Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1474 107. The Calamity Of The Elves...Cross It Out! Elf Civil War Yes! Yes!

Chapter 1474 107. "The Calamity of the Elves". Cross it out! "Elf Civil War" yes! yes!

The stinky pirate watched his Stoneborn legion fly away towards the Isle of Quel'Danas under the leadership of General Carl in this nameless valley. He was standing on the ground with his hips akimbo with a pipe in his mouth, and he was very happy.

Those handsome eyes were shining brightly, and it was a joy from the heart to see them, and the anger when they saw the Stoneborn Legion not delivering enough people was gone.

Such chuckle is completely understandable.

Although the emperor gave him a severe discount on the reward, the quality and quantity were not as high as the emperor promised, but these descendants of anima in the shadow world do have great potential, and as the stone blacksmith's creation, they are all There is a natural and powerful talent.

They can sense and plunder valuable anima.

This is a real boon for pirates.

Heart energy is rare but real in the material world, but unfortunately its way of existence conflicts with the existence basis of the entire material world.

This is not a power that can be tapped and used under normal circumstances.

At present, only Laike, who is hanging on the wall, can collect anima, but through the experiment with the old man Sakir in Zul'Farrak, and the "Twin Queens" of his own stupid sister and stupid younger sister who have already begun to emerge. Innate talent has proved the importance of good mental energy for individuals to improve their strength.

Taking a step back, even if the pirates themselves are now in a critical period of transition from conventional power to great power, it is okay not to "eat randomly" to replenish their bodies.

These collected hearts can be sold to subordinates.

In this way, the useless subordinates will get precious power, and the scrap pirates will get the money they earned through their lives, and everyone will be very satisfied.

It can also drive the recovery of wealth within the undead pirates who are already showing signs of inflation, and stimulate the internal circulation of consumption.

In this way, everyone will have a bright future, and everyone is happy.

In fact, this business of buying and selling power has not been thought of by Laike before, but at that time he was alone, and he had to "serve" all kinds of big shots. How could he have time to be careful of hunters?

But now, this problem is solved.

He owned a 3,000-person anima raider overnight. Even if he only took one-third of the anima captured by these stone descendants, it was enough for the pirates to start the business of "selling power".

This precious heart energy will be his exclusive "strategic resource" in the future.

The magical black seer Bu Laike can give his clients whatever power they want, as long as they can afford it.

Tsk tsk, all the prerequisites are ready, and the next step is to wait for yourself to win!

Thinking of the bright future, the pirate kept making weird laughs. Fortunately, no one around would be scared by him. He couldn't help feeling that the most valuable thing in the world was scarcity.

No matter what kind of thing, once it is scarce, it must be valuable.

But he still hasn't forgotten that when the last Stoneborn left, he sent her a scout to see the special template of Stoneborn, and the feedback did not disappoint the pirates:

Name: Reservist Third Class of the Rock Legion·Not completed recruit training·Not yet given a name

Race: Eternal Stoneborn [legendary race]

Occupation: Stoneborn has no ordinary occupations. Legendary creature templates are regarded as full-level ordinary occupations.

Legendary Occupation: Stone Blade [Stoneborn exclusive occupation, can be promoted] / Anima Predator [Shadow Realm exclusive occupation, can be promoted]

Character description:

This is an ordinary stoneborn, but she only needs a few battles to become a qualified recruit, and then she needs to go through at least 300 battles before she can be called an elite private soldier. It usually takes hundreds of years, but fortunately Yes, the passage of time means nothing to an Eternal Stoneborn.

"This legendary race is different from ordinary people. It's really enviable to see that their career trees are all specially made."

Bu Laike rubbed his chin and nodded in satisfaction. He was about to leave this place to go back to "continue to serve" Queen Azshara, but just as he lifted his foot, something in his luggage shook.

The pirate raised his eyebrows, took out a beautiful blue dragon scale from his bag and put it in his hand, injected the magic power and saw the violet light dancing, and then the energetic face of Little Xingxing appeared in the form of projection before his eyes.

Still covering his face and wearing a blindfold, the idiot Blue Dragon pretending to be a big pirate saw the magic connected, and immediately lowered his voice to warn:

"Captain! Come quickly! Something has happened, the men brought by Elisande are so fierce, they defeated the elven defenders of Quel'Danas Island in just a few hours!

None of us thought it would be so easy to capture this island. Now that the entire Sunsail Wharf has fallen into our hands, I have sent all the pirates out to plunder.

There are so many good things here, we have made a lot of money this time. "

"a couple of hours?"

The first-hand information sent back by the "war correspondent" Xiao Xingxing made Bu Laike frown, and he asked:

"How come so fast?

