Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 142 50. Really. Draw A Circle To Curse You 【12/15】

Chapter 142 50. True. Draw a circle to curse you [1215]

On the Naglfar, the pirate's body was held in Garona's hands as if he had fallen asleep.

He even snored in his undead state.

Garona slapped Laike on the cheek twice, but couldn't wake him up.

After hesitating for a while, Garona drew out a small knife and gestured to Bo Laike's ear, as if about to stab him, intending to wake him up with pain.

"Well, old Bwonsamdy advises you better not do that, girl."

The cheap voice of the troll god of death suddenly rang in Garona's ears at this moment, startling the legendary assassin. She sensed it left and right, and finally turned her gaze to the front and top of her body.

Although there was nothing there, Garona could feel where the sound came from.

"What's up with him?"

The legendary assassin asked, old Bwonsamdi let out a weird laugh, like a rooster with its neck cut off, it quacked and said:

"This bad guy wants to 'jump' to me, he probably sees that old Bwonsamdi is more suitable as a backer than crazy Hela, he is really sharp.

But Hela is an out-and-out lunatic, and it is not so easy to escape from what she is looking for.

Now she is just saying hello to the guy who betrayed her.

There will be more entanglements in the future.

Tsk tsk, women, no matter normal or crazy, they are all so passionate, reminding old Bwonsamdi of his youth.

But let's do business now.

Come, little girl, give me the head of that bad fellow that belongs to Zemran the Oathbreaker, and I will use it to squeeze out the magic essence to remove this eternal curse for you."

"No! I may not be smart enough, but I know the truth of not touching things that I don't understand."

Garona dragged the sleepy Bu Laike back a step. She remembered Bu Laike's warning before falling asleep, and said in a vigilant tone:

"It was he who made the deal with you, not us.

I don't want to get involved in these conspiracies that will keep me up at night, Lord Death, you should talk to him yourself after he wakes up. "

"Tch, coward!"

Garona's answer made Buang Sandy very dissatisfied.

But it can't help it either.

Before the transaction was completed, it had no way to extract the mojo that belonged to Zemlan's head. This was a rule it set for itself, and it could not violate it.

Otherwise, there is no need to lure Bo Laike around the bush to help him get rid of Zemlan.

Although old Bwonsamdi didn't say it clearly.

But in addition to the god of death, it probably has a priesthood similar to the "god of trading". Even among the strange loa gods, old Buang Sandy can be regarded as the strangest guy.

It's cunning, vicious, and full of bad taste.

But it's also fair.

The kind that revenge must be avenged, and transactions must be completed.

On the other side, in the phantom of Hell.

Boo Laike and Hella in "confrontation".

The former knew that the latter couldn't hurt him in the phantom except for harsh words.

The latter was well aware of this, and the mad queen didn't waste too much time and tongue intimidating Bo Laike, who was completely unafraid of her.

In her eyes full of pale light, there was only a look of scrutiny and scrutiny.

Everyone said that Hela was a lunatic.

She is.

But if Bo Laike really believed that Hela was just crazy, it would be a big joke.

Madmen are not scary.

What is frightening is a lunatic who has the power above a demigod and has a big backer behind him. His own knowledge and wisdom are not low, and he has the ability to destroy the world.

Unfortunately, the man in front of Laike fits all the above characteristics perfectly.

"You killed Hablon, you got me into a lot of trouble."

Hela's nine tentacles relaxed and opened three, like three black snakes, entangled and wrapped Laike in it. Her tone was cold and sharp, with a strong hatred and anger.

But that sentiment wasn't directed at Bou Laike.

A mortal is not yet qualified to be labeled "anger" and "hatred" by the god of death.

This is just Hela's characteristic. She has such ugly and vicious emotions churning in her heart all the time. In other words, it doesn't target anyone.

In her eyes, everyone is trash.

"Speak directly, Queen."

Bu Laike was not afraid of the three terrifying tentacles entangled around him. He raised his head and looked directly at Hela's face in the smelly sea wind. He shouted loudly:

"You are going to send your soul to the Devouring Abyss, and I am going to collect my spoils.

We are all busy, so stop wasting each other's precious time. As far as I know, Mr. Zovall, the warden of the Maw, is not a patient eternal being.

Now that you have bowed down to be his dog, you must learn to perform your duties.

Just like when you were under Odin's command and selected warriors for your stern father, I have to say, no matter before or after you went mad, Your Majesty the Queen is a qualified dog.

Under my command, there is no such talent as you.

what a pity. "

"Shut that disgusting mouth of yours!"

Hela almost squeezed out this sentence through her teeth. In this sentence of Laike, she poked out almost all of her taboos.

And what Bu Laike said is actually good, everyone is very busy.

Just skip the talking point and go straight to business!

"I curse you! Drake Proudmoore!"

In the Great Illusion of Hell, Hela cordially sent her "blessing" to Bu Laike with the most vicious and sharp voice. As the voice sounded, cold winds surrounded the pirate's soul.

"I curse you that disasters will follow you in this life! Anyone with good intentions towards you will suffer bad luck!

I curse you to be single from now on! Anyone who loves you will be alone for the rest of his life!

I curse you to experience human tragedy!

Every day is full of life and death!

I curse you and your family to kill each other!

With blood on your hands, there will never be peace!

I curse your soul to be full of the misery of the world, the pain is endless!

I curse your body to rot in the waves and bury your bones in the deep sea!

In the name of death!

