Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1492 125. Bu Laike Gold Medal Moving Company Is At Your Service Wholeheartedly

Chapter 1492 125. Bu Laike Gold Medal Moving Company is at your service wholeheartedly

In the words of the pirates, after entering the P2 stage with Queen Azshara as the boss, Her Majesty the Queen shifted her main attack target from the tortured elf leaders to the people in the "Great Wizard Magic Salon".

The "Queen's Edict" just like the game has shown that the Queen's attainment in void magic is not weaker than that of Xalatas or Bu Laike, who can manipulate people's hearts, but now it is only in the magic confrontation stage that the Queen's strength can be truly seen.

When she made a move, it was a violent and devastating magical offensive.

The great wizards have no time to take care of other things, but the sea monsters summoned by the queen with the ancient horn are also difficult to deal with.

Under the crazy bombardment of the Ice and Fire Arcana and the ravages of various giant beasts, within ten seconds, one-third of the Sunwell palace complex was razed to the ground.

This terrifying magic attack was resisted by a group of master spellcasters, but it also allowed the weak ones among the participants to see clearly the desperate gap in strength between them and Queen Azshara.

It turned out that the desperate oppression just now was just "playing" with the queen and them, and now this is the beginning of the real war.

Take Vereesa, a ranger who has just entered the legend, even if Queen Azshara stood still and let her shoot, she probably would not be able to break Her Majesty's desperately thick magic shield.

And there are many people in the same situation as Vereesa.

After seeing Her Majesty's terrifying strength with their own eyes, they also understood their current situation. There is a high probability that their trip today is the legendary "atmosphere group".

After all, since they couldn't even approach the queen within a hundred yards, it was really difficult for them to form an effective attack on the queen.

However, in this battle, the Holy Light Knights, who should have been regarded as the "atmosphere group", performed unexpectedly well, probably because these guys had just completed the "Light Forging Ceremony", which made their connection with the Holy Light even stronger. close.

The generosity of the holy light made the great knights break through the limits of human beings in both attack and defense.

After being brought back to the battlefield from the deep sea by Elisande, they rejoined the battle and could even eat the queen's magic attack alone and only end up with one serious injury

Uh, even though it was seriously injured, it was also miserable.

But considering the high rank of Queen Azshara, it is enough to be proud of being able to persist in a dozen moves in front of the queen who is at full strength.

Queen Azshara, who is currently being strengthened by magic, is a real "power detector" just like Grom Hellscream's "Elimination Blade", which has been heard to be very miserable recently.

Those who can persist under the AOE thrown casually in the battle with the queen are the real strong in this world.

However, the stinky pirate who originally planned to watch the fun had lost his mentality of being a fun person because his carefully prepared thesis was killed. He was not even interested in the fights of the women he always liked to watch.

He was in emo and left here after the battle started, saying that there is nothing interesting about a doomed battle.

He decides to do something bad to cheer up his sinking mood, the world has always been kind to him anyway, and he's had enough of the damn bad things.

"Hey! You guys! What kind of crap are you grabbing? Who told you to take the money? Throw it away and get those really valuable works of art!


How can there be such useless pirates as you under my command?

It's hopelessly stupid. "

Bo Laike, who is in a bad mood, is sure not to make others happy, so he goes all the way, blaming and picking on the pirates who are busy looting in the muddy land after the tide goes down.

When you meet someone who dares to refute, you will kick him, and the latter will be honest all at once.

Of course, he couldn't say anything weird after being kicked unconscious.

And people who are very familiar with Bu Laike, such as the little star, the little murloc, and the ghost pirates on the Nagfar, slipped away long ago when they saw that the smelly captain was in a bad mood.

They wouldn't show up at this time to be Boo Laike's punching bag.

When you are a pirate, the first thing you need to do is to wink. When the leader is in a bad mood, don't jump out to scold him. Only in this way can you live a happy pirate career.

But the deeper you go into the Sunwell, the fewer pirates you will encounter.

This place has become the front line of confrontation between elves and Naga.

It's outrageous to say that the black-skinned and white-skinned people who were beating their lives to death just now, and the purple Pikadorei who planned to stay out of the matter, have already been forced to unite under strong pressure.

Nightborne's magic swordsmen rushed to the front, Quel'dorei's Phoenix mages supported in the rear, and night elves' sentinel huntresses hunted around.

Not to mention, the three parties cooperated very well.

Especially under the excellent command of General Shandris Yuyue, after losing almost one-fifth of their manpower, they miraculously blocked the crazy attack of the Naga by relying on the second city wall of Sunwell.

