Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1386 19. Wolf + Human = Werewolf, Wolf + Dwarf =? 【20/20】

Chapter 1386 19. Wolf + Human = Werewolf, Wolf + Dwarf =? 【2020】

After Bo Laike and Lord Godfrey, the largest resistance force in Gilneas, discussed the plan of "joint action", he planned to leave Gilneas and return to Tol Barad.

The friendly forces, internal response, and cannon fodder are all in place, and it's time for a hearty "Shangluo with a Knife".

But before leaving, the stinky pirate keenly noticed something very wrong.

In the camp that was supposed to be set up by the nobles of Gilneas, unexpectedly many gnomes were active. Bu Laike could also see some strange little people screaming and screaming in the nearby forest.

It's like practicing vocals in the morning in the dormitory of art students in a university.

Although gnomes are a race that is always neurotic, no matter what they do, it is not surprising, but Laike has never seen a large number of gnomes that are so neurotic at the same time.

It was like being in mass hysteria.

"Forgive my curiosity, my lord, but why are there so many gnomes in your camp?"

Bu Laike found Godfrey who was about to leave to contact the Gray Wolf Brigade, and he asked in a strange tone:

"Did you specially find these guys to prepare ordnance for you? What method did you use to recruit so many dwarfs at once? These little nervous guys rarely leave their mechanical city."

"Well, I didn't recruit them."

Hearing the question of Bo Laike, Lord Godfrey's expression was a bit strange,

The impassive Gilnean nobleman looked at the noisy little men walking about his camp with a hint of disgust in his eyes, and he whispered:

"They came to Gilneas on their own initiative, and they came before Genn went completely insane, and I would have driven them out if they hadn't been able to provide our army with some weapons and armament repairs.

Messenger, please don't get too close to these crazy gnomes. Their motives for coming to Gilneas are not pure! It can even be said to be contemptuous.

When we return to power, I will exile them all from our country! "


Hearing what Lord Godfrey said, the pirate became more and more interested.

Based on his understanding of the style of the nobles in Gilneas, most of these guys are human supremacists, who hate aliens very much, but stubbornly retain what they think of as "nobility".

For example, nobles of such a well-born family as Lord Godfrey are hypocritical, and they rarely show such direct hostility.

In addition, the relationship between humans and dwarves is actually good, and there is absolutely no need for ordinary people to show such disgust towards dwarves who are noisy, but generally speaking, they are very cute and have no deterrent effect.

He asked again:

"So, what are these gnomes doing here? Stealing?"

"No, they came to find the strength of the werewolves."

The Lord said with disgust on his face:

"They are actively pursuing the dark forces that made the once noble Gilneas what it is now, what a bunch of degenerates!

I don't know why they do it, but there is no doubt that these little people who have no faith in their hearts have fallen, and they will get themselves in trouble sooner or later. "

After finishing speaking, Lord Godfrey nodded arrogantly and indifferently to Laike, got into the carriage and drove towards Pyrewood Village with his entourage.

He had to contact all parties to prepare the army before Queen Mia returned to Gilneas, and there was not much time left for him. I have to say that although this guy is annoying in every way, his execution ability is beyond the mark.

Treating such a guy as cannon fodder always feels a bit overkill, but the stinky pirate who regards human life as nothing is now curious about another thing.

"The dwarf actively pursues the power of the werewolf? Why does this sound so funny?"

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"Humans will become werewolves if they are infected with the curse, what will the gnome become if they are infected with the curse? A wolf gnome?"


The archdruid of the black crow snorted, and said in Bu Laike's ear:

"We druids have a deep research on the werewolf curse, which originates from the bestial drive shared by Goldrinn and even all beasts in the world.

Only the races that Goldrinn paid attention to could be infected with the power of werewolves, but the proud dwarf Goldrinn would never be able to pay attention to these inherently weak guys.

Plus gnomes are just too smart.

The rationality of this race will always suppress their pitiful animal nature. Even if Goldrinn is willing to give it, they will never be able to release the wildness in their hearts.

These gnomes are just whimsical. "

"I know they're crazy, but what I'm curious about is what drove them to Gilneas in search of this fabled power?

Are you not curious? "

Bo Laike tiptoed into the shadows, approaching the neurotic dwarves who were howling like wolves in the forest, and whispered:

"To drive a group of staunch atheists to seek the help of superstitious powers, it seems likely that during the time I've been in Dellano, something terrible has been going on among the gnomes.

Let's ask some guy who looks smarter. "

The pirate was walking around in the forest, and soon found an acquaintance among these howling gnomes,

He stepped forward and patted the shoulder of the little dwarf who took several deep breaths and was about to raise his head to howl like a wolf. This action made the latter jump up in place, and when he fell, he already had an extra hand in his hand. Very powerful coil pistol.

