the war will far exceed the scale of the War of the Ancients, the Tricksters and Defilers, and even Sargeras himself will join this battle.

The elves depend on it for a living, and the world tree that helps you gain immortality will be dedicated to the war itself as the price of victory in this battle, and countless elves waiting to be resurrected will also become terrible consumables.

No need to contradict me, Tyrande.

I know that you will not allow such a cruel thing to happen, which almost cut off the foundation of the Kaldorei civilization, but the cruel reality doesn't care what you think.

If we win, the Kaldorei civilization will survive, but you will enter a long decline.

You still have the seeds of the World Tree in your hands.

You will plant the second world tree in a path-dependent manner. However, that is just the beginning of another disaster. As the wheel of war rotates, one terrible enemy after another will appear in the next era.

You will be hit again and again, and you will eventually sink together with this troubled world.

Until the moment of final judgment arrives. "

The smelly pirate paused.

There was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and under the moonlight, he said softly:

"The Luna Sisters of the World of the Dead will pray for Ms. Elune's assistance, and in order to help her relatives through the difficult times, Elune will choose to sacrifice all Kaldorei in a cruel way"

"Shut up! Shameful heresy!"

Bu Laike's words completely angered Tyrande.

It wasn't because the future he described made the High Priest uneasy, but because he spoke so much about the moon god Elune. How could the benevolent moon god do such a cruel thing?

How could he give up Kaldorei who had always believed in him?

"No no no, you have no reason to be angry, Tyrande, my first prophecy is for you! But the second prophecy"

Bo Laike pointed to the sky.

His meaning is self-evident.

Under Tyrande's disbelieving gaze, the pirate whispered:

"Look, Ms. Elune didn't refute me, His eyes clearly passed through the barrier between the present and the future, and saw everything I described.

The future is not set in stone, both of you.

The future can change.

The age of despair I have described can be avoided, and the means to avoid it are in my hands. What do you think I am doing here at the risk of being killed?

Step aside!

I'm just helping you guys, just like before.

I even got it for free this time.

You two idiots!

You choose to stop me, you choose to embark on that hopeless future

Every minute you delay here means that the time of despair is getting closer!

You sad mortals can't see the waves of fate, but I can, I can tell you, both of you, that right here, right before my eyes, the fate of Azeroth has split.

To my left is a bleak age of war, which breeds nothing but stupidity, death, and despair.

And on my right is an age of ashes woven by my own hands

It will also breed war and chaos, and it will make the whole world feel pain, but I have programmed an ending for it, and it is an ending that will satisfy most people.


I am not the one to make the choice today, dear Tyrande and my dear Hope. It's up to you to make a choice. Well, look, my speech is over, and it took one minute and three seconds.

I said it before.

I can convince you in two minutes, now you have thirty seconds left, ding ding ding ding! "

Bo Laike held up his dwarf pocket watch and shook it in front of his eyes. He winked and said:

"Time is ticking, you two, only twenty-seven seconds left. The fate of Azeroth has been placed in your hands by me. The pressure is really terrible, isn't it?

But trust me, I'm used to it. "

"Above Elune."

The pressure that Bu Laike brought to Tyrande in an instant made the Priest of the Moon flustered. If someone else was standing in front of him, Tyrande would not believe the other party's nonsense at all.

As the moon god, she will also undertake some "prophetic" duties during the daily sacrifices. She knows better than most people what the meaning of the profession of a prophet is.

But the cloth Laike in front of him is not those magic sticks who pretend to be ghosts. Every prophecy he has made in the past has come true.

Just this identity and this record are terrible.

If the words he says now that makes Tyrande's heart shudder, really represent the future

The Priest of the Moon stared intently at the pirate's face.

She tried to catch a hint of "deceit" from Bu Laike's expression, but instead of showing any flaws, the latter put on a handsome pose to let the moon priest see more clearly.

"Only fifteen seconds left."

Bu Laike kindly reminded:

"If you can't make up your mind, why not ask the amazing Lady Elune?"

Tyrande's heart sank at the pirate's words.

She tried to pray to the Luna, but got no answer, as if the Luna herself was upset by Laike's terrible prophecy.

After all, the fact that Ms. Elune has an almost unrelated sister in the Shadowlands is a secret among the gods, not something a mortal like Laike should know.