However, when the magic power of the Sunwell was seized by Queen Azshara, the magic barrier on the city wall could no longer be opened. The only way to block the Naga Sea Witches was to rely on the casters to recharge with their own magic power. The forked lightning that swept through everything released jointly.

The elves are no longer fighting for magic power.

They are really fighting for survival.

If they don't unite, they will be crushed by the violent Naga in an instant. No one can survive such a terrifying deep-sea attack. In order to break down the city wall, the Naga used their domesticated sea beasts.

The undersea beasts formed by a mixture of orangutans, strange fishes, and elephants are constantly impacting the crumbling city walls. If this continues, at most one or two hours, the elves will be completely defeated.

The difference in numbers is really disappointing.

"There seems to be Naga attacking at Silvermoon City."

Bu Laike appeared from the shadows, and landed precisely on the city wall that was no longer protected by the magic power of the Sunwell. He looked at the battle situation in front of him with a gloomy face, touched his chin, and took out a communication stone dedicated to undead pirates. The leader of the North Sea pirates who were attacking Silvermoon City asked:

"Annie! How is the situation on your side? Can Silvermoon City be breached?"

"It's a bit overhanging, Captain! You guys, why are you running? Come and control the naval guns to fire! Shoot all the shells into the city for me!"

There was a bit of noise on Annie's side, and she could still hear the sound of the whip whipping and yelling at the subordinates. The North Sea Pirate King seemed to be going through a brutal battle. She took the time to shout to Bu Laike:

"It was very smooth at first. The Naga pioneers have helped us break through the port area of ​​Silvermoon City, but the human Marshal Garithos used some means to send his army into Silvermoon City.

Now humans and elves have merged, Captain!

I also saw Pope Faol sitting in the city in person. It is estimated that it will be difficult for us to attack. Some pirates who escaped told me that it seems that Gilneas, which is closed to the outside world, has also sent werewolves to help.

Somehow the damned Shado-Pan got involved in this, I just saw some pandaren monks jumping up and down the city beams.

Those naga who penetrated into the city have been repulsed!

Queen Azshara sent too few people here, even with our firepower to support them, it would be difficult to achieve a major event, and the plan to rob Silvermoon City is estimated to suffer. "

"Damn it! It's not going right."

Bu Laike cursed, and then glanced at the fiercely attacked and defended city wall in front of him. He rolled his eyes and said to Anne Bonn:

"Stop attacking the city, retreat back, and return to Quel'Danas Isle as quickly as possible! Just block those retreating elves and ask them for 'tolls'!

Block their retreat, and those who don't want to be hacked to death by Naga just pay the money obediently.

On the way, I can knock another sum, so that they will honestly hand over all their money, and those who dare not give it will be thrown into the water and drowned! "

"Ah this."

Annie exclaimed:

"Captain, are the elves on your side routed?"

"not yet."

Bu Laike sneered, took out the sculpture of Stoneborn Demon Howling Wing from his arms, threw it up and down in his hand, and said to Annie with full of malice:

"But they are about to be defeated. In short, hurry up and block people. Even if we can't take Silvermoon City, we still have to make enough money on Kui Island."

After finishing speaking, Laike made a baseball throwing action, and threw the sculpture in his hand towards the elf mages who were casting spells to suppress the Naga in the distance.

The thing traced a brilliant trajectory in the air and finally hit the center of the elf spellcasters. Afterwards, the terrifying demigod stone-born demon was awakened screaming amidst the blood splattering.

The blind hunter Xiao Yi smelled the smell of anima, which made his desire to hunt unprecedentedly high.

The moment he was awakened, he waved his terrifying stone claws and swept left and right, destroying a well-functioning mage formation almost instantly.

And that's just the beginning.

The pressure of not being able to graduate made Laike feel bored with everything on this island. He took out a delicate stone whistle from his arms, put it near his mouth, took a deep breath, and puffed out his cheeks to blow it.

But no sound came out.

Only those Stoneborn who were in a latent state all over the island felt the wave of heart energy, and they knew that it was the Lord Earl of the Sin Eater who gave the order for the general attack.

So the next moment, 1,200 stoneborn assassins woke up from their camouflage, and began to look for the nearest creature to attack.

The summoned gargons and stone-born demons attacked everywhere. The sudden addition of these terrifying new forces pushed the already chaotic island of Kui further into the abyss of war.

According to the previous arrangement of the pirates, most of the Stoneborn Assassins lurked in the area closest to the Sunwell as much as possible, and they could easily join the battlefield as soon as they were awakened.

Nor did Laike give specific orders to them.

Anyway, it was difficult for this group of recruits who needed to practice to execute difficult instructions, so the pirates gave them a very free instruction.

"Hunting freely! Grab heart energy! Whether it's elves or Naga, kill all valuables!"