The defenders on Kui Island are the elite of the elite of Quel'Thalas. It stands to reason that it would not be a problem to face the most elite magic swordsman army in Suramar for a day or two.

Did the Grand Magister use some strange tactics?

Did she use the Scepter of Sargeras? "


Little Xingxing squeezed his eyes and said:

"The cold-blooded Nightborne use the 'pig rush' tactic, and I've seen their arcanists open the portal to Suramar as soon as they land on the island.

They drove all the brainless withered over here. Captain, you know that the withered are crazy when they smell magic power. Now that such a big sunwell is placed in front of these magical beasts, the riot of the withered can't be stopped at all. live!

The Children of the Night didn't want to stop them either.

They used the Withered as cannon fodder, and after the Withered broke through the Phoenix Guard's line, the Spellblade Legion swarmed up again. And I sneaked around their camp just now, guess what I found? "

"Say it quickly, don't play this kind of guessing game."

The pirate picked up his pipe, glared at the unruly little star, and said:

"Don't tell me that they brought over the 'semi-finished products' that went crazy during the demon hunter training?"

"As expected of a prophet, I guessed it all at once."

Little Xingxing looked around, and said convincedly:

"That's right, the great magister imprisoned those semi-finished demon hunters alone in some large arcane cages. The number of those cages was at least a few hundred, and each cage contained at least three people.

Rough calculations show that the Sons of the Night brought thousands of lunatic berserkers whose brains were burnt out by evil energy and inner demons were bred in their bodies. If these guys are all released, I don’t think the walls of the Sunwell will be as thick as they are. It's over.

The Quel'dorei did not expect this attack at all, Captain.

Their magic didn't have any advantage over Xia Duolei. After the magic power was suppressed, these white-skinned elves were seriously inadequate for war preparations. "

Speaking of this, the little blue dragon princess said with a firm face:

"The Quel'dorei elves will definitely not last the three days you expected! According to the current form, I think Elisande will be able to step into the Sunwell in one day and one night at most.

what! The front is fighting!

Elisande, Queen of the Nightborne, and Anasterian, the Sun King, are at it, cool! This is the 'Battle of Day and Night'! I'm not talking about the captain with you, I'm going to watch the excitement, and I'm going to write this scene in my book.

This is going to be super exciting!

Next chat! "

After speaking, Little Xingxing, who was anxious to see the excitement, was about to cut off the communication. Before her phantom disappeared, Bu Laike finally warned:

"Hey, little star, don't follow Elisande, don't let our useless pirates approach the Sunwell, take down the magister's platform and use it as our base of operations! Then wait for me to go there."

"I know~"

The voice of the idiot blue dragon sounded from the vibration of the dragon scales, and there was a burst of joy that could be watched, making the pirates shake their heads.

Alas, although Little Xingxing is much more reliable than before, it is a bit uneasy to entrust such a big matter to her.

However, this Quel'dorei elf is too much.

Shouldn't there be an advantage in fighting on your own territory? How could he be beaten to the ground by a group of magic addicts and alcohol addicts?

Could it be that he abolished Renault Bandier's enchantment by accidentally using too much force?

No way?

The pirate had a toothache.

He didn't expect that Shaldorei's suppression of Quel'dorei would be so strong, and now he had to find a way to remedy it. If the Sunwell fell too quickly, this drama would not be able to continue.

Thinking of this, Laike rummaged through his luggage for a while, and quickly took out a moonlight owl sculpture made of emerald jade. He glanced at the sunlight above his head, walked a few steps towards the shadow area, and then held the sculpture with both hands. The power of the moon god poured into it.

A few seconds later, the eyes of the owl sculpture lit up like bright moonlight.

"Bo Laike, what's the matter? I'm busy."

Maiev's deep and hoarse voice sounded from the moonlight. The woman's hoarse voice reassured the pirate. He coughed and asked in a drawn out voice:

"It's nothing, it's just that I've missed you for a few days."

There was a moment of silence on the other side, and then said helplessly:

"Be serious, there are other people around me, and I don't think you will waste your precious divine power just to say a nasty love story to me.

Tell me, what happened? "

"Well, the cruel girl really has a temperament that makes people reluctant to part with it."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"Perhaps it's because I've put my energy into some other fields recently, which has caused my conspiracy ability to decline slightly, and my plan has made a small mistake.

I obviously overestimated the strength of Quel'dorei and underestimated Elisande's determination.

After forcibly keeping Quel'Thalas' "Prince of War" in the world of Dellano, I found that the Quel'dorei without him is like missing a soul.

I don't intend to see the end of Quel'dorei civilization with my own eyes, so I have to find some 'helpers' for these guys.

