Chapter 1484


A loud noise woke up Silvermoon General Alleria Windrunner, who was resting inside the Sunwell palace complex, and made the great knight Turalyon, who was leaning on Ms. Alleria's lap, stand up with a jerk.

Don't get me wrong, the two of them didn't do anything bad just now, they were just talking about love between battles.

General Silvermoon brought Farstrider Rangers to support the Sunwell, and the Grand Knight, in the name of the Human Pope, commanded an elite Paladin and Priest together with Alleria to defend it with the Grand Knight of Dathrohan. Sunwell.

Of course, judging from the number of this vanguard, the support of the Holy Light Church is more symbolic than actual.

This is the message sent by humans to the elves, that is, humans will not sit back and watch their elves allies be bullied by black-skinned elves who don't know where they come from.

The real main force on the human side should be the army corps that has just crossed the border between Stratholme and Quel'Thalas under the command of Marshal Garithos.

But in terms of the current situation of the elves, it is good to have support, and there is really no need to nitpick.

He just returned from the front line of the Dellano world and planned to take a vacation. As a result, the great knight Turalyon who was sent to help the elves did not complain at all.

Besides, Grand Knight Turalyon doesn't like to spend his vacation to help Quel'dorei, after all, the "goddess" he misses is still fighting here.

If you really don't let him come, he will worry instead.

It can only be said that the IQ and EQ of men in love will drop rapidly to negative numbers.

"Son of the Night is calling? What happened to the explosion just now?"

The big knight rushed out of the resting platform with his big royal sword and looked towards the direction of the explosion, but he could only see dust flying, as if a palace had been bulldozed.

"It should be a sneak attack!"

Alleria put on her ranger helmet, and she rushed out carrying the Windrunner family relic, Sasdora, and threw an eagle eye spell on herself.

Looking around for a moment, he saw the outer city walls of the Sunwell that had been knocked down by the stone-born demons, and the Nightborne Demon Swordsmen pouring into the Sunwell palaces like a flood.

General Silvermoon frowned at this terrible scene, and she turned to Turalyon and said:

"Big knight, quickly lead your soldiers to the inner palace wall, and assist the Ranger and Phoenix Guards to reorganize their defenses!"

"Don't we need to divide our troops to stop them?"

It was also the first time for Turalyon to enter the magical holy land of the elves. He was not familiar with it, so he asked:

"Wouldn't it have any impact on your holy land if you let the children of the night flood into the Sunwell?"

"No, not yet."

Alleria briefly explained:

"The Sunwell's defense has two layers, and they've only breached the perimeter right now.

In the plan of the Sun King and me, this layer of the city wall will be breached sooner or later, but now it is only ahead of schedule due to an accident.

The Nightborne thought they had the upper hand, but the closer they got to the Sunwell, the more passive they were from the tide pressure from the Magicwell.

It will take more time for them to break through the second barrier, but now that the pirates in the North Sea are unable to break through Silvermoon City and are starting to evacuate one after another, our scattered rangers and mages have begun to regroup.

Counting the arrival of reinforcements from human allies, as long as we persist for another two to three days, these night children will be surrounded by our army.

They were so desperate for the Sunwell that they ignored the threat behind it. So fear not, Turalyon, the more excited they are now, the closer they are to their doom. "

"No wonder I feel that you are not in a hurry."

The great knight whispered:

"It turns out that you have already made plans. I knew that as General Yinyue, you would never passively wait for opportunities. You have always actively created opportunities like this."

"It's a terrible way to talk about sappy love, Grand Cavalier."

Turalyon's unpretentious admiration caused the Ranger General to roll her eyes, and she reached out and thumped Turalyon's shoulder armor, saying:

"And pay attention to the occasion, we are fighting now, Turalyon knight, please be serious!"

"But my compliments come from the heart."

The great knight shrugged. He knew that he was not good at complimenting, but he couldn't suppress his inner desire to express himself in front of the girl he loved.

But when he saw that the fastest charging Nightborn Demon Swordsman was approaching the second city wall barrier, the great knight also became serious. He nodded to Alleria, picked up his fearless battle helmet and put it on his head. On the ground, holding the sword and getting on the horse, he rushed to the battlefield with two followers.

The ranger general did not go to the inner city wall to defend against the enemy.

As the commander trusted by the Sun King and given the command authority, she needs to have an overview of the overall situation here. After watching the great knight leave, the ranger general pursed his lips. Although the battle ahead was fierce, Aurelia at this moment turned her attention away from the city wall. Move up and look at the Sun Tower behind.

There is the core area of ​​the Sunwell, the magic well is at the bottom of the tower, and the construction blueprint of the Sunwell is also stored in that tower.

