Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1389 22. I'm Sorry, Gene, But I'm Going To Change The Spouse On The Marriage Certi

Chapter 1389 22. I'm sorry, Gene, but I'm going to change the "spouse" on the marriage certificate to "pet"


The Royal City of Gilneas is not quiet at night.

Explosions sounded all over the city one after another, just at the time when Jin and Yahuo held a séance ceremony in the palace, and such precise explosion interference seemed to be a job that only professionals could do.

They detonated bombs in all four directions of the ring-shaped royal city at the same time, scattered and attracted the werewolves in the city to different areas, and dispersed the werewolves' numerical advantage in the city.

This unexpected confusion greatly affected Ralaar Burnfang's mood.

The archdruid, who had been imprisoned by Malfurion for more than nine thousand years, keenly sensed the smell of trouble, but he was unwilling to stop the ritual he had been preparing for a long time.

He could feel that the weak wolf god Goldrinn in the Emerald Dream had been lured by the luna sickle as bait, and the spirit body of the wolf god was traveling through the dream to this city.

It probably knew it was a trap aimed at it.

But it had to come.

In order to ensure that the ceremony would not be disturbed, Flame sent out the elite scythe claw druids under his command.

He thought that he would be able to repel those damned assassins by doing this, but within ten minutes, a bad news came back to the palace.

"The Uncrowned! The Uncrowned under Bu Laike Shaw!"

A royal werewolf guard covered in blood raised the blood-stained badge in his paws and showed it to Gene and Yahuo who were ready to meet the God of Darkness.

it howls:

"Those elusive assassins have set up positions in the city, and they have the support of druids! Our line is being quickly broken through!"

"Druid? Impossible!"

Yahuo was startled, and roared again:

"My followers in Kalimdor just reported to me yesterday that Moonglade and Mount Hyjal have not sent any druids to the eastern continent!

The only druid organization here, the ridiculous Rende Society, has been destroyed by me!

Where else could there be other druids? "

"It's a bunch of damned flame druids, wolf herders."

The werewolf guard didn't dare to neglect, it told everything it saw, and it shouted:

"Those monstrosities descend from the sky in flames, and our warriors are drowned in flames before our claws tear them apart.

They have a powerful leader, a female elf with a flaming scythe!

Like a fire-breathing dragon, she calls a storm of flames in the sky, burning our bravest vanguard, and the port! The port has been invaded too, my lord.

That damn ghost ship!

The Naglfar, a shame not forgotten by all Gilnean soldiers, destroyed our port defenses from under the sea.

The villainous pirate Bu Laike Shaw is landing at the port with his pirates, where they wantonly set fire to looting and set the whole city ablaze.

And there's more"

"What else! Don't hesitate."

Gene frowned when he heard Bu Laike's name, and the werewolf kingdom scolded:

"Say! What else did you see?"

The werewolf guard covered in blood looked up at His Majesty Jean, it whined and whispered like a frightened puppy:

"It's Queen Mia, she is also among those pirates, she is like the leader of those pirates, but she has become very powerful! I saw it with my own eyes, Your Majesty.

I saw with my own eyes that your captain of the guard was blown out of the head by Queen Mia.

She was also carrying a big and scary halberd, and she said she was coming back to beat you, and she announced in public that she would put a collar on you."


Hearing the bad news, instead of being angry, Gene raised his head and laughed. The werewolf king said proudly and proudly as if he was crazy:

"As expected of my Mia, as expected of the wildest woman in this country, this really seems like something she can say, and only she dares to say such a thing."

"Is this the time to be proud? Gene, I think you're crazy!"

Yahuo bared his teeth at the werewolf king.

He said with a gloomy face:

"I tolerated you letting go of your queen. I know that she and those three children are the last weakness in your heart. But she went and came back, obviously not taking your last kindness seriously.

Are you going to deal with this trouble yourself?

Or should I put down what I'm doing to help you solve your last weakness? You're welcome, Gene, and if you can't do it, I'll gladly do it. "

"Don't bother Your Excellency the Wolf Shepherd."

Jin stood up with a gray wolf-like body, and casually threw the Luna Scythe in his hand to Ralaar Blaze.

He snapped out his sharp claws and said:

"You continue the séance ceremony, I will go there and end all the fetters between me and this world, if my Mia is unwilling to leave, I will let her become my wolf queen and rule my empire with me.

Anyway, isn't that what you want to see? "

After finishing speaking, Gene tore off the black cloak behind him, held his rapier, and put on a royal firecracker, leading a team of werewolf warriors and disappeared into the darkness.

Yahuo watched him leave, shook his head contemptuously, and then ignored the chaotic explosions in this dark city one after another.

