Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1399 32. Now, What Should Be The Name Of Ms. Elune's Second Son?

Chapter 1399 32. Now, what should be the name of Ms. Elune's second son?

The first batch of werewolves in Gilneas couldn't switch forms according to their own ideas. At that time, the curse of werewolves had just spread, and neither humans nor the first batch of unlucky werewolves had much understanding of this power.

They see it as a scourge.

This situation continued until Rendehui began to conduct research on werewolf power.

The animal druids believe that the power of werewolves comes from mother nature. This form is similar to the transformation of druids. If druids can control the bestiality from human to beast and back to human, then werewolves should be able to do the same.

This hypothesis gave Jean and his werewolves hope.

But the real breakthrough came when Ralaar Burnfang escaped from the Emerald Dream, the old druid who taught the secrets of werewolf transformation to the weaker fellows of Gilneas 9,000 years ago.

Since then, werewolves can temporarily change back to human form and walk in the sun, but that transformation is still problematic. Although they have changed back to humans, their minds and souls are still dominated by the wildness of werewolves.

That kind of transformation is not so much a cure for the curse, but more like a camouflage that is more suitable for lurking sneak attacks on the werewolf form.

Until now, the problem of appearance has finally been completely solved.

When the first ray of sunlight shone at dawn, Jean tamed his animal nature in full view, allowing his human will to dominate his body and soul, and truly transformed from a werewolf back to a human being.

This point can be confirmed by looking at his joyful and freely stretched form at this time. In such ecstasy, he has not howled like a wild beast, which has fully proved his identity.

It is no longer the gray-haired werewolf named Jean that dominates this body, but the real Greymane is returning.

The most wonderful thing is that while he regained his life, he also retained the power of the werewolf. This is simply the most perfect fusion of the two forms.

Under Bu Laike's "kind reminder", Old Jean didn't have time to bark his teeth at him, so he clutched his lower body in extreme embarrassment and ran out with his butt naked amidst the howling of a group of werewolves.

A few seconds later, he ran back wearing a tattered cloak.

Before he and the equally happy Queen Mia exchanged heartfelt love, the stinky pirate approached meanly and waved an instant printed photo in his hand in front of old Jean.

Old Gene frowned at the nude scene in the photo.

Bo Laike didn't say much, just made a cosmic gesture of rubbing his fingers at Gene, the meaning was already obvious.

"I paid for him!"

Queen Mia, who was in a great mood, snatched the photo and put it in her hand to appreciate it carefully. Then she snapped her fingers at the pirate. The blackmailed Laike grinned, took out the negative of the dwarf camera, and put it in the queen's hand. .

He looked around for a week and reminded in a low voice:

"The werewolves from the whole city are rushing over. This is the most opportune time, so don't pick the time. Lord Goldrinn and Archdruid Malfurion are just here.

Right now, let's start the coronation.

Gilneas has just had three months of ups and downs. The country is in dire need of stabilization. I think a dashing queen can cheer up the citizens. "

"You want me to be crowned in the ruins? No matter how urgent you are, you have to wait for a little restoration here, right?"

Queen Mia said something in a bad tone.

Bo Laike easily heard the Queen's "overtones", he snorted and said:

"You husband and wife, don't plan to renege on your debts! We have agreed before that I can change Jin from a werewolf back to a human, and naturally I can change him from a human to a werewolf.

You better not try to offend me during this joyful time, Aunt Mia.

I think your two subordinates should have warned you that you can't afford to offend me! "

"Okay, stinky pirate!"

Gene held his wife's hand and said in a disgusted tone:

"We Gilneans never fail to pay our bills! My Mia is just too excited, she needs some time to adjust her mood, you can prepare for the coronation ceremony or something.

Anyway, judging from your actions of 'crowning' old Lothar in North County, you should be very 'good at' this.

I guarantee that Mia will become Queen of Gilneas today, and I will also guarantee that your interests in Gilneas will not be harmed, but there is one thing that must be met. "

Old Gene looked north, and he whispered:

"We must wait for Darius to return in victory. Before Godfrey and those stubborn guys are eliminated, Mia will not be able to sit firmly on the throne even if she is crowned."

"Don't worry, don't think that you are the only ones who have arranged people."

The pirate sneered and said:

"Even if Lord Godfrey escaped from the pursuit of Lord Darius, he would not be able to avoid the sharp blade of the Uncrowned. Since I asked Aunt Mia to become queen, I would naturally remove all obstacles for her.

Prince Liam and Princess Tess are heading towards the Royal City by boat, and my mother is also with me. She will be the official spectator of Kul Tiras to witness the ceremony. "

Having said that, Bo Laike provoked Gene with his arms akimbo:

"What you old wolf can't do, my Aunt Mia will be able to do it on her first day as king, and the stabilized Gilneas will become a true national alliance with Kul Tiras.

