Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1428 61. Why Do You Say You Are Fine To Provoke Him?

Chapter 1428 61. Why do you say you are fine to provoke him?

The completion of the reconstruction of Nazmir means that the Virgin of Purity can finally leave the land where she has lived for countless years without any regrets.

It was she who conducted experiments on infected bodies here that turned Nazmir into a ghost on earth, and it was she who finally guided the origin energy to reshape this place, turning it back into a natural holy place suitable for life and reproduction.

From this point of view, this reclusive "biological scientist" is really a very complicated individual.

But one thing is for sure, she is definitely not a bad person in the traditional sense.

On the edge of the golden fortress of Valarjar, who was about to teleport away from Zandalar to the mainland of Northrend, the Virgin of Purity was standing there, looking down at the lush new Nazmir.

As well as those Zandalari troll vanguards who carefully stepped into it with awe and praise, and those royal loa who were alarmed.

The animal spirits cheered Nazmir's rebirth, and their joy was felt by the Mother, bringing a smile to the always calm Guardian of the Titans.

Sure enough, at any time, creation is more fulfilling than destruction.

Behind her, Bo Laike, returning from his visit to Lake Odir in New Nazmir, said goodbye to the Lord of War and the Great Warden, who had agreed to meet in Northrend.

Needless to say, the next goal of the two god-king brothers is to personally liberate Ulduar, the city of titans currently occupied and manipulated by the ancient god Yogg-Saron.

They want to wake up their guardian brothers from their long-term depravity. They want to gather the legion of the guardians. After they are ready for the final battle, they will follow Bu Laike to the demon land of the world of Argus.

They are going to save their Creator and God.

This was all planned, and there was nothing much to say. After agreeing some details with the two God Kings, Laike came to the side of the Pure Virgin who was bidding farewell to this land with a pipe in his mouth.

"As agreed, I will use my ship to send the equipment in Uldir to Northrend, and then find a suitable place to store it temporarily.

After the titan guardians regain control of Ulduar, I will send all these devices to that city as soon as possible, and then you can have your own laboratory in Ulduar again.

But please don't concoct a 'perfect infected body' like G'huun anymore, having such a guy is enough to cause headaches, if there is another one, everyone will have to send it. "

"Activate Humor Protocol: This joke isn't funny, Boo Laike."

The Virgin of Purity shook her head, and said in a low voice:

"I plan to terminate the research on the 'infected body' project.

The existence and evolution of G'huun proved that even if the programmed biological trait of "Supreme Parasite" can really purify the threat of the Old God, it cannot be used in actual combat at all.

In the absence of a higher-level force to supervise, we do not have the ability to deal with the threat it brings

Origin reshaping is not the answer to all problems.

After all, that furnace is limited to the number of format restarts that this planet can perform.

It can be said that the 'Ultimate Infected Body' project had already failed when the Pantheon died, and I should have destroyed the experimental body at that time instead of delaying it until now.

As a guardian, I almost destroyed this world with my own hands.

This feeling is really bad. "

"Look out, ma'am."

Bu Laike touched his luggage. Although the Virgin of Purity was well-informed, she would never have imagined that Lord G'huun, who had died completely, generously left his core strength as a "legacy" to Bu Laike.

This cannot be known to Our Lady of Purity.

Otherwise, this female titan with a strong sense of responsibility will definitely regard pirates as cured infected bodies.

In order to avoid the troubles that will be caused when I use this power in the future, the "personal reputation" of the Virgin of Purity must be raised.

So, Bu Laike hypocritically comforted:

"You're not the only Guardian who did something wrong.

In order to shape the Heroic Legion, Odin cruelly transformed his adopted daughter into Val'kyr. He ignored Hela's pain, and finally created the Queen of Hell himself.

It's even more extreme to plan to cuddle with you and hold Raiden high.

Seeing the truth by himself, he had a nervous breakdown, and he casually gave his heart to other people. As a result, he created a world where Mogu and Thor almost unified the wild world with violence.

But with Thor's brutal and direct style of acting, it's hard to say what he will do after unifying the world.

Not to mention the other guardians.

That group of trash was so shameful that they were seduced and corrupted by an ancient god they were in charge of guarding, and they are still hiding in Ulduar and ignoring the changes in the world.

Compared with these unreliable guys, you are already the most reliable guardian I have ever seen.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the titan guardians are few in number and don't practice a monarchy, I think I would plan a 'coup d'etat' right now to overthrow Raiden and Odin's rule over the guardians and push you to What about the Guardian Queen. "

"Activate the compliment protocol: Thank you, pirate, and while I know you're flattering me, it's nice to hear the compliments."

The Virgin of Purity chuckled lightly.

