Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1513 146. From Now On, No One Can Call Me A Child King!

Chapter 1513 146. From now on, no one can call me a child king!

Does Varian want to be Emperor of Humanity?

Do not.

He did not want.

Not at all!

Although the recent emo is difficult, Varian's mind is clear.

The child king is well aware of his abilities, and even managing the Stormwind Kingdom is quite difficult, let alone becoming an emperor to lead mankind forward in the magical world of Azeroth.

This is why Bo Laike admires Varian even though he has been "accidentally hurting" Varian.

This kid is very persuasive.

The boundaries of what should be done, what should not be done, what can be done, and what cannot be done have always been clear in his mind, so there is no need to worry that Varian will suddenly go crazy and do some hard work.

But today, Varian Wrynn chose to remain silent when Braike asked him the question.

Not that he suddenly changed his mind under the blows, it's just that the Kid King hesitated because Bu Laike mentioned Stromkar, the Emperor's Sword, before asking the question.

He had experienced the Battle of Dalaran, and he knew that the Emperor's Sword had been lost in Deathwing's escape, and it was the sword of Marshal Lothar, whom he regarded as his father.

After the marshal was injured and fell into a deep sleep, the Emperor's Sword also disappeared from the human territory.

This is undoubtedly the beginning of a very good superstition story.

Although the nobles and the upper class didn't like this story, but the folklore was very fierce.

No matter which country, there are people who are keen on the legend that the human king lost his morals, and secretly united to kill the great Marshal Lothar. As a result, the emperor's sword was unwilling to be used by these villains, and they chose to hide themselves.

Just like after the death of Emperor Thoradin, the sword god of the emperor disappeared for nearly three thousand years.

There are also sufficient precedents to prove this, making this not-so-outrageous rumor more and more accepted by more people.

But now, in Braike's confident words, Varian read a very important message. The pirate in front of him probably knows where the lost Emperor's Sword is.

It is even very likely to be in his hands!

Braike's supernatural powers have been recognized by the whole world, and Varian feels that he has no problem making such a guess.

"Ha, I know why you're hesitating."

Bo Laike waited patiently for the child king's answer. He ate up the lobster in his hand within a few minutes and took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands.

He picked up his pipe slowly and said:

"Now you know that you can't take on that kind of heavy responsibility, but you want to get the Emperor's Sword, thinking that it might help you awaken Lothar's remaining 'truth, goodness and beauty' and the like

Ouch, Varian, you are so conflicted, you are so weak.

I can even smell your despair, actually pinning all my hopes on a sword, is this what your holy light taught you? I remember you were not like this before. "

"I'm just"

The Kid King tried to explain.

But he searched his brains and couldn't come up with a reason to refute, because what the pirate said perfectly matched his thoughts, so after embarrassment, he could only choose to respond in silence.

"You still can't accept the reality. You always feel that there should be a happy ending in this world. It's a great mentality to always have expectations for good things.

But when expectations turn into stubbornness and blindness, it means you are going down a wrong path. "

The pirate raised his oily hand and slapped the young king on the shoulder, leaving a bad handprint on the king's shirt.

He said:

"It seems that you didn't listen to what Lothar said to you when he left. It's a pity. He will probably be disappointed with your growth and your bluntness

But that's okay too.

After all, the child is still young, understandable.

Come! "

Under the slight force of the pirate's fingers, Varian's body was turned bit by bit. When he was facing the sea, a slender and charming figure was wading through the gloomy sea under the starless and moonless tonight. Come.

Her Majesty the Queen of the Deep Sea came here alone in such a dark night without any guards. Bu Laike, who is the head of the guard, really had to worry about the safety of the Queen.

In the middle of the night, a woman came out alone, what if something happened to her?

But considering that this "weak woman" is likely to be the most powerful woman in Azeroth, Braike's concerns were not expressed in the end, lest Her Majesty the Queen think he was joking again, and then named him a "court jester" That would be too bad.

"Do you know who she is?"

Bo Laike whispered behind Varian:

"You should recognize it, right?

Or you can guess it, if you pay close attention to the affairs of northern Xinjiang, I mean, if the secret pile buried in Quel'Thalas by MI7 is still working normally, you should know that this majesty has been in the past two days What kind of great things have you done.

I think you should be honored, my Varian.

