Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1410 43. Let's Plan The Fate Of The World Happily Together

Chapter 1410 43. Let's plan the fate of the world happily together

"You know the story of the founding of the Zandalari dynasty, Laike."

In the secret room of the Akunda Temple, the Dark Prophet did not immediately refuse the excessive conditions proposed by the stinky pirates, but asked a question.

He said:

"I'm referring to the story before the ancestor of our Zandalari trolls, the great and glorious First Emperor Dazar unified Zandalar with the other troll clans.

Stories that happened on this land before our civilization was born. "

"What you want to say is the city of Odir, the city sealed by the Titans, and Zul Nazman, the first city abandoned by you in the jungle of Nazmir, which is the ruins where old Bwonsamdi's Hades Palace is located.

It was the first truly mortal city on Azeroth, but it was abandoned by an ancient evil.


I know everything that happened in this land, I have seen the difficult rise of troll civilization in ancient history. "

Bo Laike exhaled a smoke ring.

He said to the wisest prophet in the troll civilization in a tone of equal dialogue:

"I know that 16,000 years ago, the blood plague that almost destroyed the newly-emerged Zandalari civilization was born in the underground of Nazmir. It first infected the dead, and slowly began to infect the living. By.

Your chief, Emperor Dasa, is terrified.

He asked all the enshrined Loa for help, but the weak Loa didn't dare to intervene in this kind of thing, they knew better than your ancestors the evil buried under that land.

When your civilization was about to be destroyed, it was the countless titan structures that emerged from the city of Uldir that saved you. They cleaned up the blood plague all over Nazmir and created the possibility of escape for your ancestors.

Emperor Dazar took the first surviving Zandalari trolls and escaped from the hopeless city, took you to the mountains in the south and built a city here.

This is the origin of Dazar'alor, the city of gold today.

Troll ah.

Although you are not derivative creations under the Titan Guardian system, your civilization has been linked with the Titan Guardians from the very beginning.

I know that each King of Gold will learn from his predecessor some ancient dark secrets when he succeeds, about why the Zandalari trolls have guarded their ancestral lands for thousands of years. s reason.

You see yourselves as vigilantes against the darkness of the subterranean, you see yourselves as vanguards defending the world.

Until the terrible shadow of G'huun dissipates, the Zandalari will watch over it forever! This is the oath that your first emperor, Dasa, swore to the guardians of Uldir who saved the troll civilization. "

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"But you broke that oath.

In the era of Thor's rise, the Zandalari trolls allied with the tyrant in an attempt to gain more power, but the failure of that adventure almost caused the Zandalari troll dynasty to fall apart.

Generations of Zandalari trolls took that catastrophic failure as a warning, and in the ages since, you have followed your mission to this day.

I know what you mean, Seer of Zul.

But you don't have to repeatedly emphasize to me the importance of the existence of the Zandalari Dynasty to this world. I know this very well, so when you need help, I am here.

I'll help you out of G'huun's troubles, I mean it, and I'm prepared. "

The pirate took out the mark given to him by the Lord of War Odin and the Great Guardian Raiden from his luggage, waved it in front of the troll prophet, and said:

"The titan guardians I invited, that is, the gods in the legends of mortals, we will clean up the corruption inside the city of Uldir together, and repress the activity of G'huun back to sleep.

I don't even need the trolls to send warriors to risk their lives with me. You can send your troops to cleanse G'huun's blood troll servants while I enter the sealed city.

You may even take this opportunity to restore your ancient ancestral lands and bring the dark jungles of Nazmir back under the control of the Golden Dynasty.

I can even think of a way to reshape the dark land full of disasters for you, so that you have a chosen land that everyone envies!

Oh, right!

You also need to send your elite guards to the Wharton Desert to help the local Vulpera and Snakemen fight against the mad Faithless Snakemen.

The dark changes that are taking place in the Vol'dun Desert are just part of the dark story of the entire Zandalar Island. When we both work together to clean up the troubles here, the island will be clean again.

Like I just said, the Zandalari Dynasty will end its 16,000-year-long Eternal Watch, and you will no longer have any pressure to focus on the changes in the world. Huh?