Just from this point of view, Aunt Mia is destined to be better than you. "

"That's right, I'm a loser, a loser in every sense, and Mia is destined to become a greater king than me."

Old Gene was not provoked at all.

He responded to Boo Laike's sarcasm with such a terrific attitude that the pirate frowned, wondering if Genn had been injected with too much benevolent moonlight during the wild appeasement ritual, causing the guy to lose his mind?

This is a bit too peaceful, right?

Bu Laike glared at Gene, and hooked Miss Black Crow not far away. When the other party came, he introduced to the queen couple in front of him:

"This Archdruid Thisalie Black Crow is the leader of the Flame Druid faction, she has already brought the Rende Society into her command, and will also take over as the leader of the Wolf Cult in Gilneas at the coronation ceremony.

I have already set plans for her future.

Under her leadership, the Wolf Cult will be transformed into a local Druid sect in Gilneas, and she will become the faith leader of Gilneas as the "Harvest Witch Headmaster", similar to the archbishops of other kingdoms.

She will be in charge of the mediation between the royal family and Lord Goldrinn. Aunt Mia's coronation ceremony will also be presided over by the Black Crow Archdruid. Aunt Mia must join the sect as a 'protector of the faith'.

Do you have any comments? "

The Jean couple looked at each other, of course they have an opinion!

But it has been agreed before, this meeting can only accept it with a nod,

"Very well, then everything is settled, let's wait for the ceremony to begin."

Bu Laike smiled in satisfaction, he picked up his pipe, spread his arms and said to the person in front of him in a very unbeatable tone:

"Let me confirm one last time, the grievances between me and Gilneas have been buried in last night's curtain, right? There won't be any werewolf lunatics trying to assassinate me in various ways in the future, right?"

"I can't guarantee that."

Gene grinned and said in a bad tone:

"I can only guarantee that the grievances between you and the Greymane royal family will be eliminated, but my people hate you so much, they spontaneously formed organizations and forces against you, and I have no reason to intervene.

I'm even more reluctant to do that. "

"Then let them come."

The pirate snorted coldly and said indifferently:

"As long as they can do it, it's no big deal to give my life to a Gilnean, so people in your country just don't like it.

It is not unreasonable for people from other countries to reject you!

So be it. "

Bo Laike turned and left, leaving Crow and the Queen to discuss the details of the coronation process.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss about this process. As Queen Mia said, even the palace is in ruins, and the ceremony held here is naturally not grand and solemn.

But that's a good thing for Crow.

It was the first time for her to preside over a major event of this level, so she was somewhat nervous.

"Hey, old Hemet, you old dog was not bitten to death by a werewolf, it's really congratulations."

Bu Laike walked out of the crowd, and soon saw the seriously injured old dwarf gunman being supported by his son, surrounded by his famous "Nesingwary hunting team", walking into the ruins of the palace with an arrogant attitude of ignoring his relatives.

Although the old dwarf was in a mess and his whole body was covered with bandages, the old dwarf Pao was in a very good state of mind. He was so injured that he was still yelling for his son to pour him wine.

When he heard Bu Laike's "greetings", the old dwarf who was supported suddenly laughed, and he shouted to Bu Laike:

"Come on! Smelly pirate, come and see the 'prey' I've caught! This is the most satisfying beast I've hunted in the past two years."

"No way? Did you kill him?"

The pirate asked in a "shocked" manner. When he got closer, he saw a wounded white-haired werewolf lying in an iron cage carried by the hunting team.

The guy was covered in blood stains and scars, and was chained but still extremely wild, screaming in all directions.

There was no trace of reason left in the werewolf's eyes, it was completely chaotic and violent, and his aura was as violent as a real wolf.

The pirate stared at him, and reached out to knock on the cage. This action made the white-haired werewolf bared his teeth and barked at him even more violently. The saliva dripping from the guy's mouth made the pirate take a few steps back in disgust.

"Your Excellency Isolarius, you are too miserable, right?"

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, looked at the original Nintoku Society grand druid who was trapped in the cage, and whispered:

"Lalaar Flame also seems to hate you group of unreasonable lunatics, he almost completely destroyed your sanity, it seems that it will take you a long time to recover.

It's a pity, I still like your rebellious attitude when you offered me a bounty before. "

"Curse. Curse"

The archdruid in the cage seemed to recognize Boo Laike.

But he couldn't control his mind, so he could only speak out what was in his mind in a sobbing gesture. The sobbing was meaningless to others, but Bu Laike understood Isolarius' meaning.

He felt in his heart that the druid of the Benevolence Society was really crazy, Isolarius had fallen to this point, and he still didn't plan to let old Hemet go.

But at any rate, I promised others before.

