Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1365 115. Life Is The Currency Of The Emperor, Please Use It Properly

Chapter 1365 115. Life is the currency of the emperor, please use it properly

Bo Laike stepped out of the bottom cabin, and saw Maiev leaning against the bulkhead head-on, and the warden stared at Bo Laike in the darkness with her arms folded.

Obviously, she did not stay away from here as requested by the pirates.

According to Maiev's perception, the conversation between the stinky pirate and the emperor should have been snooped on just now. Braike's expression was not good-looking. He strode over without saying anything. teach her a lesson.

But as soon as he raised his hand, he was slapped off by the warden lady.

"You are doing something dangerous!"

The two said this sentence almost in unison.

Of course, the meaning in their words is not the same.

The two fell silent again. Maiev glanced at the stinky pirate and said first:

"That Emperor Denathrius, just from his speech, I can feel that he is quite a terrifying figure.

Although I can understand what you mean by 'loyal service', there is no doubt that you are taking advantage of each other now compared to when you 'served' others!

He is not so easily bewitched by you, an existence controlled by you. You call him the Eternal, and just the name makes me think about it.

You really are a born pirate, do you like doing dangerous things so much? "

"That's what I want to tell you too!"

Bo Laike snorted, put his hand on Maiev's long white hair in the darkness, and whispered:

"Emperor Denathrius is the eternal evil that has existed in the kingdom of death for an unknown number of years. You have to call him 'He'! In terms of the existence of power, He is no different from Sargeras and Elune.

Of course, he is much weaker in terms of combat power, but for beings at their level, stretching their hips in combat power does not affect their power.

While you were listening to my conversation with him, your existence has also been perceived by him.

Conspiracy is already a physical weapon in His hands, and everything has value in His eyes.

You may be restrained by him and use my chips. Your mistakes will make it difficult for me to move forward. Now I have to change my plan to 'cooperate' with Emperor Denathrius because of your misbehavior.

Do you like doing dangerous things that much?

Maiev, I warned you before. "

The cabin was quiet for a while, Maiev turned her face away in embarrassment, not looking at Laike's eyes, she may also feel that her concern has brought a little trouble to the stinky pirate.

After a few minutes, she whispered:

"I'm sorry, I'm too reckless, I'm too curious."


Maiev admitted his mistake so frankly that the pirate blinked.

But then Laike's smile became presumptuous, he stroked the warden's long hair and held Maiev's neck backwards, took a step forward and "pressed" the apologetic lady on the bulkhead.

Maiev, whose entire body was suspended in the air, fixed her legs on the only "fixed object" with the instinct of a sensitive watcher, which made the posture of the two of them in the dark ambiguous and wild.

"You're crazy!"

Maiev quickly realized that the scene was wrong, she scolded in a low voice:

"This is not your boat!"

"Then what's the problem?"

The pirate said in the ear of the warden lady:

"Girls who do bad things have to be punished, right? You just admitted your mistake, right?"

"You are shameless! Let me go!"

Maiev snorted under his breath, but how could Bo Laike, the big bad cat, let the little mouse go away, already in its claws?

As he was about to move on to the next step, Madam Warden sighed, almost giving up the struggle altogether, and a few seconds later, with confused gasps, she whispered in Bo Laike's ear:

"I'm leaving. Mount Hyjal is calling."

"You think beautifully!"

Bu Laike responded thus:

"Tyrande was seriously injured this time. She didn't have so much time to manage the anti-magic alliance when she went back. Didn't Nasa go back already? You gave her the emblem of the warden of the watchmen.

With you or without you, it won't have much impact on the combat effectiveness of the anti-magic coalition army assembled by your brother.

You have served them ten thousand years, you should retire, my prisoner. And in Dellano's journey, many details hinted at a bad omen for me.

If I let you go, I may lose you forever.

So, what the hell did you say to Thisalie Crow? "

The pirate's answer was a passionate kiss, which interrupted all the pirate's questions.

Maiev obviously didn't want to answer the question, so she used the "perfect response" that would stop the stinky pirate's endless stream of questions.

But her attempt to leave, and her plan to return to a normal life belonging to "Maev Shadowsong" was shattered.

