Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1518 151. What? Can I Finally Graduate? ---Add More【5/25】

Chapter 1518 151. What? Can I finally graduate? --- plus more [525]

After seeing Bu Laike suddenly appear like a ghost, Her Royal Highness Princess Calia froze in place.

But after Bu Laike quietly asked that sentence, Her Royal Highness's cheeks were flushed, and she screamed, holding her head and knocking Bu Laike away, and rushed out of the tent.

As a result, she almost fell because the skirt was too long.

This scene left the Scrap Pirate very speechless.

He respects women very much and wanted to help the "albatross" released by himself, but the latter screamed again, looking at the friendly hand of Laike as if he saw something frightening, and stood up He just ran away with the hem of his skirt in his hand.

Judging by her vigorous movements and escaping speed, she really has the potential to become a paladin.

"What the hell did you show her?"

Bu Laike looked back into the tent, but Prophet Velen just smiled and said nothing. He took back the soul song crystal that buzzed slightly because he was close to Bu Laike, and said slowly to the pirates:

"I promised Her Royal Highness that nothing will be spread. You should have confidence in a prophet's promise, but I can only say that fate is a very magical thing.

Even I who have lived for 30,000 years have never seen such a wonderful future. "

"Hey, no one cares about you playing the Riddler game in front of others, but you don't need to do this in front of me, right?"

Bo Laike sighed, walked into the tent and sat opposite Velen.

He looked at the hale and hearty old prophet in front of him, and said with disgust:

"Have you been in Azeroth long enough? I heard you went to Zandalar last month? Was it to discuss the majesty of the Loa of the Light with Zandalari paladins?

When the hell are you going back to Dellano? "

"My people have transferred to this world, Bu Laike, isn't it normal for me to stay here?"

Faced with the pirate's malicious expulsion, Velen seemed very calm. He turned the holy light rosary in his hand and said slowly:

"Thanks to your excellent suggestion, my people have launched the Storm Fortress in the South China Sea near Pandaria, and we have found several material-rich islands in that uninhabited sea, intending to rebuild our civilization there.

Panda people are very friendly, they are willing to help us alien visitors.

And they were very enthusiastic, and even sent those mighty Xianglong knights to take the initiative to send us enough food and various delicious foods for a year.

My people are once again feeling the kindness of the world after their miserable time, and I think the rebuilding of civilization will be smoother this time than the last.

It's all because of your proposal and planning, Bo Laike, and it occurs to me that we draenei haven't thanked you enough for it. "

"Well, if you really want to thank me, don't forbid the development of the Dark Templar among your people."

Pirates complained:

"My apprentice Cirdan is struggling to recruit assassins in the Draenei, I think there must be obstruction from the upper echelons, it is impossible for a priest like you not to know the principle of the coexistence of light and shadow.

The painful lessons of the past have taught you that you need not only brave vindicators and pious priests, but also those who walk in the dark to defend your people thousands of miles away. "

"I understand, and I can live with the light and shadow argument, but this is not the time, Laike."

The Prophet shook his head and said:

"The number of our clansmen left is too small, and every healthy clansman is very important to civilization.

But I discussed with His Excellency Nobundo that many compatriots among the Broken are no longer accepted by the Holy Light, and they can go freely under the teachings of the Dark Templar.

Especially our compatriots from Argus, who have merged with the shadows during the ten thousand years of dormancy, they are the assassin forces you should pay attention to.

Of course, I know what you're talking about with me, Boo Laike.

We are all prophets.

Our conversations don't have to be so delicate. "

Having said that, Velen paused, turned his rosary, and said in a low voice:

"The four escort spaceships, including the Exodar, are currently preparing to sail in the secret dock outside the Storm Fortress.

They were rested and inspected with the efforts of our spaceship technicians. This is a very cumbersome process, but according to Maraard's report, we can be ready to fly into the stars in more than a month.

The Draenei are also doing their best to create light-forged warriors, making final preparations for our return to the home planet and the war to regain our heritage.

All forces of Dellano's anti-magic alliance are also stepping up preparations for an unprecedented war.

Only you are responsible for this side.

I mean, the mysterious and powerful guardians of the titans of Azeroth, I'm not sure if the warriors who are closely related to the titan gods are ready.

