Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1460 93. It's Like Catching Laike In A Urn, You Can Grab It With Your Hands!

Chapter 1460 93. It's like catching Laike in a urn, you can grab it with your hands!

Time passed quickly, and soon came three days later.

In the past three days, the sea surface of the entire frozen sea can be described as turbulent, and the calmness of the first two days proved to be a well-planned illusion in the early morning of the third day.

Under the eyes of the North Sea pirates, the commander-in-chief of the Union Navy, Marshal Barry Weswin, played a very cunning "dark secret".

He arranged elf illusionists on every ship under his command, and used long-term camouflage and concealment to completely cover up the traces of his fleet's swift movement on the sea.

It wasn't until Lordaeron's two fleets appeared on the waters of the Howling Bay at the same time that all the forces in Northrend knew that the Alliance military had completed its assembly and raid without alarming anyone. .

When they formed formation on the sea near Rogue Harbor in the southwest sea area of ​​​​Howling Fjord, even the scouting ships of North Sea pirates cruising nearby were scared and ran away.

Tens of thousands of pirates had already assembled, and the entire Rogue Harbor, which was about to "do something big", was also panicked by the sudden arrival of the alliance fleet.

Some small groups of pirates sensed that a catastrophe was approaching, and hurriedly sailed out to sea to try to escape, but they were easily destroyed by the precise bombardment of the Lordaeron fleet blocking the waters outside Rogue Harbor.

This is like a terrible signal, making the North Sea pirates even more panicked.

Speaking of which, this operation of the Alliance Navy is bold. They may have been inspired by the famous ghost ships on the endless sea. The operation also benefited from the simultaneous support of the Alliance Navy from Dalaran and Quel'Thalas.

If another force came here, it would not be able to afford such a large-scale "magic tactic".

In short, the alliance's decisive battle strategy succeeded.

After they sent scout griffins to repeatedly fly over Rogue Harbor and the surrounding islands, and confirmed that the main force of the North Sea pirates had not set sail in Rogue Harbor, even the old Marshal Barry Weswin, who was sitting on the flagship, couldn't help but clenched his fists fiercely. He thumped the command table.

Lordaeron's two fleets have set up an impenetrable sea blockade around Rogue Harbor, and there are elves' magic warships cruising on the periphery. Those spellcasters standing on the ships are doing their best to block the space in this sea area. Make the pirates unable to escape through teleportation and the like.

A net has been cast against North Sea pirates, trapped dead in their lairs.

Either go out of the lair and fight to the death with the Alliance Navy, or wait to be besieged for a long time until you run out of ammunition and food. After cutting off all the supply lines in Rogue Harbor, that barren island is completely unable to provide food, clothing and shelter for tens of thousands of pirates. .

Based on the old marshal's understanding of the character of the pirates, it may not take long, and the navy may not even need to take the initiative to attack. These guys who can only fight with the wind will start to fight among themselves.

As an old navy who worked hard with Dai Lin all the way, there is probably no naval commander in the eastern continent who is better at dealing with pirates than Barry Weswin.

He knew that what he had to do now was not to attack immediately.

Instead, take advantage of the chaotic nature of the pirates, and continue to expand the fear that has arisen in the hearts of the pirates with the oppression that is visible to the naked eye.

Use force and intimidation to suppress their confidence and desire to fight, and finally send envoys to divide the precarious unity and alliance between various pirate factions with words.

As long as one faction shows signs of rebellion, the rogue port in front of us will be destroyed by itself.

This is the most perfect strategy used by the Kul Tiras navy to deal with large groups of pirates after many years of war against pirates. Nearly a hundred years ago, Dai Lin's grandfather expelled the pirates who were entrenched in Torba Ladd's North Sea pirates.

This set of effective methods is also applicable in a hundred years.

"Tell all the warships to follow the plan! All second-class and above warships prepare for sidestring fire! After 30 minutes, we will conduct calibration shots in the waters near Rogue Harbor.

The dwarf mine-mine boats were dispatched immediately, and I demanded that the deep-water mines be spread all over the seabed in two hours! "

The old marshal stood on the stern of his flagship, and used the binoculars to look at the pirate island in front of the ice floes. He kept giving instructions to the several combat staff officers beside him, like a group of A predatory spider lying on its own web.

Adjusting the deployment with a posture of controlling the overall situation, he wants to drive the trapped pirates in front of him to a desperate situation bit by bit.

But the old marshal scanned the sea several times back and forth.

He saw the masts of the Queen Anne, the slender hull of the Might of Jotunheim, and the eerie hedgehog-like gunship-laden hull of the Sister of Mercy.

There are other pirate ships that have left their names on the frozen sea, but the legendary ghost ship Naglfar has not been seen.

