Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1504 137. Write Off? Or Did Bo Laike Say It? You Must Be Kidding Me

Chapter 1504 137. Write off? Or did Bo Laike say it? you must be kidding me

Due to the sudden appearance of the undead pirates, the ongoing decisive battle between the pirates and the navy was suspended.

The alliance fleet got a chance to redeploy, but the pirates on Bo Laike's side hated it, especially Anneris and Anne Bonn.

They were about to attack the white-skinned elf navy with loopholes in their defense back and forth, and wipe out these sissies, but they had to retreat temporarily because of the appearance of Hela forces.

But there is also good news.

A cannonball fired from the flagship of the "Pride of the Moonshire" in Anaris accurately hit the magical flagship of Quel'Thalas, and was extremely lucky to detonate the ammunition depot on the elf ship, directly causing the elves to cool down. Dazzling and handsome, the magic flagship painted in gold and red lay awkwardly in the center of the battlefield.

The Quel'dorei are good at all things magic, but apparently they don't know how to fix a ship when it's half leaking, and the efficiency of their magical damage control is beyond words.

So after ten minutes, the elves had to declare their efforts to rescue the flagship a failure.

They happily left their ship.

General Chen Feng, who is the commander of the elf fleet, still wanted to show his style. He refused to leave his flagship, and shouted in his mouth that the captain's mission is to sink with the ship. In the end, he was watched by the undead pirates , The elf guards who couldn't leave if they didn't leave were knocked out with a stick and dragged away by force.

The Elf Navy only has so few talents, and the elves are not short of money. They are nothing more than rebuilding a magic battleship. If the supreme commander is lost in this kind of thing, it will be really outrageous.

And although Anaris Moonshire kept bragging that she fired the fatal shot herself on the way back, many Nightborne pirates can attest that their captain didn't aim at all when he fired.

This wave can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

But it didn't affect the blind cat to show off its victory everywhere.

The first time is always memorable. This is the first ship that Anaris hit with his own hands. If it wasn't for the wrong time, the captain of Moon County would have sent someone to dive into the bottom of the sea to cut a piece of wood from the sunken elf flagship. Come back and carve yourself a sculpture or something.

After the sculpture is finished, it will be placed in Yuejun Manor. When I get old, I will take myself and Lilas' grandson to the statue and tell the little grandson about my military career as a pirate.

Well, that's right, Captain Yuejun is so good at thinking.

It's a guy like her who is talking about her brain hole.

But the development of the matter undoubtedly shocked everyone.

Especially after the silver flame shot from the Nagfar ignited the sea within ten seconds and wiped out half of the undead fleet, the entire sea fell into deathly silence again.

No matter if it was a navy or a pirate, no matter who was on any ship, they were all rubbing their eyes crazily, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

But then, after seeing the originally menacing undead fleet suddenly collapsed and scattered to avoid and escape, the pirates burst into loud cheers instantly.

The low morale caused by the unfavorable battle situation was completely reversed by Bu Laike, the "hand of God".

With such an artifact in hand, no matter how rampant the navy is, they will be defeated today!

Compared with the shocking momentum of the pirates, the Alliance Navy seemed to have been hit on the head with a blow. Everyone from Commander Dai Lin to the grassroots sailors was fooled.

Destroyed half the fleet in one blow?

This TM is something that the poor practitioners in the dross industry of pirates can do?

If it wasn't Hela's undead who were there to meet the pirates just now, but myself, tsk tsk, I'm terrified after thinking about it. The most important thing is that the pirates have shown their big killers now. Do you want to retreat temporarily and make plans?

But Dai Lin calmed down and saw something was wrong at a glance.

Based on what he knew about Bu Laike, if the pirate's weapon could be used casually, then he would have used it at the first moment of the battle between the two sides. Why wait until now?

"There's something wrong with that weapon."

Mrs. Jin Jian also reacted quickly, she said to Dai Lin:

"That light is not magic, nor divine power, but pure but machine-heated natural light. Bu Laike summons the moonlight to provide it with a source of light.

There is a great possibility that the terrifying weapon will not be able to activate at sunset.

He is scaring us!

This kid is really cunning, but now we have no way to inform the whole army of the truth. "

"This is an intimidation tactic specially used by the Kul Tiras fleet to target pirates. That kid really knows how to use it."

The admiral stood up shaking his head, and glanced at the deck of the ship.

His boat was full of Kul Tiras sailors, true veterans of many battles, but this meeting was a little confusing because of the light just now, and this scene made Dailin fasten the railing in front of him.

