Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1516 149. Night Banquet · Lich King Limited Edition --- Last Month's Monthly Ticket Plu

Chapter 1516 149. Night Banquet · Lich King Limited Edition --- Last month's monthly ticket plus update [325]

"I thought you weren't coming."

In a valley of Eversong Forest from Quel'Thalas to the territory of the human kingdom, Braike, who was admiring the sunrise on the hillside, pretended to be wearing a black elven cloak, carrying a Thoridar bow, and tried hard to hold the Disguise yourself as a ranger.

But it's a pity that the cloak-like shadow curtain that this guy will float even under the sunlight symbolizes his identity.

an assassin.

Or in a more literary way, it's called the Night Walker.

He turned his back to the shadow in the forest behind him, holding his wine jug in his hand, and said in a chic gesture with his back to the visitor:

"I also thought that if you don't send anyone, I will sell this precious soul to those shameless warlocks who are coveting her."

"After receiving the news of the war between the Sons of the Night and the Quel'Dorei, we sent people immediately, but the distance was far away, and we lacked the support of official forces, so we couldn't even use the portal tactics."

In the forest behind the pirate, Elisanna Ravencrest and her boyfriend, Marris Mosaic, who also wore an elf cloak, walked out quietly.

The eldest lady of the Ravencrest family explained in a low voice:

"And in the season when a Lich King has just been born in the Eastern Continent, the resurrected undead wandering around will undoubtedly cause unnecessary panic.

Father realized this and sent me to collect the precious souls. "

"Tsk tsk, it's really not good for the death knights to run around in the eastern continent, but it's hard for me to understand Lord Ravencrest's brain circuit. Could it be that two blind elves covered in tattoos won't attract attention if they walk through the city?"

Bu Laike complained very viciously:

"Look at the looks of the two of you, even if you are thrown into Silvermoon City, you will be recognized immediately, not the low-key that a spy should be.

So, are you two here on an escort mission to the Black Crows? Or did you find an excuse to come out on your honeymoon? "

"Please don't doubt our sincerity."

Elisanna knew how poisonous Bo Laike's mouth was, she didn't try to explain, but she just didn't intend to continue this fucking topic.

But as soon as the blind Illidari tried to get close to Laike, the two stone statue-shaped Gargon hounds lying on the pirate's feet almost bit off his fingers.

"What is this?"

Elisanna pulled out the Moonblade with a bang.

She vigilantly perceived the two strange auras that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. Just now, her hunter perception clearly told her that they were two strange but ordinary stones.

How did this suddenly come alive?

"Ha, this is the baby I specially found to scare you!"

Bu Laike saw two Illidari veterans successfully scared by the Gargon Hound, he clapped his hands very happily, and said meanly:

"Now you know the danger of blinding your eyes? Your hunter perception is not invincible. I taught you a lesson with practical teaching. No matter what you do in the future, stay away from those weird things.

This world is becoming more and more dangerous, and your perception can't save you from danger like before.

Think about it carefully, how many sculptures did you perceive in the forest when you walked through the forest? Tsk tsk, it's not an exaggeration to say that you 'best hunters' just walked around the edge of hell.

In view of the fact that I taught you another lesson, I think you should pay me for teaching, and it doesn’t need to be too much, one hundred Demon Soul Stones is enough. "

"No money."

Marius Demon Calamity put away the moonblade, spread out his hands and said directly:

"Lord Illidan is training a large number of demon hunter recruits in the Black Temple. All the soul stones we seized in Dellano must be handed over. Those things are now strategic materials.

But the powerful demons in that small world are almost wiped out by us, and Lord Illidan is even considering sending a group of recruits back to Azeroth for hunting training.

We can already be sure that there are already a large number of devil spies hiding in the current various forces.

This is why I accompanied Irisana back to Azeroth, Master Laike, I bring you a request from Lord Illidan, who needs to use the channel of the Uncrowned to help recruits quickly enter their respective theaters. "

"Hey, this is to steal business!"

Bu Laike said in a bad tone:

"The warlock students in my academy are currently catching demons in various forces to practice their vision, and you guys are going to intervene. Uh, but this is not a bad thing.

It happened before that the disguise of the demon was exposed by the warlock, but the weak chicken warlock couldn't beat the demon and was almost killed. I can consider pairing my disciples and your recruits to form a real 'monster hunting team. '.

The warlock is responsible for finding, and the demon hunter is responsible for killing.

If you can't find demons, my warlocks can help you summon demons from the Twisting Nether for you to slay.

Tsk tsk, this "self-produced and sold" model is simply amazing. "

Having said that, the stinky pirate raised two fingers and said:

"Then, every time I find and kill a demon, the Illidari need to pay me two hundred gold coins, and I can use soul stones instead. Do you accept this condition?"

