Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1433 66. I Want It All!

Chapter 1433 66. I Want It All!

"Enough! Enough, don't come again, I admit defeat."

In the ancient snake's lair, the exhausted Bu Laike put on a gesture of surrender, and shouted to Xal'atath, who was licking his lips and approaching him:

"You don't need to swear your sovereignty over me in this way, my dark little girlfriend, you are trying to kill me."

"It's only thirteen times, isn't it enough?"

Xalatas snorted, and swam Medusa's snake body silently, and then circled around the pirate as quickly as lightning. Arms wrapped around the pirate's sturdy body.

She licked the pirate's earlobe with her snake-like forked tongue, and said softly:

"It should be okay, right? Don't you and Sefiel have a good time every time?"

"You don't have time magic to help me recover!"

Bu Laike panted, poured a bottle of wine into his mouth, and complained:

"How can you be like this! My waist hurts so much, that's enough! Once or twice can be said to be the love of a new marriage, four times and five times can be said to be long-lost tenderness, eight times and nine times can be said to be love." Punishment for my indiscretion.


I want to ask, are you planning to end my beautiful life here? "

"It's not my fault"

Xal'atath sighed, and she complained softly:

"You are a hunter. You should know the habits of snake creatures when they mate. This is really out of my control, little master. When I think of me and you alone here, I feel hot all over.

Ah, I can't take it anymore, I still need your devotion, my fiery human servant"


The pirate punched Xalatas on the head, with a mental shock to make this obscene god of rebirth sober, he said:

"More than five hours have passed, and your servants are still waiting for you to summon them, sober up, you bastard. We haven't talked about business yet."

"Then tell me!"

Xal'atath shook his head, moving his body away from Laike.

She was really not joking just now, the only problem with having this pure body with great potential is that she cannot resist the nature of snakes.

In her eyes, Bo Laike is like a walking hormone, constantly provoking her heartstrings.

"Wait, let me see you first."

The pirate put on his clothes and turned to look at Xalatas in the darkness. The latter thought that Laike was playing for fun, so he moved his slender body in the darkness and put on an extremely seductive gesture.

But no.

Bu Laike really wanted to take a look at her, so he threw a scout at her, and soon, Xalatath's character entry at this time was projected on the character card in front of the pirate:

Name: Ancient Venerable/Reborn/Mysterious Mistress/Legacy of the Void Xal'atath

Race: Snakeman/Essence of the Void/Light-dark Sensitive Parasite

Status: Shape of God Medusa

Occupation: Level 60 Ethereal Warlock Elite/Level 60 Serpent Priest Elite/Level 60 Shadow Invoker Elite

Legendary Occupation: Level 12 Void Lord Leader/Level 12 God-Blesser Leader/Level 12 Swarm Lord Leader

Mythic Occupation: Level 2 Old God/Level 1 Loa

Carry Artifact: Dark Heart Reborn

Artifact effects: Blessing of the Void · Might of Y'Shaarj · Mantid Lord · Serpent Queen · Rebirth

Servant: Servant of Bo Laike Shaw


Xal'atath, with the help of her magical master, performed an impossible miracle, and the remnant of the one-time Old God was reborn in a full and more potent form.

Not only did she regain her authority in the void system, but she also gained the power of the life domain by accident, which may be the gift called "love".

As we all know, hot love that never cools down always works miracles.

"Well, you got back the power of the ancient gods, but it doesn't seem to have returned to its full glory, because you were hatched from the egg of Setaris, and you also inherited the loa power of the mysterious mistress, but it hasn't reached its full glory either.

This means that you still have a lot of potential to tap, but it's also very good right now. "

Bu Laike looked at Xalatas in front of him with a look of pride mixed with appreciation and emotion. He rubbed his chin and said:

"With your current strength, you are also strong among the demigods. If you fight with all your strength in the posture of the ancient venerable, killing one or two wilderness demigods will not be a problem at all.

How are you feeling now?

Please don't tell me you're hot or anything, we're talking about business. "

"whispering sound"

The snake beauty in the darkness snorted disdainfully. While she took the robe thrown by Bu Laike and put it on her naked body, she moved her body to change her shape again, allowing herself to change from the half-human, half-snake Medu. Sha's form turns into a real human form.

