Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1401 34. Ha! Seifel Is Gone, And The Next Is The Era Of My Little Star!

Chapter 1401 34. Ha! Seifel is gone, and the next is the era of my little star!

Off the coast of Tol Barad, a huge ghost ship docked in the night, as elegant as a night lady.

Immediately when approaching the pier, ghost sailors rushed to the deck, those who put the anchor put the anchor, those who tied the cable tied the cable, and a few guys graciously lowered the ship's plank for the evil captain to land on land.

These guys are very winking, hoping to make a presence in the picky pirates, but Bo Laike seems to be in a bad mood tonight, and he doesn't care about these bastards at all.

But that's not a bad thing either.

That means Captain Boo Laike won't be picking on the ghost sailors, and it means they won't have to spend a miserable night atop the mast or on the bottom of the hull.

"Mr. Bo Laike! Wait."

When the smelly pirate walked onto the pier with a cold face, the voices of children came from behind him. He turned around and saw that Liam, who had changed into a prince's attire, was running towards him holding little Rona's hand.

"We haven't even said thank you to you for saving Gilneas and helping father out of his werewolf nightmare."

The little prince was a little bit reluctant, but he still sincerely thanked the pirate. The little Rona beside him turned her face away. Obviously, this girl hadn't forgotten about Bo Laike turning her father into a werewolf.

"I want to remind you, little prince."

Bo Laike took off the pipe from the corner of his mouth, stroked his chin, and said to Liam:

"Old Jean's turning back to human doesn't mean he got rid of the curse of werewolf, once the human nature and animal nature in his heart start to fight again, he will return to the previous crazy state.

This is also the "original sin" that you Gilneas people will have to face in the future. It is too early to say that the problem is solved. I think Gilneas wants to restore the real order, at least until you become the king.

Speaking of which, are you going to obey your mother's arrangement and take refuge in Kul Tiras? "

"No, I'm not going!"

Liam shook his head. The little prince stroked the dagger at his waist, and said solemnly:

"I'm going to Northrend with Rona, she's going there to find her mentor, General Nathanos, and I'm going to start my journey as a warrior!

I want to learn from your sister, the great and tyrannical Sword Saint of the Raging Sea, Ms. Fenna. I want to gain strength during my travels so as to better protect my country and my relatives. "

"Uh, the ideas of the two of you are great, but I suggest that you better change your destination, and, little prince, there is a price to be paid for blindly worshiping Fenner.

You don't wonder what precious things Fenna sacrificed for her amazing power"

Bu Laike said with strange eyes:

"Narthalas is busy these days. He is busy accomplishing major events in his life. He may not have time to teach you. Why don't you go to the Broken Isles? Little Rhona can be an apprentice on the Eagle Claw Peak in the Hidden Passage, and you, you can follow the Thunder Totem The tauren learn to fight.

It's a peaceful place with little conflict, perfect for you two little ones.

Or it would be nice to go to the Barrens of Kalimdor, where the Bloodhoof clan has a city, and Cairne's people are good at hunting and fighting. "

"We're going to Northrend!"

Rhona suddenly pulled Liam's hand with a straight face, and said fiercely to Bo Laike:

"Where are we going to fight your pirates, we will win!"

"Okay, okay, whatever you want."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said to the two little guys:

"But I want to give you a little advice. When you get there, when your Nathanos big brother is courting his cool elf girlfriend, you two better stay away.

I mean, don't be a light bulb.

Also, I have already agreed with your queen mother that little Tess will stay in Tol Barad to be taken care of by your aunt Catherine, and she will become my assassin apprentice in the future.

She will be my last disciple, and maybe the most powerful one. "

After speaking, the pirate laughed and turned around and walked away quickly, leaving the two children staring at each other.

But after leaving the pier, the smile on Laike's face disappeared.

He walked quickly and flickering through the forests of the North Island, all the way to the deepest part of this dark forest full of snake people's lairs.

There is a dragon's lair here.

Well, it is the hidden dragon lair that His Royal Highness Little Star created for himself.

But that idiot is still studying with Yulong Tianzun in Pandaria, so the dragon nest is currently empty.

But Little Star left here a blue dragon magic to contact and summon her in an emergency, a secret known only to Laike and a few people close to her.