The morale of one's own side is constantly falling. Ordinary soldiers can't tell the difference between natural light and magic. The longer the time, the greater the pressure on them.

Can't drag it on!

We must attack immediately before our morale is gone!

Dai Lin narrowed her eyes and raised her left hand to call for the orderly. Soon, the semaphore command raised from the Wang Quan at sea spread throughout the entire alliance navy.

That's an order to attack!

Although many captains are thinking about whether to avoid the front for the time being, the admiral of the navy has ordered the attack at this time, so they can't afford to hesitate any longer.

Each ship sent back the semaphore of command acceptance, and the entire fleet, led by Wang Quan at sea, moved towards the coastline where the undead pirates were located.

At this moment, Dai Lin really thanked her old brother Barry Weswin for the navy he trained with all his heart.

Although their thinking was a bit rigid, their super high discipline overwhelmed all fear at this moment.

As the fleet assembled and began to attack, the seeds of fear that Bu Laike had just planted in the navy had not had time to take root and sprout, and Dai Lin immediately shoveled the flowers of fear when they grew.

After the Alliance Navy's offensive horn sounded, the stinky pirates on the Nagfar immediately looked down.

The pirate god Gaboa beside him said meanly:

"Tsk tsk, I didn't scare people, your acting skills are not good enough, my brother Laike, I think it's really a big sin for you to have such a powerful old father.

Just change another general here, and the whole army will retreat if this will be designated.

You can see that the faces of those white-skinned elves turned pale with fright. If it wasn't for Dai Lin suppressing the situation here, they would have fled just now. It's because your old man is reckless and powerful. "

"You can shut up."

Bu Laike picked up the Scepter of Sargeras beside him, launched a large-scale space transfer, and gathered the scattered pirate ships near the coast to the sea area near him.

He also put on a posture of fighting to the death.

In the next few minutes, Laike kept teleporting, sending Eudora's vulpera pirates, the troll pirates led by the warlock trio, and even a small number of snake-man pirates and tauren pirates.

That's pretty much all the factions Boo Laike can use right now.

I don't know if I don't see it, but the scale of the real mobilization is still very impressive, at least in terms of numbers, it has already stabilized the alliance navy.

But the problem remains the same.

The firepower of the pirates is not the opponent of the regular navy. Coupled with the poor discipline of the pirates and the old tradition of only fighting with the wind, they really have no advantage in the frontal battlefield.

But thanks to Laike's shot just now, the pirates have the upper hand in terms of morale. This can be regarded as the "strongest BUFF" for the pirates who only fight with the wind.

However, spiritual comfort is ultimately no match for the pressure of reality.

As long as the fighting time is too long, the pirates will also collapse.

"What are you waiting for?"

Fenner's roar sounded from the teleportation hall of the Naglfar, and the menacing stupid warrior obviously had a good time fighting on land, and now he is holding two elven dragon-forged blades that complement each other, stepping forward. With a pace that the six relatives did not recognize, a group of shield girls who were bursting with violence came striding forward.

She yelled angrily:

"The enemy is right in front, and we have a lot of people! Go up to Mang and it's over! Remember to hand Dai Lin to me, I haven't defeated him yet! This time I feel that I am in great shape, and I will definitely win !"

"Wait! Who's behind you?"

Bu Laike didn't really want to deal with the idiot sister who was fighting above, but he felt that his breath was not right, and when he looked back, he saw a 1.4-meter-tall girl among a group of three-meter-tall fierce girls behind Fenner. size.

It is so conspicuous, so outstanding.

It's like a flock of chickens standing upright, you don't care if you don't want to notice it.

"How did you bring her here!"

Bu Laike's eyes widened, he turned his head and scolded the nonchalant Fenner:

"Is this where she should come? Dean Lanyue doesn't care. Well, the dean seems to be on a business trip and can't control her, but that's not the point!"

The stinky pirate strode forward, grabbed the little guy by her hair and started beating her on the head.

"Don't learn well at such a young age! Skipping classes, right? What's the matter with you and Alsace? I haven't asked you yet, tell me honestly!"

"Don't hit, don't hit, people will be fooled by you."

Little Jaina covered her head and yelled. She pushed away the big brother's hand and said helplessly:

"My mother asked me to persuade Fenner not to participate in this battle. I came with firm determination, but it turns out that no amount of determination can withstand Fenner's fist.

I couldn't convince her, and I was worried about her, so I could only follow.


