Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1393 26. Unexpectedly, Goldrinn, The Love From Lord Luna Is The Secret Weapon I Prepared For

Chapter 1393 26. Unexpectedly, Goldrinn, the love from Lord Luna is the secret weapon I prepared for you!

Ralaar Flamefang is dead.

A weary and dark soul fell asleep.

The Wolf Cult in Gilneas lost its leader, Thisalee Crow seemed to have learned something, and Bo Laike got a not-so-cool collectible.

Everyone is very satisfied.

Only the growler who is going into the physical world is upset.

It almost watched its god's choice fall into the flames, not to say how much this dark evil spirit valued the flames, anyway, there were so many werewolves who had fallen into darkness, each of them could be its choice.

The reason why it is upset is that these damned mortals dare to execute its spokesperson in Azeroth in front of its face.

This is not giving any face.

Can a powerful evil spirit be wronged by this?

It has not yet fully entered the material world, but roaring in the dark smoke that has already appeared in the embryonic form of the entity, the low and dark howl of the wolf spread throughout the city in an instant, and began to spread further.

It is commanding its pack.

All werewolves who heard this roar went mad.

They seemed to be stripped of all will and reason in an instant, no matter what they were doing, they stopped what they were doing, and in response to howling wolves, those werewolves began to run towards the palace.

This is actually not a bad thing.

At least it saved old Hemet Nesingwary's life.

Right at the pier area of ​​the King City of Gilneas, the old dwarf covered in wounds had already been grabbed by the neck by the angry Genn, like a blood bag oozing blood everywhere, just waiting for the next time Genn claws out his heart. Finish off this nasty old hunter.

The only good thing is that the curse of the werewolf did not affect the peculiar life of the dwarves, so Nesingwary was only injured, and there was no sign of mutating into a "wolf dwarf".

But that's not good anymore.

The old dwarf already felt that he had lost too much blood and had dizzy symptoms. If he was not treated, he would probably die in this city of werewolves.

But he is not at a loss, he has already revenged fiercely.

Before coming to snipe Jin, he, his son and his hunting team had wounded the archdruid Isolarius of the Nintoku Society and put him in a cage.

The unlucky guy was also forcibly transformed into a sickle-claw druid by Flame, and I don’t know if it was because of his aversion to the deviant Rendehui, Flame forcibly ordered Isolarius to hunt and kill many animals during this period .

This means that the leader of the Rende Society not only lost his way of nature, but also shattered the idea of ​​"protecting nature" that he had insisted on throughout his life.

This really made old Hemet, who had been tortured by the Rende Society for decades, let out a sigh of relief.

It even made him feel that even if he died here, he could die with a smile on his face.


Old Hemet, who had closed his eyes and waited to die, was thrown to the ground by Gene. The old dwarf was thrown dizzy. He raised his head with difficulty, and saw that Gene's originally rational eyes were completely confused.

It seemed that a dark force took over the wolf king's will and body, making him howl like the crazy wolf cubs around him, and then dropped everything at hand and galloped towards the palace.

Queen Mia, who was hiding aside, also saw this scene. She rushed out anxiously and tried to stop Gene, but was knocked to the ground by the bag thrown by old Hemet.

"Don't go! He's gone crazy! He can't hear you"

The old Hemet who was lying on the ground was completely exhausted after throwing away his luggage. The old dwarf struggled to take out the healing potion he carried with him.

But with a shake of his hand, the bottle fell to the ground, and Queen Mia picked it up again, twisted off the cap and poured it into the mouth of the staring old dwarf.

"Ahem, His Majesty Jin was undoubtedly bewitched, this is standard mind control, I have seen those beasts controlled by nerubian priests in Northrend.

They are all like this.

Unless the culprit who imposed the spiritual bewitching is killed. "

Old Hemet, who saved his life by relying on the healing potion, was lying in a pool of blood. He wiped his mouth with difficulty, and said to the worried Queen Mia:

"To be able to control Jean into such a puppet, the man behind the scenes must be terrifying! I don't think a hunter like me can deal with this. Can Her Majesty help me to the pier?

I left a ship there, we have to go, a terrible disaster is about to break out in this city, we can't stay here. Hey hey hey, you listen to me!

don't run! "

Before the old dwarf's warning was finished, he saw Queen Mia gritted her teeth and picked up the dwarf sniper rifle he had just knocked down, grabbed a handful of bullets, and chased in the direction where Jean ran away.

Hemet stared wide-eyed and watched Queen Mia disappear, and he wailed in despair:

"You leave me a gun anyway, or call me a doctor. Hey, I'm bleeding to death. Damn! Who's going to help me?"

"quack quack"

Just when the old dwarf was desperate, the murloc's cry suddenly sounded near him, which made Hemet's eyes light up.

He crawled a few steps with difficulty, and saw the sneaky little murloc Benbo Erba, who was dragging a large bag of good things, directing his murloc pirates to carry the treasure.

