Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1508 141. You Know, There Is No Sense Of Accomplishment If You Do The Same Thing A Second Ti

Chapter 1508 141. You know, there is no sense of accomplishment if you do the same thing a second time


On the edge of the flight deck of The Evil of This World, Bu Laike, who was rarely seen wearing a full set of Dark Moon Armor, noticed Dai Lin's "invitation".

He despised these rude warriors in his heart.

If you invite someone to fight, at least you have to say something.

Although in the current scene, the action of hooking fingers is really cool, but unfortunately, Bu Laike will probably never have such an indifferent moment with his own cool aura like his father.

But he still answered the call to war.

Under the command of Bu Laike, the steel mothership that was hovering at high altitude began to fall rapidly, and the downward wind pressure brought down by the four huge propellers rotating at high speed caused the entire sea surface to form a rotating chaotic vortex.

The burning wreckage of the warship on the sea was rolled and thrown in all directions by the current, just like a flying silver-gray hill that was about to fall into this battlefield mixed with iron and blood.

"I'm curious to ask."

Bu Laike held the black owl helmet and said to Prince Erazmin standing beside him:

"This ship won't sink if it falls, right? After all, I have heard of the bad endings of some spaceships falling into the water. If the spaceship I ordered from you at such a high price can't even sail in water, I will definitely be very upset." Very disappointed."

Hearing the layman's question from pirates, a contemptuous symbol appeared in Prince Erazmin's electronic eyes, and the little man said proudly and proudly for a moment:

"If you really need it, this ship can even swim under the sea! This is the essence of Mechagon's millennium technology."

"Cool, I like this kind of amphibious warship."

The stinky pirate grinned, blinked his eyes, put on his helmet, and said in a low voice:

"The first voyage was so successful, it gave me a new understanding of the technological level of Mechagon, so it's time to start the second phase of transformation, right?"

"What do you want to add to it?"

The Mechanical Prince shrugged and said:

"I think it's perfect now."

"It's perfect, but it's not perfect."

Bu Laike drew out the humming Saramani war sword and held it in his hand. He stretched his neck and said:

"You should be stricter with yourself. You have the potential far beyond ordinary people. I mean, isn't the demon-hunting spaceship I seized equipped with the technology of star travel?"

The pirate glanced at the dwarf prince with his mouth wide open, and said in a low tone:

"Hey, you don't think that I only intend to let my 'Evil of This World' sail in the sky of this world, do you? The sea of ​​stars is our journey.

Coincidentally, it is estimated that there will be an opportunity to travel across the stars and land on other planets soon. After returning, I will find a few excellent craftsmen and wait for my call.

I'll take you to the stars for a walk, to collect folk songs and so on. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate bent his legs slightly, and jumped off the spaceship at a height of about 30 meters near the ground.

His figure fell and flashed in the air, and the wide and sharp watchman's cloak unfolded like a dragon's wings behind Braike, and finally landed in a cool "superhero" style, precisely and silently landed on the deck of Wang Quan at sea superior.

When Laike stood up slowly, the fluttering cloak fell on both sides of his shoulders, wrapping his entire body.

Without waiting for Dai Lin's order, the sailors who stayed on the ship got up and shouted and rushed towards Bu Laike. As Dai Lin's most trusted crew members, it is impossible for them not to know the true identity of Bu Laike.

But all of this and this defeat in front of them has made these loyal and brave soldiers suffer, and they are really unwilling to maintain even a superficial peace with this person who has defeated them head-on.

Whoever he is!

No matter what his status is!

No matter how powerful he is!

Failure is a shame that needs to be washed away with blood, whether it is the blood of the enemy or your own.


At the moment when the sailors rushed towards the pirates, Laike spun lightly on the spot, and the whirlwind of knives that had been upgraded several times turned into tens of thousands of lightsabers shaped by the floating moonlight and pierced in all directions.

But instead of a lethal attack, the pirates deliberately controlled the power.

After all, these are the elite confidantes of their old man, they must admire Dai Lin, otherwise it would not explain their determination to take the initiative to draw their swords against Bu Laike.

After all, pirates are not what they used to be.

In this group attack with reduced attack power, it was activated by the "paradox of fate" effect embedded in his belt.

Rolling like khaki quicksand, every sailor who was hit seemed to be thrown into the fading stream of time. They seemed to be frozen in time, becoming one after another khaki faded statues.

This scene was so powerful that Bo Laike himself was taken aback.

After all, the description of this paradox of destiny is very vague. It only said that there is a chance to trigger a stop. This is a mandatory effect, but it only said the minimum duration but did not say how long the longest effect is.