With a face very similar to Azshara, but the eyes obviously imitate Maiev, the lips are very similar to Sefiel, the ears are very similar to Fenner, and has a "stitching monster" posture with "gradient color" long hair like a small star Appear.

She moved her shoulders, swayed the waist of the water snake in the true sense, leaned over, and said to Bo Laike:

"The physical condition is great. There is no discomfort. This is a flesh and blood body that I personally designed and shaped for myself. The body that really belongs to me naturally makes people satisfied in all aspects.

But the mental level is somewhat uncomfortable. "

Xal'atath pointed to the sky and said to Bu Laike:

"The authentic mysterious mistress Setaris has been trying to talk to me, and she should also feel that the egg she left in the material world has been hatched.

But the curtain of life and death is very stable, even she, a demigod in Chilanxianye, cannot fully convey her will to me.

I think she's scolding me."

The dark essence said unhappily:

"She must be scolding me! After all, I robbed her of the body she prepared for me. If I were her, I would probably be mad now, hehehe, I like doing this kind of thing.

Doing bad things does make me happy. "

"We promised that the snake people will help their gods, and you do owe them a favor. Let me do the contact with the mysterious mistress. You have to be prepared to repay the favor, I have already arranged it."

Bo Laike reached out and stroked Xal'atath's jade-smooth skin.

This is not doing something dirty, but the pirates need to use this kind of contact to judge whether there are any hidden defects in Xalatath's body.

But he obviously forgot the "warning" that Xalatas gave him just now.

The moment he touched the snake beauty's body, it was as if he had ignited a powder keg ready to go. The eyes of Xalatas who had just calmed down suddenly became watery, and her skin began to heat up. .

The pirates secretly screamed that something was wrong.

He was about to turn around and run away, but in the shadows around him, a red and black snake tail flew out like a whip, and precisely entangled the pirate's body.

Boo Laike's helpless scream dragged him back into the dancing darkness behind him.

Bo Laike's hands were clasped to the ground, gouging out gullies and sparks.

But this still can't prevent him from being eaten as a "sacrifice" by a demigod snake in heat, but Xalatas also has something to say, the nature of snakes is like this, and it really doesn't blame her

Well, really.

She definitely didn't lie, it was all instinct, hahahahaha.

The pirate's screams lasted for nearly 30 minutes before they subsided completely. Just listening to his voice, one could tell that the process was definitely not as affectionate as he used to be.

The main reason is that she was suppressed by the snake beauty throughout the whole process, and there was really no sense of participation at all.

Bu Laike feels like a top duck called in, which makes people feel unloved.

"Well, it's probably a little satisfying."

In the aftertaste, Xalatas contentedly let go of the stinky pirate who was tightly entangled by his own snake tail, causing the latter to fall to the ground in a distressed posture.

But soon he was gently picked up by the snake beauty, and held in her arms, his hair and forehead were gently stroked. After a few minutes of rest, the pirate finally came back to his senses.

His dazed eyes came into focus, looked at Xalatath, and said:

"Don't get close to me anymore. Seriously, if you touch me again, I will call Maiev to come and protect me, and I will teach you a lesson."

"Maeve? Hehe, how much does she weigh?"

Xalatas said confidently:

"I gave her one hand, can she beat me? Of course, you can't use the cheating posture of Moon Night God of War. By the way, you just told me that you have arranged for me to repay the favor to the mysterious mistress?

How should I pay it back? "

The snake beauty shook her body, and the two big balls were dangling in front of the pirates, which made Bo Laike feel dizzy. He closed his eyes and said:

"How else can I return it? If you take someone else's body, you have to give him back a body."

"This is easy!"

Xalatas was a little bit reluctant, but still waved his hands and said:

"Isn't it okay if I give her my favorite Rukhmar long dress? It's a genuine demigod born in the world of Dellano, much better than her loa body."


Bu Laike explained:

"She has the same problem as you. The body that belongs to others can only be used for improvisation, and it does not really belong to her. Moreover, she does not have the ability to shape flesh and blood with the power of the void. You gave her the remains of Rukhmar, and she It doesn't work either.