From this reaction speed, he knew that the little dwarf in front of him was not an ordinary person.

"Hey, my dear dwarf friend Kelsey Steelspark, what are you doing in Gilneas with a bunch of fellow psychos instead of a secret service in Gnomeregan?"

The pirate took off the disguise of the deceitful orb, held the jug in his hand, and tilted his head to look at the pink-haired dwarf agent commander Kelsey Steelspark, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

He drew his voice and said:

"Don't you also think that just screaming and screaming like this can attract werewolves? Also, tell me which genius told you that dwarfs can gain great power by being infected with the curse of werewolves?"

"Gee, Bo Laike! How dare you show up in front of a genuine official law enforcement officer, you scoundrel!"

Kelsey, a little dwarf agent with pretty pink hair, was stern, waving a coil pistol in his hand, and said very rudely to Bo Laike, who had a hippie smile:

"You're still laughing! You bastard, do you know that what you did in the North County Abbey has spread to all intelligence systems in the Eastern Continent? Even the beleaguered Craftsman Council has taken the time to offer you a reward!

I have to arrest you scoundrel and send it to SI:7 to receive your reward! You put me down, you bastard! Don't pull my collar!

I'll pierce your knee, believe it or not! "

The pirate lifted the little gnome off the ground and into the air, watching her bark like a pink cat.

It deliberately shook twice in the air, and with Kelsey's screams, all kinds of strange engineering pieces on her body were shaken to the ground and smashed to the ground.

He bullied so badly until the little dwarf was about to cry before he put her back on the ground.

Bo Laike sat down on the ground, looking at the little dwarf who was gnashing his teeth and grabbed a self-explosive squirrel bomb, and was about to rush up and die with the pirates.

He stretched out his hand to hold Kelsey's forehead, so that the other party could only run in place, screaming and punching wildly, as if disconnected and reconnected.

"Okay, don't be angry, old friend hasn't seen you for so long, let's see a joke."

The stinky pirate picked up a dwarf mechanical dagger that looked like a table knife from the debris pile at Kelsey's feet and put it in his hand to admire it. While stroking the saw blade gear on the blade that could rotate at high speed, he asked:

"Tell me, why did you come to Gilneas after this bloody werewolf power? Has something happened to Gnomeregan?"

"No! We're fine."

While arranging her disheveled hair, Cahill glared at Bo Laike and turned her face away to ignore him, but after a few seconds, she still sighed helplessly and sat down opposite Bo Laike.

This fleeting moment of the full-bodied midget agent is so disheartened, it's like losing the highlight.

Under the shocked stares of the pirates, the little dwarf took out a mechanical-style pipe and put it in his mouth. It could be seen that she was really depressed during this time, and she needed tobacco to relieve the pressure.

However, when this cute little guy picked up his pipe and smoked, it unexpectedly added a very "social" feeling to her.

This is probably the legendary "contrast cuteness"?

"Hey, it doesn't make sense to hide it from you. Anyway, you can always find out if you want to. Although there is no evidence to prove it, I can be sure that the Uncrowned also has undercover agents in the city of machinery.

And more than one. "

Gloomy Gnome Agent Kelsey exhaled a raspberry-flavored smoke ring, and she whispered:

"I also don't want to be ashamed of coming here, as early as when this nonsensical 'wolf gnome' plan was proposed, I reported it to the artisan council.

This damn plan has no feasibility at all!

But that crazy Millhouse Manastorm didn't say that he had studied it, saying that it was possible for a dwarf to be infected by the werewolf curse and gain powerful individual power.

He also convinced the Tinker Council to send the men to Gilneas with some damn papers and some wolverine blood samples he got from somewhere.

I followed here because I was worried about the safety of my compatriots.

I know you must be curious why the artisan council, known for its rationality, would agree to such a plan because we are in a lot of trouble now.

Really big, Boo Laike. "

Kelsey raised her head and glanced at the stinky pirate, she whispered:

"Crazy troggs unleashed from the subterranean ruins by the hated dwarves have been attacking our city, and now a fifth of Gnomeregan has fallen.

Our soldiers also had to stay on the front line all the time, causing heavy casualties.

The people are very afraid of this precarious day. Under pressure, the Artisan Council not only agreed to various serious plans, but also passed many unreliable plans such as wolf gnomes.

We, who seldom faced wars in the past, already felt a little desperate to go to the doctor when faced with sudden disasters. "

"Trogue? A prehistoric monster from the underground of the ruins of Uldaman?"