Alleria narrowed her eyes.

She saw a layer of golden magic light covering the outside of the tower, which was directly from the energy of the Sunwell, which could isolate all outsiders who were not allowed to enter it.

Fortunately, as a ranger general, she was just given permission by the Sun King to enter and report the battle in this sudden war.

She just needs one chance now.

"I said, why think so much?"

A familiar voice sounded behind General Ranger, and the idiot Fenner, holding a red apple in his hand, strode forward with a weapon on his back.

She seemed to know what Alleria was thinking, so she took a bite of the apple with a click. While chewing with splashes of juice, the Sword Master of the Raging Sea, who is now "famous" in Quel'Thalas, confronted the Ranger. The general complained:

"You can go in, what's the trouble? You rush in and turn off those nasty magics, and then I will complete the search and snatch of the blueprints, and we will run away after finishing this job.

I don't believe it!

With the speed of the two of us, who else in this sunwell surrounded by layers of nightborne can catch up with us? "

Fenna puffed out her chest confidently, patted Aurelia's shoulder carelessly and said:

"Besides, there is also my family's stinky younger brother who has no plans to take care of us outside, as long as we get the blueprints, everything will be easy to talk about.

It doesn't matter if you are exposed, now they will insult you as a traitor, but as long as Arcandor bears fruit and you bring it back to the Sun King, all the previous insults will turn into supreme praise.

They will tell their children that it was Ms. Alleria Windrunner who found the true hope and future for the Quel'dorei. "

"Hey, have you always thought about things so simply and directly?"

When Windrunner heard the "suggestion" from the idiot Fenner, she couldn't help but rubbed her forehead and said:

"Your Excellency Bu Laike clearly possesses the world's first-class wisdom, but why have you followed him for so long and didn't learn anything?

If you have to use the method of stealing and robbing, then Lord Yibu Laike's skill will not be of use to us at all. The reason why he arranged this matter for us is that he hopes to complete it with the least cost.

It's best to be unnoticed.

We need to be patient, Fenner.

The nightborne war has captured all of Quel'Thalas' attention, and sooner or later these vicious dark elves will give us a perfect chance, huh? "

General Ranger felt something ringing on Fenner's body while she was speaking. She glanced back at the stupid soldier, and found that the latter was holding a very peculiar watch and adjusting it in front of her eyes.

"what is that?"

Alleria asked curiously, Fenna raised her head, waved the watch in her hand with a vigorous smile and said to General Ranger:

"It's a nice thing we got in Mechagon, it's called a portable pocket calculator, and those mechagnomes put a lot of chips and gadgets into it.

They call this 'technology', which is very similar to our magic, but I heard that this thing can complete long-distance communication without disturbing any mages.

Perfect for a fighter like me.


Smelly brother just sent me a message. "

Fenner lifted the watch and placed it in front of Aurelia's eyes. General Ranger took it over, adjusted the screen clumsily, and quickly saw the beating writing on the watch.

Very simple, only one sentence:

"I have confirmed that there are a group of dreadlords lurking in the Sunwell, they are too bad, kill them!"

The inscription of this sentence is Bu Laike Shaw.

Just this name made Ranger General feel the importance of this news. She glanced at Fenner, and then at the Sun Tower behind her.

The next moment, General Ranger raised his bow, lowered his helmet, and said to Fenner:

"Go to Grand Knight Dathrohan and ask him to bring the holy shield that can reflect the demons and come with me! We cannot allow the demons to take advantage of the war to destroy the holy land of Quel'dorei."


Fenner didn't know what happened, but she was very obedient. Before she set off, the stinky brother asked her to obey Alleria's command, so she didn't have any resistance to the order of the ranger general.

She picked up more than half of the apple she had eaten, rushed out of the platform, and landed on the paladin's position on the city wall after two heroic jumps.

Soon, after hearing Fina's news that there might be demons lurking in the Sunwell, Grand Knight Dathrohan immediately brought the Guardian of Truth to join General Silvermoon.

The Great Knight's Holy Shield has helped the Church of the Holy Light eliminate many demon lurkers hidden in various holy places in the past period of time. Dathrohan has become more and more skilled at manipulating this sacred object that can reflect people's hearts.

With his help, Alleria quickly captured a dreadlord lurker in the spellcaster camp near the Sun Tower.

That guy still wanted to run, but Dathrohan imprisoned him with the Guardian of Truth as soon as he met him, and then he was chopped down on the spot by the energetic fool Fenna holding the Windchaser Warblade and the Holy Sword of Quell Della.

