Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1413 46. My Little Star Is Going To Have A Dragon Knight Addiction Today!

Chapter 1413 46. My little star is going to have a "Dragon Knight" addiction today!

"Oh, you don't know what kind of chaos this jungle has become during this time!"

In the Nazmir jungle, Old Ghani shrouded his divine power over the crowd. This "fashionable" guy walked forward while shaking his head, and at the same time turned to Braike who was riding on him and the three people following behind him. The female companion complained:

"Since Sirik went crazy, it first attacked Toga who was telling stories to the tortoises on the beach, and that worthless guy in Toga was so frightened that he dropped the believer and fled back into the sea without looking back.

Haven't seen him until now.

Then it took advantage of the night to attack Kagwa's frog nest. Fortunately, Kagwa had thick skin and thick flesh, but everyone knew that Sirik was crazy, and no one dared to approach the depths of the jungle. "

The God of Garbage shook his head and said with a sigh:

"Especially being watched by a top hunter like Sirik in such a dark night, even the Loa are terrified. That oily bastard old Bwonsamdi must have sensed the danger and ran away early.

That unscrupulous bastard didn't notify everyone before he ran away, which made everyone unprepared.

Sirik was wreaking havoc everywhere, making the local troll legions miserable, and their defenses retreated steadily, causing the blood troll barbarians to attack everywhere.

They keep resurrecting those corpses, spreading dangerous blood plague everywhere.

What a mess.

I had to cover my believers fleeing to Wharton for temporary refuge. Fortunately, Akunda is a simple and honest person, and it accepted my believers so that they would not be displaced. "

"It's all messed up like this, didn't the troll's Golden Dynasty send anyone?"

Carrying the sword of the Windchaser and the heavy shield made of the scales of Deathwing, and wearing the first version of the "Dreadnought" armor specially made for the paladins by the Dwarves and Elf blacksmiths hired by the Church of the Holy Light, Fenner pushed Own horned helmet.

She asked angrily:

"Didn't it mean that the Zandalari trolls are the most powerful on this island? They still have many royal loa. It is said that the most powerful ones are already as powerful as the demigods of the wilderness.

Sirik is also one of the most admired loa by the trolls, the royal loa can't sit idly by when something like this happens. "

"No, Boss Rezan attaches great importance to this matter, and immediately sent someone, but the problem is that he sent someone wrong."

Loa from "mud legs" like Old Ghany obviously can't pee in the same pot as the noble royal loa. It said in a sarcastic tone:

"Boss Rezan was also a powerful loa who came out of the Nazmir jungle back then, but it's a pity that he has been a royal loa for too long and is no longer down-to-earth.

It sent Gonk, the god of velociraptors who is best at hunting, to check the situation. As a result, the proud Gonk strayed into Sirik's jungle. It obviously underestimated the power of Sirik after he went crazy.

He was attacked and bitten several times by Sirik in one night.

Tsk tsk, that blood splattered, it almost splashed on my beloved shoes. I saw Gonk limping away under the desperate protection of his heirs before he fled in embarrassment.

I heard that Gong Ke had a high fever after escaping back. He was suspected of being infected by the blood plague, and he hasn't recovered yet. "

Old Ghani snorted, and the god of garbage guys looked around vigilantly, stretched out his nose and sniffed around, and after confirming that there was no danger, he continued to say in a long voice:

"After this incident, the cowards in Zuldazar were terrified, none of them dared to come to this increasingly dangerous jungle, and even Kragwa was considering moving temporarily.

But old Garney is not afraid!

Old Garney isn't about to give up his junkyard!

Old Garni has powerful friends guarding my junkyard, and Sirik and his evil masters can't take it over here! "

"Wow, you trashy guy is so brave."

Holding two balls of lightning in his hand, Little Xingxing looked around, and by the way, praised old Garni for his courage in protecting his garbage dump, and took out a dwarf camera to snap a few photos.

Then I heard Braike, who was riding behind the old Ghani, draw his voice, and said faintly:

"If it didn't tremble when it said this, then I would really believe it, you see old Garni's legs have been tense, and he is ready to run away at any time.

I guess, as long as we show our failures, this guy will immediately run away with oil on his feet, don't expect it to be so firm and courageous."

The old Garni who was dismantled by Bu Laike was not angry at all, he was very cheeky and said:

"Don't embarrass me too much, old Gani, okay?

I'm just a trash picker, so it's good enough to show you the way. This is to see that the villain Laike is here in person, otherwise I will not show up when everyone else comes. "

The God of Garbage Guy put on a posture of someone who has experienced it, and said to the others with a vow:

"You young men, you have no idea how deep the water in the Nazmir jungle is.

I was born and raised here, and if Laike hadn't done many miraculous things before, even surviving the attack of the fallen titan, I don't believe he can solve the troubles here.

This is my last bet!

