Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1472 105. Deceitful Denathius! You Pay Me Back My Hard-Earned Money!

Chapter 1472 105. Deceitful Denathius! You pay me back my hard-earned money!

The stinky pirate abandoned his supreme queen for a courier.

This is already a very, very outrageous thing, but the most outrageous thing is that Queen Azshara, who has always been very harsh to those around her, actually acquiesced in this kind of cheating.

Probably because after setting foot on land, Bu Laike's arrangements all the way were very wonderful, and there were no problems. This kind of excellent work efficiency obviously made Queen Azshara very satisfied.

In addition, the queen has already seen the great potential of Brad Laike Shaw, and the benefits that she can bring to herself by maintaining a friendly relationship with him.

So for this little offense, the queen can pretend she didn't see it.

This is the theory of "value" that Bo Laike explained to Thisalie Crow before.

People tolerate you only as much as you can bring value to others, and Stinky Pirate is valuable to everyone, and best of all, he knows it himself.

So he behaves freely in front of anyone, and has nothing to fear.

However, what exactly is the "delivery" that Bu Laike wants to pick up immediately at the risk of offending Azshara?

This inevitably made people a little curious. The queen in the carriage wanted to send her own spies to take a look to satisfy her curiosity as an emperor.

But she soon realized that perhaps Bo Laike's power was inferior to hers at the magical level, but when the battlefield shifted to the way of shadows and assassins, the court assassins under the Queen's command were also far weaker than Laike Shaw.

The strengths of both sides in their respective fields are as obvious as their weaknesses in their respective fields.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, the queen made a rational decision, she would never pry into Bu Laike's little secret in order to continue to strengthen the cooperation between the two parties which seems to have a bright future at present.

Of course, Queen Azshara is very clear that she is definitely not the only partner of Bu Laike Shaw.

This is a hidden danger that is not reassuring.

This means that in the cooperation between the two parties, Bu Laike has other choices, but Her Majesty can only choose to trust or give up Bu Laike.

It's really hard to really reassure Queen Azshara.

She knew that she had to find a way to make the relationship between the two parties go further, or simply, like N'Zoth pinned herself, to pinch Bo Laike's weaknesses and weaknesses at some point.

This is not something that can be done casually, the queen felt that she had to think long-term.

The royal carriage was running in the Forest of Eversong, but Queen Azshara, who was lying on the royal chariot, didn't realize that even though she came to punish the rebellion and declare the sovereignty of the empire, she hardly thought about it along the way. Any questions about Elisande.

Probably because Bo Laike repeatedly promised her that Elisande was dead.

This made Her Majesty the Queen firmly believe in this inevitable result.

From this point of view, Queen Azshara's current dependence on Bu Laike is far more than that required by the stinky pirates. No wonder Bu Laike, who is the most observant, dares to be so presumptuous in front of the Queen

On the other hand, Bo Laike didn't go too far after leaving the Queen's car.

Because the place where he wants to connect is not in the material world, to be precise, the "delivery brother" who is serving him does not come from the material plane, and they also have their own set of contact methods.

In short, according to the guidance in their minds, the pirates quickly passed through the forest and came to a hidden valley in a cage. The terrain here is good, but it is not suitable as a battle line.

Because it is almost unobstructed in the air, there is no secrecy at all.

After the pirate passed through a hidden cave and entered the valley, he immediately saw a group of Quel'dorei dragonhawk knights patrolling the valley, and on the ground there were several high elves dressed as spellcasters in the shade. talking.

This scene is like a team of elves resting.

However, the concealment of the appearance could not stop Bu Laike's "krypton gold dog eyes", and he easily noticed the faint abnormality from these elves.

Even though they look like elves, talk like elves, and move like elves, these guys are definitely not real Quel'dorei.

Bo Laike emerged from the shadows with a pipe in his mouth, and walked towards the elves.

After realizing the existence of the pirates, the elves who had been chatting vigorously just now stopped the conversation suddenly, turned their heads and stared silently at the approaching Bu Laike with a strange and piercing gaze.

The pirate grinned, stretched out his hand and waved at the fairies in front of him very sunnyly, just like shouting when old acquaintances meet.

he shouted:

"Hey, the vanguard of the Burning Legion in Quel'Thalas is meeting here? Is this discussing the capture of Silvermoon City? Or is it discussing how to use the Sunwell to create a demonic invasion?

Want me to give you an idea?

I'm not bragging, I still have some skills in this area. "

"Shut up."

A white-haired female elf scolded coldly:

"Why do you speak to us in demonic language? Do you want everyone to know about it? You bastard, if Master Mal'Ganis hadn't ordered it down personally, you really thought we would come here to talk to you at the risk of being caught in the same pot Meet?"