He didn't care how many Uncrowned Assassins slipped into the city, or where those strange flame druids he'd never heard of came from.

He just needs to focus on his ritual tonight.

As long as Lycanthos the Growler comes to this world, all troubles will become the help of the wolves, and he even hopes to see the strength of the comer as strong as possible

That means that their transformed werewolf forms will also become more powerful.

Werewolves are not the Scourge of the Undead.

But their terrifying ability to transform curses is comparable to the endless source of soldiers of the undead.

"Continue the ceremony! Continue the summoning!"

Yahuo came to the wide platform of the palace with the Luna Scythe in hand. Before his eyes, the ancient sickle-claw druids were already performing a mysterious ceremony.

As Yahuo joined the ceremony with the Luna Scythe in hand, the energy floating under the night was in vain multiplied.

In the center of the ceremony, there was also a weird scene like floating smoke, just like a mirror fluttering in the dark night, and what was reflected in the mirror was a giant black wolf roaring upwards.

That guy was almost identical to Goldrinn.

Except that the mane on his body is a darker black than the darkness, except that his eyes are chaotic, brutal and bloody.

That is Lycanthos the Growler.

It has all the powers that Goldrinn has, even stronger, and it can be said to be a blackened version of the wolf god Goldrinn.

It comes from another world, on the other side of the curtain of life and death.

At this moment when the balance of life and death has not been broken, it cannot come to the material world in a physical form, but now Fanghuo has the Luna Scythe in his hand.

With the help of this weapon and the mysterious connection between the wolf god Goldrinn, Lycanthos the Howler can devour and occupy Goldrinn. Coupled with the faith offered by the dark werewolves in Gilneas, the powerful Howler will use the dark The figure of the wolf god is reborn on this land.

This process has been going on until now, and it has been irreversible.


The deep and distant howling of wolves echoed under the night of Gilneas Royal City. It was not the roar of Lycanthos, but the mournful cry of Goldrinn.

The wolf god hiding in the Emerald Dream has already sensed that the time of disaster is approaching, but it has always been proud and does not intend to ask for help from others.

It is alone against this evil spirit that is trying to possess it!

It is such a lonely wolf god, who would rather die in battle forever than be seen by others as weak.

"Hahaha, you're scared, Goldrinn! You're scared!"

Ralaar Blaze held up the Luna Scythe in his hand. In the howling darkness of the wind, the old druid who was once Goldrinn's God's Chosen yelled frantically:

"Even the undefeated you have such a moment of fear? Look, our fangs, which you call weak, can touch you, now! Meet the revenge of our followers who were ruthlessly abandoned by you.

Tonight, we will feed on you! "


At the moment Yahuo shouted out the declaration of victory, the muffled sound of a watermelon being smashed sounded in this dark and sneaky ceremony.

The old druid jerked his head back to see Bo Laike in Moonnight armor pulling the Ravager Blade from the twitching corpse of a scytheclaw druid whose head he'd decapitated.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your fanatical ceremony, but I just came to remind you that eating indiscriminately is really not a good habit."

The pirate flicked away the blood and bits of flesh stained on the blade.

He looked up at Ralaar Flamefang, and was again drawn to the Elune Scythe in his hand.

That thing is not so much a weapon, but more like a mysterious ritual object for spellcasting. It has a gorgeous handle carved from a long blue wooden handle, and it is covered with natural runes that druids are good at.

A snow-white barbed blade is inlaid at the end of the handle, and a large excessive canine tooth is fused in a natural way at the front end of the handle. The tooth is ground into a blade like a metal sickle, shining with a dark green cold light.

The other end of the sickle blade is made into a crescent-shaped carving, and an energy ball is suspended in it.

This scythe has a sense of mystery, nature and wildness.

This is exactly the artifact that Jean found in an abandoned temple at the junction of Ashenvale and Felwood Forest under the guidance of Odin, the Lord of War.

"So, if you lose your teeth, you must go to the dentist in time. Just throwing your teeth around will often lead to such bad results.

It's terrible to be picked up by a group of lunatics. "

Bu Laike looked at the old druid Flame Fang in front of him, and he complained:

"I guess old Genn must have been full of joy when he got it, thinking that Gilneas was finally saved, that his country would be reborn from the disaster.

But it turns out that picking things up is also a bad habit, and look what this has done to the people of Gilneas?

To be honest, when I spread the werewolf curse in this country, I didn't expect it to develop to this point in just two years. It can only be said that His Majesty Jean is really talented in the aspect of "reorganization". "

"Bu Laike Shaw?"