It wasn't until dozens of people were stopped by time that Bu Laike discovered that the duration of this thing was related to the strength gap between them.

He threw a reconnaissance at Major Kul Tiras, who was maintaining a roaring and slashing posture, and the feedback made the pirates stare wide-eyed.

Good guy, this high-level fighter was forced to stop for an astonishing twenty minutes!

Those ordinary fighters are even more outrageous, they need almost an hour to recover from this time stop.

This terrifying effect caused many "bold ideas" to pop up in Bu Laike's impure mind, but before he got excited, he thought of Xal'atath and Maiev beside him.

Well, you can think about it, but you definitely can't do it.

Otherwise, an important organ will definitely be cut off. Although it can definitely grow back under the blessing of the void, but...

Why bother?


Everything in this world must be the best original.

"What kind of trick is this? When did you get involved in time magic again?"

Twenty meters in front of Bu Laike, Dai Lin buckled his commander's helmet on his head, drew out his command saber, and looked at the stopped soldiers beside Bu Laike.

After confirming that their lives were not in danger, he asked in a low voice.

The pirate casually took off the sword of the soldier who stopped beside him, threw it aside, and then took out a dwarf pistol from the major's waist and played with it in his hand.

He raised his sword and walked towards Dai Lin. In the background beside the two of them, the huge steel battleship finally fell into the water at this moment. The splashing waves were so huge that it pushed the Wang Quan on the sea and shook violently a few times.

What is embarrassing is that against this huge background, Dai Lin's old ship also seems to have a "shrinking" feeling.

"Correction, I don't dabble in the power of time, I just get loot like this from other people. You know, being a badass in general, I'm always up to tricks of one sort or another."

With a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, Bu Laike said to the general in front of him:

"Those who have failed at my hands will always leave something behind me, and their legacy will always make me stronger.

I have no habit of pampering my enemies.

But you are an exception. "

"I am your enemy?"

Dai Lin pushed her helmet, laughed a few times, and said:

"Well, I really am. From your point of view, I must have caused you a lot of trouble for the past almost three years, and you have enough reasons to hate me.

Maybe you already had enough reasons before then.

For example, when you crawled back from the underworld in Khaz Modan, there was a question I kept on my mind for a long time, Bu Laike.

do you still hate me "

"In this case, maybe you should call me 'Drake'."

Bu Laike shrugged, raised his pistol and fired at the cheering pirates who had just climbed onto the silver-gray steel battleship next to them.

The scorching bullet flew out against Yinyue Harry's forehead, frightening the guy to the ground.

"Quiet me! Bastard!"

The Scrap Pirate threw away the pistol casually, and scolded:

"Shut up if you want to watch the excitement, if you disturb my mood, I will kill you!"

The next moment, those cheering pirates shut their mouths in unison, and the entire battlefield fell silent, only the roar of the sea tide and the sounds of the wind elementals fighting with the water elementals.

In this silence, Bo Laike sighed, and he said:

"Would you be surprised if I said I never hated you?"

This answer made Dai Lin raise her eyebrows.

He didn't answer because he knew Boo Laike hadn't finished his sentence.

"At the very beginning, I tried to treat you as a stranger whose fame spread far away, and then I realized that the blood connection of this body made it impossible for me to escape the bond between father and son.

I'm starting to realize that I have to find a way to be with you.

But it was more difficult than I expected. "

Bu Laike flicked the elven sword in his hand. Although he seemed to be ready to fight to the death, Dailin could feel that the fighting spirit in his son was dissipating bit by bit.

He didn't seem to be here to fight.

He seems to have come only to declare his victory and, by the way, to peacefully end a three-year feud.

Bu Laike stuck the elven sword on the deck, pulled the cloak he had worn on him, and said:

"I spent a lot of time convincing myself to accept Gianna, Fenner's side is easier, because she does have a lot of resentment towards you, and we are kind of the same way.

When my mom showed up to me, I thought I'd be torn, but it turns out I do have a place in my life for her.

I got along well with her, and there was not as much embarrassment and resistance as I imagined.

but you

Only you.

My senses are very mixed.

I don't need to lie at this time. All the conflicts and grievances between you and me in the past three years can be summed up. In fact, it is just a rebellious child trying to persuade himself to accept his powerful, domineering and unlikable father again.

I don't have to prove that I am better than you.

This question was already answered in the battle when I killed the Church of the Storm.

I thought my beating you would make me calmer.

but no.