Laike's outrageous words shocked Maris instantly. The more lively demon hunter exclaimed:

"Boy! We do the work for you and pay you back? What's that goddamn pirate joke you just invented?"

"Hey! Don't be ignorant!"

The stinky pirate put his hands on his hips and said unhappily:

"I have generously offered you a job, and only charged such a small labor fee. You are not grateful to Dade, but you still want to ask me for wages?

I said, you blind elves are really going too far. "

"If Lord Illidan is here, he will definitely mention the Glaive of Azzinoth and slash you twice."

Maris complained, but didn't say any more.

He knew that when it came to lip service, the entire Illidari would be ruthlessly suppressed by Braike.

This guy is the king of the talkative world, the bragging god of destruction, and the supreme god of the mocking world.

He's definitely good at provoking people.

Elisanna did not intervene in this problem of destroying all three views. She carefully avoided the two Gargon hounds that had turned into stone statues to hide again, and took Elisande's soul stone from Bo Laike.

But the eldest lady of the Ravencrest family frowned quickly, and she tossed the screaming soul stone up and down, saying:

"Why is there only a soul? What about her body?"


Bu Laike whistled in embarrassment and said:

"How should I put it, when I executed her, I used too much force, and the excess evil energy filled the flesh and it was blown to pieces. I originally thought that with the craftsmanship of the stitching masters of the Black Crow Knights, I should be able to cut off those residual limbs." Arms are sewn up.

But after repeated confirmation by a senior psychic friend of mine, he told me that it was too broken to be stitched.

So only this soul remains.

But that's okay too, right? "

The smelly pirate grinned and said:

"Liches don't need flesh and blood. My Blue Moon Dean completed the transformation ceremony with a spirit body. For ruthless liches, troublesome flesh and blood will only affect the speed at which they throw death and decay.

Besides, I know there are some 'spare bodies' kept in the Black Crows.

If Lord Ravencrest really needs it, he can definitely find a new body for the black crow lich Ms. Elisande. This is not difficult, right?

It would be easier if you pursue fresh flesh and blood. "

Bu Laike lowered his voice and said:

"I know how cruel the training of demon hunters is. It's not a waste to find a beautiful one among your eliminated elves.

I just don't know which one Lord Ravencrest likes?

Is tall? Or fierce?

still is"


Elisanna really couldn't bear the mental attack of this stinky pirate's foul language. She put the soul stone that her father named to get into her pocket with a straight face. She really didn't plan to stay here any longer. leave.

"Hey, you two."

While watching the pair of Illidari ducks leave, Bu Laike suddenly reminded:

"Don't take Stratholme on the way back, take a detour."


Maris asked in surprise:

"That's the shortest route. Is there anything going on there recently?"

"Not recently."

Bo Laike took out his pocket watch, looked at it, and said:

"Just tonight!

There the dreadful Lich King held a banquet and invited kings to his banquet.

It's not that you are worried about the safety of the two of you, but that you are holding Elisande's soul, and you are likely to be targeted by the greedy Frostmourne.

The Lich King loves his black-bellied Sword Lady very much. If Frostmourne strongly demands, I am afraid that you will not be able to take this soul stone away safely.

It's even possible that you two pungent, fel-smelling souls will become Frostmourne's snacks.

By the way, by the way, bring a message to Lord Ravencrest for His Majesty whom I am currently serving.

Queen Azshara wanted to find an opportunity to chat with her former lord of the empire about rebuilding the glory of the empire. She was such a wise and broad-sighted ruler that she did not reject a group of dead people from entering her empire.

She even said that as long as Lord Ravencrest is willing to recognize the existence of the empire again, she can treat the rebellion 10,000 years ago as just a game between the monarch and his subjects. "

"That was her fault!"

Mentioning Azshara, Elisanna immediately became excited, and she shouted:

"My father died at the hands of the assassin she sent. It is absolutely impossible for my father to have any contact with that tyrant! Let her die!"

"Well, young man, don't make up your mind for your older father!"

Bo Laike shook his head in a drawn out voice and said:

"Take my words back. I believe Lord Ravencrest has his own thoughts. You must know that not all the highborne who sank into the sea with the queen back then were transformed into Naga.

As far as I know, there are still a considerable number of drowned ghosts in the ruins of the city on the edge of Nazjatar.

The queen allowed them to continue to exist on her own territory, but she also had no good way to arrange for these souls who did not want to rest in peace.

This wave belongs to what everyone needs.

And what the queen needs is nothing more than nominal allegiance.

I believe that after your father swore an oath of eternal war against the devil, he has a clearer understanding of the past grievances.