To be honest, I'm not afraid to tell you that I have already found a way out for me in Dellano. If even Bu Laike can't handle things here, I plan to take my followers to the new world and start from scratch. "

Having said that, Old Ghani showed a terrified gesture. He shook his body and said in a low voice:

"Have you ever thought about a question?

Even a powerful loa like Sirik can be infected. Once the evil things in Nazmir's underground are really broken, will other creatures in this world still have a way out? "


Bo Laike held out his hand and made a pause, and said to Ghani Sr.:

"Don't scare them, don't tell such horror stories again, I will get this done, believe me, my dear old Garni, after all, this is related to my 'graduation project'.

Don't be careless.

Well, I feel Sirik hovering in the night ahead, as if waiting for us to fall into our trap. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate jumped down from the back of old Gani, made a watchman's tactical gesture to Maiev behind him, and threw the Luna lantern in his hand to Maiev.

The warden nodded, instead of taking out his knife wheel, he held the lantern in his hand and began to silently recite the scriptures of the moon god. This was to support the battle as a magic spellcaster.

And Laike's gesture just now means the "purification tactics" among the more than a dozen combat modes of the Watcher, which is a targeted combat method specially used to deal with evil things that have the ability to corrode and infect.

"Hey, you little blue dragon! You have no dignity at all! Get off me! You actually sneaked up on me, a thousand-year-old Luoa, while I wasn't paying attention. You really don't talk about martial arts!"

Bu Laike was setting up tactics here, while the little star on the other side took advantage of the old Gani's inattention, and jumped behind it all at once, with his feet clamped on the back of the old Gani, just like the "Slender Jaw Dragon Knight".

Old Ghani yelled, but Little Xingxing didn't come down. Instead, he said sternly:

"I'm here to prevent you, a coward, from escaping! With me here, you don't want to run away, you have to fight hard, understand?"

"You just want old Garney to take you with you when he runs off, you coward."

While applying holy ointment to the many weapons she carried with her, Fenner suddenly said something cold:

"But if you two dare to run, I will cut off the legs of both of you. When I was traveling in Dellano, I learned a few moves of wind walk from those fire blade sword masters. Now I can run very fast.

You can try it. "

"Okay, stop making trouble and listen to me!"

Bu Laike snapped his fingers to silence the crowd. He glanced at the jungle shrouded in black mist in front of him, and he could smell the weird smell of blood coming from such a distance.

The pirate coughed, took out the Saramani swords and hung them beside him, and put the cool pirate swords around his waist, saying:

"Fenner will be the vanguard in a while, first go and lure Sirik out of the lair, and then I will sneak attack it when I see the opportunity!

Maiev will be in charge of using magic to protect us temporarily from being contaminated by Sirik's infected body, but even the blessing of the moon god can't protect us for long, so we must solve it quickly.

Old Gani, you don't need to join the battle, anyway, your combat power is also given away.

You will be in charge of being Little Xingxing's 'mount' tonight, carrying her around flexibly, and letting her experience the joy of being a 'Dragon Rider'.

Little Xingxing acts as a fort mage.

I have only one request for you!

Throw the most exploding thunder inside you on Sirik before you run away! Such an extremely positive energy bombardment can effectively suppress its highest-level bloody self-healing endowed by G'huun.

There is another point, the most critical point! "

Bu Laike exhorted in a deep voice:

"Stay away from Sirik's blood, and don't get splashed on your body. It has been completely infected by G'huun, and every drop of its blood has the curse of the blood god.

Mark my words if you don't want to go crazy. "

The pirate turned his head and said to the stupid warrior:

"The atavistic posture of Titan power is one of the few materials in this world that can resist G'huun's infection in a short period of time, and your Tyr power is like a natural enemy to this filth.

Fenna, is there any problem with you maintaining the state of "god descending to earth" all the time? "

"If it was before, I can't guarantee it yet."

Fenna pushed her horned battle helmet back, and drank a bottle of anger potion often used by warriors. Her eyes were bloodshot immediately, and while moving her neck, she picked up the Wind Sword Dragon Shield.

Confidently said to the stinky brother:

"But now I can maintain a steel posture for at least ten minutes. Don't worry, I feel bad and I will retreat. I'm just reckless, and I'm not stupid."

"In less than ten minutes, G'huun empowered Sirik at the cost of stripping him of his intelligence, turning him from a dangerous demigod into a mindless beast.

But we can't ask for more of G'huun either.

After all, as a man-made ancient god, it is not considered intelligent in itself. If it really needs the void wisdom of N'Zoth and Yogg-Saron, this world will definitely not survive the present. "

The pirate quietly disappeared in the darkness, he said:

"We are all prepared, four or five minutes is enough to get it done. Fenner, go!"

"it is good!"

Although the foolish fighter makes people feel helpless most of the time, it is really reassuring to have a powerful fighter like Fenner who doesn't know what fear is as a companion on the battlefield.

Seeing her roaring and activating the gods descending to earth, rushing towards the bloody black mist in the posture of a body of steel, the back view of her anger burning like a sea tide really filled people's sense of security in an instant.