The Winter Queen of Blazing Fields herself would not reveal the complicated relationship between her and Lady Elune, a secret that not even the other Eternals knew.

Luna now feels that he may have made a mistake in picking Laike.

This guy is a bit beyond all his expectations. He seems to hold some secrets that even the gods don't know.

"Oh, is Luna also hesitating?"

Bu Laike glanced at the tumbling moonlight in the sky, and he whispered:

"Let me up the ante my dear lady I only say one place and I only say one name. Zare"


The noun that the pirate wanted to say in a strange language hadn't finished speaking, and just uttered two syllables, and the moonlight in the entire chapel disappeared in an instant.

As Tyrande moaned in pain, her moon god power was forcibly imprisoned. On the contrary, the bright moonlight completely shrouded Bu Laike at this moment.

This means that Elune has made a decision instead of Tyrande!

"Ha ha ha ha"

Bo Laike laughed loudly and picked up Frostmourne behind his back. He strode past the High Priest of the Moon who was limp on the ground, and even touched the moonlight jewel decoration on Lady Tyrande's forehead.

But he still had Chi-Ji in front of him.

"Stop, Boo Laike, we can maybe talk again!"

I hope that Tianzun is also obviously frightened by the scene in front of him.

He saw with his own eyes that the moon god chose Bu Laike's prophecy, which shocked the supreme god, but alas, the pirates had no time to waste.

"Tianzun! Stand up obediently, don't struggle and it won't hurt!"

Bo Laike raised his left hand.

The laughing Xalatas transformed into colorful smoke in the posture of the ancient venerable, covering the handsome and luxurious body of Chi-Ji Tianzun like a tentacle monster.

This is not to say that the power of Xalatas can already match the Supreme God, the main reason is that Chi Jing Tianzun is also a little bit nervous at this moment.

As a result, it fell right into the arms of the ancient venerable Sha Neng.

He could easily break free from Xal'atath's siege, but by the time he was free, Laike had done everything he wanted to do.

After all, Lothar's holy coffin is close at hand.

"Stand back!"

As Braike entered the hall of the rectory in the dissipated moonlight, the last obstacle standing between him and Lothar's reliquary was Varian Wrynn, holding the shield of Aggramar and wearing the armor of the lion. .

The young king held the power of Menethil in one hand and the titan in the other.

From the look in his eyes beneath his helmet, it was clear Varian would not allow Bo Laike to place the dark thing in his hands in the hands of the great man he regarded as his father.


The pirates didn't intend to discuss with him either.

"Bang, bang"

Two loud bangs erupted behind Varian, and the two golden Valkyrie who had been guarding Lothar's coffin waved their golden halberds, silently launching a fierce attack on the child king.

Varian was completely unaware of the danger coming from behind.

He tried his best to burst out the holy light to try to stop Val'kyr's charge, but he was not the holder of the shield of Aggramar personally appointed by Odin after all.

The Titan Holy Shield in his hands can only protect him from being harmed, but it is powerless to stop Bu Laike who is not blocked at all, stepping up to the holy coffin step by step.

"No! No! I won't allow it!"

Varian growled.

But the bastard who walked into the light only gave him a dark back, and Bu Laike smashed the wooden box behind him to the ground, and the buzzing Frostmourne jumped out of the sword box in an instant.

The power of the sword of darkness has taken over this holy place belonging to the holy light, and she is cheering and longing for the arrival of the real sword bearer.

She already smelled the delicious and powerful soul of the bald old man lying in the light, the terrible and tenacious will. He is perfect!

He is more perfect than Ner'zhul and Velen!

Braike sat condescendingly on top of the golden holy coffin. He looked at the bald old man who had been in a coma for too long and missed too much. This guy was lying in the coffin in the posture of a dead man. sword.


The pirate stretched out his finger and tapped on the hilt of his sword in the darkness.

The only touch made the pirate's soul feel like it was about to be frozen.

But under his push, the floating Frostmourne fell down little by little, and finally perfectly fit into Lothar's intertwined free hands on his chest.

A non-existent click sound splashed in the pirate's ears, like the last piece of the puzzle of fate, finally returning to its place.

Black bones, stand up.

Conquer the world!

(end of this chapter)

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