I can say these words for my majesty here, and I can predict with certainty that Highlord Ku'talos Ravencrest will become Queen Azshara's "loyal servant" again in the future. "

What the smelly pirate said made Elisanna fall silent. A few seconds later, the eldest lady of the Ravencrest family said helplessly:

"Why do people like you serve Azshara? What methods did the Empress use to convince you? Are those terrible rumors true?

Have you become the queen's only male favorite in these ten thousand years?

Have you really been conquered by Azshara's supreme style? Do you really like scary tentacles? "


Bu Laike suddenly widened his eyes, and he angrily said:

"Damn it! Enough of the vicious lower body rumors! Her Majesty and I are innocent, I haven't even touched her hand, hell! Tell me, where did these vicious rumors come from?

I'm going to rip their mouths out!

The pirates under my command may talk badly, but after the brutal naval battle of Quel'Thalas, they didn't have the guts to continue making vicious jokes about me.

Is it those damn goblins?


You two!

Don't run away, tell me clearly!

Run again and let the dog go!

Don't think that this is the end of the matter, it was groundless, you have to spread it again, if Queen Azshara misunderstands in the future, you will be responsible!

My swarm is in Dellano, you can run as monks but not temples!

You wait for me! "


At the same time that Braike was incompetent and furious because of the damage to his reputation, at the border of Stratholme and Quel'Thalas, to be precise, in an elven camp called Quelinth Lodge, the Lich King was Stay here.

The local elf rangers have been "politely" invited out of the camp by the death knights. The old ranger lord stationed here, His Excellency Hawksbill, who is known as the "King of Rangers", did not try to resist.

He had previously received an order from General Silver Moon, asking him not to have any conflicts with His Majesty Lothar, and to try his best to meet the needs of the Lich King.

Because the next "King's Meeting" will also be attended by the Sun King himself.

Lothar's envoys have sent invitations from the Lich King to every king's palace, even Gilneas, which is currently closed to the outside world, has received the letter.

Although it is still early for the talks scheduled to start at night, the kings of various countries basically arrive early.

And apart from the Knights of the Silver Hand who came here for the symbolic "peacekeeping", the kings' trips this time were very "simple".

His Majesty Lothar's majesty has been fully proved, no amount of mortal army is meaningful in front of him.

Since it doesn't make sense, then simply don't bring it.

Of course, each king has his own powerful entourage, such as Uther and old Fording beside King Terenas, such as the four royal red-clothed assassins beside His Majesty Alterac King Auriden.

Another example is the head of the royal guard next to Queen Mia Greymane, Goldrinn the Chosen Old Jean.

The city-state of Dalaran sent Krasus, the current leader of the Council of Six, as a representative. The red dragon had no guards, but little Jaina appeared beside him as the second representative.

The king, who is very capable of fighting like Dai Lin, did not bring his guards, but he brought his two wives. Mrs. Catherine, who had been "recovering from illness" for more than half a year, also attended in a queen's long dress.

The only embarrassing one is the representative of Stormwind Kingdom.

Grand Duke Bolvar Fordragon's face was gloomy. His Majesty Varian has not been found until now. He almost mobilized all the power of spellcasters in the entire northern border, but his king just disappeared.

No one knows where he went.

"Don't worry, Bolvar, Varian will be fine."

Dai Lin, who was still recovering from her injuries, comforted:

"That child is followed by many people, and there are people who pay attention to him in the Hall of Valor. If he is really in danger, there will definitely be powerful forces to help him."

"I just think he's a little too irresponsible!"

The Grand Duke said angrily:

"A king has to do what a reckless warrior would do. This time he is really disappointing!"

"Duke Bolvar, His Majesty has appeared!"

Just when the Grand Duke was about to complain, Shaw who suddenly appeared brought a piece of joyful news. He said to the Grand Duke:

"The Farstrider Legion has just sent a message. At the edge of Eversong Forest, they found His Majesty Varian who was walking through the jungle alone. Ms. Vereesa of the Windrunner family is personally escorting His Majesty to Stratholme."


The Grand Duke said in surprise:

"How and where did he go?"


Xiao Er looked left and right, then glanced at Dai Lin again, he hesitated for a moment, and said softly:

"Your Majesty said that he encountered a miraculous 'divine revelation'."

"Hey, I know faith is important, but Varian seems to have gone mad."

Dai Lin thought it was an artistic statement, and immediately lamented, but then Xiao Er shook his head and said seriously:

"No, the Grand Duke and His Majesty Dai Lin, this time it's a real revelation. Your Majesty passed the mysterious test, and he got back the sword of Stromkar the Emperor!"

"What did you say!!?"

(end of this chapter)

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