Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1462 95. Now I Want To Randomly Pick A Lucky Country To Launch A Big Looting! Guess Who Is T

Chapter 1462 95. Now I want to randomly pick a lucky country to launch a big looting! Guess who is that lucky?

The North Sea pirates in Rogue Haven were assembled in the evening.

It is a very hated thing to call for an emergency assembly just after dinner. After all, judging from the miraculous work and rest of the pirates, this would be a good time to go out to digest food, get drunk, and have fun.

Anyone who dared to interfere with the pirates' enjoyment was severely beaten.

whoever he is.

But in the face of this urgent call, not only did no one dare to complain in the entire Rogue Harbor, even the whimpering of dissatisfaction could not be heard.

When they heard the assembly bell on the pier, all the pirates dropped their work no matter what they were doing, and ran towards the pier at a speed of 100 meters with all their might.

Some guys didn't even have time to put on their pants, so they just ran over naked all the way covering their lower body.

Just looking at their gathering speed and the efficiency of lining up on the pier, those who didn't know thought it was the Kul Tiras North Sea Fleet training camp.

Every pirate gathered here, no matter how old they are in the line of business, will do their best to hold their chests up and make themselves look more serious and stronger.

At least not let others see it as a useless trash can.

Everyone kept their mouths tightly shut, for fear that their mouths would say something terrible at this terrible time

It's like the few hours after Bo Laike arrives in Rogue Harbor, these muddy bastard pirates are reborn.

It certainly wasn't because Bo Laike's "charisma" had swayed these hopelessly stinky pirates.

The reason why they have become so well-behaved is actually very simple.

Just in the past few hours, more than 1,300 people have used their lives to demonstrate to the pirates on the island that they behave badly and talk nonsense in front of Lord Braike Shaw. end.

Now, there is a noose hanging from every pillar in the docks of Rogue Harbor, and under each noose are at least three dead pirates, swinging and dancing in the wind.

Maybe Matchleg Dan and Conrad were too crazy to kill in the name of Bu Laike when they set off a "pirate belt cleanup" before the war, so that all the nooses on the entire island were used and it was not enough.

We can only temporarily change the original "single room" into this "multiple room".

The good news is that the jerks who are tied to the same noose with their tongues stretched out won't be jumping up and protesting the inhuman treatment.

The bad news is that this "multiplayer movement" with several guys tied together looks a bit chaotic, and it doesn't have the deterrent effect that hanging should have.

But that's not a big deal either.

Hanging is not deterrent enough, is it?

It doesn't matter!

On the largest platform of the pier, the corpses of more than 300 rebel pirates were being dumped there. The "tattooed girl" Marci who was in charge of piling up the corpses also carried out strict "garbage classification" according to the instructions of Lord Braike. ".

The corpses were stored in two piles.

Put the head on the left and the corpse on the right.

The location of this platform is just the only way to enter the pier, so that every pirate who comes from all over the island can see the original "pirate style".

This crazy massacre is enough to make the most die-hard old sea dogs frightened, and it is also enough to make the vrykul marauders who have just joined the group for a few months feel the courage and cruelty of the great pirate.

The scariest thing is not that Bu Laike kills people.

But everyone Boo Laike kills really deserves to die.

Some pirates with strange abilities or high spiritual vision could even see those weeping souls standing beside their dead bodies.

They keep talking about their sins to everyone they pass by.

This directly led to the windy wind on the way into the pier. Even under the setting sun, every pirate who passed by here felt a chill in his neck and body.

It was chilly, and combined with the chilling scene in front of them, some timid bastards were already trembling with frightened calves.

This situation is obviously not normal.

This is obviously due to the unpredictable and terrible power of the pirate seer.

This is killing people and punishing them.

Twenty minutes after the assembly bell rang, the last team of pirate guards on duty at the other end of Rogue Harbor also rode to the pier, and the entire pier was already packed.

The decks of every pirate ship outside the pier were also covered with summoned sailors. In terms of layer upon layer of poor design, so many people gathering together is quite deterrent.

There are more than 300 large and small ships on the current wharf and port, and the number of people is nearly 30,000. This is the sum of all the North Sea pirates who are living on the frozen sea.

Although belonging to different factions, this is indeed a genuine pirate army!


After the last group of people arrived, Bo Laike wasted no time. The drunken captain coughed a few times and walked up to the poop of the Nagfar docked at the pier.

Several members of the Council of the Pirate King of the North Sea followed closely behind the smelly pirate.