Fenner slammed into the dirty ground full of bones with a heroic leap, illuminating the dark place like a burning flame of anger.

In the thick and pungent bloody smell around, the warrior slapped the Windchaser sword on his dragon scale shield, making a crisp sound to provoke Sirik, the night lord hiding in the night.

Her taunt was answered in the next second.

Amidst the wail of "blood and rain", a huge black shadow descended from the sky, and its ferocious sharp claws covered with blood and bone spurs staggered towards Fenner's head and heart, and was blocked by the warrior with a precise block. With one blow, he swung his sharp sword and slashed at the second claw he had grabbed in front of him.

The elemental power of the Blessed Sword of the Wind Chaser was aroused, and a gust of black wind accompanied by thunder splashed around the giant in front of him, not only dispelling its night camouflage, but also exposing the ferocious posture of the blood bat to everyone. in front of people.

Sirik is the body of a standard vampire bat.

The biggest feature of this large bat, which is often domesticated by trolls, is their pig-like nose, sharp ears, and hollow canines in their mouths that can suck the blood of their prey.

It's ugly at first glance, but it's even uglier if you look closely.

But at this time, Sirik is not just an enlarged version of a vampire bat. On the back of its body, and even on its wings, there are tiny hairpins that make the scalp tingle, and the skin on its thick arms seems to be rotten. The disgusting smelly blood was constantly flowing, and the flesh and blood at the wound seemed to be "liquefied" into a strange black substance.

Its mouth was distorted, and when it yelled at Fenner, it could clearly see pustules on its tongue and rolling eyeballs.

This is a completely mentally polluted monster posture.


Seeing Fenner hold back the hatred, Bu Laike appeared in the dark with his swords interlaced in a fierce ambush. The pirate's double swords pulled the flesh and blood of Sirik's neck, leaving thick marks on the bones.

But in the next second, the pirate backed away and disappeared into the darkness, because from Sirik's wound, a foul-smelling counterattack tentacles covered with interlaced sharp teeth like a blind eel rushed out.

This guy, like a hedgehog, will get hurt if he gets close.


Elune's moonlight lantern was lifted up by Maiev at this moment, and the bright moonlight fell from the sky, driving away the bloody darkness around her like a spotlight.

During the intensified release of the cleansing spell through the Luna Lantern, the light from the sky poured down like a bucket of sulfuric acid on the head of the stinking Sirik.

Let the twisted monster howl in the moonlight trying to cover its head and eyes with its wide wings.

Bu Laike's purge tactic was correct.

This is the correct way to face Sirik, a poor fellow infected by the ancient gods. Seeing that his side has gained the upper hand, Old Gani, who hides cowardly, looks at the little star behind him.

Things went so smoothly that they all saw the burning "fighting spirit" in each other's eyes.

The confidence of these two guys increased greatly, and at the moment when the old Ghani rushed out with his legs, the extremely brave little star screamed and shot out the Titan Thunder gathered in his hands like a lightning bolt.

This blow undoubtedly played a "super crit".

The strong paralysis and the titan energy attached to the lightning itself caused Sirik's wings to be torn apart.

As expected of the little star who was shot down several times at the beginning of fierce battles, he also learned how to deal with enemies with wings through his rich experience of being shot down.

But her sharp attack immediately ushered in a counterattack for her. Enduring the pain of being purified by the moonlight, the fallen bat opened its mouth and sprayed an extremely foul-smelling divine blood arrow towards the little star.

Little Xingxing also put his head on his head and squatted in defense very skillfully, and screamed loudly, but Old Gani was fast enough, and easily dodged this corrosive arrow while moving like a flash.

Seeing that Old Gani's dodge defense is also so powerful, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing, who is the "Dragon Knight", gained confidence.

At the beginning, he threw out the divine thunder in his hands in various ways, and even took the time to perform for everyone a unique skill of "purifying dragon's breath" taught by Yulong Tianzun.

The cooperation between her and old Gani is really exquisite, one person is responsible for fighting and the other is responsible for running.

Mobile casting belongs to yes.

And with the guarantee of old Gani, the little Xingxing, who has always been timid in frontal battles, seems to have found the joy of fighting. While throwing the lightning storm, she looked at the ugly Sirik who was beaten by herself, and suddenly thought of :

Oh, is this a battle to challenge a strong enemy?

I don't think it's too difficult!

What the hell was I afraid of before?

Hey, look at how cool my lightning trick is! Am I a fighting genius?

"Where are you going?"

While His Royal Highness Little Xingxing was savoring the "joy of fighting", the stinking pirate's scolding brought the "cute new" who was "fighting a group" for the first time back to reality.

The stinky pirate stabbed the cheering blade into Sirik's eyeball in a fierce execution gesture, and turned around and shouted:

"Aim for the head"


"I told you to aim at the head, but not me! Bastard! Who is the team of this cute guy who can't even lock the target? Deduct your DKP!"

(end of this chapter)

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