"What are you afraid of? Didn't I send people to plunder Silvermoon City to attract the attention of the elves? As long as you don't mess around, no one will pay attention to you in this time of chaos."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said annoyedly:

"Also! You are the king of fear that I have never seen before! You have to pay attention to your attitude when talking to me! I am the current owner of your former king of fear, Ms. Jintaisha.

Rounding it up, you are all subordinates of my subordinates.

Although everyone is serving the Great Emperor's endless great cause, there must be the necessary respect. Others in the province say that the Great Emperor's subordinates do not understand etiquette, understand? "

This haughty attitude caused a group of dreadlords disguised as elves to look at each other.

They didn't take part in the actions of the world of Dellano, but only vaguely heard about what happened there. It is said that Jin Taisha lost to a mortal in a conspiracy, and was severely punished by the emperor.

As a result, it is only now that I know the final whereabouts of Jin Taisha from Bu Laike.

Tsk tsk, this is really scary to think about.

No wonder Mr. Mal'Ganis repeatedly reminded them to leave when they were done, and not to have any in-depth contact or redundant conversation with the stinky pirates when he gave orders.

"Where are my things?"

Bu Laike saw that several fear demon kings suddenly fell silent, he curled his lips, and didn't bother to care about these "little people". He looked around the valley, but he didn't see his goods, so he said very dissatisfied:

"Don't play tricks on me!

Let me warn you, I can talk to the emperor directly, if you dare to play tricks in front of me, I will make you demons feel overwhelmed! "

"What are you in a hurry for?"

The female Dreadlord who spoke just now took up the conversation. She seemed to be the leader of the hidden personnel of the Dreadlords in Quel'Thalas. She folded her arms and said to the pirates with a displeased expression:

"The Stoneborn Legion is waiting on the other side of the veil of life and death, and it is because of their characteristics that they are different from ordinary life forms that they can sneak into the material world while the Kyrian angels enter and exit the veil of life and death.

Now your pirates are fighting elven rangers and mages all over the coast, killing and wounding enough souls to attract those nasty Kyrian angels.

What we need is a chance.

Well, you're in luck. "

As soon as the Dreadlord finished speaking, everyone including Bu Laike looked at the skyline of the coastline. There was a fluctuation of mental energy, which represented a door from the shadow world to the material world was pushed open.

Regrettably, that is the entrance door that only Kyrian angels who have been promoted to the fortress can enter and exit. Except for the little blue angels who are responsible for the extradition of souls, no one can go back and forth between life and death through that door. between.

Of course, this refers to ordinary life.

Venthyr's stoneborn legion cannot be classified under the category of ordinary life in any way.

"Look! Here they come."

Several fear demon kings who had been lurking in the material world for many years looked at the empty sky and immediately cheered like "folks meet fellows". The pirates who looked at this seemingly warm welcome shook their heads.

These guys are still trying to lie to him

The secret members of the Emperor's command did not know that the relationship between the Stoneborn Legion and the Nathrezim had been a hostile relationship of mutual dislike since birth.

The reason why the Stoneborn were born was because the Nathrezim created by the Great Emperor caused trouble everywhere in the world on both sides of life and death, and accidentally provoked the camp of the Holy Light.

Thousands of naaru chased the dreadlords into Revendres brazenly, and fought against the Venthyrs for many years in that gloomy blood-colored world. The Venthyrs, whose habits are like vampires, are simply Not the opponents of the Holy Light Naaru.

The scorching and holy light has too much restraint on these anima vampires.

In order to win, the Stoneborn Legion was created with the help of a mysterious man named Stone Forger. The first battle after the birth of these powerful stone statues was to fight against the Naaru Legion.

After paying a terrible price, the stoneborn miraculously won the victory. The price of victory was that a third of Revendreth was completely razed to the barren wasteland.

As the instigator of this war, Nathrezim was exiled from Revendreth and even the entire Shadow Realm.

Of course, it is not ruled out that all of these are self-directed and performed by the emperor, allowing him to send the ethnic groups of the dead world into the material world in a logical manner.

"Stop pretending, get out of here."

With a pipe in his mouth, Bu Laike sneered at several disguised dreadlords:

"Wait for the stone descendants to fall down in a while, and when they see you nasty guys, I have to push you to the ground and beat you up. Although they are all serving the great cause of the emperor, the guys from the Stone Legion are no different from other stone descendants. I like you guys.

In short, why ask for a beating?

Right. "

"whispering sound"

When several dreadlords heard what Laike said, they were naturally upset.

They were actually despised by a mortal, but what the stinky pirate said was true. If they really met the Stoneborn, they probably wouldn't be able to escape after a good beating.

The dreadlords are cunning, and stoneborn are generally not smart enough. But when it comes to communication related to the physical level, Nathrezim, who is good at using brains, is definitely no match for the Stoneborn who are good at hands.