Queen Anne Bourne of the North Sea, Queen's lover Matchleg Dan and his good friend Conrad, two ghost pirate captains Grayson and Al Reiss who have been dead for almost a hundred years.

These great men, famous in the Frozen Sea, were as submissive as Bo Laike's servants were at this moment.

They followed the stinky pirates in a humble attitude, and told everyone the answer to the question "who is the real boss" step by step.


Bu Laike, who was standing firmly on the poop, snapped his fingers, and a very simple reflection magic was cast, projecting the upper body of the smelly pirate in mid-air as an illusion.

It's like a half-length titan.

This is so that all the pirates around the pier can clearly see and hear what Laike is going to say next.

In fact, although the North Sea pirates are just a subordinate faction of the undead pirates, not all pirates have seen their "big commander" with their own eyes. For some "just debuted" small pirates, this is the first time they have really seen To the legendary great pirate "Double-Faced Man" Lord.

Well, look at this handsome face with some villainy, look at this unrestrained long golden hair, and look at those blue eyes that are as gentle as a lover and as wide and inclusive as the sea.

It seems that the rumor that Lord Bu Laike is a rare handsome man in the world is not groundless. Although at first glance he is not as handsome as the legend says, but this appearance is indeed very capable.

Bu Laike's handsomeness makes some male pirates feel ashamed, and some female pirates' eyes shine.

Although the appearance of the general does not have any substantial impact on the combat effectiveness of a pirate gang, everyone is actually a vulgar appearance party. If the boss of your own family is too curious, it is not easy to go out and brag. Not loud.

"I feel that many of you are secretly saying that I am handsome, and many of you are secretly jealous of my appearance and talent. There is no need to hide it. I can feel your emotions, my colleagues in Beihai."

In the silence, Bu Laike spoke the first words.

This immediately caused a burst of laughter, which made the heavy atmosphere on the pier a little lighter.

But it also caused the faces of some ulterior motives to change drastically, and they hurriedly tried to stabilize their hearts, so as not to have some thoughts that should not have emerged at this terrible time, so as not to be perceived by His Excellency Laike.

But in reality, pirates are just bragging.

In the absence of Xalatas, the anima of the "seven-headed behemoth" inlaid on his helmet was not enough for him to perceive the psychological activities of these tens of thousands of people in an instant.

It's not that pirates can't do it.

But he didn't dare to do it.

If it's really done like this, his brain can't handle so much information, and it will definitely explode with a bang like a watermelon that has been hit hard, which would be embarrassing.

It won't die, but it hurts, bastard!

"That's right, smile more, I know that the alliance fleet outside the island has put a lot of pressure on you, and I also know that the 'small optimization' I just made on the island's personnel structure has made you nervous.

But it's not necessary, folks. "

Bu Laike spread his hands, and said to the pirates in the pier and harbor in a gentle tone:

"The damned person is already dead, and those who can come here alive mean that your sins are not enough to offend me. It means that you are not bad enough, and it is not enough to make me look at you differently.

This is certainly a good thing.

This means that your evil still has room to grow beyond redemption.

Of course, I taught you a truth today.

That is, don't try to jump left and right before the unknown dangerous moment arrives. This is a very dangerous behavior, especially for useless idiots who don't have enough brains.

I don't demand loyalty from everyone, but I can't stand the snake and mouse ends of incompetent people.

I think these colleagues who have died and are destined to go to hell are enough to teach you a little lesson. Originally, when this kind of dark wisdom is taught, there is a fee for the course, but for the sake of everyone being frightened, this It will be free for you this time.

Well, stop talking about these unhappy things.

Let's talk about something happy. "

Under the silent gaze of all the pirates, their commander-in-chief, Laike Xiao, pulled out a cool and mysterious staff from his bag, wrapped in purple-black streamer, and leaned on it with a bang. beside.

When this staff is touched on the deck of the Naglfar, its weird eyeball-like staff head will stir up space ripples visible to the naked eye.

Some spellcasters among the pirates couldn't help exclaiming at this moment, for example, Miss Caitlin Luinvivor, a sorcerer apprentice from Thanalas College who was hiding in the crowd and watched Lord Bu Laike's speech with shining eyes.

She stared dumbfounded at the black staff in the pirate's hand.

Even though she was just a low-level sorcerer and warlock apprentice and a trainee pirate, even her negligible spellcasting ability could clearly perceive the terrible corrosion and damage that staff had caused the surrounding space system.

That thing is like a walking spatial singularity.

Caitlin, who grew up in the family of the Archmage, had never seen or even heard of such an overbearing air relic.