What I mean by repayment is to let you expend some energy to lay an egg after getting familiar with this snake body. If you take an egg, you can give her another egg.

Anyway, with the divinity left by the mysterious mistress as a beacon, she must have a very high degree of compatibility with the eggs you laid.

When the curtain of life and death is broken, I will find a way to summon her back from the Blazing Blue Fairy, and she can be resurrected smoothly, and everyone will be satisfied. "

"No! I'm not satisfied!"

Xal'atath screamed:

"That's my egg! Why should I give it to her, and why do I still have to lay eggs? It hurts me to death when I used Onyxia's body to lay eggs.

If the egg wants to hatch, it must be a fertilized egg, which means that it is the crystallization of love between you and me, little master! Those are our future heirs!

Why give it to her!

I don't want to have another 'adopted daughter' for no reason. "

"Uh, should I remind you?"

Bu Laike said faintly:

"The egg you are using for resurrection now comes from Setaris, that is to say, in terms of blood, she is also your 'mother'. You say this is treason, do you understand?"

"Then if she is resurrected with my egg, then she is also my daughter. What is this? Conjugate mother and daughter?"

Xalatas complained angrily.

But she is actually playing with a small temper. For her who was born in the void camp, she doesn't care about these stupid ethical issues.

After spending ten minutes in the dark with Bu Laike, Xalatas asked while putting on his clothes:

"Then, little master, my experiment has been successfully completed. Based on your previous thoughts, it's time to solve your future career plan.

Is it walking the path of the void? Or bow down under the skirt of the moon god?

Have you made your choice? "

"It's hard."

The pirate sat melancholy on the rock, smoking his pipe, and said in a low voice:

"I tried to make a choice, but then I found that facing these two promotion paths, I really can't make a choice, it's like asking me to make a choice between you and Maiev.

I didn't want to give up any of them, so I was thinking, can I have them all? "


Xalatas immediately dispelled the dream of the stinky pirate, she said seriously:

"In the stage of lower power, you can choose different powers to strengthen yourself at will, but if you want to enter the upper power, you are not allowed to be so greedy when you are close to the level of the six original forces.

No matter how powerful your vitality is, you can only take one of the paths to the end, and the other strengths can be reserved as auxiliary, but your future has only one direction, and you must choose one to move towards true greatness.

This is the rule of the stars! "

"Yeah, I know that, but I just want it all, who made me such a greedy person?"

Bu Laike chuckled.

He stretched out his hand, took the snake beauty into his arms, and let the other party's snake tail wrap around his waist. After a few seconds, he said in Xalatas' ear:

"When I found myself unable to choose a definite future, I suddenly realized that I was on the edge of a corner, that there was really only one path I could choose.

But if it's two of me.

When you used to be an undercover agent next to Lady Sinestra, the mother of the black dragon, did you know that there is a mysterious spell in the blood of the royal family of the black dragon?

It is said that it can divide a soul into two halves without destroying the integrity. It is not just a simple soul cutting, but it can turn a living body into two while retaining the soul connection. "

"I've heard of it, but that magic is just a gimmick!"

Xal'atath frowned and said:

"It is said that the magic was created by Deathwing based on his experience of falling into madness, and it is essentially a variant of void magic.

But that magic is flawed, it just splits a life form into two different individuals on the outside of the life form, but they are actually still the same person.

It cannot achieve the division of existence, so it is impossible for the little master to use this magic to achieve the coexistence of the two forces! It's not as magical as you might think. "

"I know it's not that magical, but I thought we could give it a go."

In the dark, Braike took out an anima container from his luggage and opened it in front of Xalatath's eyes. He looked at the glowing red anima ball and kissed his docile and evil snake beauty by the ear. .


"I have this in my hand, and with the help of G'huun's miraculous parasite, maybe I can find a way to 'get a bug' in the promotion of the power rule.

Although there is a failure rate, I think we should be bold and hopeful.

If we win, it's a win!

Why not do this lucrative business? "

(end of this chapter)

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