If the flagship of the world-renowned great pirate Bu Laike Shaw is not here, does that mean that Bu Laike himself is also there?

The old marshal pursed his lips, then shook his head again.

A ghost ship can't control today's large-scale naval battle. Even if Dai Lin drives his Wang Quan into this sea area, he still can't break through the siege of the rogue port by the alliance fleet.

Naval battles have never been a stage for individual heroism, and even a brave general and king like Dai Lin have to admit this.

Well, old Marshal Barry felt that maybe he should teach that cunning little fellow of the Proudmoore family a good lesson on the sea in front of him?

After all, based on his personal friendship with Dailin, Laike, or Drake, had always called him "Uncle" for the first nineteen years of his life.


"What a cunning bastard! He's going to scare all the cowards on our side to death with their countless naval guns!"

On the observation deck at Rogue Harbor Wharf, the North Sea Pirate Queen, Anne Bonn, personally scanned the sea with a ghost telescope.

Seeing that the Lordaeron fleet began to form an artillery formation in the open sea to prepare for calibration and shooting, the luxuriously dressed pirate queen pouted with a bit of a toothache.

She complained to the "tattoo girl" Marci, who was wearing a large battle suit beside her, but cut off her sleeves to reveal her arms full of sea monster tattoos, and also had a chic red head covering her short hair:

"We shouldn't be worrying about the bastard navy under old Barry right now, I think we should be worrying more about the bastards behind us.

I'm sure there are at least ten plots of treachery being planned against us in the island's taverns right now.

And before goddamn old Barry makes a real attack with his navy cubs, we'll probably be set on fire and killed by those ready-to-go scumbags. "

"Don't worry, Captain."

As the first mate of the Pirate Queen, Marci the tattooed girl has grown and stabilized a lot over the past year. She will hold a bottle of rum and whisper to Anne while wiping her mouth:

"I've arranged everything.

Yinyue Harry and his wife led people to guard the town, and there was a group of people from the Gold Tooth Gang watching over the tavern. We all know who said what after getting drunk, and those guys with evil intentions will be taken away by Taili. Then people came to the door one by one.

Every ship in the port has the eyeliner of the uncrowned and warlocks, and if they dare to jump against us, we dare to send them to "swing".

It doesn’t matter if the supplies are cut off. The walrus people on Kamagu Island next to us have a very good relationship with us. Although the dried fish and seal milk they provide are so disgusting that even Vrykul can’t eat them, they can be used at critical moments. Give us a break for a while.

Moreover, Conrad and Matchleg Dan are all the loyal descendants of our North Sea pirates, and they will suppress the entire island at most to make a little trouble. As long as your charm is not diminished, Captain, let Matchleg Dan continue to bow down to your pirate skirt Come on, those navies don't want to rush in in a short time! "

"You're talking about the best-case scenario, Marcy, but we can't bet our lives on shit luck."

The Pirate Queen saw through the binoculars the alliance fleet shooting towards the waters of Rogue Harbor. The broadside salvos of dozens of ships were amazingly powerful. The distribution of a line fully proved the superior strength of Lordaeron's navy in the field of artillery.

Those jets of water rising into the sky and the sound of explosions came from far away, causing exclamations from the wharf of Rogue Harbor, which made Anne Bonn feel a headache.

The majestic, well-dressed pirate king of the North Sea rubbed his forehead, holding his pirate command knife decorated with fossilized sea beast eyes, and whispered to his first mate:

"Old Barry is a tough enemy to deal with. He has calculated that the archipelago terrain around Rogue Harbor will help us resist the full-scale attack of the navy, but it will also trap our ships here.

He's going to trap us in our base camp.

But the outcome of this battle is not the most important thing, my first mate.

You have to understand that in this moment, time is the most important thing.

Once we are besieged for more than half a month, we will completely lose the sea power rule that we have spent more than two years establishing in the North Sea.

Once the other races on this continent think that we have failed, even if we survive in the end, we can only swallow the bitter pill of losing the North Sea.

The old bastard on the opposite side is a master of war.

He understood that any battle itself serves a purpose.

If the alliance's rule over the North Sea can be completed without a war, he will definitely not risk the damage of the fleet to start a decisive battle with us. "

Having said that, Pirate King Anne Bonn shook her head, put her red captain's cap on her head, clenched her fists and said:

"The North Sea pirates can't lose. If we lose once, we will lose all the prestige we have worked so hard to accumulate before. As long as the alliance fleet wins once, their power will enter the frozen sea, and no one can drive them out.