Judging from the scene in front of her, Laike obviously didn't intend to just let her leave her life like this, and judging from Maiev's response, she actually doesn't hate the current way of getting along.

Of course, it must not be just because of the passion flowing in the dark.


"You two bastards! What do you think of my powerful and terrifying, eerie and majestic pirate ship?"

At midnight, Gaboa angrily grabbed the collar of Bo Laike who had just stepped onto the deck from under the cabin, and lifted the stinky pirate with a pipe in the air.

The old troll scolded in a low voice:

"Go back to your own love dens for all that nasty stuff! Enough is enough! Didn't I have a bed for you in the cabin? Bastards! It's such a hassle to clean!"

"Anyway, you don't have to do it yourself."

The stinky pirate who had no bones spit a smoke ring on Gaboa's face. Facing the anger of cursing the pirate king, Bu Laike said with a playful smile:

"It's a good thing you didn't plan to peek, otherwise I would have to goug out your eyeballs with a knife now, which would make our relationship very bad.

Why be so angry, my dear Gaboa, I did not mean to humiliate you. "

"I don't care! You offended me!"

The old troll gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

"You may not know it, but I'm a bad guy with a mental cleanliness freak, and now I have to remove the bulkhead in the bilge that was 'polluted' by you.

You must make it up to me!

Your woman is satisfied, your obscene desires are satisfied, and now you have to satisfy your dear partner who wants to stab you to death!

Understand? "

"I'm not interested in men, especially a jerk like you."

Bu Laike grinned, and when Gaboa was about to get angry, the smelly pirate patted him on the shoulder and said:

"I'm going to discuss this matter with our Majesty Lothar, don't worry, your ship will be responsible for sending our Majesty the Lich King to Northrend.

He wants to complete his first and second death conquests there. He wants to make life and death out of order in the whole world. Do you know how many lives he needs to kill to complete this terrible task?

On top of ordinary life, he also needs to get rid of those more powerful essences, those so-called "gods" gathered by the divine power of life. Ah, look at your damn cheap smile, it seems that you already understand what I'm saying What? "

"Of course, of course!"

The anger on Gaboa's face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a flattering and satisfied smile. He gently put Laike, who was held by his collar, on the ground, and held the stinky pirate's arm like two brothers. Shoulder.

He said:

"If you want to talk about where the most life is in that ghost place in Northrend, it must be my distant brothers, Zul'drakh, the hometown of the frost trolls.

So our powerful and dark Lord Lothar's first conquest target is there?

I hear there are a lot of country loas out there. "

Gaboa stroked his fangs and said with a sneer:

"Anyway, what His Majesty the Lich King wants is their death, or their flesh and blood that can be resurrected as terrifying undead, and no one cares about where their powerful souls go.

Just in time, I also need a few loa powers to help me fulfill my longing

Ah, my road to becoming a god!

Didn't expect it to be done this way! "

The old troll pirate laughed like a fox who stole a chicken. He patted Bo Laike on the shoulder and said loudly:

"As expected of you, Bu Laike Shaw, you always know exactly how to please your partners, and you can always please everyone so easily.

Well, I've decided! "

Gaboya drew his voice, leaning on the hot air scimitar on his waist and shouted:

"The target of the cursed pirates' next stage of plunder is Zul'Drak!

We will help our sovereign Lich King complete his conquest of the North! Those pathetic false gods must succumb to the death power of His Majesty the Lich King!

Speak up."

Gaboya turned to Boo Laike and said:

"Would you like to participate in my godhood ceremony? I reckon that three or four Northland loa's divine power will make me a potential troll 'pirate god'.

You will have a god as a friend!

Don't you feel honored? "

"You think beautifully."

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"The Zandalari troll priests went to Zul'Drak more than half a month ago, and the bearman pirates under my command were in charge of receiving them. Obviously, the Dark Prophet Zul has seen the bleak future of the Northland Loamen.

The Golden Dynasty is trying to save those loa gods who are about to die.

Your road to becoming a god probably won't be so smooth.

But I think I've helped enough, and you can take care of the rest. Anyway, you are a great pirate now, so you can definitely take care of this.

As you said, there are so many rural loa in Zuldak, there must be some damned."