Fighting or winning didn't bring answers between us. From then on, I knew I had to find a new way, and luckily, I found it. "

The smelly pirate laughed.

He pointed to the ongoing but meaningless battles around him. The pirates belonging to him suffered heavy losses, but they were approaching victory step by step.

Under the protection of the Aegis of Aggramar held by Jaina, the remaining ships of the Lordaeron fleet are quickly withdrawing from the battlefield. Less than half of the original size of the ships that survived the terrible bombardment of the World's Hell.

It took Dai Lin half a day to do it, but Laike did it in ten minutes.

"The reason for the conflict between us is because we both want to be the king of the sea, but this endless sea is too small, it can only allow the existence of one throne, one crown, and one voice.

I must end your era, and I must personally push back my own era. Only in this way can we truly let go of our differences.

I won! "

Bu Laike spread his hands and said to Dai Lin in a deep voice:

"It's not the victory of one or two battles, but the victory of the war pattern that is destined to be completely changed by me today. As you said, this is the confrontation between the old past and the infinite future.

As I arrange the fate of others, I also arrange my own destiny.

Put down your weapons.

Beat your brilliant achievement, I did it over a year ago!

Doing the same thing again will not make me feel happy. Your time is over, you can let go of your ambitions and ideals, and truly return to your family.

I can finally convince myself to accept a father who will eventually lead to peace.

Dailin Proudmoore, I have changed your fate, I have changed the fate of this family, Drake is very satisfied with everything in front of him.

I can even hear him thanking me. "

"You want me to flee without a fight?"

Facing Boo Laike's statement, the admiral shook his head and said:

"I don't intend to go back alive today with all my failures and my lost dreams!"

"So, all of you stubborn old men are sick."

Bo Laike snorted, and he took a step back.

The next moment, a fiery red figure jumped up from the Nagfar floating on the other side of the sea, and slammed into the deck of the Wang Quan on the sea with rage wrapped around his body.

Fenna Gold Sword, holding two elven holy swords, stood up. Unlike Bu Laike, who had no fighting intentions, the eyes of the stupid warrior at this time were burning with fighting anger.

She cried out:

"My brother asked me to fight this battle for him, Dai Lin, my father! He has already won you, he has completed his family ceremony, but I have not yet!

I'm going to fight you right here, and I've got my eye on your ship!

Just the ship under our feet!

When I get it from you, I'll rename it 'Queen of the Golden Sword'! "

Finner yelled:

"When a Kul Tiras captain loses his ship, he knows it's time to retire. And you've been serving as king and general at the same time, which is too much for an old man.

You can't always let my mother handle the government affairs for you, she's so tired that her hair has grown gray, you bastard who 'eats soft food'.

I'm going to help you reduce your burden today! "

Facing Fenner, who was full of fighting spirit, Dai Lin couldn't laugh or cry. He glanced at Bu Laike who had entered the theater mode, and then took another look at Fenner who was walking towards him, and activated Fenner who was descended from the gods.

He sighed and said:

"All parents fear that their kids won't thrive and do great things, but my worry is that my kids are just too good.

They are not willing to follow the plan I have set for them.

They went their own way and did great things I couldn't have imagined.

Well, maybe I am really old and confused, and I am really not a good father. "

"Well, please don't say that."

Stepping aside, leaving the stage to Fenner's Bou Laike removed his drooping helmet and picked up his flaming pipe.

He said softly:

"Everyone in this family is a combination of contradictions, each trying to be a great Proudmoore while being themselves.

Everyone will experience their own war with Proudmoore.

Occasionally, the part that belongs to me will prevail, but at the end of every war.

Proudmoore will win!

Just as Fenner called you father and chose to inherit your ship, she gave up her hatred for you and finally chose to become a real Proudmoore.

Don't you applaud her? "

"how about you?"

Dai Lin split the command knife in two.

When making a charging gesture, he asked in a deep voice:

"In the war with yourself, who do you choose to be in the end?"

Facing this question, Bu Laike exhaled a puff of smoke ring, looked at the burning sea beside him, and said softly:

"You are really old and confused, didn't I say everything just now? At least today, you should call me 'Drake'."

This answer brought a fleeting but sincere smile to Dai Lin's face. The next moment, he put down his helmet and started charging at the same time as Fenner.

With a loud bang, two waves of anger collided together, bursting out endless sparks.

But everyone knows that this sea king battle is actually over.

The bad news is that Dai Lin lost.

The good news is that he won everything but the win.

Well, what a lucky old fellow.

(end of this chapter)

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