Looking at the bulging bags dragged behind these murlocs, you can tell that they are definitely going crazy tonight.

"Hey! That murloc wearing a pirate suit, yes! It's you, I recognize you, you snatched a gun from me in Dalaran, I still remember, come and help me!"

The old dwarf shouted at the top of his voice as if he saw hope.

Ben Bo Erba looked back and saw that it was the victim who had been stolen by him, and immediately turned his head to the right, pretending that he hadn't seen anything, and even louder shouted at the murlocs and pirates to continue to move things.

The one-eyed old dwarf lying in a pool of blood dying is the most annoying thing.

"Hey, shameful murloc, I have something good for you, but only if I survive."

Old Hemet was about to squirt blood, so he could only yell in a weak tone, and then he tilted his head and couldn't bear the injury and passed out. And after hearing the old dwarf say that there are good things, the little murloc immediately became interested.

It commanded several strong murlocs to drag old Hemet out of the pool of blood and send them to the murloc submarine.

That's right!

The quack quack pirate group also caught up with the good time. The murloc submarine they ordered in Mechagon has arrived, and it happens to be used to participate in the great plunder in Gilneas.

"quack quack"

After directing the murloc pirates to put all the good things they got during the mess into the submarine, Benboerba, who was supposed to leave with his pirate group, looked in the direction of the palace with some concern.

A few seconds later, it made up its mind, stood on the pier, waved to the murloc pirates who were about to leave, and shouted a few more words.

It means you go first, I want to stay and see.

After finishing speaking, under the dumbstruck gazes of the murlocs and the just-rescued old Hemet, Benboerba waved his arms and jumped up like a bird, turning it into an ugly creature surrounded by natural light. Ugly murloc crow.

Well, a crow with a murloc head.

Strange creatures belong to it.

This was obviously the result of the druid's inability to practice transfiguration, but at least he had wings, and the ugly murloc head didn't affect its flight.

In a very unskilled flying attitude, Benbo Erba quickly disappeared under the night sky.

It is concerned for Bo Laike's safety.

The murloc's danger warning was telling it that a terrifying guy was about to appear in the city.

On the palace side, the situation is indeed developing as the little murloc feared.

The werewolves summoned by Lycanthos had already begun to climb the closed palace gates, and they were rushing toward the dark wolf god, screaming like zombies running in the dark.

The only difference from zombies is that these werewolves are stronger, more violent, and more dangerous.

like an ant colony gathering

Looking at the ground from a high altitude can make your scalp tingle.

As the stinky pirate Bu Laike in the eye of the storm, he didn't care about these things. Anyway, no amount of werewolves could catch him, and he had plenty of ways to escape.

The only problem is that their own Uncrowned are not immune to wolves of this magnitude.

They retreated to the edge of the palace platform to organize resistance. As the leader, Laike had to think about his subordinates at this time.

Leaning on the head of the wolf, he whispered something to Sera Moonguard, whose armor was covered in blood and flesh, and Miss Moonguard disappeared into the shadows, gathering the uncrowned and retreating into the platform Prepare for the final battle.

Maiev was nowhere to be seen either.

Obviously, the Warden of the Moon God was worried about the safety of Yuewei and the others, so he also rushed to support the retreat there.

Compared with the smelly pirates, Maiev is really a perfect leader.

After doing this, the stinky pirate looked back at the edge of the platform with a pipe in his mouth, resting on his stomach, preparing to face Lycanthos' Goldrinn spirit.

He unceremoniously accused this lonesome and mighty wolf god:

"I said you, you have to learn a lesson from this incident, do you understand?"


Goldrinn, who was resting his head on his paws and closed his eyes, mobilized his energy to prepare for the final battle, opened his eyes slightly, and glanced at Bo Laike. The lonely wolf god made a suspicious nasal sound.


Why is this still my business?

And is your kid itchy? Dare to teach me a lesson?

"Of course there is! The cause of this incident is your irresponsibility, okay?"

The pirate snorted. He saw the wolf god's unrighteous attitude from Goldrinn's eyes, and pointed to Lycanthos, who was entering the material world, and said:

"These werewolves were all born because of your wildness. In theory, all werewolves in this world are your descendants! They are your family members.

I don't know if you gave Ralaar Burnfang your wild powers 9,000 years ago for some damn reason, just for fun or something.

But if you did it, you have to take responsibility instead of being like a scumbag who gave something and then let it go.

I can see that you have never brought a child

But the werewolf problem has developed to what it is today, and it is all your fault.

Don't try to get rid of this scapegoat! "

Bo Laike glanced at the old elf's head hanging from his waist, and said:

"If Malfurion and the Cenarion Cult exiled these sickle claw druids back then, if you had spoken for them, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

Their hatred and anger stem from the betrayal of their clansmen, but the source of this betrayal and indifference is your inaction. Unanswered expectations can ferment into terrible things.