This frenzied order delighted the Stoneborn, creatures from the Shadowlands who wanted to fight the warriors of the material world.

But with the talent and power of their legendary race, most mortals are destined not to be their opponents.

It's a pity that the number is a bit small.

"Where did these monsters come from?"

Shocked and enraged, Shandris Feathermoon shot a gargon hound attacking her to the ground, as the stoneborn assassins attacked the city walls from the air with a deadly tactic. .

The general's angry blow sent the fragments of the stone hound flying, but the latter did not die but entered the state of a self-repairing stone statue.

This kind of troublesome opponent made General Yuyue feel that the danger was approaching. The only good news was that these monsters that suddenly appeared were also attacking Naga at the same time.

This gave her a valuable opportunity to adjust her deployment.

"Assembly! Prepare to abandon the city wall and retreat!"

Shandris Feather Moon evaluated the battlefield, and she made a decisive decision, but this decision immediately caused dissatisfaction from both Quel'dorei and Shal'dorei.

The former didn't want to give up his magical holy land, and the latter didn't want to give up the magic power he was about to get.

Shandris, however, convinced them with one sentence.

"As long as you are alive, you can always find magic power for you to absorb, but if you are dead, what is the use of more magic power?"

General Yuyue pointed at the magical storm that destroyed the world at the edge of the Sunwell, and she shouted loudly:

"Your Sunwell was doomed not to belong to you when Azshara appeared on this island, fools! But you still have people who need your protection!

The Naga are attacking Silvermoon City, I will not force you to evacuate with me.

If you want to stay here to be buried with a magic well that has trapped you for seven thousand years and pushed you step by step into the abyss, then you can do whatever you want.

Perhaps Elisande was right.

You self-deprecating Quel'dorei... there is no hope. "

After finishing speaking, General Yuyue commanded the huntresses under his command to go to various positions to convey the news without delay, and they wanted to take advantage of the chaos of the Naga being attacked by the Stoneborn to retreat from the Sunwell.

This is the last chance.

As for Bu Laike who caused all this, he has already wandered to the platform in front of the Sun Tower, where corpses are strewn here and there.

There were the Quel'dorei, the Shal'dorei, and the Naga who sneaked in from nowhere. Near their corpses was General Carl, who was carrying a tomahawk and playing with a few balls of anima with a bored face.

This stoneborn commander is formidable.

The lurking location she chose was just outside the Sun Tower, and she hadn't been discovered in the past few days.

"You are finally here, my lord count."

Seeing Bo Laike appear, General Carl nodded to him with the elven etiquette he had just learned, stepped back and knocked on the closed door of the Sun Tower.

In the next second, two elite Stoneborn captains opened the door for Laike from the inside. These Stoneborn, who were forged in Revendres and infected with Venthyr's flamboyance, even prepared a red carpet for Laike. .

They have cleared out the enemies inside the Tower of the Sun, and the meeting is forming two factions to greet Lord Sin-Eater with Venthyr's welcoming etiquette.

"There is a disturbed spirit below, Your Excellency the Earl."

General Carl followed Bo Laike and followed him into the tower like a guard. She whispered to Bo Laike:

"That is a powerful and weird spirit body, and we rarely see such a pure energy creature in the shadow world, and the pure energy she possesses is absolutely very powerful.

Need me to hunt her down for you?

As long as it allows me to taste that unique anima. Just a little bit is fine. "

"No, my loyal and greedy general."

Bu Laike waved his hands, and said in a tone that couldn't lift his spirits:

"My dear Miss Anveena is the 'important guest' I will meet on this trip to Quel'Danas, I want to invite her to leave this boring country and ask her to stay in my territory for a long time.

You just stay here, don't scare Miss Anveena.

That's a very timid lady, and I have to ask for it myself. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate walked down the stairs leading to the main body of the sun well. He felt the turbulent magic tide in the main body of the magic well, which made it difficult for him to walk.

He also saw Dar'Khan and his female assistant who were maintaining the energy drain.

When serving Queen Azshara, the Quel'dorei actually secretly relied on the Queen's scepter to infuse himself with some magic power.

Tsk tsk, what a greedy guy, I don't know when his greed will anger Queen Azshara?

Bu Laike ignored the two elves, and he came to the main body hall of the Sunwell with the tide of magic power. The glorious hall was filled with liquid golden magic power.

These are the essence of the Sunwell.

The smelly pirate squatted down, took off his gloves, and dipped his fingers into the golden liquid magic.

He whispered:

"Hello, Anwena, stop hiding, I know you're here. Come on, come out, let's meet and have a good talk about helping you 'move'.

I've already talked to your parents.

So don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. "

(end of this chapter)

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