Your Excellency Laike Shaw entrusted us to take care of the frozen sea. If this piece of North Sea is lost in our hands, what will happen to us? "

Anne's explanation made the "tattooed girl" Marci who was drinking frowned. The first mate threw the bottle in her hand, and then looked back at Anne, who she regarded as her mother, and said:

"Then since you know that our fleet might be blocked by the alliance navy if we assemble here, and you can understand the strategic thinking of the commander on the other side, then why do you have to gather a large army and make a plan to fight the alliance fleet?" What about posture?

I know that Kul Tiras' actions in the South Seas have cut off our ships' supplies, but the cursed pirates of Gaboa also have several shipyards on Kalimdor's east coast, and we can buy them from the old troll at a high price if necessary. buy a boat there.

The temporary severance of the South China Sea trade route will not put us in a desperate situation.

I thought this rally was a decoy. "

"It's really a bait, Marcy."

The North Sea Pirate Queen looked around and said to her first mate in a voice that only two people could hear:

"But it's not my idea, no matter how crazy I am, I can't bet the lives of all the North Sea pirates and our future.

I originally planned to leave Matchleg Dan and Conrad in the North Sea to attract Barry Weswin's attention, and then I would take a fleet around the Broken Isles and directly attack the coast of Lordaeron to see if I could find a chance Assault on the city of Lordaeron.

I'm going to come to a house-changing tactic.

But Lord Laike stopped my plan. He said that he had a better and easier goal, and that the gathering of North Sea pirates in Rogue Harbor was all at his beck and call.

I don't know how our assembled fleet will rush out of the rogue port with complicated sea conditions now that the alliance navy is blocking all sea routes.

But I choose to trust my leader. "

Captain Anne snorted, took out a lady's pipe from her pocket, and played it in her hand. She squinted her eyes and looked at the Alliance Fleet on the coast in front of her, saying:

"Just let them run rampant, as long as Lord Laike attacks, everything will be fine. Huh? What are you looking at?"

The Pirate King soon realized that he had said a lot, but his first mate seemed to be out of his mind. "Tattooed Girl" Marci was turning her head to look at the other side of the pier, and there seemed to be a faint Cheers rang out.

Under Annie's questioning, Marci raised her finger, pointed forward and shouted:

"Look! Captain, there... outside the pier, isn't that the Nagfar? How did it get past the alliance fleet's siege. Uh, I was stupid, it's a diving ship, and the sea blockade alone can stop it Can't live with it."

The wild female first officer moved nimbly like a monkey and climbed up to the height of the watchtower. She took off her red veil and waved it wildly towards the direction where the ghost ship was floating, shouting as she waved:

"As expected of His Excellency Laike Shaw's ship, it is truly a ship of freedom! There is no place in this world that it cannot go to. It is the same as its owner, and they can go wherever they want."

"Well, don't be so excited, little girl, don't climb so high and come down quickly."

Just as Marci was cheering, Braike's figure suddenly appeared beside Anne Bonn very strangely. The stinky pirate was leaning on the buzzing Sargeras scepter, and he pointed a pipe at the female pirate above his head. yelled.

Then looking back at the leader of the subordinate faction with a surprised face, Bo Laike exhaled a smoke ring, glanced at the pirate town inside Rogue Harbor, and whispered:

"The atmosphere here doesn't seem to be very good, it looks gloomy, and once it's not lively.

But we're going to have VIPs coming up soon, so I'll give you twenty minutes to clean up our town before those bloody filthy drunks embarrass me in front of my VIPs. "

"Yes, Captain!"

After the appearance of Bu Laike, the spirit of Anne, a mature female pirate, improved visibly to the naked eye.

She responded imposingly and was about to go to rectify the town, but before leaving, Captain Anne was a little worried and told Bu Laike about the unstable situation within the fleet.

She suggests:

"Captain, do you want to clean up a group of people before the operation? I mean, maybe hanging a group of scumbags who are greedy for life and fear of death on the dock can improve the morale of the brothers who are currently very bad."

"Need not."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said casually:

"You just need to pick out the leaders and their ships of the small group of pirates who are afraid and plan to rebel. Everyone is a brother, there is no need to kill them all. Since you can't be a fellow traveler, you can get together and leave.

In fact, I am about to introduce a new 'job' to these brothers who are not willing to follow me to conquer the sea. "

The smelly pirate grinned and said:

"The employer over there is in great need of experienced sea fighters, he said that the more the better, and that lord is generous and has already paid a large deposit in advance.

I still worry about where to find so many old sea dogs who are not afraid of death and don't want to live, but now it seems that there are many people here who meet the conditions.

Tsk tsk, Annie, Annie, I have to say, your North Sea Fleet can always bring surprises to people.

that what.

Clean up all the lamp poles on the pier, and find some rope by the way, the more the better, it will be needed later. "

(end of this chapter)

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