The werewolves you left behind also need a belief to support them through difficult times.

If you don't want them, those monsters hidden in the dark will take advantage of it.

Let's see!

The werewolves in this country are crazy because of lack of guidance. You should be the most suitable leader, but you chose to stand aside and have nothing to do with yourself.

You came to me to wipe your ass when something happened.

To be honest, Lord Goldrinn, when you asked me to help destroy the Luna Scythe, I could have done it quickly, but the reason I put it off until now is because I don't really want to do it.

This has nothing to do with pay.

Although I don't pick jobs, I am also an individual. When I see bad things, I also have my own attitude. "

The pirate shrugged and said to the silent Goldrinn:

"You have to see the painful lessons of your indulgence in order to grow, right? Don't go anywhere in the future, stay in Gilneas and guide these werewolves honestly.

They need you.

Your abandoned children need you. "


Goldrinn bared his teeth at the pirate very dissatisfied.

Obviously, it didn't agree with Bo Laike's accusation, it closed its eyes again, and after a few seconds of silence, Goldrinn's deep and handsome voice sounded in the pirate's mind.

It's like the tone of a tired and evil uncle.

Well, it's probably the tone that Uncle Zhanyue used when he was playing cool.

it says:

"It's not that I don't pay attention to them, but that's how wolves grow up. They have to weather the storms, find their own prey, and form their own wolf packs.

Just like when I left Freya's mother's garden alone

Wolves should not have homes!

Too much attention will only make them weak. "

"Of course you can explain it that way and convince yourself that way."

Bu Laike blinked, counting the time, and when the first claw of the growler, covered with dark blades, stepped on the ground of the material world, the pirate stood up and said to Goldrinn:

"But you're now seeing the results of the kids' crooked growth.

I can understand your desire to make your children stronger, but after your children are bullied outside, you as a parent should stand up and support them no matter what?

You unqualified "father of wolves" wants to kill the bad guys who bewitched your children today. I think your presence here today represents your love for them

Well, such a statement is disgusting, and it really doesn't deserve a mighty and handsome lonely silver wolf like you.

all right.

Come on, let's kill this damn growler who is trying to imitate you everywhere, but before we start, let me tell you a secret. "

The pirate lowered his voice and said to Goldrinn:

"The appearance of this howler came from the malice of an Eternal, she is well aware of Ms. Elune's obsession with and pursuit of you, so she specially created a Dark Wolf that is exactly like you to provoke the Moon God and you.

If you are slain by Lycanthos, it means the Eternal has won the fight against her mighty sister.

So, today's matter is not just about you and the Growler and the werewolves. This matter is also related to Ms. Elune, who is also a participant in the incident.

And you and I are the weapons His Majesty Luna uses to fight back against the viciousness of her sister with a bad personality. We must kill this dark wolf god and win a clean victory for Luna. "


He showed an uncomfortable gesture when he heard Elune's name, God Linton. Obviously, the relationship between it and Elune, who had tried to tame it, was really bad, and Goldlin didn't intend to take the initiative to repair the relationship.

"I know you don't like my boss, but no one can help you now except him."

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"Then Lord Goldrinn, you don't want to see you being defeated and eaten by Lycanthos, do you? We can defeat it, it's not difficult at all, as long as you raise your head and roar.


This is the secret weapon I prepared for you! "

The pirate laughed and jumped up, landing on the head of the wolf god Goldrinn.

He took out his Luna lantern and held it in his hand. The next moment, the bright moonlight burst out from the pirate's hand, covering the entire Gilneas royal city in a shock wave.

This moonlight with purifying divinity is like a beacon, dissipating the gloomy sky and clouds in the next second, and the light from the moon and the ground complement each other, increasing the power of the moon god's light several times in an instant.

Those dark werewolves who rushed into the king's city covered their eyes one by one, screamed like a dog's eyes were blinded, and then withdrew.

They panicked and hid wherever they could get away from the moonlight.

In order to conquer the proud Goldrinn, Ms. Elune also went all out this time.

The light of the moon god she gave this time far exceeds the blooms of the previous few times. Wherever the moonlight goes, the power of purifying divine power is comparable to the temple of the moon god in Mount Hyjal.

This is almost all it takes to create an entity in the physical world to fight with God Lin Yi.

"Hey, don't resist."

Boo Laike patted Goldrinn's silver hair in the light, and he whispered:

"I want to have your looks, if I can be so loved by a god, why should I fight, I have already laid there and dedicated everything to the goddess to win the whole world.

It's not a shame to be admired by Bai Fumei, the number one star among the stars. Others are envious and can't be envious. Ursoc and the others are about to cry. I really don't understand why you have to stick to your own style.

Be good.

Come on, take it easy.

For the sake of these heirs who need to be saved by you, you, a single father, have to find a stepmother for the werewolves, right?

To be honest, werewolves and the moon really match well. "

(end of this chapter)

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