She pushed the huge titan helmet on her head, glanced at Laike, and then at the thunder-forged heroes around them who were preparing for the journey to the Hall of Valor with awe and excitement.

She whispered:

"Start the knowledge transfer agreement: I know that the descendants who were subordinate to you but belonged to Mimiron have the ability to copy some basic knowledge of the stars from my experimental equipment.

I also know why you must put that equipment on your ship.

I don't mind handing over these pantheon-given sacred lore to mortals, but Laike, I want you to keep the line. You can read and learn some knowledge that is dangerous for ordinary people.

But they cannot be propagated. "

"I understand! My dear Holy Mother."

The pirate's eyes lit up.

After obtaining the permission of this wise female guardian, he immediately took off the pipe from his mouth, raised his fingers as if to swear, and sincerely assured the Virgin of Purity:

"Every time I want to share these 'knowledge of the gods' with others, I will ask for your permission in advance. In fact, you don't have to worry about the random leakage of this valuable knowledge. The current technological development of Azeroth is still very advanced. original.

Let alone learning them, there is only one Mechagon in this world that can read them.

The gnomes and goblins may be able to do it in the future, but it will definitely be a long time later Well, look, the owner of this island has come to thank you in person, my lord. "

Laike pointed to the sky outside the Hall of Valor. Above the clouds, Pa'ku, the Zandalari royal loa "King of the Sky", was flapping his wings and approaching the golden fortress with a touch of awe.

And on the saddle behind Pa'ku, King Rastakhan, his daughter, and his prophet Zul, all dressed in the golden king's attire, were sitting there.

These three trolls have come on behalf of the Zandalari dynasty to express their gratitude to the Mother of Purity for what has happened in Nazmir.

The guardians of the titans did not deny these mortals access to their stronghold, and the spirits even allowed three Zandalari trolls to set foot on Valarjar's platform.

"Thank you, great guardian!"

King Rastakhan bowed to the Virgin in a respectful gesture, and he said aloud:

"You turned our lost dark homeland into a natural paradise for Zandalari civilization, allowing us to return to the place where we were born, allowing us to restart our journey on the land of our ancestors.

We will never forget this kindness, and we will regard your name as the name of the gods revered forever by the Golden Dynasty, just like we worship our loa.

It is you who generously ended our 16,000-year watch, and you who gave us real freedom. "

"Activating the Worship of Faith Protocol: It doesn't have to be, mortal."

Our Lady of Purity shook her head, she said:

"I just did what I should do. You have no reason to respect me so much. The suffering of your ancestors was also caused by my negligence. Fortunately, I finally made up for my mistakes.

But I will leave here forever, and truly return your hometown to you.

If you really want to thank me, then please protect this land that has suffered so much in the future. You may be able to hold on to the purity of this forest just like the mission of holding on to the oath. "

"We will do it! My lord."

King Rastakhan put his left hand on his chest very seriously, and swore:

"I swear before you in the name of the Golden Dynasty, as long as the Zandalari civilization exists, we will never allow any darkness and war to enter this pure hometown."

"Well, I believe in the Zandalar oath, so be it."

The Virgin of Purity nodded.

She ended the conversation with the crispness that a mechanical life should have, and turned to walk towards the inner hall of the Hall of Valor. After the Virgin left, Bo Laike looked around and approached the three trolls in front of him.

He pretended to give an audience ceremony to King Rastakhan, then rubbed his hands and said:

"My dear King of Gold, I think that your loyal Dark Prophet has informed you of my role as a pirate in this matter.

You know the agreement I made with him, and I'm not urging you to pay, but how should I put it, look at this heaven-sent place!

The Zandalari trolls have regained possession of it. You can establish your rule here and multiply. With this heaven-like land, the Zandalari civilization will rise in a short time.

The reconstruction of the troll empire is a certainty.

I have paid more than what was stipulated in the agreement. I think, for a big man like you, you should pay me a little more as a reward, right?

Who in this world doesn't know that the Golden Dynasty is the richest. "

The pirate waved his hands exaggeratedly and said:

"Your country, Curry, has accumulated 16,000 years of wealth, and can easily buy the entire eastern continent! As long as I take a share of it, I will be very satisfied."

"We will pay you enough to satisfy you, Lord Bo Laike."

King Rastakhan was not angry at Bu Laike's almost blackmailing statement. On the contrary, the king wearing a luxurious troll crown calmly said to the pirates:

"You're right, even for the sake of our lost and regained homeland, I should try my best to satisfy all your needs.

No matter how much I pay, I am the winner in this deal, and you outsiders cannot understand what Nazmir means to the Zandalari trolls.