What are you doing? "

Bu Laike was surprised to see the Dark Prophet on the opposite side take out his small notebook and write and draw on it with a pen. He asked suspiciously.

Prophet Zul looked up, raised his eyebrows at Bu Laike, and said:

"Of course it is to record your description of some details about the beginning of the Zandalari troll civilization. Your description of that ancient history is much more vivid than the description in the history books collected by us troll priests.

Even a Zandalari troll prophet like me is not very clear about the story between Emperor Dazar and the guardians of Uldir. In fact, there are many gaps in the historical description of our ancestors about the blood plague.

I have to thank you, Bu Laike.

You help us fill in these historical gaps.

You really know more about our glorious past than us trolls, maybe I should ask you to tell some more old stories, but since we are both busy, I will talk about these things later. "

The old troll made a joke, and his face became serious again, and he said to Bo Laike:

"I will go back to Zuldazar to tell my king about your two previous demands, and I will do my best to persuade him to make a covenant.

You showed me the sigils of the Guardians of the Titans, and it looks like you're bound to gain the secrets in Uldir.

That's good, we just don't have enough strength to break into G'huun's dark lair.

So, the summary of our two plans is that the Zandalari trolls are responsible for dealing with the dark forces on the ground, the unfaithful snake people, the blood trolls of Nazmir, and the evil things they summoned under G'huun's will, etc. .

While you and your titan friends, focus on dealing with hidden dangers underground.

Hateful creations in the sealed city of Uldir, and the terrifying body of G'huun, and the vicious tentacles that N'Zoth the Corruptor has sent into that city.

As compensation for you, the Zandalari will forgo aid to the Frost Troll Empire and will reward you with the most precious treasure of the Golden Dynasty.

Besides, is there anything else you need us to do? Let's say it together, now that soldiers are extremely fast, we don't have much time to waste on negotiating things like this. "

"Uh, if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing that needs your help. I can get what I want by myself, and I don't need to rely on the generosity of the Zandalari."

Bo Laike poked his cheek with his finger, and after a few seconds of thinking, he said:

"If you have to help, there is something you need to do, and only the Zandalari trolls can do it. After you go back, start tearing down the most magnificent palace in Zuldazar.

You must destroy the golden disc that you call the 'Giant Seal', the throne and palace of the King of Gold, with your own hands!

The actual name of that thing is 'The Third Seal of Zuldazar', and it is part of the Great Seal of Uldir left by the Titan Guardian.

Without destroying that thing, not even my Titan Guardian friends can get into Odir from the outside world. "


Faced with Laike's outrageous request to "demolish the house", the Dark Prophet did not express much emotion. For a troll like him who knows many secrets, he knows very well what the truth of the giant seal of the Golden City is.

After a few seconds, Zuul sighed and said in a low voice:

"The 'Atu Aman·Second Seal' located in the Wodun Desert was destroyed thousands of years ago by Mythrax the Dismantler, and the 'Atunaz' on the Lin Hai shoreline of the Nazmir Cong Man · The First Seal' was suspended in the corruption of the blood troll barbarians for nearly ten thousand years of corrupt rituals.

This may be the inevitability of fate.

The Zandalari trolls have to pay the price of destroying their great city to prevent the awakening of the monsters that almost destroyed our civilization. We will lose the city of ten thousand years that we are proud of, but we will also honor the Zandalari dynasty. A sacred vow made at birth.

We will protect the world!

hehe. "

The old troll let out a weird laugh. He patted the scroll on his waist and said:

"This time, it's our troll's turn to save the world."

"Don't be so pessimistic. The city can be rebuilt if it is gone, but there is no hope if it is gone."

Bu Laike stood up, pretending to comfort the Prophet Zul:

"As long as we get through this one, there's nothing stopping the Zandalari Golden Dynasty from taking over the troll world.

You are no longer bound by oaths, you can exert influence on troll clans all over the world at will, and you are free to further your own ambitions.

Perhaps within ten years, a united troll empire will rise in the South China Sea!