Can you deliver a message to Tyrande for me? "

"No, Bo Laike."

Maiev refused:

"It's not because I don't want to help, but because my brother and I have entered the city of Suramar.

We are in secret contact with the Uncrowned and Moonshire families you have placed here, and the Crow Chapter reserves in Valsharah have also set out to cross the mountains.

Everyone here is always ready to implement your preset plan.

Although Elisande led the expedition, her most trusted astrologer, Etraeus, is still guarding the Nightwell, and he will notice my changes. "

"Is your execution so strong?"

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and complained:

"It turns out that it is not a good thing to be too efficient occasionally. All right, then you continue to lurk, I will ask other people to help, um, I don't know if my Ursoc brother has time"

"No need, Bu Laike uh, brother-in-law."

At this moment, a very pleasant and magnetic voice of a male elf suddenly sounded on the owl sculpture in front of Laike. The guy on the opposite side used a weird name, which made the pirate raise his eyebrows.

He knew who the guy on the other side was.


The pirate said in surprise:

"How dare you call me that? Aren't you afraid that your violent sister will beat you up?"

"Not afraid."

The commander of the elf army on the opposite side laughed, and said in a teasing tone:

"My sister went back to the ancestral house of the Yingsong family this morning and tidied up her boudoir. Although she didn't say why she did it, I also

what! I'm wrong! Let go of my hand, Bones! The bones are about to break! "

There was a flurry of flying and jumping on the opposite side, and the pirate who heard it grinned and laughed silently. After a few minutes, Jarod Shadowsong over there explained in a painfully hoarse voice:

"In short, what I want to say is that Lord Braike doesn't have to worry about the collapse of the Quel'dorei elves' battle line. After my sister brought back your battle plan, I discussed it with General Shandris. She has brought An elite group of Sentinels travels to Quel'Thalas to support the war effort.

In addition, although there is no definite news, His Majesty Tyrande and His Excellency Malfurion have not appeared in the Temple of the Moon God on Mount Hyjal for several days. "

"Is that so?"

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Did they come here to support Elisande? Or to help Quel'Thalas? The diplomatic relations between these two forces and the Kaldorei are very bad, right?

As far as I remember, you belong to the category that despises each other. "

"Uh, it's hard to say."

Garrod hesitated for a moment, then explained:

"The Grand Magister notified the Elune Sisterhood of the threat from Queen Azshara and the Deep Sea Empire before dispatching troops. Regarding the issue of dealing with the Queen, the conflicts between all elf factions can be temporarily put aside.

According to my expectation, the Sentinels went to Quel'Thalas should also have the factor of the Quel'dorei elves asking for help. You may not know it, Lord Braike, but the envoy of Prince Kael'thas visited Hyjal before Mountain.

Therefore, I think that His Majesty Tyrande and His Majesty Malfurion's trip is probably not to support one side, they most likely want to maintain peace between the two sides, so as to preserve the strength of the elves to jointly deal with the threat of demons . "

"It's probably a bit too good to think."

The pirate sneered and said:

"The Kaldorei really think of themselves as 'elven peacekeepers'.

Neither Elisande nor Anastarian is destined to take a step back in this war. Both sides have their own reasons for war. Depress the contradictions.

As a result of her insistence on participating in this matter, Kaldorei, who was originally neutral, would also be involved.

Tsk tsk, and counting the "adult" watching all this in the dark, this battle can really be called the "Elf Civil War".

It's getting more and more lively.

never mind.

I know that's enough.

Keep busy, I'm going to the island of Quel'Danas to enjoy the life-and-death battle between the elves. "

After finishing speaking, Bu Laike told Maiev to pay attention to safety in front of the owl sculpture, and returned to his side honestly after finishing, otherwise he would make some threatening words such as big conspiracy.

After dealing with this matter, the pirate whistled for the loyal sky, and wrote a "leave note" for his bird to take it back to Queen Azshara.

He himself injected anima into the statue of the demigod stoneborn he had just obtained and threw it out.

With a loud bang, a large armored bat monster forged from rock, with gray skin and a height of more than ten meters appeared in front of the pirates. Xiaoyi, the blind hunter, moved his nose, as if to remember the breath of the pirates.

Under Bu Laike's watchful eyes, this mighty stone-born demon exuding power all over his body obediently put his lion-like stone tail and lowered his head, allowing Bu Laike to ride on its neck.

While the huge rocky bat wings were flapping, the tyrannical beast with anima carried the pirates slowly into the air, flying towards the direction of the Sunwell.

All the key players in the Battle for Quel'Thalas are here.

It's time for him to lick a stick of firewood to speed up the prelude to the dispute.

(end of this chapter)

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