I only allow your soul to return to Hell when your soul is riddled with holes and exhausted!

I will really start torturing you! You killed my best soul educer, and after you die, you will bear the fate of eternal darkness for him.

Enjoy what little life you have left.

We will meet again, Betrayer. "

Hela's words ended with a final sharp coda, and with her chilling sneer, the three tentacles in front of Braike swung in an instant, like hitting a baseball, and slammed into his soul. superior.

In that heavy blow, the entire illusion was suddenly shattered, and Laike, who was lying on the deck of the Naglfar, also opened his eyes at this moment.

He rubbed his aching forehead and sat up cross-legged.

Looking at his hands, he complained:

"It's Drake you're cursing, what does it have to do with me, Laike? Hela is so stupid, you."

Tucao belongs to Tucao.

When Bu Laike woke up, he still looked at the character card carefully, and there was no "curse of Hela" in the status bar.

Hela, who seemed to be insane, was just venting her inner displeasure just now.


It was, after all, a former guardian of the Titans, now involved with an Eternal in the mysterious Shadow Realm, and she took so much effort to pull Braike into the illusion, really just in simple vent?

Or is the level of that curse too high to be found with the current character card?

"I guess, Hela spent so much time doing this, just gave you a curse?"

When Bo Laike came to his senses, old Bwonsamdi, who failed to persuade Garona, spoke to the pirates again.

Unlike Garona, Bo Laike, who has the power of hunting spirits, can see old Bwonsamdi. This troll god of death is dressed exactly like his appearance in Hades.

But what it appeared here must be just a power projection.

At this time, it was suspended in the air in a strange posture, and with its bone face with only rotten flesh on the chin, it tilted its head and looked down at the pirate.

Naturally, it is impossible to have a lively expression on the face of Bai Gu.

But that's okay, old Bwonsamdi represented the use of emotes with that wretched smile and the weird gleam in its eyes.

It said to Bo Laike who looked at it:

"Let old Bwonsamdi guess again. With your current strength, you can't feel the effect of the curse. Do you think Hela is just scaring you?"

"So, will you tell me the truth? My friend Bwonsamdi."

Bu Laike sat cross-legged on the tattered deck of the Naglfar. He looked at Bwonsamdi and put his hand on Zemlan's head at his waist. He said:

"Are you going to make another deal with me? Help me get rid of this curse?"

"No, no, old Bwonsamdi wouldn't do that."

The troll Grim Reaper grinned, spread his completely boneless hands, and said to Bu Laike in a regretful tone:

"Old Buang Sandy has always been sincere to his friends.

I can't do that, my friend, that curse uses non-earthly powers, ah, it's so hard for me to explain this to other people, so I don't usually bring up the subject much.

But you are a maverick soul.

Old Bwonsamdi has confirmed that you know a lot of things that mortals should not know, and you brag that you have been to the Shadowlands and returned, so I ask you

During your journey in the Shadowlands, have you ever heard of a word called 'Destiny'? "

"Ah, so that's the case."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead, he probably understood.

Bwonsamdi observed Bo Laike's expression, and after confirming that the pirate was not pretending, but really knew the meaning of the word "destiny", he said:

"The reason why the six Eternals in the Shadow Realm are noble is not because of their strength, in fact, their combat effectiveness is extremely poor.

Fortunately, the warden, the military master and the emperor are all powerful.

But the other three... Hehe, if they really want to fight, the eldest daughter who is the worst at fighting probably won't be able to fight even the great demon under the command of the Burning Legion.

But this does not affect her noble status.

It's all because each of the six Eternals has the ability to influence the 'destiny'.

Hela's curse on you is to borrow the power of the Warden and the Maw.

You really pissed her off.

Therefore, old Bwonsamdi advises you to take it seriously and don't take it as a joke, or when you regret it, it will be too late, my friend. "

Old Bwonsamdi spread out his hands, and he said to the silent pirate:

"Okay, that's the end of the fun, free knowledge sharing session. Next, it's time for you and me to have a good chat about our relationship.

You said earlier that you wanted to make a deal with old Bwonsamdi.

very good.

Old Bwonsamdi is giving you that chance.

come on.

Let's have a good talk, just you and me, two people. "

"Hold on."

Bu Laike made a pause gesture. He reached out and picked up the blood-stained book that had just dragged him into the illusion of hell, put it in his hand, and wiped the blood on the surface of the book with his sleeve.

In the next moment, in the equipment column of the character card, an entry for this thing appeared:

Nagfar Ferry Ticket

epic quality

Side effects:

Soul Requiem Coin (0/10): Every soul who takes the Nagfar to Hell has to pay the ship fare. If there is no Soul Soul Coin, it can only be repaid with the soul.

Seeing the effect of this thing, Bo Laike suddenly grinned.

He took out two perfect soul stones from his arms and tossed them in his hands. In the next instant, the souls in the two soul stones were thrown into the ticket book of the Nagfar.

Its effect entry also changes accordingly:

Soul Requiem Coin (2/10): Sefiel's Soul Soul Coin, Liresa Windrunner's Soul Soul Coin.

Bu Laike whistled, and flicked it lightly in his pocket, two weird and cold coins between the virtual and the real, jumped between his five fingers.

"nice one!"

He sighed like this, then raised his head, looked at Bwonsamdi, played with the two soul-relief coins in his hand, and said:

"So, my friend, what are you going to talk to me about?"

(end of this chapter)

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