Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 147 55. Young People's First Good Ship (Part 1)--Add More For The Crow_13 Brothers【2/5】

Chapter 147 55. The young man's first good ship (Part 1)——add more for the crow_13 brothers【25】


Hearing Bu Laike's sarcasm, the dreadlord in the magic barrier suddenly turned his head, and saw that when its suppressing power relaxed a little, the demilich Merry Dongfeng, whose soul was disturbed by it, had gained a little respite.

But the legendary mage did not choose to resist.

His current state is not enough to re-seal or expel Cassanatil, so he uses this fleeting respite to release a large amount of magic power and gather it at one point.

Using this magical power that acts on the body, he "pushed" his soul out of the decaying body.


Amidst the low noise, the dread demon Wang Li immediately understood the old mage's plan. It flapped its wings and scattered into little bats flying all over the sky to escape from this place.

Because the pirate in front of him had already taken something out of his magic suitcase.

Soul Lamp!

The soul-inducing lamp left by Hablon needs to be driven by the power of death, and on the left hand of Bu Laike holding the soul-inducing lamp, the group of death demons from Bwonsamdi is shining brightly.

"come over!"

At the moment when the magic barrier collapsed, Bu Laike lifted the soul-inducing lamp in his hand, injected the death power intertwined with scarlet and faint blue into it, and shouted to his eyes.

The soul of Meili Dongfeng plunged into Bu Laike's soul lamp without any hesitation, as if committing suicide.

"no no!!!"

The roar of the fearful demon king resounded on Treasure Island. It turned into a small bat and fled. It was pulled by the red and blue power extending from the soul-inducing lamp, and was forced to re-emerge as a demon body.

It is constantly struggling to get rid of the entanglement of the old mage's soul in the increasingly thick entanglement of the death power.

But these two souls have been together for far too long.

They are entangled together, and there are already some signs of not distinguishing each other.

While Meili Dongfeng was being housed by the Soul Lamp, with the help of the soul connection between the old mage and the Dread Demon King, the divine power of death was extended like a chain.

Under Bu Laike's control, he pulled the Dreadlord back into the shining lantern bit by bit.

A few seconds later, amidst Kassanatil's roar, the scarlet and blue death divine power finally closed, completely trapping it to death.

The weight of the soul-inducing lamp also suddenly sank.

There was an arc on the surface, obviously the Dread Demon King was struggling in it.

"Don't try it, this thing is specially made by Hela to restrain the soul."

The pirate lifted the heavy lamp, knocked it in front of his eyes, and said:

"Because of the single function, the effect is very good, and my friend is still there, you can't escape. But don't be so desperate, I will not do useless work to find a way to kill you.

With shelter from the Shadowlands, you dreadlords are virtually unkillable in the physical world.

I'll have a good talk with you when I'm free.

You may not know it, but I have admired your master Denathrius the Great for a long time. I urgently and sincerely hope that you can be the messenger between me and the Great Emperor.

Established the first communication and connection between me and the eternal one. "

The pirate tied the soul lamp left by Hablon around his waist. He walked up to the corpse of the old mage lying on the ground, squatted down, and looked at the soulless body.

Meili Dongfeng is obviously a very nostalgic person.

The body he is using now is still the same one he had three thousand years ago. The vitality and vigor must have long since disappeared, but the fact that this body can maintain immortality for three thousand years proves that it is not extraordinary.

The old mage must have done something special to it, it was definitely not just a corpse.

"As for you, Merry, my friend."

Bo Laike lifted the body of the old mage, carried it on his shoulders, and strode towards the Naglfar, saying:

"I'm not good at cutting souls.

So I will find a chance to return this lamp and your body to Ms. Aegwynn. I think that a guardian like her who has lived for more than 800 years must have a way to save you.

So, for the time being, let's chat with Brother Casanatiel for a while in this lamp. "

"What's the matter, Merry?"

When returning to the deck of the Naglfar, Garona saw Meri Winterwind carried back by Bu Laike, and she hurried forward to take down the old mage's body.

Bu Laike also handed Garona the Soul Lamp at his waist.

He said in a relaxed tone:

"Merry will not be in danger for the time being, but you must protect his body from being stolen. When we return to the Eastern Continent and meet Ms. Aegwynn, he will probably recover.

I need a break now.

Ladies, don't let my stupid minions bother me, it's been a long day and I need a good night's sleep.

There is still a lot to do after that.

You'd better take a break too. "

After speaking, he stood up, yawned, and walked towards the poop of the Nagfar, where he wanted to choose a captain's cabin for him.

A few minutes later, with the sound of closing the door, the pirate finally found a barely clean cabin on the dilapidated ship.

"These mist pirates are rubbish. They made their ships look like garbage piles full of shit."

Bu Laike complained fiercely, and pulled away a damp chair that smelled of rotten wood, and sat on it, holding the figurehead of the Naglfar in his hand, and closed his eyes.

With this thing, he can perceive the "soul" of the ship.

When Bo Laike closed his eyes, he immediately felt a dark and cold consciousness scrutinizing him. That consciousness is huge, it exists on the entire hull of the Naglfar.