But before paying the reward, I have to remind you, Mr. Bo Laike.

The Wharton matter is still unresolved. "

The troll lord exchanged glances with his dark prophet, and he said to Bo Laike:

"It's not just the Snakeman Empire of the Faithless, that so-called 'Empire' looks like a child's toy to the Zandalari trolls, and all we need to do to destroy it is a real war.

What I really want to talk to you about is the unification of Zandalar, dear Mr. Pirate. "

The King of Gold didn't make any more detours. He stroked the hilt of the corrugated royal sapphire long sword worn on his waist, and said directly to the pirates:

"I would like to ask, how much do I need to pay for your power to completely withdraw from Zandalar after the fall of the Faithless Empire, so as to truly unify my country?

Make an offer, Mr. Bo Laike. "

"Oh, you are too polite, Your Majesty."

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"How can I have any power in your country? My Uncrowned One has not even penetrated into your dynasty, and my fleet has never come to the South China Sea. The pirates in the entire South China Sea know this.

I believe this has represented my desire to live in peace with the Golden Dynasty. "

"Do you still need to send the Uncrowned?"

Princess Talanji behind the King of Gold couldn't help complaining:

"Who in Zandalar doesn't know that you and old Ghani can wear a pair of pants, and you even helped the god of scavengers complete the priesthood, which greatly enhanced its majesty in Zandalar.

Old Ghani's followers are all over the island, all over our country, and they are your eyes!

What's even more exaggerated is that there is strange and definite news circulating among the loa. You and old Bwonsamdi also have a very deep relationship that seems to be a friend. Old Bwonsamdi controls the souls of all trolls after death.

With them two helping you, the Golden Dynasty has no secrets in your eyes."

"Uh, what you said just doesn't make sense, Your Highness Princess!"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, looked at King Rastakhan, and said:

"How did you educate your daughter? Why is she so stupid? The number of scavengers in a kingdom should not depend on outsiders like me, but on the ruler sitting on the throne, right?

There are so many scavengers in Zandalar, and I have so many eyeliners, isn't it the problem of you kings and princesses? "

The pirate's words were like a sharp sword that instantly pierced the hearts of the King of Gold and His Highness the Princess, leaving them speechless and speechless.

Dark Prophet Zul, who had been watching the conversation, shook his head helplessly.

Why do you say you're fine to provoke him!

Can't you talk nicely?

If you insist on arguing with Bo Laike, who has three tongues, isn't that self-inflicted?

"Okay Boo Laike, we didn't come to fight."

Zul took over the conversation. He looked at the pirate and said seriously:

“We came here with the idea of ​​solving a problem.

Now that the shadow of G'huun has dissipated and the Golden Dynasty is free, we aspire to rebuild the troll empire, but the first thing is to complete the domination of the entire isle of Zandalar.

After the unbelievers' Snakeman's empire collapses, the Wodun Desert will also become the frontier of the Golden Dynasty. His Majesty has decided to include both the Vulpera and the Snakeman among the citizens of the dynasty.

Even a tortoise.

We can also give them citizenship if they want.

I know that the fox people already have their own queen, the snake people have their own prophet priests, they will be granted the right to enter the court council, and their tribe will also have their own in the god-given land of New Nazmir. territory.

But you must detach your influence from them!

We are well aware of the terrible things you can do within the realm, and we must put an end to this threat.

So make an offer, Laike, we don't want conflict with you, we hope we can buy peace from you with wealth! "

"Well, that's what you said yourself."

The pirate picked up his pipe, snorted, and said:

"Then don't blame me for being a lion. First of all, Zemland Port belongs to me! I want to establish a permanent neutral trading port there, which will be managed by Queen Eudora, and I will not interfere.

Secondly, I will take away all fox people and snake people who are unwilling to join the Zandalari dynasty, and each of their newborns will have the right to freely choose to join you or me.

Finally, the ten thousand year treasure house of the Golden Dynasty.

I want half! "

This request made Princess Talanji's eyes widen.

For the first time, she realized how arrogant the pirate in front of her was. She had never seen such an arrogant guy since she was born!

Actually opening your mouth is half the wealth of the national treasury, do you bastard know how much it is?

Exchanged for gold coins, you and every stinky pirate in your fleet can be smashed to death more than ten times!

Why do you want so much money?

Are you really planning to buy the entire Eastern Kingdom?

Her Royal Highness was about to retort angrily, but she saw her father and the prophet look at each other, and then, the king of gold, who looked normal, stretched out his hand to the pirate.

He didn't feel the anger of being slaughtered at all, and even said with a trace of joy:

"Very good, I think this price is very suitable, so let's make a deal!"

(end of this chapter)

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