Several fearful demon kings left just like that, but the female demon king at the head still asked before leaving:

"For the sake of everyone serving the Emperor, Your Excellency Laike, tell us honestly, what are your plans for Quel'Thalas?

We are very curious, after this sudden incident, can Quel'Thalas continue to exist as an independent force?

Our eyeliner has found scattered naga marching on the coast at the edge of the forest. Have you also secretly contacted Queen Azshara to join the war in Quel'Thalas? "

"All of you, you are not very capable, and you are very curious."

The stinky pirate snorted, exhaled the smoke ring, and said impatiently to the dreadlords:

"Don't worry, I assure you that after my work is done, you can still continue your latent actions, and maybe you can get a high position by getting a blessing in disguise.

As for Queen Azshara's matter, you should take care of it and take part in it.

My queen is not as good-tempered as I am. You bastards who dare to hang around in front of her will be caught and tortured severely. I don’t think I need to explain to you how capable Azshara can be.

Also don't try to use the sunwell to summon legions to invade.

I still have use for that magic well.

Don't ruin my business, I warn you! "

Say it, especially the last sentence.

Although it was a warning, it fell into the ears of the other fearful demon kings, but it was like a flash of enlightenment, which made the eyes of several lurkers brighten up.

They don't care what Laike has planned for the country.

Their social relationship is not as complicated as that of the stinky pirates. They are only responsible to Emperor Denathrius. The emperor wants to see blood flow in all the worlds and an imbalance between life and death, so these loyal servants must create such a "grand scene" for the emperor. .

The words of the stinky pirate are wonderful.

With the Sunwell as the energy source, coupled with the support of the Burning Legion from the Twisting Nether, a super-large-scale demon invasion can be launched in minutes, and it may be able to completely mess up Azeroth.

Tsk tsk, as expected of Bo Laike, things we dare not even think about, he can easily do it here.

Not bad.

Just do it!

Several dreadlords exchanged glances with each other, and quietly led the elf dragonhawk knights who were charmed by them to leave here before the stoneborn army arrived.

Watching these guys leave, a fleeting smile appeared on Bu Laike's face. He sneered a few times, shook his head, said nothing more, and just looked at the sky expectantly.

But soon, Laike's expression became not so pretty.

Under his gaze, a group of silent and strange beings fell from the sky one by one, and soon filled the entire valley, but the number could not be three thousand.

In fact, with the pirate's fairly good math level, he could tell at a glance that although these Stoneborn were indeed genuine Stoneborn, their number was at most twelve hundred!

That's right!

It's them.

Emperor Denathrius didn't know if his brain was squeezed by a certain gate in the Shadow Realm. The Stoneborn Legion he deployed to Bu Laike was actually composed of female Stoneborn.

Not even a tall male can be seen.

"The third general of the Stubborn Stone Legion is reporting to you, respected His Excellency 'Hand of the Great' Bu Laike, the 'Sinful Front' Legion is waiting for your orders at any time!"

A female stone-born general twice as tall as Bu Laike, wearing golden-red gorgeous armor, carrying an anima battle axe, and a belt full of weapons, folded her wings, strode forward, and greeted him with a very good military posture. Bo Laike salutes.

The appearance of this stoneborn is very strange. She seems to be carved out of obsidian, with a slender body like a high-ranking arakkoa, recurved demonic hooves, and demonic black horns.

She is very powerful, she doesn't hide her aura, and she is a powerful stone descendant who has crossed the realm of demigods.

But she respectfully took out an exquisite box, handed it to Bu Laike with both hands, and said in a deep voice:

"In addition, in the name of the Great Emperor, I send you this 'Earl of Sin Eater' emblem, which means that from now on, Your Excellency Braike Shaw, you have entered Ravend with the generous promise of the Great Emperor. Among the most orthodox aristocratic genealogy in Sri Lanka.

Believe me, this is truly an unprecedented act of generosity and honor. "

"Well, I'll talk about the earl or the earl later."

The stinky pirate stared and questioned the stone-born general in front of him:

"I am not blind, and thanks to my mentor for teaching me mathematics, I can see clearly the number of soldiers you bring, my dear General Carl.

This is not at all the 3,000 people the Emperor promised me!

And don't think that giving yourselves the fanfare title of 'Front of Sin' will cover up the fact that two-thirds of the stoneborn assassins here are recruits

Believe me.

I know better than you the desperate disparity in combat power between stoneborn veterans and new recruits. "

Bu Laike clenched his fists in displeasure, and he said to the female general who was getting more and more embarrassed by what he said:

"I have done meritorious service for the great emperor! I have shed blood for Venthyr! Not long ago, I sent a demigod soul full of sins to accept the atonement. How much anima can be squeezed out by just one!

Those greedy Sai consortia who can sell their hearts can at least get me a curtain market! hell! This is too bad! Did you audacious bastards get kickbacks?


I must have an explanation! "

(end of this chapter)

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