A few minutes after Bo Laike arrived at the dragon's lair, Maiev also appeared here.

It can be seen that Ms. Maiev is still very concerned about the scheduled meeting tonight. She wears an elf dress and chooses a variety of simple accessories, making her look full of the delicate beauty unique to elves.

But upon seeing Boo Laike's sullen pose sitting on a stone inside the dragon's lair with a pipe in his mouth, Madam Warden knew something was wrong.

"Sefiel didn't come to the appointment. Although she looks gentle, she is not weak, and you seem to want to summon the stupid dragon beside you, so, what happened?"

Maiev walked into the slightly gloomy dragon's lair and asked softly.

Bo Laike noticed the draenei gemstone ring on her finger. Madam Warden had clearly said before that she didn't like such extravagant and vulgar decorations.

Was it duplicity?

"The timeline is out of order."

Bu Laike didn't touch Maiev's little thoughts.

He exhaled the smoke ring, jumped down from the stone, and said:

"Safir went to a certain point in the past to face a strong enemy, and it seemed that another troublesome bronze dragon that shouldn't appear in this world line was also involved.

That guy is Sefiel's good friend, maybe she has never given up on saving her friend.

My first mate left in a hurry and didn't explain too much to me, but I guess her stupid friend was in danger by accident, and Sephiel, who was originally safe, was also involved. "

The pirate shrugged and said helplessly:

"I thought I would be able to relax for a while after the end of Gilneas, but now it seems that there are still troubles. I want to call back the little star. When it comes to the attainment of time magic, these blue dragons have Researched."

"Have you forgotten the Eye of Aman'Thul?"

Maiev whispered:

"Aren't you going to find Elisande?"

"I don't think the great magister will help me with this kind of thing, that is a very annoying woman."

The pirate stretched his waist, casually threw a ray of magic power, and looked at the faint blue light emitted by the activated summoning magic in front of him.

He said:

"Even if His Majesty Elisande is willing to show mercy, I won't accept it. I think I may not be able to pay the reward she wants. Besides, what is there to say with a guy who is destined to die?

Now there are three factions offering rewards for her head from me alone. That great magister really doesn't know how to be a human being, maybe it's because the space artifact I gave her gave her a boost of ambition.

In short, let the little star use the means of the blue dragons to check it out.

If the ordinary time magic can't help Sefiel, if you have to use the Eye of Aman'Thul, then you can only advance the death date of the great magister. "

"You act like you're in control, maybe you're used to it."

Maiev stood beside Bo Laike, and she whispered:

"But the murderous intent in your eyes is no longer concealed. I can feel a terrible will rising in your heart. If things really come to that point and Elisande still doesn't know what to do, you will not hesitate." Hesitation made Suramar bleed like a river.

You are so kind to her.

Seriously, it made me feel a little...jealous? "

"But you also said before that you have no interest in my private life in this era."

The pirate took down his pipe, glanced at Maiev, and said:

"You pretty girls really like to let other people guess your mind. Wouldn't you be happy if I said I would do the same for you?"


Maiev replied blankly.

Then she said again in a whisper:

"You have done enough for me in our time."


As soon as the warden finished speaking, a bright light shone in the dim dragon's nest in front of the two of them.

In addition to the faint blue stream of magic power, there are layers of fine thunder and lightning dancing, which instantly illuminate the dragon's nest like a stormy place where thunder shines.

In this majestic momentum, several figures appeared from the light, and the one in the middle could be seen as Little Xing Xing. Behind her, besides the traditional attendant Sai Anigosa, there were also two attendants, a man and a woman.

Not only did these two people know Laike, but they were sent to Little Star by the stinky pirates.

As a loyal book fan of Little Star, Miss Millie is holding a basin of washed grapes in her arms, and next to her, the "North County Hero" Maximilian in bright silver knight armor is wearing an exaggeratedly decorated "little Star Wars Flag".

But compared to the solemnity and majesty of the two attendants, the little star who appeared as the protagonist is very bad.

This idiot Blue Dragon not only has messy hair like a chicken coop, but also wears sloppy pajamas, yawning like he didn't get a good rest last night.