Your Majesty has spared time for your audience today. You must know that this is a rare courtesy for such a noble and proud ruler as her. "

"This is Queen Azshara?"

The Kid King flexed his fingers, and he whispered:

"Why does she want to see me? I'm not an elf."

"But you and your people live in the empire that once belonged to Queen Azshara, just like the mountain people who live in the Redridge Mountains and rarely communicate with the outside world.

Do you think those mountain people are not your people? "

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"Besides, what you want is in the hands of the Queen.

The Emperor's Sword that you fancied you could use to awaken Marshal Lothar, yes, Deathwing threw it into the sea, and the sea happened to be Queen Azshara's territory.

So if you really want it, you'd better be cooperative, I mean, be nice. "

"What are you whispering there? My chief guard."

Queen Azshara, who finished eradicating the traitors and gave a lesson to the disobedient elf people, seemed to be in a good mood tonight. She swayed her tentacles in the water like an elegant dance and approached the shore.

She looked Varian Wrynn up and down, and said to Bo Laike, who was standing with his arms tied:

"Are you telling this 'kid king' about my weaknesses?

I have to say, this is a very bad behavior. Not only will you be regarded as a traitor to the empire, what's worse, even if you tell Varian all my weaknesses, it will be difficult for him to take advantage of them now . "

"Your Majesty, you are joking, I am just telling my compatriots about the etiquette of how to meet you."

Boo Laike laughed and gave Varian a slight push behind his back.

The young king took a deep breath.

Facing this character who only existed in myths and legends before him, he felt a little nervous, and he could even feel the invisible but real imperial aura of Queen Azshara.

This is not the same as the natural weakness of the elves when they face the queen. Humans will not be affected by the queen's natural elves, so what Varian can feel is the pressure brought by pure power.

But one thing is for sure.

Although the queen in front of him had a monster-like appearance, Varian felt like elves when he saw her, and he didn't feel dirty or twisted from it.

He can still see a very charming and powerful soul under this weird appearance.

While Varian was observing Queen Azshara on the coast, the Queen was also examining the young human king in front of her.

Although she didn't have the title of a prophet, but with her Majesty's ten thousand years of experience, she could indeed feel a trace of future glory from this young king.

Of course, Varian is not in a very good state now and has not been able to hide it from the Queen.

Just by looking at his embarrassing stubble and big bags under his eyes, he must have had a bad time during this time.

"Frankly, I'm a little disappointed."

The queen, who was hovering above the water with her tentacles supporting her body, supported her chin with her own hand, and swiped the submissive water with her remaining three hands. She said to Varian in a condescending tone:

"I look forward to seeing a soul that is full of strength and can do great things, but you obviously haven't met that standard. I mean, you had the opportunity, but you took a weak path.

holy light

Tch, under the command of the Holy Light, only brainless fanatics and humble priests can be produced, and the Holy Light can't create an excellent emperor, because no great person will act in accordance with the way of humility.

I see that you are constantly putting shackles on yourself in the name of faith, and you will be tightened until you are suffocated.

But you are a different person.

I can feel the power in you, dormant but still pushing you, urging you to break free, howling to give you the power that is real and your own.

It will give you back what you lost.

You are not complete, King of Mankind, you have not yet attained what truly completes you, or you have not found the path to greatness.

My chief guard contemptuously called you the 'King of Children', which is really true.

The harder you try to prove your growth, the more you feel like a kid yearning to go back in time. "

The queen shook her head and said meaningfully:

"You face the past, so naturally you can't see the road to the future, and when you have the desire and urge to fly, you shouldn't and can't force yourself to crawl on the ground."

"Well, my lord, I think anyone can say this to him, but you can't."

Bu Laike complained in a low voice:

"If you really want to say that there is anyone in this world who is eager to go back to the good old days, it can only be... Uh, well, I won't talk, you continue."

The stinky pirate who talked nonsense was stared back by the queen's sharp eyes. He shrugged helplessly and closed his mouth.

Being disturbed by him, the Queen couldn't continue to say the words she used to induce Varian to be kind to her. She snorted coldly, and stopped instilling deep-sea chicken soup to the child king, but talked about the business.

As the Queen's hand lifted up in the water, the emperor's sword Stromkar in its original form appeared in front of Varian Wrynn in the turbulent water.

As Lothar's "adopted son", Varian recognized the sword as genuine at a glance.