With this vivid example, Alleria finally got the opportunity she needed.

She sternly yelled at everyone in the camp not to move around, and deployed a team of rangers to seal it off, while she rushed into the Sun Tower with the great knights Fenna and Dathrohan and the armor left behind by the dreadlord. Reported the news to the Sun King face to face.

"Your Majesty, I am sure that there are still more demon lurkers lurking near us, who have chosen this moment of war to wreak terrible havoc on the holy places of the Quel'dorei.

This is something we cannot tolerate. "

In the Sun Tower, General Ranger said to the Sun King in a serious tone:

"I know it's not the right time, but I still ask His Majesty to grant me temporary permission. I will search the Sun Tower with Grand Knight Dathrohan and Your Excellency Fenner to remove the hidden dangers of demons hidden in the Holy Land."

"I fully understand the necessity of your request, my ranger-general."

Sun King Anasterian has been exhausted by the war started by Elisande in the past few days, but the old king has not lost his mind because of this. He knows that the hidden danger hidden in his heart is really deadly.

After seeing the dreadlord's legacy armor brought back by General Ranger, the Sun King decisively gave Alleria the authority to search the Tower of the Sun.

"But there are only three of you, it's too slow."

Anasterian rubbed his forehead and said:

"Let the Phoenix Sword Master and the shadow walkers of the Sangunar family cooperate with you. The Sunwell is the top priority. We cannot allow any hidden dangers here."

"Your Majesty! Elisande is on the battlefield again, Suramar's Grand Magister channeling a mass destructive spell with her damned staff.

In addition, the damn big pirate Bu Laike Shaw also appeared on the frontal battlefield, and he commanded his strange stone monster to approach the second line of defense.

According to the reports from the frontline soldiers, our first line of defense was destroyed by that monster. "

Before the Sun King finished speaking, a dragon eagle knight walked in quickly and conveyed two bad news to him.

This made the Sun King's face change suddenly. He got up from the throne with the Strike of Flame. He didn't even have time to say a few more words to the Ranger General, but only told:

"I leave this place to you, General Alleria. In the honor of the Windrunner family, I request that you clean up the demonic scourge before I return!"

"I promise! Your Majesty!"

Alleria straightened her waist and gave a military salute. She said solemnly:

"In the name of my family, I will dedicate my all to the future of Quel'Thalas and our people!"

"it is good!"

The Sun King nodded in relief, put on his magic cloak, and left here with his Phoenix guards.

After watching the Sun King leave, Alleria and Fenner looked at each other. The two didn't communicate much, but even Fenner's mind already understood what she should do.

"I'm with Sir Thalorian!"

After both the Phoenix Juggernaut and the Sangunar family's assassins entered the Sun Tower, Fenna was the first to raise her hand and said:

"The rest of you are in a group. It may be faster for us to work separately."

"Then I'll be with Baron Sangunar."

General Ranger nodded, and glanced at the haggard Baron Sangunar, who just nodded to Alleria indifferently.

The great knight Dathrohan looked up and observed the structure of the Tower of the Sun. He lifted his mirror-like Titan-forged shield and said to the others:

"Everyone is in your place. It is best to have people on the upper and lower floors of this tower. I will activate the holy light of the Guardian of Truth at the highest point. Wherever the light sweeps, it can be guaranteed that no demon can continue to hide.

But dreadlords are cunning and will try to escape or jump over a wall, so be prepared for a tough fight. "

"Trust me, Grand Knight."

Alleria pushed her helmet, she whispered:

"We have already made sufficient psychological preparations to come here, right? Baron Sangunar."


The best assassin master in Quel'Thalas nodded, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, and whispered:

"It's also fighting for the future of my country and my family, and I've dedicated my life to it, and a little more wouldn't matter."

"Yes, I heard that Miss Valeera in your family has become a real watcher. She is amazing."

Stupid Fenner blinked and said something.

Her expression was as if the children were playing a game of "pairing codes". As a result, this sentence attracted the indifferent gaze of Baron Sangunar, who whispered:

"Valeera is already the next Patriarch of the Sangunar family. I have personally tested her, and her growth has indeed exceeded my expectations. But we are not here to chat, Miss Fenner.

Let's get to work. "


Fenner got the answer she wanted.

She nodded contentedly, with a sense of pride and complacency in her heart as an "underground worker", but all of this was seen by the onlooker His Excellency Thalorian Dawn Seeker.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

But the Phoenix Sword Master always felt that besides him among the four people, the other three seemed to have some secrets.

Especially Fenner.

This stupid girl whom he watched growing up was a little too active today, right?

Could it be

Hiss, can't you?

(end of this chapter)

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