Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 145 53. Demon Law 【15/15】

Chapter 145 53. Demon Law [1515]

Old Bwonsamdi was gone.

When he left, the fire of soul in the eyes of this god of death was beating extremely seriously, and he didn't see the usual hippie smile at all.

From an emotional level, it is not willing to believe what Bo Laike said.

But on an intellectual level, Bwonsamdi had already believed it by the time Bo Laike told the news.

Because the Sandu clan living in the great desert of the Kalimdor continent had indeed settled there 10,000 years ago, and the Sandu clan was different from other troll clans.

They are quite loyal to their faith.

At present, the Shanu clan believes in two loa, Jibul Eraka who is the tiger, and Ghazrilla, the snake god with many heads.

In order for aquatic loa like Ghazrella to survive in the desert, those lunatics even forcibly dug a huge pool in the deepest part of the desert.

This is completely different from those troll clans who change their orders day and night and randomly change their faith in loa.

And if the thousand-year-old city of Zul'Falakri, there really is a shrine to Mu'zala.

That problem is quite troublesome.

This may represent the re-establishment of Mueh'zala's faith among the Sandfury trolls.

Bwonsamdi doesn't believe Bo Laike's claim that there is only one Muehzara follower in that city.

It must seize the time and immediately send its most trusted priests to Kalimdor to check.

If things go wrong, the Sandu Clan.

You can't stay!

After watching the old Bwonsamdi leave, Bo Laike moved his shoulders back to the human body, and he glanced at the dilapidated Naglfar under his feet.

There was a look of love in the blue eyes.

"You'll be cured, right? Don't worry, I'll find enough souls to feed you."

The pirate reached out and patted the boat under his feet, and he comforted:

"Be patient, I'll deal with something important."

After finishing speaking, he jumped off the side of the ship several meters high and landed on the surface of the ice layer. He didn't even have time to look at the new list of talents and skills on the character card.

Now is not the time to talk about this.

Seeing Bu Laike walking quickly, all the orcs of the Black Tooth Grinning Clan gathered on the ice, including Garona, all looked at him with weird and dull eyes.

Just now, for the first time, they heard Bo Laike speak his real first and last name.

When the two black-handed brothers heard that name, they were all stupid!

Proudmoore, my God!

The Crown Prince of Kul Tiras became a pirate, and led a group of orcs across the Great Sea, overthrowing the legions of hell in the troll's territory.

The damned Holy Light of mankind is above!

This world is really crazy, this story, this truth, is really crazy.

"What? Have you never seen me? One by one, what are you doing looking at me like this?"

Bu Laike noticed the eyes of these guys, and he said in a strange tone:

"Will my true identity make you feel worried and offended?"

"No, no, Captain."

Even the orc warlock Xieyan, who has always claimed to be loyal to the captain, stutters when he speaks.

The dog-legged warlock touched the scar on his eye, and he grinned with blue-faced fangs, but it was full of a blank smile.


"It's mainly because it was too sudden. Everyone is a little... how should I put it, it's hard to accept."


Bo Laike grinned.

In the next moment, he took off the face covering that he had been wearing all the time, took off his hood, and shook his long hair.

The wound on his face has been completely healed after receiving Akunda's blessing of regeneration during this journey.

So for the first time, in the world of Azeroth, in an unobstructed manner, he showed his rather handsome face, which was entwined with an indelible eerie and evil temperament, before the sun. Down.

And that messy golden long hair.

In the utter silence, Bo Laike turned around, with a smug smile on his face, and tossed up and down the ball of mojo that was still emitting interlaced light.

He was full of malice, and said to Garona and Brother Black Hand:

"It scares you, doesn't it?"

"Come on, let's get to know each other again, my real name is Brad Laike Shaw, I kid you not. But I also have another name, Derek Proudmoore.

The crown prince of Kul Tiras is in the past. When you orcs drove the red dragon to destroy my fleet, I waved goodbye to the past.

The fire of the red dragon sealed my fate, and the curse of Hela forced me to embark on this path.

At that time, I couldn't turn back. "

Bu Laike shrugged, and he said to his subordinates:

"Now, I can turn back.

But after looking back on my experience during this period, I suddenly realized that I actually don't hate this kind of life. Maybe in this bone with the blood of the Proudmoore family flowing, what I long for is not to be an admiral of the navy.

The Proudmoore family has produced too many naval heroes.

I think it's time for a famous pirate to spice up the family legend.


Why go back? "

The pirate explained in this way, then smiled at Garona who had recovered to a living state, and said in a low voice:

"I promise you, I'll talk about it later, ma'am, I have to check on Merry first."

"Well, you go."

Garona glanced at Laike's face, she pulled the hood up and said:

"I'm in no hurry, I've always been patient, Captain Boo Laike."

The title stunned Laike for a moment.

Then he sighed and said very dramatically:

"Hey, we fought side by side, I thought we were friends, but you don't want to call me 'captain'."

"whispering sound."

Garona curled her lips, and she said with a smile:

"I served Gul'dan before, and I also served two tribal chiefs. If you count the assassination of Medivh, I also served Anduin Lothar.

They are all my former employers.

You want me to be your subordinate, Bo Laike. Shaw, you must have at least a crown on your head, right? It's expensive to hire me, my friend.

Now you can't come up with enough 'money'.

After you become a real big shot in the future, I will consider your invitation. "

"It's done."

Bu Laike laughed, and turned to Brother Black Hand and Xieyan, as well as the honorable Akundazalak who came running over with his waist bowed, and the Vulpera Quartermaster Yudora, these confidantes shouted:

"Go to Treasure Island and collect gold coins! I only want the best and most precious ones with the best uniform patterns. Collect at least 600 coins, put them in a box, and bring them to me!