You and I both know that no matter how brave we mortals may be, the Guardians of the Titans are the absolute main force in the battle of Argus. "

"Don't rush, the things here are very complicated and need to be advanced one by one. There is still an ancient god in the Titan Holy Land that has not been resolved."

Speaking of business, Bo Laike's expression became serious, and he said to Velen:

"After tonight's talks are over, I will immediately go to the Northland to promote the assembly of the Titan Guardians. If everything goes well, one month should be enough for them to complete the recovery of the Titan Holy Land.

Then, we can go to Argus.

By the way, I had a prophetic dream not long ago, my dear prophet.

You can take it as if I'm painting a picture for you, but I'm actually pretty sure what I'm seeing is real.

Just in my dream, I returned to the ruined land of Argus. I thought it was a piece of scorched earth, but unexpectedly, after your world was polluted by evil energy and fell apart, there is still a miraculous land. Keep it as fresh as you remember it.

I can see the flowers blooming, and the old mystic school towering forlornly over the weedy field, and the consul's seat where you used to carry out your decrees.

Although the glorious land has collapsed, there is still some momentum remaining.

Ancient spirits roam their homeland as if twenty-five thousand years had passed untouched by them. "


Hearing Bu Laike's prophecy, the prophet's eyes lit up.

It has been 25,000 years since the Draenei people left their home planet, and the world of Argus has been corrupted by evil energy for the same long time. In such a long time, no world can resist the terrible corruption of evil energy.

In the imagination of Velen and the remaining draenei, their world must have been a wasteland hell, without a shred of nature left.

But now, the pirate's words gave him new hope.

"It's a piece of land called Mac'Aree, and it seems to be well protected."

Bu Laike stood up, shook his head and said:

"In my dream, I even saw a pure lake in Mac'Aree, which is really a spectacle, but maybe it's also a decoy.

What I want to ask is.

If Argus can still be inhabited, if that world is still willing to accept wanderers to return home, will you go back to your home planet? "

This question made Velen hesitate for a while, the prophet thought for a while and said:

"It depends on what the people think, but I think that after so long, the draenei seem to have gotten used to wandering among the stars day and night, maybe.

Perhaps the hometown has also become a symbol of beauty in my heart.

Time can dilute many emotions that we once thought we would never forget, especially for those of us draenei who live with the Holy Light and are almost eternal.

There is no going back to the past.

We should accept the present and look forward to the future.

So, there is a high probability that we will stay here, Bu Laike, and we will be as grateful as you are for the gifts and gifts of this world. "

"That's good."

This sincere answer made the pirate very satisfied.

He grinned, waved and threw a golden ring seal to Velen, winking and said:

"With your words, I dare to give this thing to you. The future of this world needs to be planned, especially after the bronze dragons leave.

Destiny can go astray, but not the end.

Wearing it means that we have to take on the responsibility of protecting our destiny and the future, which may be the meaning of the world asking us to be prophets. "

Velen glanced at the golden seal in his hand, he saw the pattern of eyes surrounded by layers, he understood what Laike meant, this was an invitation.

An invitation only true prophets can get.

When Velen raised his head, there was no longer Laike in front of his eyes. The old man Delaney hesitated, and put the golden ring on his finger.

He stood up, walked out of the tent, and looked at the peaceful world in front of him with greedy eyes. He thought of Argus and Dellano.

He has failed both worlds

He will no longer live up to the wonderful world in front of him that opens its arms to them.

Then, let me guard the fate of Azeroth!


After talking with Velen, Bu Laike took a breath and sorted out the timeline of the next major operation, and then planned to stroll away. After the meeting in the evening, he evacuated from the boring northern Xinjiang.

But when he walked halfway, he saw Arthas in a cloak sneaking towards the temporary camp where Dalaran was located. This scene immediately made Braike, who was squatting in the grass and peeking, very angry. where to come.

Hello Alsace!

All the promises made at Della before were all nonsense, right? On this occasion, don't you forget to talk to Jaina about love?

See what you can!

The stinky pirate with itchy teeth looked left and right, intending to step up and wrap the little idiot in a sack and beat him up, but then rolled his eyes and decided to teach Alsace a heart-wrenching lesson.

So he wrote a letter and smuggled it onto Lady Catherine's resting table.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Catherine, who was sitting at the table chatting with Mrs. Jinjian and preparing to drink a glass of lunch wine, found the letter left for her, and when she opened it, her eyes widened.