But when she saw Bu Laike, Little Xingxing's eyes lit up. She grabbed her hair and walked forward, holding the pirate's hand and waving it back and forth, saying:

"Stupid Fenner wrote me a letter!

She said that you have encountered a lot of amazing things in Dellano. Although my highness wants to learn from my powerful mentor and cannot travel with my human servants, as a person valued by my highness, your experience can also It's my experience.

It just so happens that I feel haggard and exhausted from writing novels these days, and I was thinking of finding a fun place to collect folk songs, and you just came back.

Tell me all your stories, let me draw inspiration and collect materials, so that my next book will be ready.

what! Who is this elf girl?

Very unfamiliar. "

The idiot little Xingxing chattered a lot before he noticed the white-haired elf lady next to Bu Laike.

Her nose twitched, as if she smelled something unpleasant from this elf, so she took a step back timidly, but then she thought that she was already the Thunder Dragon!

I am a very powerful demigod!

Not as cowardly as before.

So she became more courageous, took a step forward with her head held high, and looked Maiev up and down.

Maiev didn't like the look in her eyes, so the iconic thorny knife wheel jumped into her hand when her fingers were moving. As soon as this weapon appeared, Xiao Xingxing's eyes widened, and she hid in the "Imperial Belt" that had just walked out of the teleportation with a whoosh. Dao Longwei" behind Si Anni, poked his head out to look at Maiev.

With a trembling voice, she smiled and said:

"Hey, isn't this your Excellency the warden? Why did you come here when you have nothing to do? We have met before. I gave you water when you were unconscious. Did you forget?"

"Stop making trouble, I have something to talk to you about."

The pirate shook his head and stopped Little Xingxing from continuing to play tricks. He told Little Xingxing about Seifel and told him:

"I know that spellweavers are also very knowledgeable about time magic, and I need you to find a way to help Sefiel from the blue dragon's tome.

At least find a way to contact her in the past time stream.

In addition, Safiel is currently on a "business trip", according to the principle of delegating the command of the ship, you, the second officer, will be the temporary first officer of the Nagfar during her absence.

We are about to set sail for Zandalar Island for a very important matter. You must board the ship and command the crew to prepare for sailing immediately.

I've sent word to Bosun Finner that she'll take your place as second mate. "

"Huh? I've been promoted? This is great. I've been silently preparing for this day. Sure enough, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared!"

Little Xingxing jumped out with surprise on his face.

He threw a magic spell in front of everyone to tidy up his appearance.

As the light dissipated, His Royal Highness Little Xing Xingxing appeared on the stage wearing a pen-style pirate suit, a bright red captain's hat, and a command knife on his waist. She even took the time to use magic to paint herself with light makeup to make herself appear More majestic.

Of course, Little Xingxing will also take care of another thing that Laike ordered.

She turned to her loyal lieutenant Cyanigosa and said:

"Ceanne, I authorize you to go back to Coldarra immediately to search for all the tomes related to time magic in our Azure Library, and then borrow the spell-weaver's magic handbook.

Just say I borrowed it.

Also, that big slob Melinthra has been sleeping in the Emerald Dream lately, wake her up to join you and find you a companion. "

"I'm ready to go anytime, Your Highness."

Sai Anne hesitated and said:

"But if I'm not by your side, it's your safety."

"I'm already very good."

Little Xingxing crossed her hips, raised her left hand and snapped her fingers. The dancing thunder lights shone on her fingertips, and the light and shadow effects were very cool.

She said to Seanne:

"I also learned a lot of magical magic from my mentor. Miss Millie will be my clerk, and my human servant No. 2 will run errands for me.

I'm still with the evil captain, and I've gotten on well with the Candle Dragon lately, and if I'm in danger, that Panda Dragon won't sit idly by.

In short, you don't have to worry about my daily life at all.

Now, I'm going to inspect my ghost ship now, will you come with me, Captain? "

The idiot Blue Dragon excitedly supported his command knife and looked back at Bu Laike. Seeing how excited she was, the stinky pirate immediately felt that this guy was still as unreliable as ever.

He rubbed his forehead helplessly and said:

"You go to the boat first, get all the supplies ready, and wait for Fenner to come to join us. We will set off on time at this time tomorrow. As for me, I still have a reward that I haven't received yet."

(end of this chapter)

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