And I don't know if it's because the last guy Lothar used to cut was Deathwing, which caused the sword to show a weird purple-red pattern at this time, as if the blood of the Destroyer hadn't been washed away. .

But this did not destroy the integrity of the sword, but added a more majestic and sharper atmosphere to it.

"You want it, there's desire in your eyes"

Azshara chuckled lightly. She looked at Bu Laike and joked in that top-notch voice:

"What? My chief guard, haven't you taught this child that if he wants to become a good king, he must learn to hide his desire? It's not what a mature man should do to write his thoughts on his face so easily Something happened."

Facing the queen's ridicule, Bu Laike directly said:

"I'm not his father, so why should I teach him? You didn't see the way he punched me with his fist just now, tsk tsk, it's terrible.

I have given him face by not asking him for mental damages. "

"You are worthy of being my chief guard, and indeed the man I favor. You always speak so humorously. Maybe I should give you the title of 'court jester'."

Queen Azshara laughed, she looked at Varian again, and said:

"Young king, I will give you this sword, but you will do two things for me."

The young Varian was teased again and again by the Royal Sister Queen. This time, he wanted to be more cautious, so he didn't answer immediately, but asked:

"Please tell me the content first, Your Majesty."

Queen Azshara did not talk too much with the "little kid" in her eyes, she said calmly:

"First, you have to get me the sealed item that is currently sealed in the secret room under the Holy Light's Hope Chapel. My guard chief told me that the code name of that thing in the Holy Light Church is 'The Devourer'."

"It's hard to do."

Varian frowned and replied:

"It means I might be offended."

"That's your problem, Kid King, not mine."

The queen waved her hand and said indifferently:

"You should learn to deal with troubles yourself, instead of asking for help from others when you encounter any difficulties. You just need to answer me, do you accept it?"


Varian glanced at the sword of Stromkar Emperor suspended in front of his eyes.

He was very hesitant in his heart, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

This scene made Bo Laike shake his head. He felt that he should give some pointers as a "senior", so he coughed and said behind Varian:

"You are an older child, Varian, I understand that you were well protected by Lothar before, so that you also acquired some of the 'bad habits' of that idealistic great man.

I don't intend to comment on your pursuit and your ideals, but I want to tell you that you can't always let others tell you what is right and what is wrong, you have to learn to judge for yourself.

You have to make your own plans, execute them yourself, and bear the consequences yourself.

The Holy Light loves you so much, but unfortunately you don't know how to use it properly, as His Majesty said, you turned the sword that should be in your hand into a shackle that binds you.

You've been bound by other people's rules, but you should learn to make your own.

As a king, how can he be bound by others?

Holy Light taught you humility but never taught you to be weak. Faith made you tough but never taught you to be blind. You should really examine your contradictory heart, little lion.

How can you, who has been shaped by others, become the light of others in dark times?

The prerequisite for you to lead your people forward as a qualified leader is that there should be no other people in front of you on this road!

Otherwise, you are doomed to be just a follower. "

The pirate patted the young king on the shoulder, and said:

"Don't worry about whether you can do it or not. Shouldn't the reason you keep Xiao Er and the others be to let them serve you at this time? Being a king is a privilege!

You have to learn to use power well and learn to make your troubles a burden to others. "

"I understand what you mean, but please tell me these truths in a brighter tone next time, okay?"

Varian groaned.

After a few seconds, he raised his head and nodded to Queen Azshara.

"very good."

The queen nodded in satisfaction, and then she stated her second request.

She pushed the Emperor's Sword to Varian, saying:

"You have to make a contract with me, young king. I want you to use this sword to reshape the human empire 2,800 years ago, yes, I want you to become the emperor of mankind.

Or High King or something, whatever you want to call your leader.

As my subjects, you, a disorganized race, have to behave decently, and in my long and boring life, maybe raising an emperor with my own hands will allow me to pass the time better.

This is a suggestion made by my loyal and whimsical chief guard. I think this suggestion is very in line with my plan for the future world.

Queen of elves?

Well, I am tired of this title of failure, I hope future generations of fools call me 'King of kings'! "

Queen Azshara moved her arm.

She looked at the sluggish Varian Wrynn, and she said:

"Then, from now on, child king, you and your descendants will call me mentor"

(end of this chapter)

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