Bu Laike blinked, and he said in a strange tone:

"I haven't paid attention to the news about this. I thought that the dwarf explorers didn't open the damn underground cave. It seems that they really did, and you dwarfs are also destined to die like this.

But I didn't expect you to be able to defend the city from the violent attack of the troggs who are good at manipulating the tunnels of the earth and are good at underground raids. Tell me honestly, is someone helping you secretly? "

"Uh, no!"

Kelsey insisted on the answer.

But when she saw Bu Laike's "I believe you a ghost" expression, she knew that she couldn't hide the truth from this man.

The dwarf agent moved her throat very hard, and she whispered:

"Well, Mechagon has been secretly helping us. Coincidentally, on the day the troggs attacked Gnomeregan, Prince Erazmin happened to visit us with a group of mechanical gnomes city ​​of.

It was our powerful compatriots who urgently created a batch of defense robots to help us who were panicked to block the massacre of the troggs.

After the "Day of Disaster", they have been providing us with technological assistance, and by the way, helping us to relieve the pressure of the exiles.

But I heard that the Mechgnomes in Mechagon are helping you build a very important project, so they can't find more people to help out with the small number of people.

We gnomes are on our own.

But we are grateful to our fellow mechanical gnomes for their help at the most critical moment. "

"I'll just say it!"

Hearing Kelsey's explanation, Bo Laike slapped his thigh.

He sneered and said:

"According to the efficiency of the mechanical gnomes at full capacity, how could it be possible to delay the completion of my custom-made spaceship for so long! It turns out that they secretly robbed me and gave them the precious resources they collected, and sent them to you gnomes Resist the invasion of foreign enemies.


This is the behavior of ghosts!

Eat inside and out!

What a prince Erazmin with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he actually played this game for me! Mechanical gnomes and gnomes are indeed "distant cousins", even if they have been mechanized, they are still "deep blood". "

The stinky pirate pretended to pull out his aggressive looting knife, and deliberately waved it in front of Kelsey a few times. He elongated his voice and said in a harsh tone:

"I guess the mechanical gnomes in Mechagon must love you flesh and blood gnomes very much, so they have the courage to disobey me and dare to deceive me. I will go to Mechagon and teach my bad allies a lesson!

If you dare to provoke pirates, you will have to pay the price! "

"No! No, Bo Laike! Listen to me!"

Seeing something bad happened, Kelsey rushed to grab Laike's pant leg.

She tried her best to hold the stinky pirates, but the gnomes are too weak in terms of strength. The pink-haired gnome agent hugged the pirate's trouser legs like an ornament on his calf, without any pressure was dragged forward by Laike.

Kelsey Steelspark screamed:

"Prince Erazmin has a clear distinction between public and private, Bo Laike! We gnomes did not use a dime of your resources! Those are all parts and various mechanical materials saved by the mechanical gnomes themselves.

The resources you give them are well stored in their warehouse. Curry, not a single screw has been used! "

"That's not OK!"

Bu Laike said viciously:

"They're wasting my precious time!

You have no idea how much that boat I ordered from them means to my fleet. It was supposed to be launched a month ago and it's still dragging on.

Isn't the time cost I wasted counted as money? "

"We pay!"

Kelsey was quick to wit, and shouted:

"We will pay you for your loss! Don't trouble the mechagnomes, they are loyal to you.

Although they don't have a beating heart of flesh and blood, they have very noble souls. They can completely ignore us, but they still help us.

Those delays are all our fault, and Gnomeregan will definitely pay you back.

How much you want, how much we give!

If you can pretend you don't know about it, we can give it double! "


The pirate's originally murderous and painful expression instantly became gentle. He sheathed his knife and showed a triumphant smile on his face, but he quickly returned to his indifferent expression.

He looked back at Kelsey who was pleading, rubbed his chin, and said:

"Can you pay me double the loss?"

"Uh, yes!"

The little dwarf suddenly felt something was wrong, but she still gritted her teeth, raised a finger and said:

"The premise is that if the artisan council is willing to grant me this special-purpose fund. If the leader doesn't approve it, I can't help it. You have to understand me."

"Hey, isn't this apology too insincere?"

The pirate immediately became upset.

He knelt down and said to Kelsey:

"But it's not impossible to discuss, you just said what I want, what do you give, right?

Good dwarves know that what you say is the same as the components printed on electronic parts, and you cannot go back on your word. "

Come, come, sit.

Tell me first what that mean old dwarf Brian found out of Uldaman? Then let's sum up the compensation amount and my time and mental loss.

Hey, don't tremble, my dear friend, why are you so afraid?

I will not open my mouth to ask for an amount that you can't afford to pay. You know me. I have always been the kindest and most caring person. "

(end of this chapter)

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