Isn't that Wang Quan at sea?

How is it here? "

Jaina was stunned when she looked forward, and then thinking of what Fenner was shouting just now, the little mage's face quickly turned pale.

She thought of a terrible possibility.

"Understood? But it's too late to let you go now."

Bu Laike glared hard at Fenner, who was out of tune. The latter pretended to whistle and didn't see his eyes. The pirate could only shake his head helplessly, and said with a smoke ring:

"Things are as you can see. The Proudmoore family is going to have a real 'family tradition' today. Either the old man beats Fenner and me to the ground, or the two of us beat him in this sea !

There is no third option anymore.

So, a terrible choice is before you, my dear sister. "

When Fenner heard this, she stopped pretending immediately.

She moved her fists and looked like a violent sister, and asked Jaina directly:

"Your stupid big brother always likes to beat around the bush, but I'm more direct, little Jaina, which side are you on now?"

"Can't I be neutral?"

The little mage asked aggrievedly.

Bu Laike and Fenner looked at each other, shook their heads at the same time and said:


"Then I quit!"

The little mage was about to cry, gritted his teeth and screamed:

"This is not something I should see at my age, nor should I participate in it. I quit! Mom is still waiting for me in Tol Barad. I suddenly remembered that I still have several sets of papers to finish. It will be due in a month, time is urgent, I have to go back to make up homework, goodbye, sister and big brother."

After speaking, Jaina skillfully cast a teleportation spell on herself, and disappeared in front of Bu Laike and Finner with a whoosh.

The stinky pirate sneered, and lightly waved the Sargeras scepter in his hand, and Jaina, who had just escaped, was sent back to the original place with a confused face.

"You little deserter, you will be court-martialed if you escape from the battlefield!"

Bo Laike snorted and said to Jaina:

"I don't need you to participate in the war anymore. Send me a message to the opposite side, and then make it clear to the old man that this battle is the third battle between me and him. No matter whether we win or lose, no matter the result, all past events, grievances and conflicts are irrelevant." A write-off!"


Little Jaina suddenly widened her eyes and said:

"If you win or you lose, are you really willing to drop everything and go home?"

"It's not good to let go of everything. I have come to this point. I can't give up no matter what."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"But returning to the family is okay, and I will try to accept him, just like I accepted Mama Catherine and you, as well as stupid Fenner and Tenred.

I just need a little more time, and I'm tired of the old man always playing tricks against me.

I know, that's a way for stubborn old men to show concern.

But maybe he could take a softer approach.

Go, tell him all my opinions, and I will begin to issue a declaration of war to my pirates, and today this long dispute will finally come to an end.

I'll take it all. "

Jaina sees a rare display of genuine affection from the big brother.

The little mage was also a little moved. She sniffled, nodded earnestly to Bu Laike, and was about to teleport there, but was held down by the pirate.

"The opposite side is in a state of battle. If you teleport rashly, you will cause trouble. Take my boat and I will arrange my confidants to protect you."

Bu Laike said something.

The little mage nodded.

Indeed, when the Kul Tiras fleet is in combat, external mages are not allowed to perform direct teleportation operations.

Bu Laike summoned his loyal little murlocs, and asked the murloc pirates to get a black boat decorated with skeletons, and a circle of murlocs propelled the boat as a driving force.

"You have to protect her with your own lives!"

The stinky pirate sent Jaina to the boat and gave another order to the little murloc.

Knowing Jaina's identity, the little murloc patted its chest and croaked a few times. It jumped out of the boat with its elemental dung fork on its shoulders and let out a croak. The murlocs behind the boat swam together and pushed the boat Towards the Union Navy.

In order to show peace and goodwill, in addition to the murloc pirate flag, a conspicuous white flag was also hung on the boat.

Watching little Jaina leave, Finner squinted her sword and whispered to Bo Laike:

"You are not a mother-in-law, why do you have to send a message to Dai Lin? You know that little fool is not firm, and she will be confused by Dai Lin to the opposite of us."

"What? Are you afraid that your twelve-year-old sister will beat you up? Of course, sending her there is to buy time. By the way, see if you can relax Dai Lin's vigilance.

You idiot! "

Bu Laike took out his dwarf watch and took a look. There was a countdown number on it. He looked up at the empty sky and said:

"Be patient, Fenner, the big one is coming."

"Let me secretly tell you a little secret. If Dai Lin can't summon a giant beast like Deathwing to help in the battle, then we will definitely win today!"

(end of this chapter)

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