Bu Laike blinked, and under the watchful eyes of the white-haired werewolf in the cage, he reached out and patted the shoulder of old Hemet, who was hurt and elated.

He was a little too hard.

The old dwarf, who was drinking and discussing a big hunt in Gilneas with the rest of the hunting party, felt something was wrong immediately after having had a Beacon of Sin put on him in a manner close to an attack.

When the thought of finally being able to hunt wild beasts freely floated in his mind, a sharp pain burst out from his mind, causing the old dwarf to yell and twitch in his son's arms.

"What did you do to me!"

Old Hemet stared at Bo Laike viciously, and the members of the Nesingwary hunting party saw that the boss was attacked, and immediately grabbed their weapons and aimed at the pirates.

But in the next moment, the sharp blades of the Uncrowned who appeared from the shadows on the necks of these hunters made them "calm down" quickly.

Do not impulse!


they are many

"Nothing, just a curse of sin, my dear dwarf friend."

Bo Laike knelt down, took out a dwarf cigar from the bag, put it in the mouth of the twitching old dwarf, and took out a dwarf lighter to light it for him.

He looked into old Hemet's painful eyes, and said:

"You have killed too many wild beasts in your life, whether it is for the pleasure of hunting or for reasons you think of maintaining the balance of nature, in the eyes of those who really care about nature, you really don't have a good reputation.

This is your crime, my dear Hemet.

You are also getting old, you must restrain yourself. Don't worry, this curse will only trigger when you trigger the sin, normal hunting will not give you a headache.

But you and your followers, once there is an act of killing wild animals indiscriminately, you will die of pain. "

"I didn't mess with you, did I?"

The old dwarf grinned and said:

"I thought we were friends, you bastard."

"We are indeed friends."

The pirate bent his eyes and showed a smile. He pointed to the white-haired werewolf in the cage who became strangely quiet after seeing Old Hemet being cursed. He whispered:

"But this curse is a request from Your Excellency Isolarius. Before you cast this curse of sin, Your Excellency the Archdruid has already endured the torment of sin for a long time.

I once asked him if he had any thoughts, and he told me that you, a hunter who has been in love with him for decades, should also experience this feeling.

You are all guilty guys.

I mean, it's time to retire, old Hemet, your hunting enthusiasm has been fading anyway, leave your business to your son, the second is good enough.

You better go back and work on your autobiography.

It’s not a problem to always ask someone to write for you, right? "

After speaking, Bo Laike nodded to the young dwarf who was supporting old Hemet, who returned a gentle and bright smile.

In this noisy environment until noon, Lord Darius, who arrived late, brought his "captives" to appear in the ruins of the palace.

A group of "human supremacists" headed by Lord Godfrey were all transformed into werewolves by the northern lords. They were crying in agony, but they were forced to stay on the edge of the palace as bystanders of the upcoming coronation ceremony.

The werewolves in the entire royal city and surrounding areas gathered together. The news of the new king's enthronement and the salvation of the curse had spread throughout the city like a gust of wind. The werewolves walked out of the darkness and stood under the sun. They howled one after another, shouting for Mia. The queen's name, which represents their expectation for the future that they finally got back.

Soon, Queen Mia, who was dressed in a king's dress, also wearing a blue ribbon and a large cloak, appeared in the ruins. She walked up to the platform from under the ruins, and the werewolves along the way made way for her.

The original king, Gene Greymane, removed his former attire, wearing light armor, holding a helmet, and wearing a knight's long sword on his waist, guarding his wife in the form of a gray-haired human.

He willingly gave up the throne.

To be honest, he was really tired in the past two years.

"I said, these things can be repaired, right?"

Outside the cheering crowd, Bo Laike lazily leaned against Goldrinn's huge body, and the wolf god also lay down under a big tree in a docile gesture with his claws staggered and narrowed down.

One person and one wolf watched the ceremony from a distance, and Laike threw away the pieces of the Luna sickle in his hand, and said to Goldrinn:

"I know you hate these things, but it would be nice if they were forged into a sword and given to the queen as a gift. Gilneans will worship you in the future, so you should give them a sacred object. "


Goldrinn wagged his tail and let out a low growl, meaning:

You can figure it out, I am annoyed now.

"What's bothering you?"

Bu Laike whispered maliciously:

"You should hurry up and get ready to 'enter the bridal chamber'.

Just like Cenarius was left after the combination of Ms. Elune and Maruo En, the combination of your mighty wolf god and moon god should give birth to a demigod not weaker than Cenarius, yes Bar?

When the time comes for the baby to be born, remember to send me an invitation to this 'matchmaker', I will prepare a big red envelope, oh, don't bite! My brain can't stand your teeth.


bleeding! Damn it! I won't be transformed into a werewolf pirate by you, will I? "

(end of this chapter)

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