Then let others, ship the island's treasures!

I allow everyone to take the largest amount of treasure that can be moved with both hands as personal income, but once the treasure is in the warehouse, if you dare to steal it, you will cut off your hands! "

"Yes! Captain!"

Eudora, who is the smallest but her eyes are already shining, was the first to respond. The little vulture took another look at the Nagfar, scratched her head, and said to Bu Laike:

"But captain, with so much treasure, even if we fill that ghost ship full, we won't be able to transport even a tenth of it. We still need ships, the more the better!

Also needed a place to hide the treasure.

We need a treasure trove!

There are so many treasures, and now there is no curse, it's too unsafe to put them here. "

"So, find a way to spend them."

Bu Laike rubbed his chin, and finally set his eyes on the noble Akunda, Zalak, the Northland troll. After thinking for a while, he said to Zalak:

"You, you used to hang out in the Zandalar Empire, do you know the caravan that can buy ships?"

"Yes! Captain."

The Northland troll rubbed his hands excitedly, and he said to Bo Laike:

"I know a lot of tortoises in Zuldazar, those tortoise people who walk slowly and generally speak very aggressively, they are a group of people who live a long time and are very good at doing business.

They often come from far away to make pilgrimages to the holy loa god Torga, so they have a lot of connections in Zuldazar. Through them, we can even buy decommissioned warships from the golden fleet of the Zandalari Empire.

But the price."

Before Zalak finished speaking, Bu Laike stepped forward, put his arm around the shoulder of the noble Akunda, and pointed to Treasure Island.

He said:

"Look at the pile of things, Zarak, and answer me again, do you think we are short of money now? Go buy it! Buy a ship with combat effectiveness, don't buy too many leftovers, buy the biggest one.

As for the treasure house, let me think about it again. There are a lot of islands in the South China Sea, but they are safe. I don’t want to think about it now. I still have important things to do.

Let's split up.

Zarak and Eudora went to contact the Tortoise merchant to buy a ship, and after that, they met at the port of the Tortoise in the northeast of the Wharton Desert.

Everyone else, go back to Port Zemran first! "

Bu Laike pointed to the coastline where the sea fog had dissipated, and said to the others:

"Let's go out tonight and recruit some more sailors. With such a small number of people, we can't even sail the boat."

After assigning the task, the pirate captain nodded to Garona, and strode towards Treasure Island. In the middle of the island full of wealth, there was a purple magic barrier standing.

Meili Dongfeng sealed himself inside, layer after layer of cold air, as if not allowing others to approach, but it was not for the purpose of monopolizing the treasure.

It was the old mage's own body that had a problem.

"Master, are you okay?"

Facing the bone-chilling wind, Bu Laike walked a few steps forward in the sea of ​​gold coins. He yelled towards the magic barrier in front of him, but there was no response.

Several seconds later, Meili Dongfeng rang out with a hoarse voice of pain.

"Don't come! It's pounding my mind. It senses the weakness I'm suppressing it, and it wants to escape! No, it doesn't just want to escape.

It wants it to occupy me.

do not come! Danger! "

"That's why I'm here, Master."

Hearing that the old mage was still sane, Bu Laike breathed a sigh of relief, and he yelled towards the magic barrier:

"I can help you! Believe me, master, I have created many small miracles along the way, and this one is not bad. Let go of the barrier and let me in!

I can help you. "

"How can you help?"

Meili's voice will become a little weird, like a double voice, in addition to his own decayed and hoarse tone, there seems to be a hint of sarcasm and provocation.

"I'll have a talk with it."

The pirate also put on a calm tone, and knocked on the violet magic barrier like knocking on the door. He said:

"I'm going to talk to you, calmly, and I know you're going to talk to me, because if you don't want to, I'm going to say something that will scare you in the pants.

Nathrezim, the dreadlord Kathanatyr! "

This weird name was pronounced by Bu Laike in an unfamiliar demonic language.

The real name surfaced for a moment, and the old sorcerer who was sneering in the barrier suddenly felt like a chicken being strangled by the neck, but the thing reacted quickly.

It howled at Bo Laike in the double voice of the old mage Merry:

"I am the vanguard of destruction of the legion! I am the shadow visitor from the stars! I have come with the evil intentions of the gods, and I have nothing to say to you mortals who are doomed to decay!

Get out!

This body! the soul! its mine! "

"thal' kituun! Kathra' Natir!"

Bu Laike uttered a sentence in Nathrezim, and responded:

"I was going to talk to you about your master."

This sentence attracted the sarcasm and ridicule of the dreaded demon king:

"Your efforts are lovely, weak mortal. Give up, I will not reveal anything about Lord Sargeras."

"No, not this one!"

Before it finished speaking, it was interrupted by Bu Laike.

In the cold wind, the pirate whispered:

"What I want to tell you is the King of the Reapers, the Patriarch of Blood, the Builder and Controller of Revendreth, the Slayer, the Holder of Thousands of Sins, Nathrezim and Winsey Er's father, one of the six pillars of the shadow world!

What I want to talk to you is your true master.

I am about to speak the name of the Eternal One who is supreme here, and you must talk to me about this Great Emperor."

"Shut up! Come in! Keep your voice down! I don't know the so-called bastard, do you want to kill us?"

Just when Bu Laike was about to say that name, a crack burst open in the magical barrier in front of him, and a huge demon claw entwined with fel energy and icy cold protruded from it.

Clutching Bo Laike's shoulder, with a whoosh, the whole pirate was caught inside.


The crack, in the next moment, suddenly closed.


Observers, don't be too busy, there will be an update from the leader in a while.

(end of this chapter)

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