"You don't need to know what I'm holding! You don't need to know how it works! You don't even need to know its name!"

Bu Laike's voice became lower and lower in the next moment.

He waved the Sargeras scepter in his hand, outlined a scalp-numbing black space crack in front of him, and shouted:

"You just need to know that the treasure in my hand can send you all and your wrecks off this damned island surrounded by alliance navy regiments in the blink of an eye.

I can send you to any place you want in this world according to my heart.

Yes, there is no need to doubt, poor people, I asked Captain Anne to gather you here, and I also set up this trap and used you as bait to lead the Alliance fleet here.

All these preparations are for this moment, and the bad old man Barry Weswin, who is proud of himself and feels that he has a sure chance of winning, will soon know that all his arrangements and conjectures are worthless in front of me.

Because I will not go to this war according to his ideas at all.

Hey, the old men who have been eliminated by the times are always like this. They are not willing to be the stepping stones and background boards of the young people. They always want to use their residual heat and always want to prove themselves.

They always ask me to be fair in these games, but they never understand that I'm not even playing the same game as them.

That stinky old man trying to get my shitty underlings out of the way reminds me of an old guy I hate so much.

Well, speaking of it, I still want to call Marshal Barry an Uncle. I still remember how he taught me to shoot foxes with a shotgun when I was a child.

Those hunting experiences will last me a lifetime."

"Captain, digressing."

Seeing that the drunken Bo Laike was talking more and more off topic, and began to complain about his elders to the pirates, Anne Bonn, who was standing behind Bo Laike, hastily reached out and poked the stinky pirate's waist, and whispered a reminder.

Only then did Bu Laike come back to his senses. He coughed, waved his staff again, and shouted:

"Anyway! You're in trouble today, hippie and useless North Sea pirates! The big bags you prepared in advance for the plunder must not be enough!

Because I want to take you to launch the most magnificent, largest and most exciting robbery in the past three hundred years!

I'm going to humiliate them in the face of the Alliance Navy!

I want them to see with their own eyes how easy it is for me to tease them, jump out of their encirclement, and make it impossible for them to return to their hometown in time.

Yes, bastards!

Your boss, the terrifying overlord of this endless sea, that is, I, Bu Laike Shaw, today I will lead you to do a great event that will definitely be recorded in the annals of history.

Now, I want to choose a lucky country to launch an epic pirate feast!

I have prepared everything for this, and I believe that after my "encouragement" at noon today, you must have also completed the psychological preparation before the action.

So now there is only one problem left."

The stinky pirate paused, then grinned coldly and maliciously, and shouted:

"So, which lucky country can usher in this wonderful thing? You say! It's up to you to judge!"

Bu Laike's shout made the whole quiet pier erupt in an instant. All the pirates looked at each other first, and then they shouted hoarsely for the perfect robbery target in their hearts.

Perhaps it was because they were angry with Lordaeron at sea recently, so most of the pirates were shouting slogans to let Terenas die.

And some ingenious folks have heard some weird rumors about Lord Braike, so they call out the country name of "Kul Tiras".

The remaining targets are more niche, ranging from Gilneas to the Kingdom of Stormwind.

The most peculiar thing is that several exiled Quel'dorei pirates actually called out Mount Hyjal, and then they were knocked down and dragged away by the Void Wardens hiding in the crowd.

I don't know where these guys who have never been to Kalimdor and the night elves have such a big hatred?

"Okay! I've heard your opinion. Now bring up the knife, get on board, get ready to fire, get ready to rob, you bastards!"

After nearly a minute of this fuss, Laike raised his hands and made a stop motion.

The entire pier quickly returned to silence. As the pirates drew their weapons and watched them expectantly while holding wine bottles, their commander held up the Scepter of Sargeras in his hand.

A large-scale group teleportation was launched with the evil staff as the center of the circle, and the waves of space shattered made the sky above the pirates' heads reflect black dense spider webs.

It was like an oversized balloon was blown open, and at the moment when it inflated to the maximum extent and enveloped all the pirates and ships in the entire pier and port, the pirates who were cheering to the point of going crazy heard the voice of "Great Commander" again.

"Our epic looting is about to begin, as you wish, let's go to Quel'Thalas and have fun! Well, you good-for-nothings are quite discerning, and you guessed the most important thing in my heart all at once. Hope it’s a good place to go shopping.”

The expressions of the pirates were full of question marks.

But then everyone relaxed.

Where is robbing not robbing?


And Quel'Thalas is even richer, as expected of Bo Laike Shaw, what a vision!



Pirates are coming!

(end of this chapter)

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