The pirate governor probably managed a group of pirates for a long time, which caused her temper to become more and more uncontrollable. She touched the decorative saber at her waist and shook her head.

It's a bit too fierce to take out, and it doesn't look good on her image.

"Gina! Lend me your staff."

Mrs. Catherine got up, straightened her clothes and said something to Mrs. Golden Sword who had just picked up the wine glass. The latter gave her a surprised look, but still handed Mrs. Catherine her precious torrent staff.

Then she was surprised to see Catherine angrily walking towards the Dalaran camp with her staff in the posture of a monk holding a stick.

Not long after, under the gaze of Mrs. Golden Sword watching the fun with a wine glass, the screaming Arthas ran out of Jaina's tent with his head in his arms.

Behind him was Her Majesty the Queen of Kul Tiras who kept waving his staff to beat him.

This scene immediately caused shock in the entire camp, but because of the identities of the two, none of the guards dared to stop it. Dai Lin is still talking to Varian about the Emperor's Sword, and there is no time to stop it .

In the end, Queen Mia rushed out and hugged the angry Queen Catherine, which gave the beaten Alsace a chance to escape.

Seeing how angry Mrs. Catherine was, it was not difficult to guess that the two stinky children must have done some terrible things in the tent, such as kissing or something.

After all, bound by Bo Laike's oath, Arthas couldn't do anything else he wanted.

"Ha, this is what happens to disobedient stupid children!"

Bu Laike, who was hiding on the branch, watched the scene contentedly.

He couldn't be happier.

Old King Terenas is not in the mood to take care of his children at this meeting. He is thinking about how to deal with tonight's meeting in the tent.

After admiring the way Madame Catherine chased and beat Alsace with her staff, Bo Laike was satisfied and just found a random place to have a nap.

He slept until the sunset and then he stretched his body and got up, and then he saw the Gargon hounds that he had thrown beside him as guards before he fell asleep, loyally maintaining the posture of the stone statue, but the corners of the mouths of the hounds were still bloodstained.

This made the corner of the pirate's mouth twitch.


It seems that the unlucky guy who wanted to disturb him was killed and eaten by the stone hound.

Tsk tsk, it's really miserable.

After waking up, Bo Laike patted the heads of several stone-born hounds with satisfaction, and praised them for their good job of guarding. He took out a bottle of wine from his luggage, unscrewed the cap and took a sip, just like gargling.

Then, he staggered towards the camp that had been guarded by the Knights of the Silver Hand and Death Knights.

Right there, tonight's King's Council is about to begin.

Speaking of which, Bu Laike also hopes to see a wonderful scene among these kings, who provokes Lothar at the meeting, and is then killed by Frostmourne on the spot.

I don't know if I can do it today.

Hey, speaking of it, I can actually use mind magic to interfere with the thoughts of these old guys. Anyway, Frostmourne will definitely not reject a soul that comes to the door.

Good idea!

The pirate's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands, planning to do just that.

But just when Bu Laike was about to sneak in to do something bad, a soft cough sounded in the forest beside the pirate. Bu Laike looked back and saw that Windrunner's mother was sitting on a chair with her war bow in both hands.

The eyes under the black visor were on him.

"Look at the fun, okay."

General Liresa said hoarsely:

"Do bad things, no!"

"Braike, you have caused enough trouble this trip, let them go tonight, and give peace a chance, okay? Also, Dean Lanyue informed me that I will be at the meeting tonight Afterwards, I will take you back to Tol Barad."


Hearing this, the pirate twisted his neck right, and said like a child losing his temper:

"For those old men and old ladies who don't talk about martial arts, I am no longer interested in playing with them."

"Really not going?"

Mother Windrunner shrugged and said:

"I heard that Dean Lanyue is going to grant you a graduation certificate. It is said that they re-discussed some papers and decided to approve them.

Anyway, I don't know much about mages. Since you are not interested, then I will reject her? "

"Oh, oh, I'm just kidding."

When Bu Laike heard that he could graduate, he immediately became interested. He turned around and rushed to the side of Windrunner's mother, and said to her:

"Then let's go now? These old men and old ladies are the most boring meeting here. Seeing them wasting time is not as important as my graduation ceremony?

Come, my retainer, take my hand, yes! that's it.

Three, two, one!

go you! "

(end of this chapter)

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