At that point, it's only a matter of time before troll civilization takes center stage in Azeroth's history. From this point of view, Rastakhan the King of Gold has made a lot of money. "

"The future you describe moves my heart, my dear colleague."

The Dark Prophet let out a weird laugh, stroked his fangs, and said:

"But the premise of all this is that the Zandalari trolls have to survive the terrible invasion of the Burning Legion. Azeroth may indeed continue to prosper, but we must first experience the baptism of the most terrible war in the stars.

For this reason, we even have to join forces with arrogant elves, weak humans and alien orcs and draenei. War, it will be a war to end all wars, or a war to destroy all hope disaster

um, what is this? "

Before Zul's emotion was over, he saw that Bo Laike handed him a special golden ring with a strange eye engraved on it. The troll prophet took it in his hand and asked a question.

"You know, most of the powerhouses in this world who have gone to the end like to form cliques and form small groups.

The spellcasters formed a "Great Wizard Magic Salon", the elves had the Elune Sisterhood, the warriors had the Sky Fortress, and even the assassins and warlocks would gather in the sewers. "

Bu Laike winked at Zul and said:

"A prophet like us can be considered a profession, right? Then why can't we have a small group? This ring was polished by myself after I got drunk for ten minutes last night.

I definitely have it as a sign of 'The Priory of Destiny'.

I also plan to give the third ring to the Draenei prophet Velen, which will be the top group that only the most famous prophets in Azeroth and other worlds are eligible to join.

I really think that there should be a small organization among us outstanding prophets to exchange prophecy experience, or gather together to weave destiny. "


Old Zuer looked at the delicate ring in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice:

"What are you going to do with this dangerous-sounding group? Are you going to plan the future direction of the world just like you wantonly change fate?"

"Can't we do that?"

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring, stretched out his arms and put his arms around the old troll's shoulders like brothers, and said softly:

"Facts have proved that it is not a good thing for all races to allow a world to develop indiscriminately without rules. Especially for a magical world like Azeroth, its historical context must have a pair of hands in the shadows to push it forward.

I have proved this with my actual actions in the past two years, destiny needs to be planned! My dear Zul, bad planning is better than no planning at all.

We prophets who can see the future should unite together and make good use of our wisdom and prophecy!

Use our exquisite hands to plan a forward flow of destiny for this world and even the era of life recovery that the entire stars will usher in after the defeat of the Burning Legion.

Things like fate must obey our arrangements.

If it intends to resist.

We're going to fix it! "

The pirate tapped the stunned Darkseer Zul on the shoulder, who had heard it, and said:

"Veren and I have also discussed this issue. A true prophet should not be a prisoner of fate. Seeing the future is only the first step in learning. We must learn to weave our destiny and advance it.

I think you've been wondering why I had to ask you to give up meddling in the future of Northrend's frost trolls.

the reason is simple.

As early as two years ago, during a trip to the North, I made a prophecy to Malak, the Frost King of Drakkari. I predicted his fate. He did not believe that he would end up dead, and even had to Relying on killing Loa can survive.

I gave him ample opportunity to fix his sad fate.

But guess what?

He has been doing nothing for two years, has no intention of changing his pathetic future, and even eagerly wants to attack my forces.

So much so that now, when the Scourge of the Undead attacked his country, he realized that I gave him a choice.

But he has missed the chance to change his destiny.

That's what it's like to leave the choice to a fool, Zul, there's no regret medicine in this world for the bronze dragons after they're gone. "

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring and said softly:

"For those guys who are not good at thinking, much less good at making decisions, it is better for us to make choices for them, believe me, it will save many lives, and it will make the whole messy world better.

So join my little group, Zul.

Let's start planning our destiny now.

Start with Zandalar!

I think that King Rastakhan, who has become insane, is no longer worthy of ruling this land. His daughter, the wise and brave Princess Talanji, is more suitable than her father to be the ruler of the troll empire in the new era.

Just as an ancient empire is about to be reborn, you too need an enterprising queen to lead you.

What do you think? "

(end of this chapter)

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