After finishing speaking, the pirate patted Gaboa on the shoulder, and walked into the captain's cabin of the Reaper, which was moving forward steadily in the dark night. Anduin Lothar in the captain's chair.

The latter maintained the warrior's sitting posture, holding Frostmourne in his left hand, and staring at Bo Laike with the blue soul fire in his eyes.

Apparently, he was waiting for the smelly pirates to arrive.

"I salute you, my lord."

Bu Laike paid tribute to the Lich King in front of him with a standard aristocratic salute, Lothar did not respond, even Shendu did not change, like an indifferent dead man.

When the stinky pirate stood up straight, Lothar said in that hollow and low voice of the villain:

"I feel that Frostmourne is conveying information to me, about the power of the Lich King, about the birth of the Lich King, about the mission of the Lich King.

I think I should ask you this, after all you are the omniscient black seer.

About the Shadowlands, about Maldraxxus, about the Venthyr, about the Maw, about the Wanderers. Most importantly, where is the Helm of Domination? "

"You ask too many questions, Your Majesty, many of which must be answered by you yourself."

Bu Laike coughed and replied humbly:

"All I can tell you is that the Helm of Dominion should have been delivered to you shortly to help you form a true Scourge. Unfortunately, the Nathrezim are quite jealous of our victory.

Those damn bastards played tricks again.

They firmly believe that you, as a great man, cannot unleash all the 'potential' of Frostmourne, and they think that you are not a qualified Lich King.

So, we want to prove your strength and your ruthlessness to the leader behind all this, my dear majesty. "

The smelly pirate glanced at Lothar, and he whispered:

"You shouldn't have any psychological shadows about slaughtering a group of savage frost trolls who still retain the habit of cannibalism?

After destroying the empire of Malak the Frost King, slaughtering a group of worms who have lived in the frozen ground again should not make your compassion overflow.

I can give you a reason to be cruel.

Those worms crazily worship the ancient evil god Yogg-Saron of Northrend in the north. Before they understand the boundary between evil and order, they are completely unworthy of mercy.

Of course, these are not enough, you may also need to harvest some idiots, such as the vrykul people all over Northrend, and I just heard a very bad news.

Hela, the Queen of Hell who was repelled by me, has returned to Azeroth. She will desperately seek revenge on me. In order to do this, she needs an army and cannon fodder.

Those fallen vrykul who worshiped the goddess of death and gave up their belief in Odin, the Lord of War, can also become your targets of conquest, even dragons"

"You don't have to, Boo Laike."

Lothar raised his hand to interrupt the stinky pirate's description and bewitchment. He stared at the pirate and said:

"I know the necessity of these massacres, and I can form my death army with peace of mind, but now I have anger in my heart, you have shaped me into this without my permission.

Boo Laike Shaw!

You have to convince me. You have to give me a reason to spare your life! "

"Ah this."

The smelly pirate was a little dazed by Lothar's questioning. He scratched his head and said to Lothar:

"Aren't these great reasons enough to convince the 'Saint of Death' in front of me for the peace and justice of the world, and to defend the world from the tide of demons?"

Losa suddenly stood up, and swung his eerie long sword.

With Frostmourne's sad and evil neighing of joy, it reached the stinky pirate's heart. With just one prick, the handsome and wild flower boy stinky pirate would disappear.

Obviously, Lothar was not joking with him.

He really needs a reason to convince himself to accept his dark self now.

And he knew that Bo Laike would give him a reason.

"Life is the currency of the emperor, my dear Majesty Lothar."

Bo Laike looked up, and in the chill of Frostmourne he said:

"To other kings, this may just be a nonsense phrase used to show the majesty of the emperor, but to you, this phrase describes a fact.

Frostmourne, Helm of Dominion, and the Lich King, these are just the manifestations of an ancient conspiracy in Azeroth, and the same thing has already happened in various places in the stars in the past.

You must use every life and soul at your disposal to help you see the end of this ongoing conspiracy.

It is clearly in your interest that I live than that I am dead. Your Majesty, it is time for you to learn to solve problems with the mind of a king, not with the recklessness of a warrior.

So, in order to make my gold coin already in your hands more valuable, please spare my dog's life. "

(end of this chapter)

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