In other words, this keel ghost ship is its body.

"I really don't know how Hela created you, but Hablon did take good care of you."

In the darkness, Bu Laike said softly:

"You should know that Hablon is dead, on your hull, I killed him with my own hands, but you also heard Hablon's last order, he gave me the figurehead.

Entrusted you to me too.

So, don't be malicious, okay? We will cooperate for a long time in the future, and I really hope to become friends with you. can you speak "

the pirate asked.

There was no response for a long time, but that cold consciousness was still looking at him, like a little beast that lost its father, hiding in its lair, looking at the murderer who killed its "father".

"Hablon said you were scared."

Bu Laike put the shadow on his body, and with the blessing of the power of the shadow, he extended his perception outward. He said in a gentle tone:

"Come on, don't be afraid, let me touch you."

He reached out in the shadows, trying to touch the formless consciousness in front of him, but it disappeared before Bu Laike's eyes, and it hid.

There must be a human pirate secretly watching somewhere.

"Hey, it's like an autistic child. I have a feeling that this ship will definitely give me some headaches in the future."

The pirate opened his eyes helplessly, and looked down at the figurehead in his hand. The Nagfar's consciousness didn't respond to him, but it didn't mean he couldn't control the ship.

In fact, this ship is grouped into a very special column in the magical figure of Bu Laike.

This is what the pirates just discovered.

He stretched out his hand and touched the wet cabin of the Nagfar. On the translucent character card in front of his eyes, there was actually a second page besides the original information column on the first page.

It seems that after killing Hablon and maxing out the pirate class, more content was opened up.

"Is this a system update? Or is it because Hablon's race is special, he is the Titan Guardian after all, maybe because he was absorbed, the character card unlocked more content?"

Bu Laike curled his lips, he flipped the character card to the second column with his consciousness, and said in a low voice:

"Don't let me know who put the damn thing in my soul, or I'll have to cut his dick off and stuff it into his dick.

I swear!

When I am strong enough, I must crush that bastard! "

Tucao belongs to Tucao.

Opening up more functions still makes people feel happy.

For example, now, the "new thing" that caught Laike's eyes, besides the character column, status column, talent column, and item column, there is a new mount column:

Name: Naglfar [Legendary Quality. Decay]

Status: Seriously damaged [Waiting for self-healing. Soul supply needed]

special effects:

1. Ghost Longship【Not activated】

The Naglfar is the legendary soul-inducing ship of the Vrykul.

It is the vehicle used by Hela, the queen of hell, to transport souls. Unlike the battleships seen by mortals, this ship has fallen to death with the first owner Hela.

Under the meticulous care of the previous owner Hablon, self-awareness was born during the long voyage of hundreds of thousands of years.

It does not need to be manipulated by the crew, it can set sail and dive deep, and travel the sea.

2. The Throat of Soul Eater【207/1500】

The Naglfar was washed by Hela with the power of death and shaped into an immortal ship.

No matter how serious the damage is, it can still heal the hull by devouring the soul.

Because it has been sailing in hell all year round, this ship also has the characteristics of other soul-inducing boats, and it can also confine evil souls in the hull.

Release it when necessary to help your master defeat all opponents.

Or use it as your own "grain reserve".

3. Shadow Flyer

The Nagfar is not a battleship.

Its construction blueprint comes from the dragon-headed longship used by Vrykul pirates, so it is extremely fast and can traverse complex terrain that large ships cannot pass through.

After becoming a ghost ship, any obstacles in the sea cannot slow down the speed of the Nagfar.

It can easily pass through all storms, tides, or trenches.

But because in the hell where everything decays, it is difficult to find the materials needed to repair the hull.

Therefore, during the hundreds of thousands of years of use of the Nagfar, its hull has been corroded by the power of hell all the year round, and it has been unable to withstand the pressure brought by the fast shuttle.

If the hull can be repaired, the Naglfar will definitely be the fastest ship on the Great Sea.

4. Keel casting [unfinished]

When Hela abandoned the mission of the guardian, her mind was also filled with darkness.

She tried to use one of the strongest substances in the material world of Azeroth, the bones of dragons, to "decorate" her beloved soul boat. But the dragons soon discovered Hela's evil tricks.

Those creatures are always on guard against the warriors of Hell stealing the bones of the dead dragon, so Hela's transformation of the Naglfar has not been completed.

As a result, the defense of the Nagfar's hull is not as strong as that of a real keel battleship.

This is the most regrettable thing that happened to the Nagfar.

5. Ferry across the Styx [inactive]

The Naglfar has been navigating Hella and Hablon, carrying souls countless times, and crossing the Gorgia River of Souls that flows between the material world and the veil of death.

It is very familiar with the direction and terrain of the River Styx, and can carry its master back and forth between the material world and the shadow world.

But only the dead can set foot on the place where the Mawry Abyss is located.

The Naglfar will protect its master.

Therefore, only when it truly obeys completely, will it carry its master on this journey destined to never return.

(end of this chapter)

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