Seeing the appearance of the fabled stinking pirate, Ralaar Burntooth was not intimidated.

Holding the Luna Scythe, he seemed to inhale substantial power in his deep breaths, causing his already huge and burly body to swell a few times.

With the light of battle shining in the black wolf's eyes, he said:

"When I was sleeping in the Emerald Dream, I heard the wailing of Xavius, the bastard who should have been killed by me died in your hands.

You stole my prey!

But it doesn't matter, I like a strong hunter like you, which means that I may have found a more suitable choice for the growler than the weak Genn Greymane who is unwilling to abandon his humanity.

Shall I take a few minutes to explain to you Lycanthoth's Howling teachings? "

"No need."

The pirate yawned.

In the subsequent snapping of fingers, the black and white twin swords, his twin heart demon and two war beasts emerged respectively. He pointed to the sky and said to Lailal Flame:

"My boss will be upset if I just listen to the teachings of the cult, and if she is upset, I will suffer. Oh, by the way, there is something I forgot to tell you, Kaldorei was born in history Mr. Blaze, the most feared cult leader ever.

What you have to face today is not just me and my herd."


The bursting blood rises at this moment, and the gloomy sky is also illuminated by a ball of bright moonlight at this moment, reflecting the pathetic traces of blood in the air.

Disappeared in place like a ghost, and the Flame Druid who appeared behind touched his neck that was almost cut off with a knife, and then glanced at the watchman lady warden who appeared from the moonlight.

He no longer made any remarks, but clenched the Luna Scythe in his hand.

A Bo Laike he might be able to handle, but add a Maiev. Well, tonight was bound to be a bloody battle or a soul as a tribute to the howler descending on the material world.


The palace has started working.

The interlacing of moonlight and howling wolves plunged the whole city into more violent chaos.

And another battle was advancing simultaneously on the street leading to the city from the pier of the King's City of Gilneas, and the royal werewolf guards brought by Genn were stopped.

"Black Wolf" Arugal and "Swamp Witch" Hagatha, the "potential new stars" of the Fight Club, are displaying their brutal fighting power to clear the battlefield for their queen.

And Queen Mia was throwing away the broken cane in her hand, she looked at her husband Gene with fist marks on his face.

The latter moved a wolf kiss, and spat out two shattered teeth to the side.

He also looked at his wife.

His Mia was still as beautiful and seductive as before, as perfect as the dream lover that all men longed for, but unfortunately, his wife was no longer gentle.

The power of that punch just now reminded Gene of the punch he was punched by old Dai Lin in the battle for the Supreme Warrior.

"The punch just now was for my son, and what you're going to taste next is my anger."

Queen Mia stretched out her hand and clasped the tattered coat that was torn by Jean's wolf claws. With the sound of the clothes ripping apart, she threw the rags aside, revealing the hunter leather armor she was wearing under the clothes .

The queen also reached out to gather her long hair that had been hanging loose behind her head, and tied it behind her head with a beautiful rubber band into a single ponytail that would not affect the battle.

This royal rubber band is what she asked for from little Rona.

"It's all right for you to hurt me, and you're trying to hurt my son and my daughter, Gene, you really let me down, you pathetic stinking man.

So I regret to inform you that our twenty year marriage ended tonight, Gene.

Not because I don't love you anymore.

It's about you having to win my love back.

This can be a bit difficult. "

Queen Mia pulled out the Gilneas-style hunting halberd from her back, and smashed it to the ground with a bang, strands of silver-gray luster like steel gleamed and covered her skin.

In the blink of an eye, Queen Mia changed from a gentle and lovely baby with long legs to a big and round steel female vrykul.

She's almost identical to Dailin's steel form, except for the odd war rune that Dailin's transformation doesn't have.

And her gestures are decidedly purer.

After all, it was the queen who had walked around the engine of Nalaksha and fully awakened the genes of ancient humans in terrible pain.

She looked at the wolf king Jean in front of her, and under the latter's astonished gaze, she took out a chain made of Titan iron from her pocket, and hung it on her waist.

She patted Steel's chest like a hunting female vrykul, and said to her "ex-husband" in a low voice:

"I think it's time for a change in our relationship. Remember the story of Emperor Thoradin and the black wolf? We Gilneans use wolves as our symbol. Unfortunately, the wolves in this land have long since been hunted down.

But that's not a bad thing either.

After all, we now have 'new pets' that can be tamed. "

A cold smile appeared on Mia's steel face, she hooked her fingers to Gene, and said:

"Maybe I have too much contact with that lunatic Bu Laike, but I think the advice he gave me is really good, so today I will challenge the impossible!

come over!

Small dogs. "

(end of this chapter)

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